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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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17.06.2009 21:59, RippeR

It seems that there is no incerta in Kazakhstan, there is a violacea, and some talassica eats, I don't know what it looks like.. (

17.06.2009 22:10, Sungaya

tell me the Latin names of beetles.
All-Serebryano-Prudsky district, May 30

picture: S8001995.jpg
S8001995.jpg — (142.61к)

picture: S8002019.jpg
S8002019.jpg — (148.52к)

picture: S8002022.jpg
S8002022.jpg — (48.9к)

17.06.2009 22:21, Алексей Сажнев

similar to Dorcadion holosericeum Kryn., 1832
Plagionotus arcuatus
and Meloe sp.
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17.06.2009 22:28, Алексей Сажнев

it looks like incerta in Kazakhstan is not, violacea is, and eats some talassica, what it looks like I don't know.. (

something in between violacea and intermedia smile.gifIt was originally described as a subspecies of violacea - but talassica is common in Southern Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and it is unlikely to be in the photo.

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 17.06.2009 22: 40
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18.06.2009 1:21, Fornax13

2 Stavropolec:
1, 3-Oxypselaphus obscurus
2-Bembidion cute some.
4 - Stenolophus ?mixtus
5-Agonum like lugens, but what of the agonums in Stavropol lives - alas, I do not know.
8-Harpalus like rufipes
11-Stenolophus. I would venture to assume that S. discophorus
12-Ophonus of the azureus type
13-Calathus of the ambiguus type
14 - ? Harpalus griseus
15-reminds me of Harpalus calceatus
16 - Pterostichus oblongopunctatus or something....
17-IMHO too nosy for planirostris. Salpingus caucasicus will turn out to be something else...
18 - Asaphidion ?flavipes (there is also a similar austriacum, which is indicated for the Caucasus)

P.S. I apologize if I repeated myself.

This post was edited by Fornax13-18.06.2009 01: 21
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18.06.2009 1:24, Fornax13

Please help me decide on two ground beetles. The coast of the Caspian Sea near the city of Aktau, April 22 of this year.

1-Cymindis (Mastus) ?rufipes
2-from what I've seen, very similar to Harpalus pulvinatus. (It doesn't seem to pull confused.gifon Microderes )

This post was edited by Fornax13-18.06.2009 01: 26
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18.06.2009 11:29, omar

Sungaya, can you tell me what size T-shirt it is? You also need a bigger mustache. proscarabeus is most likely, but I don't see a crooked mustache. And dorkashi Dorcadion holosericeum we simply do not have others.
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18.06.2009 13:50, Phoenix Saratov

Can you help me with the crusts?
user posted image

18.06.2009 13:52, Phoenix Saratov

And with floater
user posted image

18.06.2009 14:04, Victor Titov

18.06.2009 14:08, Victor Titov

18.06.2009 14:42, PG18

Here, this agapantia from the deserts of the extreme south-west of Kazakhstan (Akkuduk settlement) seems to be different, not dahli. Smaller, not pronounced tuft of hairs on the 3rd segment of the mustache, pubescence of the scutellum is different...

picture: DSC_0074.JPG
DSC_0074.JPG — (135.15к)

18.06.2009 20:35, Sungaya

Sungaya, can you tell me what size T-shirt it is? You also need a bigger mustache. proscarabeus is most likely, but I don't see a crooked mustache. And dorkashi Dorcadion holosericeum we simply do not have others.

T-shirt 45 mm long. and the mustache here

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (88.05к)

18.06.2009 22:03, RippeR

it really doesn't look like Dali, agapantia is interesting, I advise Danilevsky to send a photo, he will immediately say smile.gif
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18.06.2009 22:59, omar

Meloe proscarabeus but very large size. I have not heard that there are more than 35 mmconfused.gif.
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18.06.2009 23:04, RippeR

there are cases.. they grow well )
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19.06.2009 21:16, Sungaya

What's the gender of my T-shirt?
And what is this mustache-bending trick?

This post was edited by Sungaya - 06/19/2009 21: 28

19.06.2009 21:53, kut

Can you tell me what kind of bug it is? Moscow oblast. 16.6.9. On umbrella
picture: P6166332.JPG

19.06.2009 22:13, RippeR

the female.

in males, the whiskers are curved quite strongly
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19.06.2009 22:25, Victor Titov

Can you tell me what kind of bug it is? Moscow oblast. 16.6.9. On the umbrella site

Lygistopterus sanguineus (L., 1758)
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20.06.2009 0:11, Dr. Niko

Istra district of Moscow Region, June 13-16. Into the light.
picture: P1090518.JPG1
picture: P1090543.JPG2


This post was edited by Dr. Niko - 06/20/2009 00: 12

20.06.2009 0:16, Fornax13

1 - Necrodes littoralis
2 - Ilybius какой-то
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20.06.2009 11:55, RippeR

I apologize for the quality smile.gif
all caught in May-early June.
if something is interesting and not clear due to the quality, I will try to redo it smile.gif

picture: DSC00391.JPG
DSC00391.JPG — (54.73к)

picture: DSC00395.JPG
DSC00395.JPG — (16.14 k)

picture: DSC00401.JPG
DSC00401.JPG — (19.01к)

picture: DSC00411.JPG
DSC00411.JPG — (21.52к)

20.06.2009 12:25, Fornax13

1-Lachnaia sexpunctata
2-Acmaeoderella some very cute. Something like gibbulosa can...
3 - Cosmobaris ?scolopacea
4 - Anthribus ?fasciatus
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20.06.2009 12:31, Ilia Ustiantcev

Some kind of ground beetle, found on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow.
picture: DSC03571.JPG

20.06.2009 12:35, Victor Titov

Some kind of ground beetle, found on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow.

Poecilus ?lepidus

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 06/20/2009 12: 35
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20.06.2009 14:31, RippeR

I just realized that it resembles the drawing of cosmobaris lol.gif
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20.06.2009 16:02, Victor Titov

I just realized what the drawing in cosmobaris looks like lol.gif

Phallobaris? wink.gif
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20.06.2009 18:10, VSB

I shot some beetles in Chelyabinsk. I would like to make sure that I identified it correctly.1. Leptura quadrifasciata (Leptura quadrifasciata); 2. Alder leaf beetle (Agelastica alni); 3. Black nutcracker (Hemicrepidius niger) 4. Weevil, but I don't know exactly who exactly. It may be a thistle weevil (Larinus sp).
If anyone has any comments, I will accept them with gratitude.

picture: ______________________.jpg
______________________.jpg — (131.53к)

picture: _________________Agelastica_alni..jpg
_________________Agelastica_alni..jpg — (121.1 k)

picture: ____________________.jpg
____________________.jpg — (138.38к)

picture: _________________.jpg
_________________.jpg — (143.54 k)

20.06.2009 19:03, Fornax13

2-Chrysolina sturmi (which violacea was)
4-Larinus, in my opinion, turbinatus
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20.06.2009 19:23, Dr. Niko

And I have an unexpected increase in the number of apple and pear flower - eaters-A. pomorum and A. piri-at my dacha plot under Bullfinches in the Moscow region this year.
I wonder if any of the forum members have experienced a similar situation this year?
picture: P1090254.JPG picture: P1090266.JPG

20.06.2009 19:45, Liparus

I apologize for the quality smile.gif
all caught in May-early June.
if something is interesting and not clear due to the quality, I will try to redo it smile.gif

nihrenasibeutebya beetle what lives???zlatka,leaf beetles,antrib-I haven't caught mol.gif mol.gif mol.gifthem yet

20.06.2009 21:44, Liparus

And I have an unexpected increase in the number of apple and pear flower - eaters-A. pomorum and A. piri-at my dacha plot under Bullfinches in the Moscow region this year.
I wonder if any of the forum members have experienced a similar situation this year?
picture: P1090254.JPG picture: P1090266.JPG

in my region. smile.gif I selected 30 pieces for myself on matrasy

20.06.2009 23:21, RippeR

yes, I also caught this for the first time this year )
leaf eaters are generally awesome - I've been wanting to catch them for a long time, and now finally ) still have it, if I don't distribute everything at the congress and send it to you )

20.06.2009 23:25, Victor Titov

in my region. smile.gif I selected 30 pieces for my mattresses

Where do you need so many of them?! Anthonomus pomorum is like dirt every year! Not even banal-banal!
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20.06.2009 23:53, Victor Titov

yes, I also caught this for the first time this year )
leaf eaters are generally awesome - I've been wanting to catch them for a long time, and now finally )

They brought me exactly the same animal from France last year. smile.gif

21.06.2009 0:04, RippeR

also from a recent one )

picture: DSC00429.JPG
DSC00429.JPG — (126.04к)

21.06.2009 0:06, BO.

Help me identify the nutcracker.
Astrakhan region, Aksarayskaya station. Plain. He flew in and landed on my arm.
8 mm.

picture: SG102702web.jpg
SG102702web.jpg — (147.57к)

21.06.2009 0:10, Fornax13

Cryptarcha undata, apparently. On oak juice?
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21.06.2009 0:18, Fornax13

Let the nutcracker be Dicronychus nigropunctatus. Although the group is still quite a lot...

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