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Identification of Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants)

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23.08.2011 18:42, Liparus

And some more bees and wasps.
16-20. VIII. 2011
S Ukraine,
Sakskiy district,
17 km W from Eupatoria,
outsk. of Vitino vill.

picture: IMG_0831.JPG
IMG_0831.JPG — (158.16к)

picture: IMG_0816.JPG
IMG_0816.JPG — (160.34к)

picture: IMG_0820.JPG
IMG_0820.JPG — (137.76к)

picture: IMG_0801.JPG
IMG_0801.JPG — (141.11 k)

picture: ______IMG_0806.JPG
______IMG_0806.JPG — (200.42к)

23.08.2011 18:45, Liparus

Most likely, a new type of Sphex for the Crimea and Ukraine.Or the male of the One below in the photo ___________IMG_0806.JPG

This post was edited by Liparus - 23.08.2011 18: 49

picture: ____________IMG_0806.JPG
____________IMG_0806.JPG — (136.62к)

23.08.2011 18:47, Liparus


This post was edited by Liparus - 23.08.2011 18: 49

picture: ____________IMG_0806.JPG
____________IMG_0806.JPG — (136.53к)

24.08.2011 11:57, алекс 2611

And some more bees and wasps.
16-20. VIII. 2011
S Ukraine,
Sakskiy district,
17 km W from Eupatoria,
outsk. of Vitino vill.

IMG_0831.JPG / Anthidium cingulatum Latreille, 1809 ?
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24.08.2011 12:17, алекс 2611

Help identify the bees.
Distr.Uralskaja street.
Shehovcov A. & Shaporinskiy V.

it is clear that in photo 2, the top two bees are Tetralonia sp. but before the view.....
photo 1 I really want to call Anthidium manicatum, but I am tormented by doubts, it is difficult to use photo
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24.08.2011 14:21, Liparus

it is clear that in photo 2, the top two bees are Tetralonia sp. but before the view.....
photo 1 I really want to call Anthidium manicatum, but I am tormented by doubts, it is difficult from the photo

Thank you. What do you think about this Anthidium?
S Ukraine,
Sakskiy distr.,
17 km W from Eupatoria,
outsk. of Vitino vill.(Sea coast)

picture: IMG_0860.JPG
IMG_0860.JPG — (145.37к)

picture: IMG_0849.JPG
IMG_0849.JPG — (137.15к)

24.08.2011 16:45, алекс 2611

Thank you. What do you think about this Anthidium?
S Ukraine,
Sakskiy distr.,
17 km W from Eupatoria,
outsk. of Vitino vill.(Sea coast)

a large one? maybe diadema?
true, my specimen from the Crimea, which I identified as Anthidium diadema, is yellow (especially on the head) by weight

25.08.2011 0:30, Liparus

a large one? maybe diadema?
however, my specimen from the Crimea, which I identified as Anthidium diadema yellow (especially on the head) is smaller

It is small, the male is slightly larger than the female, about 10 mm.

25.08.2011 14:23, алекс 2611

It is small, the male is slightly larger than the female, about 10 mm.

oh, I don't even know.....

25.08.2011 16:13, Liparus

Male 13 mm, female 8 mm.

25.08.2011 18:33, Evgenich

Maybe someone will be interested.
May 2011 China, prov. Yunnan. Mountains, height - about 2000 m. smile.gif

image: ___. JPG
___.JPG — (270.16к)

25.08.2011 19:38, OEV

Maybe someone will be interested.
May 2011 China, prov. Yunnan. Mountains, height - about 2000 m. smile.gif

I wonder what kind of view! Similar to eumenes, but public and nest like paper OS confused.gif

25.08.2011 23:24, Bad Den

Polistiny any)

25.08.2011 23:59, barry

Male 13 mm, female 8 mm.

Arthur, well, you know that Anthidium males are determined by the tip of the abdomen - take a picture as it should... and then I think you'll understand for yourself.
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27.08.2011 13:39, Andrey Ponomarev

Tell me what kind of animal it is.06.06.2011 caught in the swamp with a butterfly generator near the village. Topolinogo M. O., he or she flew to the light.Body length is approximately 22-24mm.
picture: IMG_7835.jpg
picture: IMG_7838.jpg
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27.08.2011 18:14, OEV

[quote=Gennadich,27.08.2011 14: 39]
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30.08.2011 13:51, KingSnake

Help the OS determine. Mordovia, 28.09.2011.

This post was edited by KingSnake - 30.08.2011 13: 52

picture: DSC05698.jpg
DSC05698.jpg — (167.05к)

picture: DSC05717.jpg
DSC05717.jpg — (151.05к)

30.08.2011 14:47, Ilia Ustiantcev

Can this German woman be identified? Fotkana at the end of July in Ilovla.
picture: DSC03207.JPG

30.08.2011 14:59, Mantispid

Can this German woman be identified? Fotkana at the end of July in Ilovla.

Nemka viduata (Pallas, 1773) is similar to
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30.08.2011 16:32, Liparus

It is similar to Nemka viduata (Pallas, 1773).

Nemka viduata
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02.09.2011 12:58, akulich-sibiria

Alexey, look, maybe there will be options for this bee, I still have a couple of types hung, I didn't know that it would be so difficult with them confused.gif
Coelixys male, was caught in the south of the region, on raspberries. Dacha plot. 9-11 mm. I didn't find any similar ones based on the definitions of the Far East and Europe. The platypus is not covered with thick dirty white hairs. They are densely punctured, sometimes forming longitudinal wrinkles. Back in large, frequent points, quite shiny. The hair is light, erect, not thick. Bandages 2-4 solid, only 2 short interrupted, not wide, of the same width. The points of the abdomen are rough, the center of the tergites is weaker. 1st tergite in the hairs, light spots on the sides. There are no teeth on the 5th tergite. ON the 6th tergite, there are sharp teeth on the sides, two more teeth in the middle, and two more shortened and flattened tubercles-teeth above them. On the 6th stubble, there is a notch at the top. On the 4th tergite, the dots are slightly smaller than on the 3rd. On the top, the dots are smaller and very dense. At the top are shagreen ones. The spurs are black.
Perhaps C. mandibularis looks like this.…
picture: DSCN8432_.jpg
picture: DSCN8434_.jpg
picture: DSCN8436_.jpg
picture: DSCN8437_.jpg
The second male shows the same features as the first, but the pubescence of the platypus is much thicker with thick white hairs, which hide the sculpture of the platypus at the top.
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 2_.jpg

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria-02.09.2011 13: 12

02.09.2011 13:57, akulich-sibiria

More suitable for Coelioxys brevis Eversm male. Caught in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Minusinsk, Lysukha, sandy slope. 7-8 mm. On the body there are also scales in addition to hairs. Front basins without a spike. 4th sternite of the abdomen without a notch on the top. Question on the color of thorns on the 6th tergite, in general they look black. Flagellum of antennae from the second member. brown from the bottom. The mandibles are brown in the middle. The front of the face is covered with rather thick white hairs. Scales at the lower edge of the eyes with a shiny platform, in front of which is an elevation, in the form of a small clear ridge. On the 6th tergite of white scales at the base there are two white spots, interrupted in the middle.
8 thorns on the 6th tergite, and two on each side on the 5th tergite.
Bandages of white scales on tergites in one row, but sometimes small scales are wedged there, I do not form a complete second row. Maybe it's ruficaudata…
picture: DSCN8444_.jpg
picture: DSCN8446_.jpg
picture: DSCN8447_.jpg
picture: DSCN8449_.jpg
picture: DSCN8451_.jpg
picture: DSCN8453_.jpg

02.09.2011 18:58, Sancho

Can you tell me what these parasitic membranes are? The photos were taken in September, in the mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau, at 3100 m.

на нижньому фото наїзник підродини Pimplinae

02.09.2011 19:03, Sancho

Masyanya ! Looks like it ?(True, this is the "back of the head" and not the "face" smile.gif
The beginning of the seasonsmile.gif is the First rider. Help me determine it.

це рід Ophion , вид визначити по цих фото практично неможливо

02.09.2011 19:08, Sancho

Well, after that. Is it a braconid or an ichneumonid?


02.09.2011 19:13, Sancho

Please tell me what these ichneumonids
are (2 species were caught in the Novosibirsk region, in the birch kolka in 2011).
first view
picture: Vid_1_1.jpgpicture: vid_1_2.jpgpicture: vid_1_3.jpgpicture: Vid_1_4.jpg[attachm
entid ()=118807]picture: vid_1_6.jpgpicture: vid_1_7.jpgpicture: vid_1_8.jpg[attachmentid()=
118811]picture: Vid_1_10.jpgpicture: vid_1_11.jpg
second view
picture: vid_2_1.jpgpicture: vid_2_2.jpgpicture: vid_2_3.jpgpicture: vid_2_4_male.jpg[attachm
entid()=118818]picture: vid_2_6.jpgpicture: vid_2_7.jpgpicture: vid_2_8.jpg[attachmentid()=

перший вид - із підродини Campopleginae ,більш точно визначити важко

This post was edited by Sancho - 05.09.2011 23: 32

02.09.2011 19:20, Sancho

If I'm not really bothering you, I'll post a little more....: - [
yesterday in the square of Almaty.
1. user posted image
user posted image
2. Steppe scolia hirta???
user posted image
3. ?
user posted image
4. The bed of a mountain river. early June
user posted image
5. The bed of a mountain river, June
user posted image
6. Almaty, May
user posted image

фото 4 - вид із підродини Ctenopelmatinae
фото 5 - Anomaloninae
фото 6 - мабуть Diplazon laetatorius
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02.09.2011 19:25, Sancho

I understand that the question is "nakakoy" (and that "it is impossible from the photo")... But, nevertheless (and suddenly?): what kind of riders?
Novosibirsk, 4-8. 06. 2011, on eli. One (xx1) is about 2 cm (without ovipositor), the other (xx6) is about 2.5 cm (without ovipositor).

фото 1 - скоріш за все Dolichomitus sp.
фото 2 - Xorides sp. або принаймні щось із Xoridinae
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02.09.2011 19:28, Sancho

Again I hope for "what if?"...
I believe that this is a" couple " (meaning: male and female) from Dolichomitus...
N-sk, 4-8. 06. 2011, on the fir tree. Male - approx. 3.5 cm, female-approx. 3 cm (ovipositor-approx. 6.5 cm).

male-Megarhyssa sp.
female-Megarhyssa rixator Schellenberg
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02.09.2011 19:42, Sancho

I don't know what kind of species it is, but I caught exactly the same rider in the spring of 2007,
and they also wintered under the bark in large numbers.

це комаха із підродини Ichneumoninae. детальніше сказати неможливо, хороших спеціалістів в Європі наразі небагато. Іхневмоніди дуже складна для визначення група,тому спеціалістом можна бути лишше дуже вузькоспеціалізованим, тобто визначати лише комах однієї якоїсь підродини,тоді можна добитись успіху

02.09.2011 19:47, Sancho

It looks like Ichneumoninae from the mirror, but it's better to identify all the signs.

this is definitely not Ichneumoninae

02.09.2011 19:50, Sancho

[quote=Mantispid,17.03.2011 20:52]

02.09.2011 19:53, Sancho


Like Ichneumoninae?

farther....maybe someone will tell you...

це дійсно Ichneumoninae,але фото поганої якості,тому навіть трибу тут визначити на жаль неможливо

02.09.2011 19:59, Sancho

Please help me identify this beast here:

MO, Zheleznodorozhny

Megarhyssa perlata Christ
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02.09.2011 20:01, Sancho

Can you tell me who it is?
Filmed in Udmurtia, October 10. The specimen was already half-dead from the coldsmile.gif, a very common species in our country, but on macroid.ru I couldn't find it.



підродина Cryptinae, детальніше не зможе сказати ніхто

02.09.2011 20:02, Sancho

Please tell me the view. Mordovia, 10.10.2010


скоріш за все Ichneumoninae

02.09.2011 20:05, Sancho

I see our hymenopterologists have become animated smile.gif
It's a sin not to take advantage of the moment, here are my May training camps from the village of Lugovskoye, Rovno district, Saratov region.
Harvesting methods: mostly mowing from a blooming apple tree, and riding into the light.
It may be possible to identify something, and it is also interesting in general how interesting these fees can be confused.gif

наїзники - справа і внизу самці Netelia sp. їх визначають по будові геніталій,тому визначити по фото неможливо

This post was edited by Sancho - 02.09.2011 23: 52

02.09.2011 20:12, Sancho

Thanks! In principle, everything is clear here, you can't determine the wrong riders from the photos, and even more so Andren)
Nomads are definitely there, they somehow immediately stand out. It would be interesting to know what kind of view. Well, the flies, it's just by chance got mixed up)

upd: here are more hymenoptera - 5-6-pos. Lesnoy, 7-8-Burkin Buyorak settlement

фото 1 - знизу наїзник підродини Pimplinae, можливо рід Itoplectis
фото 2 зліва - два наїзника роду Tromatobia ,справа -Pimpla rufipes ,внизу - самець Netelia sp.

02.09.2011 20:15, Sancho

Tell me who these animals are... shuffle.gif
You are welcome...

right - female Megarhyssa rixator Schellenberg

02.09.2011 20:18, Sancho

Hello there. I still have these 4 undefined emails with CMS ... - help with the calls, please (I don't need it for idle curiosity). Sincerely, Andreas.

фото 2 - визначити неможливо, фото 3 -підродина Anomaloninae, вид визначити неможливо

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