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The feed plant (not on the photo) is Galinsoga ciliata,
In Cumberland House Natural History Museum things go normally just as butterflies keep emerging from their cocoons. This process will last May to September in the museum butterfly house where a permanent high temperature kept. Other museum joys also include lectures on a local wildlife, Portsmouth riverbank dwellers, swamps, forests and urban areas. Aqua-ists will be happy to know more about ...
Hi! Grasshoppers will squeeze in here =) From Koktebel photo, especially interesting endemics are anadrimadusa Retovsky and kustolyubka Pontius.Anadrymadusa retowskiiThe second photo shows a female predimago and a smaller male larva. They were rarely found singly, only on stone slopes with sparse vegetation.Another interesting find is Pholidoptera pontica or Ph. pustupioles.These species live ...
Moths, like many other insects, are led by smells when they seek for food, egg-laying site and, certainly, a mate. University of Utah recent research reveals how moth males prepare themselves to take a flight towards females that effuse pheromones. Biologists arranged an olfactory experience in the course of which they blew pheromones about, so the treated moths would begin warming up their ...
About 4700 new taxa added to the Lepidoptera database. Near time I'll add the photos uploaded long ago yet not being published simply because of that the website species database lacked those apposite.
More mother-of-pearl. If you missed the definition somewhere, please correct it A. ruslana and its turnover: A. anadiomene:A. zenobia:A. paphia female:
Ted Edwards was so earnest in studying taxonomy that eventually appeared to be a honorary fellow of the Australian National Insect Collection and was also named on the Queen's Birthday Honours list for the services to taxonomy. Over 50 years Ted Edwards has been studying Australian moths that are, by his own words, “enormously fascinating, astonishingly beautiful and vital to landscape ...
Dear forumchane!Does anyone happen to know the dates of the conferences listed below?2nd All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Man and the Noosphere". IV International Conference "Biological Diversity of the Caucasus" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor G. M. AbdurakhmanovI need it for an article, but I can't find it ...
Unfortunately, bedbugs still continue to thrive poisoning people's lives ... ("Bedbugs or what they give us...")
Some subjects concerning lepidoptera could be way more useful when implemented as not only a publication, but specialized software of kinds like either online identification guides—polytomic to name but a few, or catalogues with maps, or other similar stuff. The more, such software might be even more handy being synchronized to the on hand taxonomic system, catalogue and image gallery. Thus, ...