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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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04.04.2009 13:35, Fornax13

1583-Colymbetes like. Take a look at the sculpture of the ndkr.-It should have a sharp cross-wavy shape.
1584-Aphodius most likely distinctus
1586-Maladera holosericea
1587-Harpalus IMHO or H. affinis, or H. distinguendus. You can't see it that way.
1588-so it seems to me that P. niger
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04.04.2009 14:47, Fornax13

To akulich-sibiria:
the first 3 BCS are not even doubtful. 4-I-with a rather interesting coloring... But in this species, it can be almost any, so...
And Coccinella should be looked at from below. From above, yes, it looks similar.
I will tactfully keep silent about the nutcracker... rolleyes.gif
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04.04.2009 15:41, Victor Titov

hello, tell me this is not Selatosomus rugosus by accident??
picture: P9210054_.jpg

Selatosomus gloriosus (Kishii, 1955)=Selatosomus confluens rugosus (Germar, 1836)

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 04.04.2009 15: 46
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04.04.2009 15:54, Victor Titov

guys! Can you tell me who they are?
1583-some kind of Dytiscidae? approx. 20 mm., Kiev, on the road.

1583.jpg " definitely Colymbetes, and I think C. paykulli, male.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 04.04.2009 15: 56
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04.04.2009 17:20, Fornax13

Tell me, please with chernotelkami from Z. Of Kazakhstan shuffle.gif

1-Lasiostola like, maybe even pubescens.
2 - I don't even know. Pachyscelis can...
3 - Adesmia ? karelini
4 - ? Zophosis
5 - ? Anatolica

This post was edited by Fornax13-04.04.2009 17: 27

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04.04.2009 17:39, Fornax13

And a few more... rolleyes.gif

6 - ?
7 - again Roofing like
8-tsilindronotin some nice
9 -???
10 - Cyphogenia ? aurita

I apologize in advance for the quality of the images.

This post was edited by Fornax13-04.04.2009 17: 47

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04.04.2009 21:18, smax

Tell me, please with chernotelkami from Z. Of Kazakhstan shuffle.gif

1-Lasiostola like, maybe even pubescens.
2 - I don't even know. Pachyscelis can...
3 - Adesmia ? karelini
4 - ? Zophosis
5 - ? Anatolica

is 2-similar to Thriptera (for W) somehow... non-banal)
5-size, apparently, about 15. Anatolica... I have indeterminate ones from Mangyshlak, very similar.
6-Gnathosia, MB hybridiformis
7-Colposcelis (there are not many of them)
8 - if the Gunarus tantillus variant doesn't work, then I'll keep quiet
9-I've never encountered anything worthwhile
10-in my opinion, yes
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04.04.2009 21:26, sapalex

Harpalus distinguendus I think.
And a swimmer like Dytiscus, a subgenus of Macrodytes, you look at the" green", there are key signs at the bottom to look at. Its sides are yellow or does it shine like that?

no, it's flashing.

04.04.2009 21:41, Fornax13

Thank you very much!
2 - very fine, approximately 9 millimeters.
5 - smaller, somewhere 12 maximum. Just from those places, by the way.
8-definitely not gunarus, but besides-9 millimeters too. Something quite good, I think...
9 - yes, a funny little animal. Most likely, he also flew to the light...

04.04.2009 22:18, guest: smax

Thank you very much!
2 - very fine, approximately 9 millimeters.
5 - smaller, somewhere 12 maximum. Just from those places, by the way.
8-definitely not gunarus, but besides-9 millimeters too. Something quite good, I think...
9 - yes, a funny little animal. Most likely, he also flew to the light...

2 - then the working hypothesis is Lasiostola of the heterogena F.-W. type.
You know, it's a bit of a thankless task to determine what you don't see every day from the pictures. There are enough stupid things as smile.gifit is
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05.04.2009 0:06, dimocritus

all Kiev

there are a lot of them everywhere, they are slow. 7-8 mm
user posted image
user posted image
mm 5:
user posted image
slightly different angle - http://dimocritus.smugmug.com/photos/505253757_Rw9kn-XL.jpg
5 millimeters, flying:
user posted image
10-12 millimeters. maybe Nebria?
user posted image

This post was edited by dimocritus-04/05/2009 00: 13
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05.04.2009 0:25, Fornax13

Then dimocritus:
darkling-Opatrum sabulosum
dung beetle-Aphodius prodromus most likely
like nebria really ... N. brevicollis maybe you have?
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05.04.2009 7:08, Mylabris

To Fornax13: in order of placing photos
1. Lasiostola pubescens
2. take a photo from the side, bottom, back leg+legs.
3. Adesmia karelini
4. Zophosis punctata Brulle.
5. Anatolica sp.
6. Gnathosia shrenki Gebl.
7. Dailognatha nasuta Men.
8. Zophohelops sp.
9. Sphenaria ?elongata - take a picture of the top of the head so that the trim is visible.
10. Сyphogenia limbata F.-W.

This post was edited by Mylabris - 04/05/2009 08: 09
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05.04.2009 11:32, dimocritus

Then dimocritus:
darkling-Opatrum sabulosum
dung beetle-Aphodius prodromus most likely
like nebria really ... N. brevicollis maybe you have?

you and the cow? maybe it's just adalia bipunctata
though, here it is (http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/coleoptera/rus/adabipbo.htm), for example, another drawing chutok

05.04.2009 13:09, Fornax13

you and the cow? maybe it's just adalia bipunctata
though, here it is (http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/coleoptera/rus/adabipbo.htm), for example, another drawing is a little bit

Yes, I also for some reason immediately thought of her. And her drawing is very changeable.
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05.04.2009 15:18, Fornax13

To Fornax13: in the order of placing photos
2. take a photo from the side, bottom, butt shin+legs.
9. Sphenaria ?elongata - take a picture of the top of the head so that the trim is visible.

Thank you very much!
Alas, my soap dish side angle does not pull in any way. Please tell me what to look at there.
The first 2 pictures: what happened to Pimeliinka's legs.
3rd - head of sphenaria. I hope you can see what you need.

This post was edited by Fornax13-05.04.2009 15: 20

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05.04.2009 16:09, Mylabris

To Fornax13
Colposphaena brevicollis Sols is still a beetle with a platypus-it was the platypus that dispelled all doubts.
And in pimelinka, please look at the following signs:
1. The cross-section of the middle and rear legs is oval or 3-x or 4-x angular?
2. Is the pgr in front of the anterior basins wider than the process of the pgr in front of the basins?
3. Are the epipleures of the ndcr separated from the disk by a row of grains?
4. Is the platypus deeply or slightly arched?
5. Sternites of the abdomen in dense gray felty pubescence?
So far, I'm leaning towards the genus Pachyscelis.
And if you don't mind - write localities of finds shuffle.gif

This post was edited by Mylabris-04/05/2009 16: 10
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05.04.2009 17:20, Fornax13

Thank you, Sergey! smile.gif Look at the PM, localities sent.

05.04.2009 19:50, sapalex

Guys, I picked up beetles in a rotten pine trunk. IMG_1613-found it on the road. Kiev region,Pirnovo village. Thanks!!! Sorry for the photo shuffle.gif
1609 - 10mm.
. 1613-12mm.

This post was edited by sapalex - 05.04.2009 19: 52

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05.04.2009 20:13, Fornax13

1-Nalassus-type blackfin
2-Uloma culinaris or U. rufa. Also a darkling.
3-very good bug-Bothrideres contractus (= B. bipunctatus, I don't know what it should be called now)
4 - I don't understand something, isn't it a water lover?
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05.04.2009 20:17, sapalex

I also thought at first of some water lover, but definitely not one of them. I'll try to make a better picture.

05.04.2009 20:46, Алексей Сажнев

And why not a water lover, feelers like long

05.04.2009 21:18, sapalex

Guys, here are some better photos. Well, he doesn't look like a water lover either.

picture: IMG_1614.jpg
IMG_1614.jpg — (126.05к)

picture: IMG_1618.jpg
IMG_1618.jpg — (121.84к)

05.04.2009 21:29, Fornax13

Limnoxenus niger? Doesn't look like it?

05.04.2009 21:56, sapalex

My mustache shape is slightly different.

05.04.2009 22:04, Fornax13

DC it's probably the feelers sticking out.

05.04.2009 23:09, sapalex

I repent, Fornax13. these are really tentacles! Izhuk is very similar to Limnoxenus niger. Sorry!!!

05.04.2009 23:21, Fornax13

I repent, Fornax13. these are really tentacles! Izhuk is very similar to Limnoxenus niger. Sorry!!!

Well, that's why they are "Palpicornia"... smile.gif
Measure it carefully, or it might be something simple, and I call him Limnoxen.
Hydrochara caraboides for example how do you like it?

This post was edited by Fornax13-05.04.2009 23: 34
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06.04.2009 1:33, Fornax13

To Mylabris:
I took some photos on this pimeliinka. Maybe this will clarify the situation...
Thank you in advance!

picture: P4061664.JPG
P4061664.JPG — (126.81к)

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P4061663.JPG — (154.88к)

06.04.2009 5:50, Mylabris

Dear Fornax13: Your animal is Lasiostola heterogena F.-W. This is one of the smallest lyaziostol - 8,5-12 mm. For comparison, I took one copy from my collection (Turkmenistan, 85 km north of Kushka).

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (149.27к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (152.04 k)

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (120.14 k)

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06.04.2009 10:50, Buzman

To Mylabris: Sergey, you are now in great demand! smile.gif Here's the next couple. I will be very grateful to you!
Photo 3. Lasiostola sp.? Uzbekistan, Beshkent valley, Chimchor. Length 17 mm.
Photo 4. Uzbekistan, Beshkent valley, Chimchor. Length 20 mm.

picture: Photo_3_Lasiostola_A.jpg
Photo_3_Lasiostola_A.jpg — (124.55к)

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Photo_3_Lasiostola_B.jpg — (128.68к)

picture: Photo_3_Lasiostola_C.jpg
Photo_3_Lasiostola_C.jpg — (119.9к)

picture: Photo_3_Lasiostola_D.jpg
Photo_3_Lasiostola_D.jpg — (106.13к)

picture: Photo_3_Lasiostola_E.jpg
Photo_3_Lasiostola_E.jpg — (16.82к)

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Photo_4_A.jpg — (150.54 k)

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Photo_4_B.jpg — (125.57к)

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Photo_4_D.jpg — (21.34к)

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Photo_4_E.jpg — (14.24 k)

06.04.2009 12:48, stierlyz

To Barry is a species of the genus Ampedus. I'll probably write more details later, but this is unlikely (right now it's not winter anymore!), take a look at koleopterologie. de
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06.04.2009 14:20, Ilia Ustiantcev

Help identify the elephant and some other beetle. Belgorod, April.
picture: DSC01174.JPG
picture: DSC01216.JPG

06.04.2009 14:23, Bad Den

another beetle smile.gif- Dermestes lardarius
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06.04.2009 15:10, Fornax13

Elephant-Anthonomus? pomorum
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06.04.2009 15:38, barry

To Barry is a species of the genus Ampedus. I'll probably write more details later, but this is unlikely (right now it's not winter anymore!), take a look at koleopterologie.de
Thanks! Yes, probably from the photos they can not be determined, we need to look at some keys there. Do you have them in the green? Liparus can get into society with them somehow...

06.04.2009 16:13, PG18

Tell me, please with chernotelkami from Z. Of Kazakhstan shuffle.gif

I have something specific that looks like:
1. I agree.
2. Lasiostola heterogena
7. Colposcelis ?longicollis
10. Gyphogenia, but rather gibba (about 20 mm; aurita-more than 25 mm), or something else. The rear corners of the psp. are too painfully drawn...
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06.04.2009 16:49, Vitnaz

Mollis? eek.gif

Also very similar to Phyllobius pomaceus (=urticae) ♀ shuffle.gif
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06.04.2009 16:55, Vitnaz

Help me determine it. One of the weevils ?
Astrakhan region, April 2.
The beetle is small 4-5mm.

Yes, Sitona, it is difficult to say up to the species, resembles cylindricollis.
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06.04.2009 17:54, Mylabris

I have something specific that looks like:
1. I agree.
2. Lasiostola heterogena
7. Colposcelis ?longicollis
10. Gyphogenia, but rather gibba (about 20 mm; aurita-more than 25 mm), or something else. The rear corners of the psp. are too painfully drawn...

Dear PG18 - for comparison, I post photos of both types - it is clearly noticeable how different the side flattened edges of the psp are.

picture: P5060019.JPG
P5060019.JPG — (131.28к)

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