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Photo #36456: Pieris bryoniae


Pieris bryoniae

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo: Andrey Kravtsov. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Alexander Belousov

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-07-25 00:00:00, Almaty,Kazakhstan, Almarassan gorge

Comments on this image

17.12.2014 14:40, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Imago Female.

17.12.2014 14:29, Irina Nikulina

:) And while single in females, please, this and 2 more pictures of the form

17.12.2014 14:19, Dmitriy Pozhogin

and I do not mind !!!

17.12.2014 13:44, Alexandr Zhakov

So far, the site has two types, we assume that they are really two. :)

17.12.2014 13:44, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Parnassius delphius fly too dark and light in one meadow, but this does not become "poluvidami." Here genanaliz just would have helped.

17.12.2014 13:08, Irina Nikulina

When versed with views, a lot of things to read in this issue, too, was interesting - there are different opinions on this subject), Dmitry, and you work Lorkovika, though long-standing, not read? Lorcovic Z "The genetics and reproductive isolating mechanisms of the pieris napi-brionae group" (1962) http://images.peabody.yale.edu/lepsoc/jls/1960s/1962/1962-16%282%29105-Lorkovic. pdf Summary He's just about it, and concludes - calls brionae form, which is not a complete stage of speciation in P.napi, and offers to call it semispecies. His assumption - there is this form under the influence of more severe climatic conditions. In Kurentsova - "However, the existence of both forms of P. napi in the same environmen.conditions and their simultaneous occurrence suggests that in this case we are dealing with two genetically determined forms, which are not yet on the path of ecological and geographical isolation. " Since then much water has flowed) But in today's papers opinions diverge.

17.12.2014 8:09, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Genital types are the same. Some sources is only for the high mountains. By the way, almost all in the north of NADI / Briony dark or very dark. For all these reasons, it seems to me that this is simply a form of kvazimelanisticheskaya due to low temperatures or high mountains of the northern climate.

17.12.2014 2:37, Irina Nikulina

Parses a year ago at the same time and dulcinea melete, if briefly - that males napi, especially 2-3 generations, it's hard to distinguish from males bryoniae.But females bryoniae painted usually much darker, much of the PC covered with gray or gray-brown coating, particularly very dusty at the root, background wings - yellow, yellowish-white (in some subspecies - rich yellow) along the veins of both wings - plentiful brownish shade.On the underside from napi spraying veins of gray-greenish, while bryoniae - brown or dark gray. (Although there are some subspecies napi (adalwinda and lappona, for example), the females of which painted darker and is more difficult to distinguish from bryoniae). But the network is full of pictures, well represented here http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Pieris_Bryoniae views and differences of all registered.
By the way, and just then the female.

16.12.2014 22:51, Dmitriy Pozhogin

who are willing to properly explain the differences Pieris bryoniae and napi?

16.12.2014 22:47, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Not identified Pieris bryoniae / Confidently identified / Alexander Belousov.

16.12.2014 21:18, Alexander Belousov

Pieris bryoniae ♀

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