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Eugene, in inaccurate?
Corrected data. Formicidae / Vladimir Bobow → Camponotus saxatilis / Shamil Murtazin.
Corrected data. Odonata / Imago / Sergeyy Tjabut → Gomphus vulgatissimus / Male / Eugene Karolinskiy.
Dmitry, don't forget about identification author's label.
Corrected data. Odonata / Imago → Orthetrum coerulescens / Male.
Corrected data. Zygoptera / Imago / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Erythromma najas / Male / Eugene Karolinskiy.
Corrected data. Odonata / Imago / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Sympetrum meridionale / Male / Eugene Karolinskiy.
Corrected data. Odonata / Imago / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Lestes barbarus / Female / Eugene Karolinskiy.
Corrected data. Zygoptera / Imago / Irek Yusupov → Platycnemis pennipes / Male / Eugene Karolinskiy.
Corrected data. Odonata / Imago / Anna Gerasimova → Anax parthenope / Female / Eugene Karolinskiy.
Corrected data. Formicidae / Ferran Lizana → Camponotus cruentatus / Shamil Murtazin.
Corrected data. Formicidae / Tentatively identified / Ferran Lizana → Camponotus cruentatus / Confidently identified / Shamil Murtazin.
Here is the template: ##Papilio-machaon## (# change to @).
So, let's play nice and discuss problems, if they appear without rushing into extremes. If someone doesn't photo dead specimen in principle, then he has right to their beliefs. Whoever collects insects, has the same rights to his own. Peace, love and understanding!
Gentlemen, let's calm down. It's just online-misunderstanding between photographers and biologists...
Let's call you in the evening, and bring the views together in one. P. S. And yes, this is a comment on the idea of the view, not the photo;--)
Evgeny, only the photo author can see the original file name ;--)
I can't see the species name in the photo's caption...
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Confidently identified / Vladimir Bobow → Odontopera bidentata / Tentatively identified / Irina Nikulina.
We need to add the view.
It is quite possible that the white balance has shifted here, and in real life it was not so yellow.
Corrected data. Satyrinae / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Erebia aethiops / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Satyrinae / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Erebia aethiops / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Coleoptera / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Coleoptera specialists, confirm please.
Melanoplini tribe or something like that — id by Vlad Proklov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Melanoplinae / Confidently identified / Vlad Proklov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Chorthippus / Confidently identified / Vlad Proklov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Oedipoda / Confidently identified / Vlad Proklov.
Dmitry, I remind you that you can link photo to the taxa yourself. You've got moderator's rights.
Hurray! But off course it's worth it! And look at there are interesting Asian Rhopalocera there for identification!
Evgeny, the image was zoomed. How about it now? Can you id it?
Corrected data. Iphiclides feisthamelii Duponchel, 1832 → (Duponchel, 1832).
Vasily, can you tell something about id?
Alexander, why just Catocala sp. and not Catocala adultera?
Alexander, upload the link to the publication concerning the species.
Yo, Dmirty, can you upload this staff on per specimen scale?
I've linked them. It's just so that they were in different groups already.
A good question for supervising this case. I'll get in touch with Stas and ask him how he is today.
Corrected data.
Corrected data. Papilio menatius → Papilio menatius victorinus.
Shamil, what is slash about? Synonyms or just one of the species?
The subspecies has been deleted.
Vladimir Zryanin, our Formicidae curator, will be online early October and he'll able to help with identification then.
Shamil, I'll indicate you as identification author since Victor is not registered website user, right?
Guys, clap eyes on Dmitry's photos from interesting locations.
It's done.
Did it.
To tentatively identified meanwhile?
Alex, see to Admin section, there is species name and a couple more photos there...
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