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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

sealor, 23.06.2006 14:02

I try to record my hikes in various neighborhoods. Here are some entries from last year..

In general, you need to somehow catch baits, and then from the" non-flower " nymphalids, I almost could not find anyone here, except through the collection of caterpillars.


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26.06.2006 22:45, sealor

I also have a good flight! Yesterday, a new scoop arrived for me, until I determined a new moth. Today there are already two new scoops - one moth, one of the scoops is Noctua janthe. A bunch of ground beetles are raining down and piles of microlepidoptera. The last one in the trap literally stings. I don't even know what to do with itsmile.gif, one June beetle flew in, and the ground beetles are all "the same", I don't understand them, but you can definitely distinguish five species, and so there were probably more of them.

26.06.2006 23:13, Bad Den

2 sealor:
Can you post photos of ground beetles?

26.06.2006 23:25, sealor

I'll post it, but I think it's only possible to determine the gender from the picture. It's something like Poecilus sp. or similar ones.
Likes: 3

27.06.2006 13:13, RippeR

On the out-of-body experience of caterpillars and butterflies:
26.05.06 collected 2 bear caterpillars, 23.06.06 Amata came out, navrenoe kruegeri
04.06 collected 2 Orgya antiqua caterpillars, soon pupated, today a female
came out 28.05 collected a dozen Unpaired caterpillars, several died from riders, quite a lot remained, about 6 have already pupated, mostly males.
24.06 found a caterpillar of some nymphalidae, black, with small yellow-white spots on the side, about the same day pupated, waiting for the imago, which means that soon the departure of all sorts of nymphalids.

29.06.2006 3:13, RippeR

Night - 28.06.06 Mikeuts
Fishing in the light......
I turn on the lamp when it's almost dark, waiting..
While nothing, a trifle and "ordinary"..
But it won't be long before everything starts....
And here they come!!!!! I didn't even have time for the clock to wipe, I don't know what time I finished, maybe at 3, or maybe later. There was no end in sight. I didn't have time to prepare the mattresses, and there weren't even enough bags!
Everything was flying, beetles, butterflies of all sizes and colors, even caddis flies and paddleboats, although there are no reservoirs nearby. Even the bug has arrived.
Mostly, of course, banals: cocoonworms, crested bears, silkworms, woodworms, moths, and scoops. smile.gif
I won't be able to tell you what happened for at least another month, as I will be treated for a long time from shock smile.gif
From hawkmoth only linden - 2 pieces. From woodworms - corrosive and odorous, one at a time. Of the dippers, mostly lichens (lithosia quadra and a couple more), and one Spilosoma lutea. Silkworms - l-nigrum and like one marching. Well, in short, a little unsorted names, since there are not enough forces for more, I'll burst, still spread out for half the night.. : Lophopteryx cucula(3), Spatalia argentina(~5), Pterostoma palpina(1), Stauropus fagi (1), Habrosyne derasa(1), Odonestis pruni(6), Malacosoma neustria(2-4), Gnophria rubricollis(1), Miltochrista miniata(куча), Phragmatobia fuliginosa (~3), Trachea atriplicis (2), Bena prasinana(много), Pseudoips bicolorana(1), Meristis trigrammica(1), Mythimna L-album(1), Griposia aprilina или Moma alpium(3) most likely the latter, Cucullia (1-2), Biston betularius (8), Urapteryx sambucaria(5), Angerona prunaria (2-3 in poor condition, worn), Possibly Xanthorhoe designata (1) or something else, but the color is similar, gooseberry moth (1). Well, there are also a lot of small things and what I couldn't fix, there are also pyadenichki and scoops. The names may be old, I looked at them based on Tychuk.
Beetles: 3 barbel Exocentrus probably of the same species. 2 types of gravediggers, now I can't remember the names of the species. Copra, golden-bellied beauty, carabus (?), deer, 2 females, 1 male rhino, hoodback - 1 species, I don't remember the name, trox (I don't know the namesmile.gif), a small black rhino male relatively close to Bolbelasmus. Howling is the main thing.. There were few ground beetles, a couple of small species, one like bread, the other couple-very small. 1 Lagria hirta. During the day, there are 1 species of exocentrus and Xylotrechus (either arvicola, or something similar) on the logs, as well as a bee beetle, whose name I don't know.
Thank you to those who read the story written at such a late hour smile.gif
Likes: 3

29.06.2006 3:16, RippeR

by the way, on the date of the message marriage-the time was not displayed correctly, it is now 3: 16 smile.gif

29.06.2006 11:22, Bad Den

karabus (?),


29.06.2006 14:38, guest: Артур

Blog tomares.livejournal.com -reports on butterfly fishing in Ukraine.

29.06.2006 16:54, sealor

Arthur, thank you, interesting enough! Do you have a list of characteristic species that you found only in your area, and not for sporadic and remote biotopes, but in a rather limited area, for example, for the vicinity of only one city, without imported/found from other regions and cities? And how many years have you been observing the abundance and species composition?
Here's my list, these are the results of one year, and special attention was paid to nymphalids, satyrids, and licenids, but not to whiteflies, so the list of whiteflies is very incomplete.

29.06.2006 16:59, sealor

"by the way, on the date of the message marriage-the time was not displayed correctly, it is now 3: 16"

This is not a marriagesmile.gif, you need to go to Control panel>forum settings and set the time GMT +2, and it will be as it should be. But with the transition to winter time, the mine will need to change again.

29.06.2006 17:04, RippeR

Bad Dan:
karabus crawled up naturally. Caught kakraz at the moment when I was running under the screen, okhotnicheg smile.gif

02.07.2006 20:20, taler

to RippeR:
Congratulations on your successful hunt!But apparently, you will not appear on the site soonfrown.gif, because there are so many things to classify and straighten out.Both Israeli and fresh material..... smile.gif

03.07.2006 12:11, RippeR

I went for a couple of days to Tsypovo (a hilly place with a river). The light failed to catch, my udlenitel did not fit to the outlet frown.gifFakin Eurostandard
caught Maculinea arion, Glaucopsyche alexis (in excellent condition), 1 Meleageria daphnis male, the rest-the usual species-black and brown eye, Admiral, which never caught smile.gifup, peacock eye-1 caught up, a couple of yolks, like erate or hyale.. There were also Strymonidia spini, already battered.. In general, a lot of" garbage " still, which is no longer worth listing.

As for night fishing: Before leaving, it suddenly dawned on me that the species I had straightened out was not a crested whale, but Dolbina elegans itself!!!!!!! So be envious jump.gif tongue.gif wink.gif

Well.. fresh material is already spread out - this is not waiting for me.. But I will correct the dry material when the butterfly season is over, somewhere in the fall.. So I'm here smile.gif

07.07.2006 23:32, RippeR

On the 5th I left for Karijany. Last time I caught alkonov, alexisov, various barbels, bronzovok. This time.. almost nothing damn..
The butterflies have finally disappeared, there are only Everes argiades, the rest are all battered, broken, worn and in small quantities.
With beetles as well: nothing good, just a bunch of softlings, little bronzes - all aurates, sometimes metallics.. the horror!
Until I reached the leaky oaks. On the current one, I found 6 cm of Lucanus, one.. I don't want a fat female rhino. But the best part is a Dicerk on the trunk of a dead hornbeam! It's a pity that only 1 frown.gif
If not for the latest discovery, the trip could be considered worthless.

Tomorrow I'm going to go for Hipparchia alcyone and Dryas, let's see what happens.
Likes: 2

12.07.2006 11:02, RippeR

Also only returned from the night before. To be honest, I expected more results than it turned out.
There were very few beetles, all the usual ones. I didn't see any water bodies in the vicinity, and the owner of the apiary also didn't hear about anything like this, but for some reason a lot of paddlers, small water lovers, one medium-sized black water lover, and one small swimmer arrived. 1 Exocentrus, 1 Trichoferus campestris. Of the interesting beetles, all except for day fishing-there on logs I found 2 Plagionotus detritus-a male and a female.
With better butterflies - ~5 lime hawkmoth, 1 Huge lilac (even in the bag did not fit smile.gif) There are a lot of waves, last time there was one like this, a traveling silkworm. Arrived 1 hole silver, not in the best condition though. There were many moths and scoops of various kinds, among them new species. A couple more types of crested whales in small numbers. 2 plum cocoonworms, seen years ending. It's a pity there aren't any Fuckheads this time smile.gif
Correctly someone said, I really don't remember who smile.gifthat butterflies appear on the screen or from where.. Especially when you stand to yourself, look out, and you on the head so bam and f-r-r-r further on the lamp or screen smile.gifAnd most importantly any garbage calmly to yourself on the screen so op! And no kipish. And when something good happens, it hits the screen, then the lamp, then the roof, it hits a little more, and you look at it like that, and you think, " What is she doing!?"
That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened-well done smile.gif
Likes: 2

19.08.2006 18:53, RippeR

I'll tell you about 2 trips, I won't specify the numbers, just write the end of July-beginning of August. I went for Hipparchia alcyone, which was mentioned in the early twentieth century, after which it was not caught until 2005.
When I arrived, I didn't find the butterfly right away, at first I had to wander around, but soon I was walking along one wide road and one, although battered, but the first one I caught, fluttered up. I went on, climbed the hill, walked sideways through the clearing between the plantings, and met another one. We didn't meet often, but we did, and that's the most important thing. Going down, I found a pair, the female played with the male, sat in place and shook her wings, the male then flew up and sat down, sometimes shaking his wings. They were so caught up in the process that it was not difficult to cover them with a net. in total, the first trip cost 7 specimens, of which 3 females and 1 male were in perfect condition.
Later, upon arrival home, I discovered using the Internet, having stumbled quite accidentally, that this species is not an altion, but is called fagi. I told a friend, he looked and it really turned out that he was phages, altsyony is smaller and the bottom picture is slightly different.
Likes: 2

24.08.2006 18:46, RippeR

I recently found a fresh-grown cyanea on my balcony (I used to bring pine bark home), so it may well be her. And this year I found potosia lugubris with 2 small perfectly round pits on the pronotum, other specimens do not have these.
Likes: 1

24.09.2006 21:37, sealor

And who found the pigeon Lampides boeticus? I caught a 160906 this year, and it looked pretty intact. As I understand it, this is a stray species that does not breed in our latitudes and appears by autumn.
And where can I read more about migrations of this species?
And Heliciverpa armigera fly to the light en masse, there are a lot of them, they just fall asleep on the balcony. In addition to them, Tholera decimalis, Euxoa temera, Noctua tirrenica, several other different species of scoops and several moth were caught in September. There is an outbreak of inahis, a lot of them.

26.10.2006 18:59, taler

And who found the pigeon Lampides boeticus? I caught a 160906 this year, and it looked pretty intact. As I understand it, this is a stray species that does not breed in our latitudes and appears by autumn.

This summer we have a huge number of these pigeons.Just a massive number of years .The habitat is quite extensive.Africa, Asia (Middle East), Australia, Hawaii, Europe.So, it may well be in Russia not only stray

26.10.2006 20:06, sealor

Well, in the lists for Ukraine this species is, but not the fact that it lives in our population, at least not exactly mass, just such a noticeable pigeon I would have to find more than once. Maybe just with a mass departure from you and the appearance of it is connected with us. Thank you, quite interesting!

26.10.2006 21:42, taler

Ouch...are we talking about the same pigeon?There's nothing particularly noticeable about it.Gray-bluish, not large.The lower part of the wings is streaked,there are tails(which is not uncommon for pigeons, at least for ours)

27.10.2006 7:53, sealor

About that, well, for you, of course, there is nothing noticeable, you have a lot of this pigeon, we have almost the only pigeon with a similar pattern that you can find! In general, there are few species with this type of pattern on the territory of Europe.

29.10.2006 13:04, Pavel Morozov

Lampides boeticus even exists in the south of the Moscow region.
If you want to find a particular butterfly, then you need to look where forage plants are plentiful. Fields of clover or alfalfa - and many pigeons, some yellows are yours. By the way, such a southern species as Colias crocea is also found in the Vladimir region east of Kirzhach in alfalfa fields.
This is how a random specimen will come across somewhere, and we consider it a rarity. However, it happens that the presence of a forage plant (even in large quantities) does not guarantee the presence of the right butterfly.

30.10.2006 15:39, lepidopterolog

Lampides boeticus does not form permanent populations in Russia (it is listed as an extremely rare migrant for the entire territory of Russia in the Index of Insects of the Russian Far East, vol. 5, part 5). Are there any reliable, documented finds of this species from the Moscow region?

30.10.2006 16:31, Дядька

NO, of course not. The nearest guaranteed "point" is Turkmenistan smile.gif

30.10.2006 18:27, Pavel Morozov

Lampides boeticus does not form permanent populations in Russia (it is listed as an extremely rare migrant for the entire territory of Russia in the Index of Insects of the Russian Far East, vol. 5, part 5). Are there any reliable, documented finds of this species from the Moscow region?

Contact Vladimir Sergeyevich Murzin.
The Moscow region is not the Far East.

This post was edited by Morozzz - 10/30/2006 18: 28

31.10.2006 14:52, lepidopterolog

In Murzin's book " Butterflies "(Moscow:" Tropa", 1993), this species is listed for the south of the Moscow region on a par with Lysandra coridon and bellargus, which are much more realistic to find in the Moscow region than the pea pigeon. Migrations of L. boeticus even to the south of European Russia (the Caucasus) and the Crimea are very rare.

01.11.2006 12:55, bora

There are guaranteed stable populations of L. boeticus on the Russian Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, and even a stable population (observed for more than 5 years - capture of about 10 specimens). annually at the end of August) in the city of Azov and the delta of the Don river.
Likes: 2

17.03.2007 23:05, RippeR

The 2nd trip for 2007 was completed. Place-Razeny. Flying angloptera c-white, ran a lot of Lethrusapterus, just a lot of Meloe sp. There were some weevils like marble, a couple of Lebia ran - one like Crooks Major, and the other I don't know (green with a red pronotum). There were a lot of aphodia in the poop. There were 2 pieces of Geotrupes stercorarius in horse manure. One turned out to be a mutand - its front limbs did not end at the end as usual, but narrowed into sharp ends (if possible, I'll take a photo later). I also found 2 Ocypus sp. Well, small ground beetles ran in a small number. Small motes flew. 1 wasp or bzhelku cool caught-dark wings, a head with a pronotum like a sawfly, and the abdomen gave out a bee. And 1 bug.
Likes: 3

18.03.2007 3:50, omar

The ripper, as always, burns! lol.gif

21.03.2007 14:43, rpanin

The first bug of the season!
Yesterday my brother called and said (jokingly) - I caught a cockroach for you!
I come to his new building...And indeed, a decent beetle Monochamus sartor (male) . It is visible somewhere between the boards wormed.
A trifle, but nice!

21.03.2007 22:33, RippeR

The day before yesterday I was in Durlesti and found: 2 Ragiuma inquisitor (1 extra small-9 mm), small ploskotelki, false scorpions, interesting small brown-beige spangles on fresh hornbeam logs, small ground beetles everywhere, 1 interesting ground beetle under the bark of some deciduous tree (I forgot the genus, we have already discussed it many times - from those who what are usually caught in winter under the bark-small, one type is brown with 4 golden dots. Well, okay about the past, today is also a good day smile.gif

Today is a good day - 21.03.07. Chisinau - Le Grand Parc Turtle or Eight. I found a pterostichus of some kind, Ocypus, a soldier, standard nutcrackers, trox, a bunch of ground beetles, interesting beetles unknown to me under the bark. And now the most interesting thing - 2 Carabus coriaceus and 5 Dorcadion holosericeum (more precisely, dorcash was found by my friend, I took only 1 under the stone, and a friend took everyone in the city. Apparently in the city the asphalt warms up and all that is faster, so they have already gone a little, but not in the park yet. ) Under the stone they found two idiots (the idiot's Pentagon), Zabrus. Under the bark of pine and birch ponahodili interesting little things, but without a microscope, it is even difficult to say what kind of miracle-yudy. In the anthill of red forest found 2 interesting staphylins. And they also found the already dry and half-rotted and already torn apart corpse of a small dog on which there were corpse-eaters, glitter-eaters and leather-eaters. Trox just sat on the ground. Also on the ground were found 4 T-shirts, among which 1 species is interesting-smooth elytra, squarish bosom and pronotum, small (I don't know the type.) If anyone is interested, I can take pictures soon.

21.03.2007 22:45, Zhuk

In luck! Dorkashi go straight to the city eek.gif. I would like this

This post was edited by Zhuk - 21.03.2007 22: 46

22.03.2007 0:52, RippeR

Yes, and in April there will also be tauricums with billineatum neo-radions that will roam around the city. They say that not far from the city and Equestria caught, but only one, long ago frown.gif

22.03.2007 8:37, RippeR

T-shirt-looks like uralensis.
Likes: 1

22.03.2007 9:39, omar

Oh, good luck to you, RippeR! It is not clear why you need to travel far away on an expedition at all....All the most interesting things are already under your nose. A wonderful Moldavia is at the mercy.

09.04.2007 17:49, RippeR

I was in Razen.
From the butterflies: Celastrina argiolus, dawns, last year's admirals, angletwings, inachis flew out, saw 1 yolk and caught 1.. like erata (male), a lot of napi, smaller, but also there are rapae, sinapis and daplidice, Pyrgus malvae, lathonia, podalirii flew.. From babocheg like everything.
I found an interesting chrysalis under a rock.. I can't even imagine whose.
Of the beetles, there are T-shirts, although much smaller. Shit-eaters just already overpopulate the shit (however, I didn't find any geotrups), there are also small water lovers and staphylinids. I checked the old traps - in one there were 2 convexus and a bunch of different interesting things, also flies, 2 types of shovels. In the other mostly flies and 1 species of small beetles, which was in the first.
There are a lot of kravchegs going around again. Found 1 dorcadion fulvum. Solut's horses, both brown and green, have a lot of beetles.. Campestris are still in full swing, too. Well, there are also a lot of ordinary small things that go around.

I was in Nimoren the day before yesterday. I found a cool nutcracker of small size with 2 red spots behind the pronotum. I found an interesting T-shirt with the inscription.... The same type of T-shirt will be put up in the definition soon, as well as a couple of decoruses. We found a few Dorcash fulwums, a cool red cassida, but not a Murray in my opinion. a couple of zabrusov, 1-2 koveksusov. There were a lot of medlyakov of one kind, there was also another kind, but the second one I caught only 2 things, and the elytra were soft, most likely just came out.. I found 2 brown soluta steeds. There are many different weevils.
2 podalii, 2-4 latonii, synapis, napi, rapi, pyadenechi, 3 parargii egeria.
Likes: 8

09.04.2007 21:57, omar

Well, how can you not thank the Ripper after this! lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

11.04.2007 15:12, RippeR

Today I went not far for poliksenkami.. It's a pity the weather didn't turn out, so nothing ran or flew.. except for a couple of napi, synapis.. We found a female and a male swallowtail-they were sitting not far from each other, probably just hatched.. And 1 staff magnificent under the stone was..

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