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When you read an article like the questions do not arise. :) Even without the involvement of heavy artilerii.
Corrected data. Actias artemis / Tentatively identified / Evgeny Slobodskoy → Actias sjoqvisti / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
Totally agree, attempt to restore justice was already, but apparently something went wrong tak.Spasibo for the reminder how to restore the curatorial function correct. This genus has to be cleaned.
Anatoly, you should always bring who and where identified butterfly. In this case, the author's comments had to be written: is defined on Antonov Alexandr. and everything to you nor any claims :)
I do not claim that. This taxon is now present on the site as a species and a subspecies. He described as a subspecies of another sort, so the author in brackets on many sites. The site barbel, but on it he is given as a species, and the author without brackets. I was surprised, it is necessary to look the code, but you can not.
He really hanging subspecies have Aphrodisium faldermannii Saunders, 1853. The following synonyms are no synonym only spellings and spelling mistakes :) I realized that it was because And I think at the beetles are not too zamarachivatsya brace authors. This species should be like brackets.
Basil, I'm talking about the fact that no country, no region. :) All certainly know where you are going to, but it's also a few areas, it is better to specify.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Mythimna congrua / Confidently identified / Male / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Mythimna congrua / Confidently identified / Male / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Mythimna congrua / Confidently identified / Male / Alexandr Zhakov.
Basil, or I'm bad or explain something, we understand differently. What you write about the labels, all right, this is a truism. And when publishing label of course saved the entire text, with the possible addition of the omission or deciphering acronyms. All of which nebylo on the label is given in brackets. [].In this case, the total label would be shown as: [USSR] Tajikistan [Skye SSR] ...
Basil, I think we had the opposite: in the place of fishing - the modern name (can not find the line label), and the comments of the author labels the data, very interesting information.
Basil, I explained why I put in inaccurate. I repeat: except for a few doubles> puerpera-orientalis, elocata-deducta, but the independence of the twins being questioned If Oleg finds that orientalis , a synonym if accurate, I do not have firm belief in this, and therefore put into inaccurate. Wrap back is not necessary, this remark for the future.