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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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21.06.2009 0:22, RippeR

Honestly govrya, I do not remember how I caught this beetle.. There were oaks there, but I didn't catch anything on them - I had 2 main options - from water or from flowers.. Although there may still be mowing in the field..

21.06.2009 0:29, Fornax13

If you need more such guys, you can see these oaks. Cryptarchs on juice can be enough... And not only them wink.gif

21.06.2009 0:33, RippeR

is the beetle good?

21.06.2009 0:37, Fornax13

Yes nitsche so, I would say smile.gifI did not catch this species, only a shearer.

21.06.2009 1:21, PG18

Take a look at two beetles from the Ustyurt w-ka (South-West Kazakhstan). June. I'm still familiar with only plants (Cousinia alata & Haplophyllum obtusifolium), on which they sit.

picture: DSC08823________________.JPG
DSC08823________________.JPG — (90.8к)

picture: DSC08804.jpg
DSC08804.jpg — (70.54к)

21.06.2009 1:39, Fornax13

1-abscess, something from zonitidine.
2-also abscess-Rhampholyssa steveni
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21.06.2009 1:56, PG18

1-abscess, something from zonitidine.
2-also abscessed-Rhampholyssa steveni

Precisely! The first one turns out to be Zonitis flava. There are no others like. Thanks!

21.06.2009 15:35, barko

Help me identify the cow. I was sitting on a beer glass

picture: 001.jpg
001.jpg — (147.61 k)

21.06.2009 15:52, Алексей Сажнев

It looks like some kind of Harmonia, maybe axyridis
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21.06.2009 22:34, Алексей Сажнев

where was the photo taken?

21.06.2009 22:59, barko

where was the photo taken?
Vienna, Austria
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22.06.2009 12:07, Vlad Clove

Good afternoon!
And help identify the bug. I live in Nigeria. Once a year there is an invasion of these insects. Beetles are found in abundance on the walls of houses, trees, and grass. Fly to the light and in the morning the walls of the porch, roof, bicycle, etc. objects are covered with them. No one would even pay attention to them, if not for one feature: these are acid beetles. If they are crushed or pressed down, ugly burns remain on the skin. Depending on individual characteristics, a tumor may appear on the entire arm and last up to a week. There is no pain at the burn itself, as if the beetle is injecting an anesthetic. Then the wound burns, but not much.
Who is it?
picture: acidbug.JPG

22.06.2009 13:02, Bad Den

This is a beetle from sem. Staphilinidae, from the genus Paederus. (Here in Russia we also have beetles from this genus, but the species are different).
Their "blood" contains a number of substances (pederin and its derivatives) that cause the symptoms described above.

22.06.2009 13:10, Fornax13

Afiget! Almost no different from our own...

22.06.2009 14:33, RippeR

are ours also"burning"? 0_o never knew about it )

22.06.2009 22:22, Fornax13

Yes, too. If you crush it.
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23.06.2009 18:36, dimocritus

in the subject to beetles something
does not let you help?
user posted image
user posted image

I suspect it is some very common-found in Kiev at the end of April on the balcony (first) and just on the street, on the asphalt (second)

23.06.2009 18:47, barry

2nd - Maladera holosericea
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24.06.2009 1:38, Victor Titov

in the subject to beetles something
does not let you help?
user posted image

the first beetle is probably Ostoma ferrugineum

Well, what kind of Ostoma ferrugineum is it? This is Grynocharis oblonga.
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24.06.2009 10:54, Vitnaz

4. Weevil, but I don't know exactly who exactly. It may be a thistle weevil (Larinus sp).

Hardly turbinatus - in this species, the head tube is straight, narrowed to the top, and the photo of the lower beetle clearly shows a curved almost parallel-equilateral head tube. What are the beetle's dimensions? Maybe, for example, planus, obtusus, minutus smile.gif

24.06.2009 18:55, bials

Help with the distribution. mol.gif Very small beetle (approx. 5 mm), similar to a soft-bodied beetle.
picture: ____3_1.jpg
picture: ____3_2.jpg

24.06.2009 19:13, kut

Can you tell me what kind of cute beetle it is (probably Phyllobius)? Eating nettles. Realizing that he had been spotted, he immediately jumped to the ground. Thank you.

Moscow. Moose Island. 23.6.9.

picture: P6236825.JPG

This post was edited by kut - 24.06.2009 19: 14

24.06.2009 19:21, Victor Titov

Can you tell me what kind of cute beetle it is (probably Phyllobius)? Eating nettles. Realizing that he had been spotted, he immediately jumped to the ground. Thank you.

Moscow. Moose Island. 23.6.9.

Phyllobius pomaceus
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24.06.2009 19:22, Fornax13

To bials:
female Rhagonycha lignosa, apparently.

To kut:
female Phyllobius pomaceus.
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24.06.2009 19:27, Liparus

Phyllobius pomaceus

And we have them in places like mud.And you?

24.06.2009 19:39, Fornax13

They are everywhere like mud, where there are nettles.
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25.06.2009 15:00, Buzman

No, not everywhere smile.gifIn Nalchik, for example, they are replaced on nettles by some local otiorinhus. And there are none at all smile.gif
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25.06.2009 15:14, Alexander Zarodov

A couple of ground beetles near Moscow. Early May.
Harpalus s? The second one is similar to affinis.

1. picture: carabid01.jpg
2. picture: carabid03.jpg

25.06.2009 15:17, Алексей Сажнев

and the first one is on Poecilus cupreus
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25.06.2009 16:03, Alexander Zarodov

One more. Same place, end of May.

picture: carabid1701.jpg

25.06.2009 18:58, Fornax13

2 - if there are external gaps in the tax code. with pubescence, then exactly affinis.
3 - Anisodactylus. Like binotatus.
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25.06.2009 19:12, Алексей Сажнев

IMHO at 2-pubescence is visible like, especially on the right side ))

25.06.2009 20:08, Alexander Zarodov

2 - if there are external gaps in the tax code. with pubescence, then exactly affinis.
3 - Anisodactylus. Like binotatus.

There is a pubescence, on other photos it is better visible.

25.06.2009 22:36, RippeR

circassica, who can say what?
picture: DSC00446.JPG
ps. bl * * * * th spam filter!111 I can't send a photo normally!
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26.06.2009 13:49, Alexander Zarodov

A couple of barbels. Moscow, in the forest. Early June.

1. Brachyta interrogationis?

picture: usach1101.jpg

2. I don't recognize you in makeup

picture: usach1201.jpg

26.06.2009 13:57, Алексей Сажнев

both barbel Brachyta interrogationis
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26.06.2009 15:00, Alexander Zarodov

Can you help me identify the gold coin before it looks like it? MO, June, size 7 mm. I was sitting on a currant tree.

Agrilus ribesi?

picture: zlatka0301.jpg

This post was edited by Double A - 26.06.2009 15: 22

26.06.2009 20:29, akulich-sibiria

good evening. Unfortunately, there is no beetle, only the elytra and pronotum remain, this is all that I could find in the passages in the rotten birch. Can someone tell me at least the family?
picture: 9.jpg
picture: 10.jpg

26.06.2009 20:34, Fornax13

This is Euknemida. For some reason, I immediately remembered Melasis. Eh... How would you collect... rolleyes.gif

26.06.2009 21:04, akulich-sibiria

This is Euknemida. For some reason, I immediately remembered Melasis. Eh... I would like to collect the living ones from you... rolleyes.gif

yes, it looks like one of these..Of course, I would like to catch the living ones too. Do they only live in rotten wood?? they don't leave such moves?
picture: 11.jpg

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