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Canon PowerShot A450. By author: try to change the metering center-weighted or spot metering. If there is a possibility of manual settings - change the shutter speed to a shorter (about 1/125 the thread, if it has a flash sync), if it is just a bit dark - set exposure compensation for flash 1.5. ISO slide 250 to 100 or even 80.Well, check with the focus - where the autofocus misses ...
It contains x geography around the image. In general, it is fairly well-known Varant when the wings difference ...
Meh, Vasily, Vasily. You yourself were against wikipedia links ;--) Not to name our own English version where this species properly has its common name.
Exactly-exactly, Lev says absolutely right. That's why me personally, I usually prefer IMO to IMHO to emphasize the presence of pressure.
Show me, right now that bastard who wants to look smarty! Ban him immediately. Out of control, show off their intelligence, how dare they!
Alexey! (looking severely at Alexey). Where are labels? P. S. Evgeny, considering other pics of him, most probably it's Moscow region.
Irina, it's actually not a rule about 800pix, just an advice, especially for those photographers who send over pics that need additional crop, whilst there is usually no need in crop with your pics. Generally, for future pics just don't leave extras in order to reach these 800pix (also want to say it again that all pics added on the website will be automatically cropped correlated to 1024х768, ...
Here this is taken from the very Sinev where it might have been just a typo. Folks, what are your thoughts?