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Beetles of the Moscow and adjacent regions

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsBeetles of the Moscow and adjacent regions

amara, 26.03.2007 8:27

Does anyone have lists in the form of files, in whole or in separate families?
I will be very grateful.


Pages: 1 2 3 4 5... 7

26.03.2007 9:06, omar

Now available: check list of Danilevsky's sawyers, I can post it right away. Articles by Nikitsky and Co., with additions, in the form of photocopies, you need to scan or photocopy when meeting. The list of ground beetles Fedorenko, you need to scan, I can let you scan with a refund. At the same time, all this can be posted on the forum. smile.gif

26.03.2007 9:49, amara

Thank you Omar, Fedorenko, like the whole book "Insects of the Moscow region" 1988, as well as Soil invertebrates of the Moscow region 1982, I have. But I would be interested in the articles of Danilevsky and Nikitsky and Co., with additions. Is it possible to scan it and forward it by E-mail (or upload it, if there are no copyright violations, of course)? Thank you.

This post was edited by amara - 03/26/2007 09: 53

26.03.2007 10:20, omar

download file REJ_15_1_43_51__Danilevsky_.pdf

size: 229.34 k
number of downloads: 1160

Likes: 7

26.03.2007 10:31, amara

Thank you omar very much.
Do you know by chance whether it is possible to buy
1997. MOSCOW: Zoological Museum of Moscow State University ?
The KMK is sold out.

27.03.2007 7:45, Dmitry Vlasov

There are articles on the Yaroslavl region. What families are needed? also some information on the Tula, Kostroma region. Write in PM.

04.04.2007 7:38, amara

Please help me fill in the table
Number of beetle species in the Moscow region,
adding the missing families.
Thank you.

04.04.2007 11:09, omar

Polilov made a review of the MO's perokrylkami. In colleagues on Entomology info, it is posted in the PDF.

04.04.2007 14:58, guest: Дзанат

bark beetles (Scolytidae)
Likes: 1

04.04.2007 18:37, amara

Thanks to omag and Zanat. Here is the updated file.

05.04.2007 11:35, omar

Here are some new ground beetle species found by N. B. Nikitsky for the Moscow region
: 1. Carabus haeres
2.Zabrus tenebrioides
3. Demetrias imperialis
4. Dromius longiceps
5. Miscodera arctica
6. Masoreus wetterhalii
7. Dromius quadrimaculatus green.gif
This is from what was published.

This post was edited by omar - 04/05/2007 11: 50

05.04.2007 11:48, Guest

1. Carabus haeres-in the Moscow region ?!

05.04.2007 11:51, omar


05.04.2007 13:07, omar

Here is a list of the most desirable ground beetle catches for the Moscow region, compiled by S. Y. Grunthal - something that has not been recorded for more than a decade.
1. Calosoma auropunctatum
2. Cicindella arenaria
3. Brachinus crepitans
4. Carabus aurolimbatus
5. Badister collaris
6. Lebia cyanocephala
7. Sphodrus leucophthalmus
Sorry, the list is far from complete, I reproduce from memory. I'll update it as soon as possible.

This post was edited by omar - 04/06/2007 08: 48

06.04.2007 8:10, amara

By placing a table, I would like to find out how many species of beetles (approximately of course) live in the Moscow region.

Here's what I found on Zino sites about other regions:

1. There are about 2,800 beetle species registered in the Yaroslavl region (http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/babushka.htm)

2. The total number of beetle species known in the fauna of the Kirov region at the time of writing (G. I. Yuferev, November 2000) totals 2,248. The actual number of beetle species in the area's fauna must exceed 3,000. (http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/vyat_add.htm)

3. Zhukov of Latvia-3156 (http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/latvfam.htm)

4. The coleoptera fauna of Belarus currently counts 3256 species (http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/bel_add1.htm).

What are your opinions about the Moscow region, something between 2500 and 3000 species?

This post was edited by amara-04/06/2007 08: 12

06.04.2007 8:17, Aleksandr Safronov

1. Carabus haeres-in the Moscow region ?!

Carabus (Trachycarabus) sibiricus ssp. haeres Fisch. it is found in the adjacent Tula region. I have instances. So in the Moscow region quite!

06.04.2007 8:45, omar

That's right, dear Entalex! All copies. this species (subspecies) was collected in the very south, on the border with the Tula region, in the Serebryano-Prudsky district. This area is the northern border of the distribution of this species in the MO. And how often does it occur in the Tula region itself?

06.04.2007 8:57, omar

Amara: Here I would like to clarify what the meaning (benefit)is from these bare numbers of the number of species? Personally, this is not entirely clear to me. confused.gif

06.04.2007 9:23, Aleksandr Safronov

And how often does it occur in the Tula region itself?

All finds are from the north-Central part of the Tula region (Kireevsky district). Forest-steppe zone. I have only 2 copies. The findings are random. This season I want to monitor this species with traps. According to the data for the Tula region, the species is rare and sporadic.
Likes: 2

06.04.2007 14:03, amara

I'm just curious about omar, I guess.
It is also possible to judge the study of the fauna of the Middle zone of the European part of Russia.
And probably not vklychat in the Moscow region.yuzhn. part of the Serebryano-Prudsky district (south of the river). Sturgeon) that belongs to another zone (Forest-steppe Chernozem region).

This post was edited by amara - 04/06/2007 14: 19

06.04.2007 14:22, omar

I just love it, probably omar.
It is also possible to judge the study of the fauna of the Middle zone of the European part of Russia.
And probably not vklychat in the Moscow region.yuzhn. part of the Serebryano-Prudsky district (south of the river). Sturgeon) that belongs to another zone (Forest-steppe Chernozem region).

To judge the study of the fauna of the middle zone of the European part of Russia? I wonder how you can judge it, having only columns of numbers on your hands? confused.gif And to include or not to include , I think it makes sense to include, because in the case of faunal studies, it is ALWAYS the actual administrative and official borders of the region that are taken into account, and not what someone thought was inappropriate for the region landscape, superfluous, and frankly unnecessary. lol.gif

06.04.2007 16:00, amara

Omar, I don't insist on anything , turn it on, so turn it on. And the idea of the alienness of the South. parts of the Serebryano-Prudsky district for the main territory of the Moscow region. I must admit I picked up from botanists. In the Mosk Plant Identifier. this piece was not included on the basis of a sharp difference from the rest of the region (citation). But, I repeat, I only made a guess.

06.04.2007 19:37, omar

Officially Registered Hornbills (Lucanidae)
1. Platycerus caraboides
2. Platycerus caprea
3. Synodendron cylindricum
4. Ceruchus chrysomelinus

06.04.2007 21:26, Bad Den

Officially Registered Hornbills (Lucanidae)
1. Platycerus caraboides
2. Platycerus caprea
3. Synodendron cylindricum
4. Ceruchus chrysomelinus

+L. cervus in question ?

06.04.2007 22:24, omar

At the moment, not a single reliable copy from the Moscow region is known. All skipping data turns out to be either a hoax or an inaccuracy. That is, there are not even such beetles about which you can say "delivery". Unless, of course, they are specially brought from the Voronezh Region, or from Ukraine. Although there are a lot of suitable places for this species to live in the region. I've been searching for many years, all the probability points are fixed, and Nikitsky has been doing the same for many years. But no traces of this beetle are visible yet. By the way, the mention of it in Izhevsk's book for the region is complete nonsense, aimed at popularizing the publication. N. B. Nikitsky, who knows the author of the book quite well, told me about this. Here's another thing: deer are not the same beetles that occur alone. Therefore, for reliable input to the regional list, you need to search for the population.

06.04.2007 22:35, omar

By the way, the second similar hoax is the presence of Calosoma sycophanta in the MO.
This beetle is mentioned in the list of Fedorenko for the region, the author refers to the data of Jacobson. But no one has ever seen reliable copies in the collections. And the last mentions in the scientific literature date back to the 19th century.

07.04.2007 14:35, Cerambyx

And I think I heard from N. B. that there is a specimen of Lucanus cervus caught in the Moscow region (almost on the outskirts of Moscow) by some students somewhere in the dining room... So, it turns out that there are at least those about "which you can say"...?

07.04.2007 16:06, omar

Um, thank you, Mr. Moustache, I haven't heard anything like that from N. B. yet. I'll check it out after the weekend. But I think if he had, he would have shared it with me. Or maybe it's just that these students are so improbable that he didn't pay any attention to it at all.

09.04.2007 23:27, omar

Yes, unfortunately, these are just prankster students. N. B. has no desire to believe their stories about the beetle's origin. So, alas.

22.04.2007 9:52, amara

I present a table updated with data from the works of Prof. N. B. Nikitsky et al., kindly provided by the author (thanks omar for the guidance).
Nikolai Borisovich (in addition to a world-renowned specialist) turned out to be a great enthusiast and connoisseur of beetles in the Moscow region, and we can expect a full list of them from him. He believes that there are more than 3,000 species in total, and there may even be up to 3,500.
My table is preliminary and of course contains errors. So, please correct and add.
I corrected the table again.
Once again, on April 26.

This post was edited by amara - 04/26/2007 10: 01
Likes: 3

22.04.2007 13:22, Дзанат

Check the family names again for typos.

22.04.2007 16:11, omar

amara: correct my list of rogues. What kind is missing?

22.04.2007 18:13, amara

Dzanat, I promise, but if you tell me by mail (to save me from shame) I will be obliged to you.

Omar, sorry, corrected me.

This post was edited by amara - 04/22/2007 18: 34

23.04.2007 8:49, KDG

Yes, unfortunately, these are just prankster students. N. B. has no desire to believe their stories about the beetle's origin. So, alas.

It is ok. In the Rostov region there are at least 2 such mythical species-osmoderma eremita and Rosalia alpina. both are listed in the regional red Book and both are "from words". Current not students but professors. smile.gif
Likes: 1

23.04.2007 8:57, omar

KDG, your first mythical species confidently gathers in the south of the Moscow region smile.gif

This post was edited by omar - 04/23/2007 09: 02

23.04.2007 9:55, Дзанат

Dzanat, I promise, but if you tell me by mail (to save me from shame) I will be obliged to you.

There are little things, I sent the BOS but I don't know if the email was sent, they write to me about an error, etc.Write if you haven't received it, I'll try again.

23.04.2007 10:41, amara

Thank you Dzanat, your email has reached us and I have corrected the typos you found. As for the rank of some families and subfamilies in the table, I followed one of SEVERAL modern systems just for the sake of convenience (there is at hand). According to it, some families familiar to you (and me) are relegated to subfamilies (such as Pselaphinae and Scolytinae). I left them in the list separately with an indication of the family (in parentheses) to which they belong, or (if they are given in parentheses after the family name) then together with the enlarged family. Letters in parentheses indicate the old (familiar) spelling. I hope that somehow answered your questions.

23.04.2007 10:47, KDG

KDG, your first mythical species confidently gathers in the south of the Moscow region smile.gif

I know. he is also in Voronezh for sure (rosalia is there confidently). we're talking about Rostov...

23.04.2007 16:07, omar

Here are the abscesses (Meloidae)
Meloe proscarabeus
M. violaceus
M. brevicollis
The presence of M. variegatus is questionable and requires confirmation.
Lytta vesicatoria
Mylabris pusilla
M. quadripunctatus
M. variabilis
and even
Cerocoma schaefferi
Like everything

This post was edited by omar - 04/24/2007 12: 11

23.04.2007 16:58, amara

Is that a lobster from the whole family?
What about Hapalus (Apalus?) bimaculatus? In Karelia, for example, there is.
Maybe Mylabris knows something?

This post was edited by amara - 04/23/2007 17: 08

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