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Colleagues, help us identify the bear. Lake Baikal, Olkhon Island. It is similar to Sibirarctia buraetica. But my inability to distinguish it from Palearctia gratiosa haunts me... Pictures:IMG_4111.jpg — (846.57к)
OK, I see. Keep in mind: the photos will be deleted within a couple of days. I understand that it is a free license, but nevertheless. Only the author's pictures can be uploaded here.
We offer a wide range of jars, test tubes and petri dishes for storing, maintaining and transporting small living organisms and dry samples.We send it by mail to any point in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.You can order by calling the phone number- +7 985 005 27 11 or write to - Pictures:2019_04_01_11_59_31.JPG — (2.33 mb) 2019_04_01_12_00_18.JPG — (2.61мб) ...
Yes, these plants seemed to be pubescent.The problem of a mild climate: everything that you stick in starts to grow...
I did a little research today. I present it to you.1. Materials and methods...But in America, it is downloaded without problems, and data from all over the world:3. Conclusions...But soon the curve will go up, and there will come such a summer that no one will find it enough. Given that America is the main publicist of global warming, I would be cautious about the temperature data from this ...
Russian silkworms Bombyx mandarina from Kunashir IslandThis post was edited by Alexanor - 12.02.2020 21: 54 Pictures:Bombyx_mandarina_1.jpg — (285.26к) Bombyx_mandarina_2.jpg — (304.29к) Bombyx_mandarina_3.jpg — (546.85к)
Caligula jonasii from Kunashir Island. A new type of peacock's eye for the Russian fauna! Pictures:Caligula_jonasii_female_1_1.jpg — (277.86к) Caligula_jonasii_male_1.jpg — (282.88к) Caligula_jonasii_male_2_2.jpg — (294.66к) Caligula_jonasii_male_3_3.jpg — (301.41к) Caligula_jonasii_female_2_2.jpg — (283.5 k)
And then it like two species photos on the one species webpage.
Good day to all!My name is Maria, I work as a personal assistant for one person and his family, they love to travel and very often visit the farthest corners of the planet together with the whole family, there are two adults and two children aged 7 and 9 years.Now they have a desire to get to know the world of butterflies more closely, and we are looking for a lepidopterologist who can tell us ...
Corrected data. Phrudocentra / Confidently identified / Tatyana Gordeeva → Phrudocentra neis / Tentatively identified / Konstantin Kraevsky.
Eacles silkae or Eacles fulvaster
This is not my idea to buy "fresh" copies of the determinant-but the "old guard" of the faculty of the department. But, I agree with them that for classes with students-a book is better than a modern gadget...
Brachygnathus festivus (Dejean & Boisduval, 1830)N Argentina, Jujuy prov, Santa Barbara dep. Pictures:Brachygnathus_festivus__Dejean__1826_.jpg — (303.87к)
From the point of view of the morphology of the sexual apparatus, there can be no double mating. Two edeaguses in one bursa will still not be able to turn out the endophallus. Therefore, one male blew, the second laterally clung to the valvami like tongs.