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It was necessary to use one table from this determinant and immediately came across annoying typos.Chrysididae (, с 999, рис 592.The notation in the text duplicates Sk. k and omits Sk. b and Sb. b.The figure is missing Sk. b. The necessary information on Sk. b. is not here.I already found it somewhere else.
Now the info about the date and shot/caught location of a photo seen on the adjacent page is also available at the English version of the website.
A species description is themed to subsections signed by users who filled it with texts and references used. All new texts will be added accordable, the old ones are also being changed step by step. For those references that are not checked out yet there will be noted as a source. At first such way of adding and editing is available only for the admin team (about 10 people), then ...
Carabus (Pachycarabus) roseri ssp. soganliensis Heinz & Korge, 1964Turkey, Rize prov., Ikizdere distr., Rize Daglari, 47 km to SE from lyidere,Sivrikaya Koyu, h=2025 m.30.VI-5.VII.2011, A. Vlasenko leg./det.Male - 23 mm, female - 24 mm. Pictures:C_roseri_soganliensis_P.jpg — (151.86к) Feeds on cottonwood too. Young caterpillars live socially in the beginning. So that's the puzzle. A larger photo of this caterpillar needed.
I offer my version of the reasons why locust hortobionts have their foreheads tilted down and back:
All information about the countries on the site of today O. Karsholt, J. Razowski (eds.), 1996. The Lepidoptera of Europe: a distributional checklist. On it were some of the comments. In the near future I will update much of the data on the geography.
There are fruit flies for food, but I have nowhere to keep such a horde of small gluttons, so I will put them on the balcony in a cup. Thank you for your tips.
Well, Vasily, it's figured out rather weird. How could one read this "The only one, true S. lubricipeda is there: The rest of caterpillars aren't" like you meant the photo on this page not at
A. If the originals are stolen on paper — this is a slightly different question (although you can pre-certify the authorship). In the situation discussed in this topic, everything is proved quite simply.
Bad Den - about the source ( as about the initial data of a scientific work, I can't say anything ). And what it looks like and how it got to me please.This work is available on 14 pages of A4 format.The list of species is printed in smallprint, three columns per page.On each sheet, the title in French - Dynasties of the world is printed in large font at the top, and the date 04.06.09 and the ...
Butterflies are not geese, and they do not voluntarily climb mountains higher than 6 thousand meters. And in the mountains starting from 1-1, 5-2 thousand oh how restless in terms of atmospheric phenomena
and what exactly is better than a cardboard karobka, The box has a wide top, and the jar is narrow. Thus, the ventilation is better and the butterflies have room to climb/sit down. In addition, the jar should be covered with a cloth. Easy access to the pupae, and the jar has a narrow throat.The aquarium should be covered with a cloth, but the box is not.
Moved to identified. Better to add synonyms at the species description page, not there. Also, there will be a new engine to add a synonym even with sources. Start at this Friday.
Autumn fauna, in general, is almost the most interesting. In some regions, it is also poorly studied.that's why it's interesting
Evolution of quality - the previous photo was taken 4 years ago with the help of thousands of tricks and duplicates on Chinese optics, it was necessary to manually remove from the ugly background and the image is suitable for printing t k at 300 pixels, wild aberrations climb on the duim. Photo below on the no longer new Watering can 2 years ago. And the last one on a new powerful watering can a ...