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Corrected data. Eubyjodonta falcata Warren, 1893 was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Biston subregalis Inoue → Biston subregalis Inoue, 1992.
Corrected data. Biston pelidna Prout → Biston pelidna Prout, 1929.
Corrected data. Biston giganteus Inoue → Biston giganteus Inoue, 1985.
Corrected data. Biston giganteus Inoue → Biston giganteus Inoue.
Yuri looked audit Chinese Biston there too Biston thoracicaria, he did not, and she remains hypoleucos betularia.
The taxons were merged. Biston hypoleucos and Biston hypoleucus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Biston strataria and Biston stratarius were merged.
Corrected data. Not identified → Epinotia cinereana / Tentatively identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
For such a perspective, there must be a second photo with normal camera angles, as well as to the cart. :(
That butterfly of this kind, no doubt, any one of two? will decide in future date, the curator of the taxon. Why would she be uncertain?
Corrected data. Not identified → Pontia edusa / Confidently identified / Petr Khramov.
Kamchatka (34 regions) have not given Sineva.
Like in the Palearctic solidaginis, and Neoarktike germana.
Corrected data. Apista stramentella Zeller, 1849 → Apista stramentella (Zeller, 1849).
Corrected data. Coleophora stramentella Zeller, 1849 → Apista stramentella Zeller, 1849.
From the transfer retains the possibility of new information on the Kamchatka Peninsula. If it is determined by the pictures online, itXylena solidaginis.
ThisXylena solidaginis. Alex, why did you decide that itLithomoia germana? This North American species.
Basil, the picture is still a picture. Butterfly has to get to a specialist who can tell her species. Can hang hundreds of photos on websites, but until then until publication. This is all personal messages that are typically ignored by serious researchers.The fact that you got a couple of very well, but it does not mean anything. I fished for a new kind of Europe tens of copies. You're all lucky ...
Basil, extra emotions :))) Everything flows, everything changes, so well-known border area, describes the new species. A variant of type double to mainland Asia you not admit? Having the material, you can only imagine, and we are with you, what kind of became known from a different point.Cooked material, you would know exactly whether it is, or would have had a new, undescribed species. :)))
Corrected data. frischella was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. frischella was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Damophila trifolii Curtis, 1832 was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Damophila trifolii Curtis, 1832 was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Damophila alcyonipennella (Kollar, 1832) was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Damophila alcyonipennella (Kollar, 1832) was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Damophila alcyonipennella Kollar, (1832) → Damophila alcyonipennella (Kollar, 1832).
Corrected data. Damophila mayrella Hübner, (1813) → Damophila mayrella (Hübner, 1813).
Corrected data. Damophila trifolii Curtis, (1832) → Damophila trifolii (Curtis, 1832).
Corrected data. Damophila frischella (Linnaeus, 1758) was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Damophila frischella (Linnaeus, 1758) was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Damophila frischella Linnaeus, (1758) → Damophila frischella (Linnaeus, 1758).
Corrected data. Coleophora frischella Linnaeus, (1758) → Damophila frischella Linnaeus, (1758).
Corrected data. Coleophora frischella Linnaeus, 1758 → Coleophora frischella Linnaeus, (1758).
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Danis danis / Tentatively identified / Male / Andrey Kravtsov.
Corrected data. Damophila alcyonipennella Kollar, 1832 → Damophila alcyonipennella Kollar, (1832).
Corrected data. Coleophora alcyonipennella Kollar, 1832 → Damophila alcyonipennella Kollar, 1832.
Corrected data. Damophila trifolii Curtis, 1832 → Damophila trifolii Curtis, (1832).
Corrected data. Coleophora trifolii Curtis, 1832 → Damophila trifolii Curtis, 1832.
Corrected data. Not identified → Dalima mjoebergi / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Dalima mjoebergi / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
The taxons were merged. Coleophora mausolella and Coleophora mausoleta were merged.
Corrected data. Damophila mayrella Hübner, 1813 → Damophila mayrella Hübner, (1813).
Corrected data. Coleophora mayrella Hübner, 1813 → Damophila mayrella Hübner, 1813.
Corrected data. Not identified → Dalima mjoebergi / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Dalima mjoebergi / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
There was a new look, became two :)))
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Godonela avitusaria / Confidently identified / Male / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Godonela avitusaria / Confidently identified / Male / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Godonela hygies / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
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