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Graptus triguttatus (Fabricius, 1775)
Dorytomus tortrix (Linnaeus, 1761)
Dorytomus dorsalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dorytomus melanophthalmus (Paykull 1792)-is this true?
Cionus hortulanus (Fourcroy, 1785)-is that right?
Some kind of error with pictures here, we need to fix it.
Corrected data. → Goniodoma auroguttella.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
Yeah... OK, I'll see how this could happen.
Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.
Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.
Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.
Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.
Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.
Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.
Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.
Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.
Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.
Corrected data. Harpalus griseus (Panzer, 1796) → Harpalus (Pseudoophonus) griseus (Panzer, 1796).
The taxons were merged. Harpalus rufipes and Pseudoophonus rufipes were merged.
Mine somehow managed without snags, I don't know if they climbed the walls or started directly from the surface - I didn't look closely. Yes, and how much they got stronger there, I did not notice. I opened the jar a week later - a bunch of mosquitoes are already quite flying. He closed it with a brochure that came to hand. The jar was standing in the light, but not in direct sunlight.You should ...
I will sell Entosfinks pins(it is possible to bring them to the fair):black 220r x bag of 100pcs stainless steel 300r x bag of 100pcs There are numbers 0,1,2,3 The number is specified in the personal account,it decreases... Numbers 0 and 3 are black, and # 2 is stainless steel finished
Corrected data. Vladimir Bryukhov → Ilia Ustiantcev.
Corrected data. Vladimir Bryukhov → Ilia Ustiantcev.
Identification by Alexander Boldyrev
Identification by Alexander Boldyrev
Identification by Alexander Boldyrev
Identification by Alexander Boldyrev
Sometime later, the uterus will always die.
Bryodemella tuberculata (Fabricius, 1775).
I think this is something far-fetched. What is the equivalent of money that insects can give?. Of course not.
This species is identified correctly.
Can you see a high-quality spread? Otherwise, everyone has their own standards. A photo, please.
Corrected data. / → Lepidoptera / Ryan Brookes.
Corrected data. / → Lepidoptera / Ryan Brookes.
Corrected data. / → Lepidoptera / Ryan Brookes.
Yes, very relevant. Write to your personal account. I'd appreciate it.
thank you for information
Corrected data. Ochlodes sylvanus / Confidently identified / Vladimir Bobow → Ochlodes venatus / Tentatively identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Clossiana selenis selenis → Boloria selenis.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera → Pterophoridae.
Corrected data. Melanitis phedima → Melanitis leda.
Corrected data. Melanitis phedima → Melanitis leda.
Corrected data. Appias nero → Appias galba.
Amata sperbius Fabricius, 1787???
Amata sperbius Fabricius, 1787???
Dear all,Many initial apologies for my use of English here.Over the last eight years I have actively working on a research project to elucidate the components essential to the successful natural copulation of butterflies belonging to family Apaturinae (the Emperors). As part of this work I am also exploring certain aspects of the biology of Nymphalis antiopa (here called the Camberwell Beauty), ...
Corrected data. Acanthocinus → Acanthocinus griseus.
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