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The benefits of the discussion: as it was, I dug G.bathyacles, which took over doson. Later, I will lay out photos. Basil, by the way, about Brahmaea certia? (Question # 23263 photo) You have not answered ...
Neither one nor the other. This group of about 6 cm. My meyeri about 8 cm. Your either overgrown dosonovskoy group, whether nedorostok Meyeri? It is necessary to clarify by Meyer may already have in Malaysia? Fly in the Peruvian Tae Dryas s, he caught himself. If necessary, I give a picture of his Meyer, but just I have no labels.
If you are interested my opinion, it is very similar to G. meyeri, but to my knowledge the last - endemic to Indonesia? and somewhat larger in size than doson. Then some subspecies G. doson.
Googling else. They are different. At the very wallichii three subspecies, by the way, similar to each other. Serthia from those whom I looked, believe autonomous views. And it's not like they do! Bodrov's words - "What's the truth, brother?" And Basil? Perhaps it is necessary to clarify the classification? And Morpho granadensis a well-deserved place - in species? IMHO amateur.
Interestingly, other sites image B.wallichii quite similar to certia, have waallchii on the front wings there are large eyes with black and sometimes white dots inside. It is more like a B.hearseyi. and others.
I have in my collection is the same, only more smooth blur. It is not attrition and birth trauma (when immature wings stick), probably a new subspecies ???
Morpho catenaria, polyphemus have clearly highlighted one strip on the front underside of the wings and bigger eyes on underside. More like a subspecies M.poly.luna, but it is not particularly bred in captivity, so M.catenaria / If necessary, I can give a comparative picture of all the underside.
And in what particular place hangs a sign "Indeterminate" ?? I somehow did not find, in addition to pop-up windows sometimes. She would hang somewhere in the classification or the Gallery. And again, I think it is right to give to the author at least, would bind to the old (well, at worst family) if the form does not know. For example: Automeris sp, and output Classification foty on race.Then, ...
Yes, I was just about subspecies temper. Of course views! But if you put in a number of demodocus, erithonioides, and even add an Asian demoleus - hell difference, though demoleus will be less.
I have it written as Prepona demophon, and there are two photos podvida.Ya gave one. No Archaeoprepona camilla I do not know. Maybe on the park the wrong button pressed? Please understand and forgive. It Prepona demophon. .Please correct.
This isnt a mistake? This is normal. Often write a subspecies rather than the form. It's good not switched to English names such as White butterfly princess, Common Mormon Chocolate albatross ...
Spasibo.Budu very grateful. I am pleased to have raised himself S.puri, in my yard 9 apple trees, but we need somewhere to take Greenough, and now probably too late.