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Positive temperature anomaly

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsPositive temperature anomaly

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13.12.2020 22:09, alex017

According to the specifics of the work, my wife conducted experiments on rats and took care of them in a vivarium. The rats bit painfully. I think it is clear why without additional details that I will not be able to describe. Hence the possible bias against her rats. I didn't deal with them personally, so I followed her opinion.
I didn't know rats were so tame!
I do not know why in Ukraine they think that everything can be done so easily and quickly in Russia?)
What kind of pond?? Foundation, plastic sleeve, greenhouse-type canopy on top. Yes, I found out the estimated cost: 500ktyr minimum. Temporary options do not roll, because frogs will run away or take a break, or both.
Ask someone to send a fruit fly. They've been sending it for several years. I won't even ask for frogs. Only those whose business it is will do this. With the appropriate price of the question.
Photos of fish and aquarium parts I posted. It's not entirely photographed by my phone, it's too blue.
user posted image
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13.12.2020 22:34, Hierophis

Yeah.. There is such a saying - "a dog can bite, only from the life of a dog", for vivarium rats this is also relevant.
In Ukraine, they generally think that Russia has an excess of goods and resources, a superpower, no matter how umnik.gif
We're going to Mars now, to colonize it!
Well, actually, about the pond, first of all, with the help of a shovel, and ordinary film, and especially given your abundance of groundwater, you can make a great pond, I see this regularly. But this is so, beggarly, and if with a "sleeve", then such a sleeve we have just opposite the store with all sorts of basins hung like an advertisement on a pole, such a blue one, measuring 4 meters on the long side, about a meter deep, and the price like 15,000 UAH was $ 530, by imperial standards so it seems like nothing..
And the gazebo is on top of why, you have so little sun, and frogs love the sun smile.gif

Well, that was half a year ago, but yes, the fish is beautiful, but what has grown is almost invisible) You have all the iPhones there, can't you take a picture of them ?
More modern iPhones and in general smart phones that are already after 2015, they can even take pictures in the dark without a flash.

13.12.2020 23:55, ИНО

14.12.2020 12:38, alex017

A simple Donetsk guy works for us as a locksmith: an apartment and a house in Donetsk.
It's always easier when your hands, money, and time are someone else's.
Here, Hierophis has a private house. Of course there is a swimming pool? Or a pond?
Your life and ours are different in small things only. I can't afford a major swimming pool.
You can't do that without other people's money. Then think for yourself where the funds and time come from, because if you work hard, then there may be funds for hand-made production, but there will be absolutely no time!
I don't have a stream in my garden.
The soil at the depth of the ditch 1m in half an hour begins to crumble, fall inwards, the edges of the ditch crumble until the ditch is buried, well, almost.
You can call the loader, but it can't get to the site, the house is in the way. Even if it passes, it will get bogged down. Loaders agree to dig only at the fence on the street side. That's what I found out when I found out about the well. Moreover, young and not very diggers (and part-time foundation builders) take money in advance. I.e. you buy a plastic insert for 100-150 thousand rubles, people come, dig a hole, you can't build a foundation, you are left with this bandura and a hole in the middle of the site.
By the way, the minimum payment for a tractor driver is 5tyr. This is for no one to know.
For an hour of payment, you will be sent on an erotic walking trip.
Do you have groundwater at what depth? 5 meters or more? So I'd dig up anything myself.
I'll get rich someday (which is unlikely), and then I'll make myself a swimming pool.
As for the gazebo, or rather the greenhouse on the roof: so it's cold here! If you do not build a greenhouse on top, then you can swim there once in not every year.
user posted image
Oifon's photography is too bluish!
And my ASUS takes close normally, close to the glass.
user posted image

14.12.2020 12:56, ИНО

14.12.2020 13:13, ИНО

Gurundovye waters we have everywhere in different ways lie-on watersheds deep, in gullies-at the very surface. Just a few years ago, we dug a tractor with a bucket (what kind of loader? It's for someone else entirely!) several holes up to one and a half meters deep at the bottom of a ravine near the stream - collected chernozem carried away from the fields by water erosion, and within a week they formed quite a reservoir, even carp started up. True, after about five years everything became swampy, and then it dried up altogether along with the stream - apparently the water left the abandoned mine workings. But you don't have any mines.

But one guy coughed up a tractor driver and he poured him a small dam near such a pit and dug a channel to the stream (this is upstream of the drying place) - the pond still stands. It used to have good carp, but recently the owner seems to have shifted from fish farming to geese breeding.

Our soil, of course, is different, it does not crumble so easily, and if it dries up, it generally turns to stone. But I am sure that you, if you approach this matter correctly, can dig up a pond, while the military dig in somehow. At the very least , do not dig it up, but, on the contrary, build it above the ground level, as is done in the pools of urban fountains. Concreting the bottom, laying out the walls of stones reinforced with a special solution - and you're done. It will be cheaper and more beautiful than that blue coffin for the horse.

14.12.2020 14:15, Андреас

Yesterday's "Positive temperature anomaly" gave me a meeting with an unprecedented bird, which was brought by a cyclone. Forest curl, Caucasian subspecies: (Prunella modularis obscura)

14.12.2020 14:26, ИНО

And we have freezing rain. It can only cause injuries.

14.12.2020 20:21, alex017

I'm confused about something. I really did write about the balcony.
You can dig a pond! The price of a competent approach? You need to have half a pound in your pocket. Temperature deformation is a very nasty thing, and the temperature difference can be huge.
If the water comes from a stream, then its losses do not matter, you can also use stones and concrete, and then it doesn't matter that the temperature deformation will break everything and the water will go into the cracks.
Did the stone get cheaper or gravel? Why would that be? We have few abandoned stones lying around.
You can simply make it out of bridge concrete, but with a sleeve it looks nicer, easier and much more durable.
You can put a film in the groove in several layers of bush from work, press it down with bricks, gravel and get a pond, replenish it from a well or river, but I am not happy with this idea, because the roots of planted plants will pierce it.
A tractor? No, a bucket loader, here they call it loaders for some reason.
We have -10. Sunny. So far, so good.

14.12.2020 20:57, ИНО

A competent approach differs from an illiterate one precisely in that it allows you to save a lot of money. For example, I bought a photo camera last year for 3 thousand rubles, and I could have bought the same one for 12-15 (in the same condition, which does not affect anything used). And the new one is even struggling to imagine how much it costs. But of course, it is much easier to buy it - you don't need to look for ads at the flea market every day for several months, but you can go to the store any day. So yes, it's easier for someone to cough up, as you say pollama, and by the evening of the same day get a ready pond. And you can also use a lam-then the pond will magically become overgrown with elements of landscape design that same evening. And it is fashionable to spend a month slowly studying the methods of self-made pond construction, which are 100500 pieces, and then another month for testing and getting what you want conditionally free, in the future there will still be a reason for pride-you made smile.gifwhich of these two ways to choose-it's up to you. The main thing is not to choose the third path, the Oblomov path smile.gif

As for water leaks: judging by your constant complaints about drownings, water will not flow out of those cracks, but rather flow smile.gifin . Here in our conditions, water evaporates with great force in the summer, but how much of it is in that frog micro-pond, a couple of cubes in total? It takes a lot more to water the garden. And with your climate, you'll probably have to take a leak more often. what to top up with. Compositions for fastening stones are different, including special ones for swimming pools designed for temperature changes. And you can generally make a knight's move and glue all the cracks from the inside with silicone glue, it doesn't care about deformations, it's elastic.

There are no rocks in nature? What do you have there, the Amazon Jungle? Well, the mountains are nearby, there should be rocks. Naturally, not in the garden directly, you will have to carry it from somewhere. But you can collect a pile of shale for such a micro-construction site for free, put it in a pile, and then transport it at a time.

A bucket loader is not something, it should not be able to dig, in theory. His job is to load what's already buried. I'm about here is a tractor like this I say that we have them in the city yard for emergency repairs of underground utilities. Not to mention the countryside. It is this technique that we always dig when there is no money for an excavator. And a hole for your microprudic is a tractor driver not even for an hour of work, but for half an hour.

14.12.2020 21:48, alex017

My link doesn't open, but a tractor with a bucket (not an excavator) is called a loader. I'm powerless here, unfortunately. Most likely, this is indicated in the sales documents.
A tractor driver will not even take up work for less than 5 thousand rubles in the summer, and a friend, and not an acquaintance, will want even more. They have a lot of work to do, and they pay well. But, I repeat, to call on the site - 100% refusal!
I'm just talking about a method that saves time and money to dig, concreting once, and not twice. If you do it twice, it will be more expensive. Moreover, the structure is immovable, eternal. You can't mess up here! Kroilovo leads to Popadalov.
All our stones are broken bricks. Sometimes it comes across only, tc all covered up on the road. There are stones, but they are very far away and can be obtained there, because the mound is artificial, although it was made in the 30s of the last century. But even the stone has already been dragged to the garden plots. Only far away in the river remained.
With a pond-pool, everything is difficult and there is no proper work for experienced builders for a day.
By the way, you can swim in my 3 cc barrel)
This would be possible to bury, but it will start to push the ground inside, and push the ground water up, so only concrete, and always with screw piles, so that this concrete product does not float up, which often happens in garage cooperatives with such craftsmen, whose advice you recommend to contact. Eliminate their shoals then other people. And there's a ton of garbage on the Internet. Very few people will write that they screwed up.
How do I know? So the builders for life then told a lot.

14.12.2020 23:09, ИНО

I don't know what you call it there, or why the link doesn't open (it opens perfectly for me), but here's a bucket loader:

user posted image

It is not very easy to dig with it (although your loose self-crumbling soil can and probably takes many trips), for normal people it serves to overload what has already been dug, for example, in a dump truck.

And here is a tractor with a bucket (mounted excavator installation, if in scientific terms) at the back:

user posted image

Here they can just dig pointwise and deeply. And if you call it a loader there, thenweep.gif, of course, I have little idea of your site, maybe there are such mounds and pits that any tractor will turn over, but if not, I can't understand why they refuse to stop by. Moreover, there is no fence yet. Don't you have any tractors plowing your land there? And where a tractor with a plow gets through, there and such will get through without problems. But the bucket loader may not really fit (depending on the model). And money - well, in Russia everyone has big salaries, probably even tractor drivers. However, all the same 5 thousand - not pollyama for a dumb blue coffin. You tell me some terrible things about yourself, it's just paranormal stuff. Do you really have a house with sheds on screw piles too? Carrot ground water does not push out? And by what Archimedes ' law should ground water push out a stone pool filled with water?

15.12.2020 6:39, alex017

Yes, both tractors in the photo are called loaders.
Take our neighborhood. The height of the bulk soil reaches 5-6 m! This is done so that the houses do not go anywhere.
My house, or rather the shed , is just a wooden box standing on the ground. Walks and leans where he wants.
Carrots come out, strawberries stand on their roots like a mangrove forest. I after all high beds not from nefig to do build.
How to plow 5 acres with a tractor? Even then, only a few people plow with tillers, mostly those who usually have nothing growing but weeds.
I don't have any bumps and holes, the tractor will not roll over, but will get stuck. That's why they refuse to go. These people have a very decent income, they don't want to get fucked up for pennies, they don't want to make problems for themselves.
In Russia, tractor drivers often have their own tractors, not salaries.

This post was edited by alex017 - 12/15/2020 06: 39

15.12.2020 16:18, Hierophis

Alex, what do they rub in there for you, what other 5 acres with a tractor and a pond with a bulldozer? There is a shovel for this purpose umnik.gif
But as for swimming, to be honest, I was already surprised, like a pond for frogs is being made) When I wrote about oilcloth ponds, I meant decorative ponds in dachas, where water lilies are grown and other aquatic plants, frogs live in them, and even turtles.
And so that there is also a swim, well, this is already some bourgeois excesses umnik.gif

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15.12.2020 21:17, alex017

Yeah, to do so much capital, so that carp with carp, and water lilies with frogs. At least half a meter of water is necessary. One fig, without a hot water bottle it will freeze. And the neighbors cut down the electricity, and after learning about the pond, about the hot water bottle, they will cut down more often specifically out of spite.
Wow, you've got some weather in December.
We have little snow, and the frost was -20. Everything will freeze out

This post was edited by alex017 - 12/17/2020 13: 57

17.12.2020 14:58, ИНО

Well, Alex, maybe 5 acres, and the neighbor-50, there is already a tractor in demand. Or do they all have 5 acres there? Alex, aren't you afraid that your unfurnished house on these semi-dry dunes will just fall on your head? After all, it seems clear why tractors do not stop by - they are afraid to go underground. It's interesting, what's the point of pouring 5-6 m of soil at all, do you have an artificial island there? For a crop, even half a meter of black soil is enough.

Oh, I would like to see how your men will carry out loading operations with a" loader " from krinka No. 2 lol.gif

Pan Stepovoy, oilcloth is from the word "glue", and what ponds are made of is called "polyethylene film". But Alex probably won't have enough of it with active geomor-phological processes. Moreover, he is already going to breed carp, and this will be much cooler than a chicken coop...

17.12.2020 14:58, ИНО

And we had snow at night, fortunately a little, it does not interfere with walking, unlike ice.

17.12.2020 21:17, alex017

I bought the same small hierodulchiks L1 polko appeared 4 pcs! I put it in 0.5 liters of containers, launched midges there and put wet cotton wool.
I wanted to buy 10 pcs, but there was no more.
In our garden associations, all plots are approximately the same, 5-6 acres, large-when combined, but 9-10 acres. Very rarely plow tillers. Usually a shovel is dug up. Carefully and carefully.
I understand that in Ukraine, the Russian south, plots of 40-50 acres, but this is not the case here.
The house has long been leaning out of my garden, it is about 40 years old. I haven't fallen yet, it saves me from the rain.
We don't have creeping dunes, but swampy swamps.
Our city stands on a swamp, so there is a huge layer of land. So that the river does not drown in the spring.
And for fertility, not half a meter is enough, but 20-25cm, which is what I'm trying to create.
A pond is a dream for the future. Distant. In the near future-put the purchased fence completely and start collecting the irrigation system!
We have warmed up to-7-6, snow fell.

17.12.2020 21:28, Hierophis

18.12.2020 0:29, ИНО

Nonsense! Just larvae of the 1st age, especially at the beginning of it, very poorly take the impaled. But running fruit flies are caught with a bang. Only 0.5 liters of capacity is very much, there the predator and the victim may not meet. You need something the size of a film jar or the smallest gravy boat. And after each molt (or better - before, but this moment is difficult to catch), change to twice as large.

I don't know what's going on in southern Russia and eastern Ukraine, but there are different plots in the Donbas, depending on the wealth and hard work of the owner. If you take the private sector inside the city, then there it is. as a rule, they are tiny, sometimes even 1 - 2 acres, not counting those occupied by buildings (usually this is half of the house, the second half is the neighbor's). There at least dig with a shovel, even with a stick-digger. But in suburban villages outside the city, the plots are much larger, and if funds allow, many invite tractor drivers. Otherwise, you can stupidly die (although this is not excluded when plowing with a tractor, since all other stages of the growing and harvesting process are still done manually). But often grandparents who saw the Second World War are much more resilient in relation to heavy physical labor on the ground than subsequent generations. Up to 90 years old, such areas are cultivated that any young person would have had a stroke long ago. So the tractor is unnecessary.

Alex, well, if you have a swamp, it's great for a frog pond, you just have to dig to the natural surface, and the water will not leak anywhere and freeze.

18.12.2020 4:47, alex017

I bought it from hand to hand.
It is not possible to feed them directly. Where am I going to get that much time? And twice a day.
I planted a lot of midges. Mantises sit on the lid, midges also sit there. They'll probably find each other.
I don't have any small containers. I bought these glasses especially for them.
Water on the site appears from a depth of 1 m.

I had to go home today to watch the praying mantises. They are very good at catching midges. Hand-feeding is not necessary.
But the question remains: how to water them?

This post was edited by alex017 - 18.12.2020 14: 39

18.12.2020 18:21, ИНО

And they don't drink much. Unless in the first day or two after hatching, until they started to feed. You can hang a couple of small drops on the same lid, if they do not drink, then you do not need to repeat it in the future. Make sure that the bellies are hefty, as in my spring photos. If the praying mantis lost weight without molting, then this is bad.

The message was edited INO-12/18/2020 18: 23

19.12.2020 17:26, Hierophis

Here's what the Wonderworking polarizing light Filter does umnik.gif
So turned - there is a reflection, in another way turned - no! Probably some patriarch is now only photographed with such a filter weep.gif
The usefulness of this effect when shooting an OS can be very good jump.gif

And we have a small episode of ZHPZ ahead of us again, just with a maximum for the day of darkness,but then!

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19.12.2020 17:43, ИНО

Here's what the Wonderworking polarizing light Filter does umnik.gif
So turned - there is a reflection, in another way turned - no!

Less than 5 years later pan believed in my correctness lol.gif

21.12.2020 11:00, alex017

I believed...just like in god)
The wind blew out and snow fell, and in the morning it was -25, in the evening -15, and now -10. In the northern mountains, it was -30 at night on Sat and Sun.
Today is the shortest day, as they say. And Saturn and Jupiter will be one star in the sky. They were usually hanging out side by side lately, and then they decided to get on the same line. I wish I could see it through the clouds.

21.12.2020 23:44, ИНО

What a synchronicity - the wind also blew out and snow fell. And also a cold snap-from +1 to -3. But in the evening, through a blizzard, the moon miraculously peeked out. Maybe Jupiter and Saturn got caught in that hole in the clouds later, but to look out for them in this weather, you have to be a complete fanatic of amateur astronomy.

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21.12.2020 23:47, ИНО

In general, I even felt sorry for Pan Stepovoi somehow: in his south, he can probably take a beautiful snowflake once every ten years, not more oftenweep.gif, so in winter there is nothing else to do but "shift the lenses" ...

22.12.2020 7:46, alex017

You don't have to be a fanatic to look at the sky on your way home from work or from the garden.
After all, several planets can be seen without any strain: Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, in the morning before sunrise - Venus (on the way to work it is visible until full dawn. Well, the moon is certainly clearly visible. One day in the fall, I was riding on a bus and saw a huge star on the horizon, I thought the lights of an airplane, and then it turned out that this was Mars.
It is also interesting that other planets fly somewhere and you can even see them just with your eye

22.12.2020 20:45, ИНО

When a blizzard hits you in the face, you should smile.gif

In the morning, the sun shone a little, but then it got dark again. So maybe in the second half of the night through some hole in the clouds and peeped Jupiter Saturn, but go out in the cold to look out for them-please. Although it would certainly be interesting to take a picture of this miracle, Jupiter is always interesting to take pictures of, satellites to count. But on Saturn, to see something, except for a simple point, you already need a telescope.

23.12.2020 14:03, Hierophis

Well, judging by the developing events, I have a feeling that very soon the Russian Federation may ban all these excesses of the West in the form of YouTube, Google, Facebook, or even disable the foreign segment of the Internet, and molbiol is physically located in Germany..
The frenzied printer is already warming up)

This morning it was below 0C, even in the puddles the edges froze! But the darkness thickens before dawn, tomorrow the Euro-Atlantic power will crush all this ZHPZ, and it will be warm again, and even up to +12 they promise jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

23.12.2020 17:28, ИНО

25.12.2020 6:24, alex017

Rather, the West will turn off its Internet segment for us, so that Russian " hackers and spammers "do not spoil it, in order to preserve its"democracy".
We have warmed up, the day before yesterday it rained, today -5. It's slowly getting colder.
One praying mantis shed normally, one turned out to be defective and died, the other two are still thinking. That's not for nothing I wanted 10 pcs, not 4. Only I spent time driving 100 km in vain.

25.12.2020 15:37, ИНО

4 is, of course, not enough for such an age. These are only bird-eating spiders and some types of cockroaches, if you buy small things by the piece, they are almost guaranteed to grow to maturity, other arthropods should be taken with a reserve. And why did you just want to, and not buy it?

As for the problems with molting - do they have twigs for sitting in their containers?

Yesterday was a great sunny day and quite warm, -1 total. Even one female polista got out.

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But in the evening it rapidly cooled to -6, and by midnight - to -10, this afternoon-no higher than -7. So we are colder than in the Cold-Blooded Urals lol.gifFor the first time in my memory, the vaunted bourgeois GFS so much screwed up in the forecast, according to which it should have been about 0 and rain. Instead of rain, there was heavy snow. I went out on the balcony to take a picture of snowflakes, but I was disappointed: despite the frost, the snowflakes arrived broken, melted, and even in general strange ice balls fell (you can't even call it cereal - stupidly instantly frozen raindrops). Apparently, the epic battle of winter and spring was going on at the height, but the battlefield has not yet been left for winter.

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The message was edited INO-12/25/2020 15: 38

25.12.2020 20:26, alex017

Dry twigs do not seem to be rare and do not cost anything, of course they were.
However, a day earlier, before buying, I agreed on 10 pcs. Just before leaving, I am informed that the cat dropped the container, so there are only 4 larvae. At the same time, it was stated that they only hatched and therefore were not fed.
Hence, it is likely that without food, the others took a break.
It is a pity that I went, being already with an incipient exacerbation of bronchitis, I also caught a virus, as a result, I vaguely remember the next days after the trip. How long it will last now will not be clear.
It is possible to buy African praying mantises in pairs with a certain gender. I don't think I can go myself.

25.12.2020 20:42, ИНО

And what will you feed them? Fruit flies won't do. In general, if I were you, I would first understand at least the content of one type of praying mantis (especially since this type is one of the simplest), and therefore, having armed myself with experience, I moved on to all sorts of exotics.

What's the virus? Is it really a crown? In me, all my relatives got sick with it, which is on the Ukrainian side (some are still continuing), but in the DPR, only one doctor among my friends fell ill. So a traffic blockade can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.

By the evening, spring still won, now -1.

26.12.2020 0:01, Hierophis

I'm sorry, get well!
But in general, it is simply incredible to go for mantises for 100 km!!! yes, and some kind of virus, and to put them in separate containers and feed them from the wire - there is no time ..
Do your pharmacies sell coronavirus test strips? Buy, check and check your wife, maybe you have been ill for a long time, no one has canceled other acute respiratory infections, well, winter, or rather, ZHPZ, the time of colds.

We finally have +10 from today, and the rain is quite heavy, and it still seems to be, beauty! And ZHPZ is not yet visible in the near future, let the PO hold until January 20, and then you can go to the Azorsky AD center jump.gif

Happy Christmas to all of you!

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26.12.2020 6:45, alex017

I have cockroaches. The seller says that he feeds cockroaches. And the small stuff is drosophila.
What kind of virus I do not know. I didn't do any tests, and I didn't go to the doctor. I only stayed at home for three days. There are no tests for KV in pharmacies. For a fee, you can do a blood test for 400r antibodies or a 2.5 tr smear. But the question is: what the fuck? Previously, the SARS did not hurt or what? From the immediate environment, several people have already been ill, are getting sick.
Time of colds - thaw, in the cold of colds, or rather viral infections do not develop

26.12.2020 10:59, Hierophis

Well, Alex, as always, is a master of incredible statements smile.gifIf SARS did not develop in the cold, then you there in the RFII could have many people forget about the korovovirus for many months, by the way, to whom as of course, but for me - not quite good news, get ready for the thirtieth, and maybe it will be over -35 soon..

26.12.2020 14:28, ИНО

What are the symptoms?

Test strips for pregnancy coronavirus on free sale - of course, this is a complete PPC, like I found out that I was ill - calm down, so that the doctors don't find out about the uneven hour and isolate you. Although, perhaps, vna is the only way to survive, otherwise they will heal to death in the name of Suprunweep.gif, however, I doubt that these strips have the proper sensitivity and specificity, there are many different coronaviruses. Who is the manufacturer?

26.12.2020 14:32, alex017

So I live here not the first day already.
As soon as thaws appear, flu and SARS epidemics are rampant. In the cold weather, the situation is safe.
We didn't forget about the coronavirus because of the pressure to wear a mask. Well, there is too much dedicated to him on the Internet.
You see, all those pneumonias - they've been there before. Moreover, I remember a year when the local pulmonology department in late May or early June was completely clogged with pneumonia patients, patients were pushed to other departments.
The whole problem now is that people who get sick go to quarantine, there is no one to work as doctors. And if, as before: they were sick, but worked or went on vacation for 1-3 days, lay down and went out, then no one would have noticed coronoysteria.
This is a planetary media show.

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