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26.12.2020 14:49, ИНО

Well, that's right - in order not to lose the s/p, bring the crown to the masses weep.gif

But in fact, if a strict quarantine was introduced in China from the very beginning, everything would have ended long ago.
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26.12.2020 18:17, Hierophis

Alex, well, what can I say here, it's probably useless to even write something, but the macaronavirus is not exactly a "media show", it's really a very unpleasant thing, and civilization has remained, at least for now ) in place only because the target risk group depends on age and is almost completely concentrated in the region of 80 years. If there was the same mortality rate with the same infection, but the risk group would be like with Spanish Flu, depending not on age, but on social activity (maximum 20-40 years), then the consequences would be sooo harsh.

The same doctors, if their colleagues did not just get sick and go to quarantine, but let's say every fifth died, then there would be a panic among doctors, and the same panic would start among other working people-the result is that there is no medicine, no electricity, no water supply, no transport, shops and pharmacies do not work. In the early 1900s, this was not such a big problem, then people were not so pampered and dependent on infrastructure.

But Kharkovbut surprised me with its agreement that "everything is over" in China, IMHO, everything continues there, there is simply no data from this totalitarian country.

Alex, are you going to inject yourself? Not afraid of domestic development? smile.gif Test strips are needed at least in order to understand whether you have antibodies, and acc. does it make sense to prick, or not.

26.12.2020 18:23, ИНО

Well, yes, it is clearly visible how China, which suppresses many millions of victims of covid (and it could not have been less with the global level of infection and mortality in this country), is bending against the background of progressive shitocratic countries lol.gif

26.12.2020 18:39, AVA

Well, yes, it is clearly visible how China, which suppresses many millions of victims of covid (and it could not be less with the global level of infection and mortality in this country), is bent against the background of progressive shit-democratic countries lol.gif

China also keeps on strict measures and discipline of the population. Introduce the same measures in / on, so there would already be three anarchomaydan arranged.

26.12.2020 18:49, ИНО

I'm not sure. Threatening to repeat the Maidan in case of inappropriate actions of the authorities, which ukroactivists have been doing since 2014, and actually repeating it-these are two big differences. Finally, without Nuland cookies, it turns out very badly, although there have already been several dozen attempts. The fascists who have bred up the VNA could well be involved in maintaining these tough measures (they don't care who they tyrannize over and for what, the process itself is important). However, what is the benefit of this? Merkel clearly said that half of the population should remain in Germany, and the coronavirus, among other things, is very useful here. At the same time, the main blow falls on the "cotton wool" pensioners, which is very beneficial to their leaders. So they're on their way(with).

But in the Russian Federation, it was quite possible to repeat the Chinese experience, at the very beginning of the epidemic, close the borders tightly, if the situation in Moscow had developed as it did in the spring, Moscow should have been isolated, as the Chinese did with Wuhan (the size of cities is comparable). But, alas, the political leadership of the Russian Federation has played too much liberalism, just like in Western countries.

26.12.2020 19:24, AVA

I'm not sure. Threatening to repeat the Maidan in case of inappropriate actions of the authorities, which ukroactivists have been doing since 2014, and actually repeating it-these are two big differences. Finally, without Nuland cookies, it turns out very badly, although there have already been several dozen attempts. The fascists who have bred up the VNA could well be involved in maintaining these tough measures (they don't care who they tyrannize over and for what, the process itself is important). However, what is the benefit of this? Merkel clearly said that half of the population should remain in Germany, and the coronavirus, among other things, is very useful here. At the same time, the main blow falls on the "cotton wool" pensioners, which is very beneficial to their leaders. So they're on their way(with).

But in the Russian Federation, it was quite possible to repeat the Chinese experience, at the very beginning of the epidemic, close the borders tightly, if the situation in Moscow had developed as it did in the spring, Moscow should have been isolated, as the Chinese did with Wuhan (the size of cities is comparable). But, alas, the political leadership of the Russian Federation has played too much liberalism, just like in Western countries.

Well, don't give a fuck about liberalism! They blocked all travel documents and raised prices for regular travel. I find it hard to get to work sometimes. I can't handle trivial finances every day. In addition, there are inspectors walking around who don't have enough muzzles and gloves, but show them ksiva as well. And here is the penalty... I've already been home for two months in the spring, and now it's still until mid-January. frown.gif

26.12.2020 20:08, Kharkovbut

Well, that's right - in order not to lose the s/p, bring the crown to the masses weep.gif

And in fact, if b ... from the very beginning, a strict quarantine was introduced, everything would have ended long ago.
to Hierophis: I honestly didn't pay attention to China, but I agreed with everything else (see above, without China smile.gif). "It's all over" is, of course, unknown, but what is needed is a "normal" quarantine, and not a sloppy attitude of half the world's population - yes. At least that's what I think. smile.gif
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26.12.2020 20:10, Kharkovbut

PS: And yes, all the work that can in principle be done remotely, and should be done remotely.

26.12.2020 20:43, Hierophis

Kharkovbut, and what to bite if" normal hard quarantine " is introduced? Not everyone in the state will be able to pay benefits in a country like ours, and not only ours. There's AVA in the imperial metropolis, living and crying)
Hard quarantine - to povymirali themselves carriers along with the sore?)))

In the spring, by the way, this very "hard quarantine" was introduced, the plant was closed for a month, everyone out at their own expense, while before that I managed to get infected with the macaronovirus there, although I didn't know what it was, but now I have two strips jump.gif

But about remote work, and especially training-completely for it, and I can only envy the current students and students who do not need to go to these sharags

26.12.2020 20:43, ИНО

I've already been home for two months in the spring, and now it's still until mid-January. frown.gif

But if we repeated the Chinese experience, then there would be no lockdown in winter. The Chinese endured very harsh measures (including house arrest of all residents of urban areas for several weeks) in the winter and early spring, but then their life quickly returned to normal, people again mix freely, go to work, and the economy grows. European countries, which in this case can safely include Russia, limited themselves to half-measures, and even with their introduction they dragged on for a long time, in the end we have what we have. Now even Chinese measures will not help, the infection has spread to all regions. And there is complete uncertainty ahead, perhaps relapses of lockdowns will have to endure for more than one year. Which is better?

There is still a third way - Swedish: at the beginning to score, get a record scale of disaster, repent of the wrong decision and still introduce a lockdown when it is already the least effective.

The fourth way: to score, but not to get disaster, because the coronavirus-an invention of Jewish masons, especially against the background of global decline - exists only in the painful brains of the most stupid conspiracy theorists.

26.12.2020 20:43, Hierophis

In addition, the inspectors go and wander around

Put on the muzzles, and rejoice! jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

26.12.2020 20:53, ИНО

In the spring, by the way, we introduced this very "strict quarantine", closed the plant for a month, everyone won at their own expense

Features of the national quarantine lol.gifAnd what did Pan want, singing capitalism and fiercely fighting the "scoop"?

26.12.2020 20:56, Kharkovbut

In the spring, by the way, we introduced this very "strict quarantine", closed the plant for a month, everyone won at their own expense,


But as for remote work, and especially training, I am completely in favor, and I can only envy the current schoolchildren and students who do not need to go to these sharags. jump.gif
Can you read?" :/

It depends on what you do in your factory. If you work with your hands, in the shop-yes, go there. If you tap on the keys , you can also do it from home. That is, your factory should organize its work in this way. And at the same time, it is the plant that should take care of compliance with quarantine measures. Ideally, provide, for example, your own transport, collect employees around the city and carry them. Test it. Well, etc.

Unfortunately, a lot of "schoolchildren and jellies" are dragged there for one reason or another. I only work from home, though. And to periodically appearing requests to come "to the office" and sign on some useless piece of paper, I answer "wouldn't you go to..." (of course, politely, but that's exactly the point).

That's enough. Please don't contact me here, I won't answer you anyway. There is no time for fruitless chatter.

26.12.2020 20:58, Kharkovbut

In fact, I can't imagine how effective distance learning can be organized under the current education system and in general with the current mentality of young people.
In you can. You don't know the mentality very well. :/

26.12.2020 21:21, ИНО

"In" is what? The mentality in the part concerning the approach to education seems to have been well studied in four years of working as a teacher - the TV producer smelled like them and replaced his brains (with each new set-to a greater extent). Select a gadget for the duration of the test = bring a student (and sometimes a student) to tears. In the audience, it is very difficult not to ask Google, but it is simply impossible to do it remotely. The most piquant thing is when they start proving the illegality of the assessment to me, referring to Wikipedia weep.gif

26.12.2020 21:30, Kharkovbut

"In" is what? The mentality in the part concerning the approach to education seems to have been well studied in four years of working as a teacher - the TV producer smelled like them and replaced his brains (with each new set-to a greater extent). Select a gadget for the duration of the test = bring a student (and sometimes a student) to tears. In the audience, it is very difficult not to ask Google, but it is simply impossible to do it remotely. The most piquant thing is when they start proving the illegality of the assessment to me, referring to Wikipedia weep.gif
"In" is this: https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%B8%D0%BD wink.gif However, I agree that I used it poorly. In general, you just can. smile.gif

Training should be organized in such a way that, on the contrary, students are encouraged to use all sorts of sources, including online ones. Here you are stuck in the Network for hours, and nothing... lol.gif

A questions (for example) on the exam, you need to give so and so that Google can not immediately and directly help. And that's it. smile.gif

26.12.2020 21:31, Kharkovbut

That's enough. I will never write here again. smile.gif No more questions for me, please.

26.12.2020 21:32, alex017

Two stripes-does this mean pregnancy?!)
Is there a pregnancy test somewhere where they can be tested for antibodies?
I don't want to shoot myself. That I'm a drug addict or something?
I've already had a flu shot in the noughties. The result was chronic bronchitis and sinusitis. And now I can only sleep in one position. Now let the others have fun.
What are the signs of what? KV? So it's quite standard.
At the time of the spring lockdown, we were working all weekends and holidays! The PO is important to us, yeah. In the spring, I would love to sit in the country instead of working.
I'm really sick of this nonsense about the crown. So many people got sick here, and before they officially went on sick leave, we communicated with them closely, constantly, and greeted them unconditionally. Nothing happened to anyone in the end.
But the idiotic hysterical measures against kv brought huge damage to the population and monstrous inconveniences!
In some factories, people were forced to just live and work around the clock, not letting them go home or anywhere else! Fun, right? At the same time, the" seriously ill " simply stayed at home.
There was also no public transport in the city. Almost never went. The flights were crowded. Packed. Nothing. All survived. We walked around. Fine.
Modern production facilities are absolutely not designed for illnesses and vacations. Even in a 2-week vacation, people are very reluctant to let go and it is difficult to endure this time without an employee. And when several people leave for an idiotic reason, who will work for them?! And then what? Where will they return to? Will the factory / place of work still exist without them? While they are sunbathing for a far-fetched reason at home.
Of course, you can work remotely. Only then will there be a natural collapse, everything will get up, break down, and so on. You're not the only one missing.
Elementary not everything is available in electronic form.
The spring work of storekeepers on forming orders at supplier firms was so cool without supervision that half of the goods arrived, if at all, with a huge delay. And what is the reason?! What kind of trouble has happened?! Nope. Everyone was just sitting at home.
I want it too. I have a lot of work to do at home. At least I would have had time to redo it before spring.

This post was edited by alex017 - 26.12.2020 21: 37

26.12.2020 21:34, Hierophis

Ahahahahah, I wonder if there is a fruitless chatter, then it means that there is a fetal chatter, and there should also be a male chatter, in theory umnik.gif

Factories, in fact, do not just knock on the keys, there is equipment, there are technical processes, everyone needs to go there.
Well, yes, and it turns out, why is it, for example, Mitya will sit at home, knock on the keys, and Vasya will go to the factory, and at the same time collect macaronoviruses in minibuses? Vasya won't go either)))

In general, everything should be in moderation, all this coronohysteria and cowardice, when people sit at home and do not climb out, will not lead to good either, prolonged lack of contact with the population can cause immunological oblivion, and then any trifling rhinovirus will roll in so much that it will not seem enough!

You just don't need to drink alcohol, eat too much, puff, and sit around for days on end, and no macaronavirus will be terrible jump.gif

26.12.2020 21:48, Hierophis

Alex, you regularly write such things here that I am simply amazed at your heroic health!
With this mode of work, I have not only chronic bronchitis and sinusitis, I'm even afraid to imagine what I would have had weep.gif
Do you all work for Sarumyan?

26.12.2020 21:57, Hierophis

26.12.2020 22:05, Kharkovbut

Clever, however, how to read, so every day, even when molbiol was lying-constantly here, and how to write, so "empty chatter", and "everything, I won't get any more" weep.gif
It was fun for business and busy people who move science, education, or cho still there, and everything is as it was in W, so it remains there umnik.gif
Time, do you see it's a pity)
The only thing missing is "and still wearing glasses"... lol.gif


(couldn't resist commenting -- _ last_...smile.gif)

26.12.2020 23:31, ИНО

Pan Stepovoi, what did you use today as a concoction on the occasion of the Catholic Sacrament? Previously, all for the liberalization of the Internet was drowned, and here you are trying to install censorship eek.gifIn General, Kharkovbut on Molbiol almost more than all other animals ponaidentified. And how much did Pan Stepova determine? I remember only two cases: once ichneumonida as pompilida (or vice versa), and once sphexa as podalonia weep.gif

26.12.2020 23:32, ИНО

Two stripes-does this mean pregnancy?!)

Brain pregnancy with super-valuable ideas: who should be banned weep.giffrom what

26.12.2020 23:43, ИНО

"In" is this: https://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%B8%D0%BD wink.gif However, I agree that I used it poorly. In general, you just can. smile.gif

Training should be organized in such a way that, on the contrary, students are encouraged to use all sorts of sources, including online ones. Here you are stuck in the Network for hours, and nothing... lol.gif

A questions (for example) on the exam, you need to give so and so that Google can not immediately and directly help. And that's it. smile.gif

Hmm, I've never heard such a word, live and learn forever. I thought that this is some kind of abbreviation for the name of a subject that can be taught remotely, as opposed to.

Unfortunately, the focus on creative tasks does not work for my students. If you ask such questions, the answers to which can not immediately be found on the web (or, at the very least, read in my electronic lecture notes), then you will have to put all deuces, and the authorities forbid it. Moreover, the program provides very few hours for independent study, so most of the questions must strictly correspond to the lecture material. And in the most difficult cases, students have another tool besides Google-a call to a friend. That is, for the entire stream, it is enough for only one person to be able to think, and this position can be transitive. No, where you don't throw it, there is a wedge everywhere, and the malachite bowl with distance learning does not come out. Is that every week to distribute all individual tricky questions (60 pieces of options) and then read 60 individual answers. But here's where-where, and no health is enough for such a job.

27.12.2020 8:00, alex017

I am very sorry that I have to fight so much with students.
Here you say that pregnancy, who can forbid what. Well, how about without it? Write down for yourself that students find a lot of things in Google. For more information, see the local dorm grid. There are certainly those who will answer any question, but usually not for everyone and not completely free of charge.
So in this vein, it would not hurt to strictly prohibit children from accessing computers (smartphones, etc.) in general, not just the Internet. Up to criminal liability for a computer at home, if there are children under 18 years old. Also prohibit students from using all electronic means and printed forms for submitting their work. There should be penalties for students ' access to the computer.
Without this, we will get a blank slate in the head of the younger generation.
In my childhood, parents were called to school for a calculator, and the device itself was broken in half. No one even accepted the typewritten text for verification! And already at the university, for such work, you could get no more than 3.
How to live without restrictions? People can start eating each other without restrictions.
We have almost everyone here who earns at least something decent, working very hard.
This does not apply only to managers and accountants. Otherwise, you can't earn anything here.
I am interested and surprised by the question: why doesn't Ukraine vaccinate itself?! Why is she trying to beg for it or buy it?
Isn't it because only senile people and imitators remained from their own specialists, and the rest left for Europe? So the" benefits " of integration are obvious.

27.12.2020 10:56, Hierophis

Well, you're Alex and broke up) Not, of course, those. progress is very harmful to nature, but at the same time - progress is unstoppable! jump.gif
By the way, why is it that what teachers rub in is by default correct and useful? Why should this educational program, compiled by nepoymi kem, be perceived as a standard? Moreover, now in the same Google you can find everything you want, both good and bad, of course, but at a lecture or lesson - only what the teacher will broadcast.
Education is such a thing-what the Lord did not give, and the Sorbonne will not give, and at the same time, if you have the desire and ability, then in our time you can master the basics of so many disciplines without any teachers at all umnik.gif
In general, the Soviet and post-Soviet education system, even initially declaring completely different, high goals, is based on such an incentive as getting a piece of paper, a piece of paper is the main result of the process, so it is not surprising that jellies, like any other living organisms, will strive to achieve the result with optimal comfort and method. So why bother them? weep.gif

27.12.2020 11:41, Hierophis

And yet, he's already here jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif
Euro-Atlantic power and strength stretches for thousands of kilometers, and we meet the life-giving warmth of Africa!
This is the victory of movement, change, and development over the dreary permafrost of winter!

picture: 10_30_31.jpg
10_30_31.jpg — (400.54 k)

27.12.2020 17:23, Hierophis

Today was finally a clear and quiet day jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif
And the whale of course steers, and even a macro can umnik.gifbe photographed, But of course yes, you feel that something is missing, the very "soul" of the Soviet objects, some kind of image, without any highlights. True, for some reason, these highlights in smart books are called the ugly word aberration, but this is all an anti-Soviet conspiracy weep.gif

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27.12.2020 18:32, alex017

user posted image
In sho bought

27.12.2020 19:36, Hierophis

Did you buy a piece of wood, or a lid with a net? ) Because the living is not sho, but xto umnik.gif
Or did you buy meldonium and give it to one larva to drink to that state? ))
Well, in general, it's cool, and who is it? It doesn't look very much like our tenuidentata Hierodule.

27.12.2020 19:41, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

Our snow is slowly melting,and there has been a slight warming lately. smile.gif

27.12.2020 20:53, ИНО

I don't know how it is at the Sorbonne, but we strictly check the compliance of the material with the program. And this is correct, because suddenly I want to ask students to do things that are an order of magnitude more complex than they are supposed to do in their specialty.

Today was finally a clear and quiet day jump.gif  jump.gif  jump.gif
And the whale of course steers, and even macro can umnik.gifbe photographed, But of course yes, it feels like something is missing

Sharpness weep.gifof the Dull whale(C). But for the sake of justice, we must admit that Ponosonika whales differ favorably in quality from most other manufacturers (except, probably, Samsung).

Something kind of sad Pan pofotkal today in such and such weather. One muddy winter mosquito. I took a bunch of different insects today, despite the fact that we only had +1 degree and snow fell again. But these photos are in the right topic, and only snow and dugout will go here. By the way, does Pan Stepovoi have such a fucker? I didn't see it."

This post was edited INO-27.12.2020 20: 57

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27.12.2020 20:59, ИНО

  user posted image
In sho bought


27.12.2020 21:58, alex017

Yes, it's a male sphodromantis eating a cockroach. The female is lighter. They eat by hand.
It remains to buy meldonium to grow faster and larger.

27.12.2020 22:12, ИНО

I once bought an ooteka of some sfodromantis - no one came out.

27.12.2020 22:12, Hierophis

What about Eroduli?
By the way, we still have them in nature like this jump.gif

picture: P2210015.jpg
P2210015.jpg — (126.16к)

28.12.2020 6:06, alex017

And there's only one of them left. He doesn't want to eat out of his hands. It doesn't catch the smallest cockroach. I planted midges.

The Internet is evil in teaching. What will a student find on the Internet? Horoscope, flat earth and porn. Too much spurious information. To learn something, you need to do it yourself. And do not assume that if you have downloaded the literature, then you have learned everything and know it.
A person can't use downloaded knowledge, they only use what they have learned or what they have heard from the teacher. That's the trick. Often, what you hear from the teacher is either not available in the literature, or such literature is not available in the public domain. Knowledge should be given and tested.
Remote learning is a complete collapse of the education system. Apparently, it was not enough to buy diplomas in installments by correspondence.
A manager is a person who primarily sells or buys something, manages someone else's property.
Most of them are financial managers, because they always manage: they specify what to buy, who to sell to, when, how and how much. Then there are various salespeople. Nothing depends on them, because they did not find a single customer, but they are very important at the same time.
And accounting is such a part of the enterprise that nothing depends on it at all, but there are more show-offs than general directors. Accountants are subordinate to financial managers and will not take a step without them, unless an order is made to them in combination.
The accounting department works for the tax service. Their direct task is the correct paperwork, which is mainly done for them by 1c.
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28.12.2020 10:38, Hierophis

The person who sells and buys is a merchant, and the manager of someone else's property is a thief smile.gif

About training - no comments at all)

Good luck raising new praying mantises! Although, it's kind of like the penultimate molt, I could have already bought winged ones smile.gif

28.12.2020 10:44, Hierophis

We had a summer tropical downpour this morning!
Long live TVM jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

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