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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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20.04.2009 14:11, RippeR

arietis can be, but aritoides certainly does not)
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20.04.2009 14:39, Алексей Сажнев

I agree))

20.04.2009 16:28, AlexEvs

to Stavropolec: if I correctly see the color of the antennae in 7-8, then it is most likely Amara aenea or familiaris.
For 9 and 10, take a picture of the antennae so that the color of the segments is visible.
Otherwise, I support Fornax.
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20.04.2009 20:09, Андреас

20. Anastrangalia sanguinolenta, although possibly Lepturalia nigripes

"By the way, on the account of Anastrangalia sanguinolenta.".. - Here's a picture: "Might be useful?" -= Looks more like REYI to me...?

picture: Anastrangalia.jpg
Anastrangalia.jpg — (49.43к)

picture: post_32258_1240074272.jpg
post_32258_1240074272.jpg — (141.42к)

20.04.2009 20:20, RippeR

I'm not sure if this is anastrangalia at all, but it doesn't occur to Cheto.. does not cook ))

20.04.2009 20:26, Андреас

- Thank you all very much for your help in identifying the photos...
- I still have the last of these..
- Take revenge for repetitions.
- And please specify the file number!
"Sincerely, Andreas."

picture: _2_.jpg
_2_.jpg — (143.39 k)

picture: _3_.JPG
_3_.JPG — (142.01 k)

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_4_.JPG — (143.64 k)

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_5_.JPG — (136.61 k)

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_6_.JPG — (139.59 k)

picture: _7_.JPG
_7_.JPG — (136.46 k)

picture: _8_.JPG
_8_.JPG — (143.14 k)

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_9_.JPG — (137.42к)

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_22_.JPG — (134.51 k)

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_23_.JPG — (151.06к)

picture: _24_.JPG
_24_.JPG — (137.09 k)

picture: _26_.JPG
_26_.JPG — (131.56к)

picture: _27_.JPG
_27_.JPG — (131.79к)

picture: _28_.JPG
_28_.JPG — (135.3к)

20.04.2009 20:39, RippeR

the last beetle is cool! I can't even identify the families.)

20.04.2009 21:00, Bad Den

the last beetle is cool! I can't even identify the family. )

Some darkling

20.04.2009 21:01, Андреас

the last beetle is cool! I can't even identify the family. )

- Yes chernotelka naturally! - Fornax has already defined it for me , but all my info is gone!!! frown.gif
- By the way, I saw it exactly one year ago only once in my life on Mount Beshtau during the wild almond blossom (right now it's a little late with the weather).

20.04.2009 21:18, Алексей Сажнев

2. Subcoccinella vigintiquatuordecimpunctata (Linnaeus, 1758)
3. Calvia (Anisocalvia) quatuordecimguttata (Linnaeus, 1758)
4. Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata (Linnaeus, 1758)
5. Anthrenus possibly picturatus Solsky, 1876
6. Cantharis sp. rufa Linnaeus, 1758
7. similar to Clanoptilus (s.str.) affinis (Menetries, 1832)
8. Lytta vesicatoria (L., 1758)
9. Omophlus sp.
22. Cassida sp.
23. maybe Podonta daghestanica Reitter, 1885
24. Cicindela (Cicindela) campestris Linné, 1758 you seem to have a subspecies pontica Fischer von Waldheim, 1825
26. Opatrum sabulosum
27. Blaps sp.
28. darkling))

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 04/20/2009 22: 37
Likes: 1

20.04.2009 21:26, Алексей Сажнев

I'm not sure if this is anastrangalia at all, but it doesn't occur to Cheto.. does not cook ))

as an example still Stictoleptura possible

20.04.2009 21:29, Алексей Сажнев

Blackie isn't Nalassus the case?

20.04.2009 21:40, Fornax13

2 - Subcoccinella vigintiquatuordecimpunctata
3 - Calvia quatuordecimguttata кажись
4 - Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
5 - Anthrenus ?picturatus
6 - Cantharis ?livida
7 - ? Clanoptilus sp.
8 - Lytta vesicatoria
9 - Omophlus sp. ? like proteus
22-Cassida sp., which is clear enough without me...
23 - ? Podonta daghestanica
24 - Cicindela campestris
26 - Opatrum sabulosum
27 - Blaps sp.
28 - Oodescelis ?melas

This post was edited by Fornax13-04/20/2009 21: 43
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20.04.2009 23:36, Egorus

Photo 1. - Fornax13, help me out, I picked them up in thistle,
and Liparus, in fishing reports, species definitions (??? ...120shtuk...???)- requires it.
Photo 2 . - Isn't this Dixus cremita?
Photo 3. - whether it is possible to determine who it is.
Photo 4. - ... And this is the first time I've seen one.

picture: 1_IMG_8472_ik.jpg

picture: 2_IMG_8481_i_ikk.jpg

picture: 3_IMG_8485_ik.jpg

picture: 4_IMG_8262_ik.jpg

20.04.2009 23:42, Bad Den

Photo 3 like Acinopus
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20.04.2009 23:48, Fornax13

1-Lixus (Lixochelus) elongatus if small
2-to be honest, I don't really understand them. Quite possibly.
3 - if desired, you can all smile.gifAcinopus some
4-Probaticus subrugosus
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20.04.2009 23:54, Egorus

Such Lixus-s come across and more, and less, and small at all.
This particular one is 13x3 mm.(on the limb of the microscope)

20.04.2009 23:57, Fornax13

Such Lixus-s come across and more, and less, and small at all.
This particular one is 13x3 mm.(according to the limb of the microscope)

13 with or without a nose? smile.gif

21.04.2009 0:20, Egorus

And these "dorkash" can be identified?
(small 13 and 15mm.)

picture: 5_IMG_8463_ik.jpg

picture: 6_IMG_8465_ik.jpg

P.S. "with a nose"

This post was edited by Egorus-21.04.2009 00: 21

21.04.2009 0:26, Fornax13

Elephants "without a nose" should be measured. In general, it is easier to see the dotted line of the prsp. - if in points-exactly elongatus. At cardui prsp. in obvious grains (Liparus had a zachotny cardui somewhere in the photo)
Dorkash I do not know, let the specialists look rolleyes.gif
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21.04.2009 0:51, Egorus

In points. The photo is disgusting, but you can clearly see through the eyepiece.

picture: 7_IMG_8490_ik.jpg

21.04.2009 1:10, Fornax13

So, as I saidsmile.gif, the more common species really lives on Carduus (sometimes on Cirsium), cardui (at least here) on Onopordon.
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21.04.2009 1:25, Egorus

Yes, I did not need a rare Lixus, but after this educational program,
I just looked at others, and found cardui in the fees.
Thank you all, especially Fornax13 ( cool.gif).

21.04.2009 1:38, Fornax13

You're welcome. Always welcome smile.gif

21.04.2009 1:45, Aaata

Elephants "without a nose" should be measured. In general, it is easier to see the dotted line of the prsp. - if in points-exactly elongatus. At cardui prsp. in obvious grains (Liparus had a zachotny cardui somewhere in the photo)
Dorkash I do not know, let the experts look rolleyes.gif

And what is the reason for this measurement feature?

21.04.2009 2:21, Fornax13

And what is the reason for this measurement feature?

With sexual dimorphism, I think. In female elephants, the head tube is usually longer than in males (sometimes much longer: think of some Curculio like nucum).
And in general, it is necessary to measure different beetles in different ways. Karapuzikov, for example-without a head and pygidia.

This post was edited by Fornax13-21.04.2009 02: 26
Likes: 2

21.04.2009 9:31, mergus

Please help me determine what kind of horses? South-east of the Saratov region April

picture: ____________________134_1_.jpg
____________________134_1_.jpg — (147.53 k)

picture: ____________________057_1_.jpg
____________________057_1_.jpg — (134.67 k)

21.04.2009 9:39, Bad Den

Please help me determine what kind of horses? South-east of the Saratov region April

campestris вроде

21.04.2009 11:20, RippeR

and where exactly are the beetles caught?
the first one reminds me most of scopoli, but I'm not so sure (
and the second one resembles a female cinerarium, I'm almost sure about her )

camestris beetles, of course.. But I've never seen a red campestris before, great! smile.gif
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21.04.2009 11:33, barry

Help me determine...
Kharkiv region, April.
It seems that everything is collected if anything...

picture: CRW_4792.jpg

picture: CRW_4796.jpg

picture: CRW_5095.jpg

picture: CRW_5103.jpg

picture: CRW_5213.jpg

picture: CRW_5232.jpg

picture: CRW_5415.jpg

picture: CRW_5457.jpg

picture: CRW_5458.jpg

21.04.2009 11:39, Bad Den

1 - Notiophilus sp.
7 - Dischirius sp.
4 - Melanimon tibialis вроде
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21.04.2009 13:03, Fornax13

1-if with light spots on the top of the ndkr., then N. biguttatus
2-Cytilus sericeus
3-Dorcadion carinatum
4-Denis has already named
5-Dermestes I think laniarius
6-Byrrhus type fasciatus, but it is necessary to look
7-Dyschirius, also need to look, reminds me of D. arenosus
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21.04.2009 13:24, barry

1-if with light spots on the top of the ndkr., then N. biguttatus
2-Cytilus sericeus
3-Dorcadion carinatum
4-Denis has already named
5-Dermestes I think laniarius
6-Byrrhus type fasciatus, but it is necessary to look
7-Dyschirius, also need to look, reminds me of D. arenosus

Let's see... Where to look? smile.gif

21.04.2009 14:06, Alexandr Rusinov

No, this is not a biguttatus, the 2nd gap is too narrow. This is something like aquatica-palustris...

21.04.2009 15:07, mergus

21.04.2009 15:09, Vabrus

And I had red campestris ^_^

21.04.2009 15:11, Fornax13

No, this is not a biguttatus, the 2nd gap is too narrow. This is something like aquatica-palustris...

My feet are too light for aquatics. Palustris - as an option, too, but this one is not so brilliant in my opinion. In general, it is necessary to drive by keys: it is quite possible to dry-loving germinyi.

21.04.2009 19:08, Aaata

With sexual dimorphism, I think. In female elephants, the head tube is usually longer than in males (sometimes much longer: think of some Curculio like nucum).
And in general, it is necessary to measure different beetles in different ways. Karapuzikov, for example-without a head and pygidia.

What about the rogachs, then? They have much more of this dimorphism. Males are usually measured with mandibles. And karapuzikov that for what "deprived" of the most important thing smile.gif

This post was edited by Aaata - 04/21/2009 19: 10

21.04.2009 20:48, Liparus

I also never saw it so raised doubts about the definition.And it seems that they have red females.

Campestis is about 16 subspecies,there are also violet-blue ones,and if the red one was photographed in Kharkiv, then this is an aberation

or maybe it's not campestis

21.04.2009 21:44, Vabrus

te campestRis beetles. Vertu glagolyu, rsasmile.gif

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