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Photo #21540: Celastrina oreas


Celastrina oreas

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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2011-07-30 00:00:00, Vladivostok, Botanical Garden - Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of SCIENCES

Comments on this image

27.03.2013 14:14, Yuri Semejkin

Er, yes at what all this. There would be food, and there are butterflies.

27.03.2013 1:13, Irina Nikulina

Ure, the answer obradoval- hence oreas slowly conquering new spaces (not just Golda;)! Coming soon to your Red Book have to be amended) (This is what Bush the country populated Celastrina filipjevi, not surprised they are settled more easily)

26.03.2013 23:34, Yuri Semejkin

Belyaeva answer:
Hello Yuri!

Apparently, your photos, really, Celastrina oreas. In other, much to the surprise of her discovery of the boat. garden does not have to. In the vicinity of Vladivostok widely introduced into the culture Prinsep (Prinsepia sinensis), fodder plant and its caterpillars Celastrina filipjevi.We recently put a little acoustic Prinsep at our cottage on the satellite, so the next year after planting, he was settled Celastrina filipjevi.

Sincerely, Eugene.

26.03.2013 23:23, Irina Nikulina

Jura, in my opinion, their resemblance does not provide explicitly define the type of image, and given the place of shooting, the small number of species oreas and more difficult survival on artificial planting Prinsep, I'd rather stop at Filipeva, given that the Botanical Garden of the population of a large and sustainability. But wait, what will EA.Belyaev (repeat - example Goldia pacifica very impressive, maybe oreas not only in the Ussuri reserve?))

26.03.2013 12:38, Yuri Semejkin

Er, I do not understand duck. In your opinion, it is still Filipeva

24.03.2013 21:21, Irina Nikulina

Ure, the site A. I know for a long time Nedoluzhko even made it here a week ago, the list of literature at number 97, there is a lot of useful. So that is where both are represented copper-butterfly (Filipeva - http://www.treefrog.ru/photo/category/13-phil.html and Article MM Omelko about both - http://www.treefrog.ru/ floraandfauna / item / 21-phil02.html). Shodstvo- !!

24.03.2013 2:53, Yuri Semejkin

Why reacted to oreas? But somehow I have it not fit into the other. Copper-butterfly. I found in the internet that's kind of like like http://www.treefrog.ru/photo/category/14-oreas.html
The picture took off.

24.03.2013 1:02, Irina Nikulina

It would be very good. interesting! Ure, I just wanted to understand - why this photo you reacted to oreas? What's in it such, indicating definitely this kind? And yet you were the night, another article found. MM Omelko, NV Omelko "Breeding and maintenance need of protection of insects as one of the directions of their preservation."It is there including these two kinds - Filipeva and oreas. And noting that, unlike Filipeva, view oreas "on small plantations printsepe ... not always survive," it is much more difficult to dissolve in the arts. planting ..That has begun to doubt about the botanical garden, the more it's your local entomologists write about 2 habitat ... But the example of Goldia pacifica, I agree, is impressive, I remember all the details, kind of really long considered a narrow local. But in the case oreas confused rigid peg to the Prinsep ...

23.03.2013 23:37, Yuri Semejkin

Ira, and why should they be the only 2 places? Remember the story of the Pacific marshmallow, which was known only to the Blue Ridge.
Dr. Example: On the tracks of marshmallows, -vezde write and say what they have to look at height, on top of the tree. But I found them at a height of 1 m from the ground
With regard to the file. Well-il, I will cast his Belyaev.If he is not on a business trip, then we hope to find the time to respond

23.03.2013 18:10, Irina Nikulina

Jura question - why oreas? Let me explain where doubts. Maybe I do not know the latest data, but in the latest version of the Red Book of Primorsky Krai in the article on copper-butterfly oreas (compiled by Belyaev EA) indicated that this species in Primorye significantly numerically smaller than Filipeva ,.and you've only known two kinds of permanent colony on the territory of the Ussuri Nature Reserve (in the river valleys and Komarovka Suvorovka). In the botanical garden there are only a steady population of blues Filipeva on art. Prinsep plantings. Maybe it is in the photo, Celastrina filipjevi? (And I do not really understand about any dock islands you write on the page type Celastrina oreas)

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