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, "dried specimen" (a butterfly specimen from the collection as opposed to a live one)?Probably you can write a pinned instance-pinned specimen
I can order dry stuff. I'll charge you money for the delivery and search for the right insects. I'm currently in Malaysia and will be in Thailand in a few days. I'll be in Moscow in a week.
No comments from Vlad yet, so the shot goes to Xanthorhoe quadrifasciata now. Will correct it, if needed.
Proctos, thanks for the list. The number of features is impressive. Still, there is so much data to dig up...
Not so lately the system of shot dates was reconstructed, so now we can see just "1977" year, with no details...
Cicadetta montana is known from the vicinity of St. Petersburg, but only locally - on the Duderhof heights. This year, their exuviae were collected there by colleagues in early summer. Where it came from there is another question. Either it is a relic of the Holocene optimum, or an introduced one (under Catherine II, trees from the Carpathians were planted there). But it is very far from Okhta to ...
Could someone from Kiev bring a few boxes of butterflies from Moscow to Kiev and give them to my Kiev friend?
Got here on the occasion of a male ornithoptera Rothschild with steamed wings. It sticks out in the sump-and it is not comme il faut to expose it and it is a pity to throw it away. Can I restore the color somehow?