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Once such a binge has gone, we continue. Not furniture really, but ornaments and jewelry.You should already edit the topic name).This post was edited by tiger33-04.09.2014 10: 07
I noticed a significant difference in the color of Formica sanguinea workers in two different populations. In one of them, the workers were bright red, the head and chest were completely red; in the second, the forehead, back of the head, and sometimes the spot on the chest of the ants were reddish-brown, the overall brightness of the color is not so intense, they looked more like Formica rufa. ...
Here also I think A. oculea. First to compare its shape, colour and spot pattern to mine: one species as I see. Completely agree with that prof Irina referred to in the very beginning :)
Species level. Pay attention to the shape of its hindwings (oculea has much more "round"), also that one is itself more round :) And its "eye" spot........ As for this one, no sense to examine genitalia as it's female. Tomorrow if the weather's good I'll have a night out there to collect some more "oculea" (supposedly) :)
Alexandr, second time uploaded those next to each other. Still hope to get to know their habitus :) They do differ...
Corrected data. Not identified → Eupithecia tripunctaria / Confidently identified / Basil Sergienko.
Don't think of yourself as something exceptional. There are some amazing enthusiasts in the west ..............Vlfgang ten Hagen [/url].Here we are not talking about "amazing amateurs", but about the "cost - effectiveness" criterion. Probably, Baron Rothschild or Prince Turati, not to mention the Grand Duke of N. N., were even more "amazing" in terms of the amount of personal investment in ... caudelli ...
Cook would later :) But two opinion also good .... Put yet another when the House find myself (at that appearance will be better). Well, would collect a series, but it comes somehow one by one and you can say "mad" is the scoop (very difficult fresh halls).
Again the same parsley. I tried to replace, remove the new photo. Everyone is give it more time and more will do nothing !!!