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Photo #15263: Scotopteryx luridata


Scotopteryx luridata

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Andrey Ponomarev. Image redone at the website. Tentative identification

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2012-07-09 00:00:00, Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, Nerskaya railway station, to the light.

Comments on this image

26.12.2014 11:11, Basil Sergienko

Types of genital well vary in females and molekulyarke (it's sort of the female). So it is difficult to see the differences, though, if you have a series of both and take into account written below, then assign a small probability of error is possible.1 Spreading (meaning luridata)
by Hausmann (GME 3) -Yug Russia, southern Urals and a point somewhere in the region of Tatarstan
by Sineva have 8,10,11 and regions.
Reliably whether the presence in the Moscow region.?

2 phenology
mucronata-early May -sredina June edichnye copies.or later are marked with an incomplete second generation or delayed development (requires further study, says Hausmann)
luridata-mid-June, the beginning of August (the south of the second generation)
It is understood that, depending on the conditions, the slight + -
Where sympatric fly, flies in the second 2-4 weeks later and almost never in sync.My mucronata-Boars 01.05 to 19.05, for females 15.5 22.05 (meaning good copies.)
luridata-04.06 at 11.06, with these I strained females yet.
There are males with Bukrina one year
m-01.05.01, l-04.06.01 (there are not flying because of copies.)

3 External signs
It is possible to take into account differences in the wing pattern, but they do not always work.
Males can be distinguished less by mustache

Wierzchołkowa część czułka samca z 11-12 członami pozbawionymi grzebykowatych wyrostków.-luridata-Long process 0.6-0.75 to 0.9 mm
Wierzchołkowa część czułka samca z 8-9 członami pozbawionymi grzebykowatych wyrostków-mucronata length 0.5-0.6

The first can be seen under normal binocular
Well, if you put a number, a sort of different butterflies, but it is difficult to describe the differences.

Considering the above said if the reliability in the presence of Defense is likely luridata

25.12.2014 16:49, Alexandr Zhakov

I think everything Scotopteryx mucronata, but I do not see any differences. Let Basil, confirm that there would be not to move here.

25.12.2014 16:35, Andrey Ponomarev

Then it is necessary to move Scotopteryx mucronata

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