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Positive temperature anomaly

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsPositive temperature anomaly

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09.02.2021 20:50, alex017

user posted image

Two females. From right to left: sphodromantis and religia. But why are the dimensions the same??

This post was edited by alex017-09.02.2021 20: 53

09.02.2021 21:20, Hierophis

Yes, because it is not religious! The one on the right so generally judging by the back and there is sfodromantis.

Religious, not religious, what's the difference?? Here at the NCAC here just ZHPZOPZHZ is planned from Friday and it is not clear how far!!! Just some kind of ice age! I'm starting to collect ooteks at a rapid pace to protect you from this frozen terrible horror!

picture: P2250153.jpg
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09.02.2021 22:06, alex017

Nice bouquet! Beautiful! And it costs a lot very much.

This morning -36.

This post was edited by alex017 - 10.02.2021 05: 19

10.02.2021 8:56, Tivanik

The coldest night in St. Petersburg this winter
image: ______. PNG

10.02.2021 10:18, Tivanik

It's horrible. For me personally, zero has an overwhelming effect - both on the psyche and on the physical state.

When there is no wind, it is normal. They say that because of high humidity, it subjectively seems colder in our country than in areas with a continental climate at the same temperature.

The post was edited by Tivanik - 10.02.2021 10: 24

10.02.2021 14:16, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

We had snow yesterday,and now it's almost melted.Now we have a warm,+5 on the street.
Here is a photo of the melon filly smile.gif

IMG_3517.JPG — (2.64мб)

10.02.2021 16:04, ИНО

And we were swept up so normally, does not conceal. But, of course, there was no threat to the dul ooteks in Nikolaev, they are quite frost-resistant, otherwise, in principle, this species would not have been able to settle in the DPR. But the introduction to the heat is clearly not good - what good, they hatch ahead of time and what will the pan do with them? Everyone in the toad and lizard terrarium, as usual?

11.02.2021 12:55, ИНО

Then just Nikita, as usual, posts in this topic offtop. It's a good thing it's not a dead body this time.

It warmed up to +6, there was a light rain, most of the snow came off. But then it gets worse - Bandera's cold season is coming from Zapadensk weep.gif

The post was edited INO-11.02.2021 12: 55

11.02.2021 13:02, Hierophis

29 degrees jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif
And +15, was yesterday and should be today jump.gif

And OLA seems like we still will not have, only echoes in the form of-12C on the coldest days.

Alex, are you working really hard, really hard? smile.gif
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11.02.2021 18:25, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

We will have +11 tomorrow jump.gif
I will try to make traps for bronzes in June,and then put them in different places.

11.02.2021 18:43, ИНО

And we will have +20... someday.

11.02.2021 21:51, alex017

We will also have +20 someday, perhaps more than once during the summer.
How to get praying mantises to mate? They run away in different directions, and the female also fights with her paws, pushing me and the male away

11.02.2021 22:47, AVA

We will also have +20 someday, perhaps more than once during the summer.
How to get praying mantises to mate? They run away in different directions, and the female also fights with her paws, pushing me and the male away

What's pushing you away?" Have you tried it too?" lol.gif

11.02.2021 23:23, Hierophis

Br))) First, after the winging of the female and male, you need to feed them at least a week well, and then try, but in general, everywhere they write that it is better two weeks after the winging. This is especially true for the male, everything should mature there. The female ready for mating turns her belly in the evening and at night, sprays pheromones, the male ready for mating himself should come running to the female)

11.02.2021 23:40, Hierophis

ZHPZ overtakes, the temperature from +9 in an hour fell to +7.5! And a thick fog appeared.. Nasuwaredface.gif-

11.02.2021 23:44, ИНО

Of course, Pan Stepovoi is a great expert in the matter of mantis mating, especially about who is obliged to eat whom and where to start weep.gif

But I would advise first of all to make sure that a) it is indeed a different-sex pair and b) that it is a pair of the same species. And then, it seems, the familiar praying mantis Alex noble bag of cats sold smile.gif

The surest sign of a female's readiness for mating is the release of foam from the genital opening, which she smears on the substrate here and there. The main sign of the male's readiness is an indomitable desire to get out of the insectarium. And it should happen like this: first release the female on that cycad or whatever it is and let it settle. Then carefully release the male behind the female, at a distance of ten centimeters. Do not customize! The male should turn his head in the direction of the female, extend his antennae forward, and start feeling the air. What follows depends on the type of praying mantis: in some cases, the male immediately jumps on the female and the process begins. In others, the male waits patiently for the female to catch the prey, and only then begins to act. In this case, it is necessary to provide this sacrifice.

11.02.2021 23:45, ИНО

Nasuvaetsya redface.gif

What is an apt word for zapadensky podrunka lol.gif

12.02.2021 11:47, alex017


But I would advise first of all to make sure that a) it is indeed a different-sex pair and b) that it is a pair of the same species. And then, it seems, the familiar praying mantis Alex noble bag of cats sold smile.gif

In others, the male waits patiently for the female to catch the prey, and only then begins to act. In this case, it is necessary to provide this sacrifice.

A friend sold sfodromantis, this is reliable, and not to understand who I bought from a teenager of some kind.

The female does not take food out of her hands, it is problematic to slip the victim

This post was edited by alex017 - 12.02.2021 11: 48

12.02.2021 18:21, ИНО

Well, of course, she will not take it out of her hands, the hand is a terrible fear for her, so she pushes it away. It is necessary to bring it in tweezers, or as Pan advised here-on a wire (but this is already a bit sadistic).

Oddly enough, today seems to have been the warmest day of February - it was +10 in the afternoon and quiet. The air smelled strongly of spring, and some of the trees were budding. Grass and lily pads began to climb. Sometimes it started to drizzle, so I didn't take my camera with me. And in vain - so many different interesting previously unfotted beetles, and even one camponotus! I caught a field tarantula for food.

The streets are wet, if no snow falls, then tomorrow there will be a flat ice rink.

12.02.2021 19:57, Hierophis

When there is no wind, it is normal. They say that because of high humidity, it subjectively seems colder in our country than in areas with a continental climate at the same temperature.

The temperature below 0C is of course always terrible, but when -9C and the wind is such that everything is rumbling and roaring outside and the house is swaying, then this is us!!!!
The fact that even in the cold at -40, if it's quiet, you can do exercises undressed, you can believe it, but in such a situation you can put on all your clothes and die)

I closed the balcony with a film, it's +2 on the balcony now, +27 in the room, but the wind is such that the film supports are already buzzing, and icicles, or rather icy snot from the film from its squelching fly all the way to the windows! But in general, yes, it's cool, like in a greenhouse, during the day it was -7 outside and +7 on the balcony jump.gif

picture: P2250210.jpg
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12.02.2021 22:54, ИНО

What kind of film? But what about europeisica double-glazed windows? Film, it is still possible to meet in places where the glass was broken by Ukrainian artillery, and even then less and less often. And does Pan have a peaceful and prosperous Europe, or not?

13.02.2021 16:24, Wave Storm

Very little snow fell on us. Very bad. This can't even be considered snow at all. And the frosts will last for a long time.

13.02.2021 17:05, ИНО

But walking in the field will be easy! We had -10 in the morning, now -8. In the first half of the day, the sun shone well, but then the weather turned bad: the sky was overcast and a strong wind blew again. There was also very little snow during the night, and half of it melted in the sun, but the elevation is already quite good.

The message was edited INO-13.02.2021 17: 07

13.02.2021 23:13, alex017

We have -8 and snow
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14.02.2021 0:50, ИНО

It's strange, the TV broadcast today said that in the Urals severe frost confused.gifA-8 is by your standards considered a thaw.

Delicious miracle-my tarantulah is such a b!

We have now -10 and sweeps.

The message was edited INO-02/14/2021 00: 50

14.02.2021 1:46, Hierophis

We have -8 and snow

Accidentally gave out a flower, still -8 for me is a terrible frost, but in your area it's probably even "warm", and it will be even warmer, it's to you as you wrote "our weather" came ) Or rather, the warm sector of our cyclone.
And we had a wind blowing all day so that everything was already staggering, and the temperature outside is -9, on the balcony is still below 0C, ok -3 at night, during the day approx. +3, well, this is not terrible, the wind will subside, it will be warmer, the main thing is not -20.

14.02.2021 9:39, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

We are also cold, -8,but because of the cold wind feels -20 frown.gif

14.02.2021 10:52, Hierophis

Well, why immediately on a shovel? Vo as it should be! smile.gif

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14.02.2021 11:56, ИНО

So you, as well as we, do not have tea in the Moscow region, so you can catch and feed it. But today we have only white "butterflies" flying, mnooogo. Swept thoroughly. In the morning -12.
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15.02.2021 21:27, ИНО

And what is its diameter? If it is large, then it is hail eek.gif

And today we have perfect sunny and calm weather, but frosty-the temperature did not rise above -7. Despite this, most of the snow melted and the frozen ground began to turn into very slippery liquid mud, as a result of which I turned up on a rather gentle slope and got smeared up to my ears. The flies also took in the sun and flew quite cheerfully despite the calendar and thermometer. I noticed a lot of crocus and violet sprouts in the gully. And cyclamen buds appeared in the front garden. I really don't know how all this vegetation will survive the upcoming, probably the strongest frosts this winter, the end and end of which is not visible.

picture: DSC01903_1a.jpg
picture: DSC01893_1a.jpg
picture: DSC01907_1a.jpg

The message was edited INO-02/15/2021 23: 30
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16.02.2021 7:43, ИНО

Then it's snowcake.

16.02.2021 14:20, alex017

-20, frost and sun, after a snowfall everything sparkles white.

user posted image

This post was edited by alex017 - 16.02.2021 15: 35

16.02.2021 19:41, Hierophis

And we have +36 degrees jump.gif
But on the balcony, under the film, and in the sun)
But in general, it was not bad enough on the street, it was clear, even the snow on the asphalt thawed, but as soon as the sun went down lower, so immediately and -10!! ZHPZ redface.gif

Alex, how's your hacienda and greenhouse going?
Are you already so bad with the environment that instead of snow, whiteness (bleach) falls out? smile.gif This is it in and in the stream flows-does not freeze?
How were the praying mantises mating and eating?

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16.02.2021 20:04, ИНО

There was less wind. In other words, terrible. Just awful. All human possibilities and even thoughts are curtailed. There is no comfort and freedom.

And if there was more wind, would your thoughts turn and run? Against the background of the semi-darkness that reigned all winter, the weather this week is simply awesome! So what if it's freezing, it's practically not felt in the sun. And in the room on the sunny side so in general I generally steamed up. And most importantly-after many months of sun deprivation, seratonin is rushing with terrible force! So don't bother whining! jump.gif https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDQzpM4rYEQ

Interestingly, yesterday the phone received a warning from the Ministry of Emergency Situations regarding the upcoming terrible storm with recommendations not to stick out of the house without special need. What are they smoking there?

16.02.2021 20:14, ИНО

Actually, I am a melancholic person by temperament - I have already passed 100500 tests. But in this case, in the weather conditions, there are no reasons for even the slightest sadness.

16.02.2021 21:54, alex017


Alex, how's your hacienda and greenhouse going?
Are you already so bad with the environment that instead of snow, whiteness (bleach) falls out? smile.gif This is it in and in the stream flows-does not freeze?
How were the praying mantises mating and eating?

Usually the Tide drops out of course. No wonder Perm has an sms factory.
The stream cools the CHPP, so it does not freeze.
On the fazenda 0.5 m of snow, there is nothing to do there. There's snow in the greenhouses, too. One greenhouse is so unfinished and is waiting for spring. In another snow will soon melt and you can sometimes go to the garden to do something.
Mantises are all imago. We ate enough. They don't want to mate.
How beautiful it is when there is little or no snow.

16.02.2021 22:06, Hierophis

By the way, we have snow after last night, poured about 10 cm, at noon the snow settled to 6 cm, but still there is a SP. And at the moment -12C
But still it is worth saying that so far nothing terrible has happened in our country and everywhere in Ukraine, the scares have not come true, OLV in fact was not, no -30 and even more -40 was not, and everywhere the temperature is within the normal range for normal cold spells. Even for us, temperatures of up to-15C are generally the "norm" as a fleeting phenomenon until mid-March.
The only thing that is bad is that the snow did not fall immediately and a couple of days-10C were on bare ground, but however this is the norm for us.

And the most interesting thing is that there are all prerequisites for the fact that in February there will also be a positive anomaly of at least +1C jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif

16.02.2021 22:32, Hierophis

What's this?" "it?" [/img]

No, this is different ) I have snowdrops, but what you have, I don't even know, it seems to be a bird's nest.
And about the frost and general ZHPZ-I sympathize, but soon, very soon, a warm Wind of Change will blow from the West!!! jump.gif

16.02.2021 23:51, Hierophis

Brr Did not quite understand, I have Galanthus in the photo, maybe only varietal, because I bought it in the store and in general its flowers are very large and fragrant.
But what kind of plant do you have in the photo?

and so yes, 100% for, +40 is a Force jump.gifAnd we do not have strong humidity at this time, +40 and 15% humidity feel great, although in fact we have +40 real, and not like Nikitasmile.gif, a rarity, usually the temperature rests on the mark of +36 +38 and above does not go, but it lasts for a couple of weeks in a row)

18.02.2021 0:39, ИНО

And that's not a green stripe on the petals, but the same leaf on the petiole. So the snowdrop is 100%. But it's not the most common type.

We haven't had a single cloud during the day, and we haven't had any wind either. But I was busy with the lenses until almost four o'clock in the afternoon, when I came out, there was no insect life left. The temperature is -7 around the clock, but in the sun the snow still melts and the ground freezes. And as soon as the shadow falls, it freezes again in just a few minutes.

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The message was edited INO-02/18/2021 01: 44

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