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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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30.06.2009 18:44, scarit

No problem!

30.06.2009 20:27, Stavropolec

Well, all that's left is the last undefined batch of small beetles. Take a look, please.... mol.gif
True, the pictures are full of G.., but this is still a problem smile.gif
All Stavropol Territory.
14,15 - 3 mm
11,12,10-5 mm
7,8,9,13-7 mm
1,2-8 mm
3,4,5,6-10 mm

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (66.38к)

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2.jpg — (147.68 k)

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3.jpg — (84.95к)

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4.jpg — (64.4 k)

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (59.84 k)

picture: 6.jpg
6.jpg — (62.19 k)

picture: 7.jpg
7.jpg — (85.66 k)

picture: 8.jpg
8.jpg — (26.17 k)

01.07.2009 2:40, Egorus

Can I find out the specific names of a pair of beetles?
Caught on Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhia, on
June 7 and 25, respectively.

picture: IMG_5956_ik.jpg

picture: IMG_7523_ik.jpg

01.07.2009 9:35, Алексей Сажнев

The last beetles I think are Trachypteris picta and Anomala dubia
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01.07.2009 15:38, Liparus

Can I find out the specific names of a pair of beetles?
Caught on Khortytsia Island, Zaporizhia, on
June 7 and 25, respectively.

Was that where you and Mikhail Muylenko were fishing? beer.gif

01.07.2009 19:06, barko

Help me identify the barbel. Slovenia, May

picture: 005.jpg
005.jpg — (142.29 k)

01.07.2009 19:15, Victor Titov

Help me identify the barbel. Slovenia, May

Pogonocherus hispidus Linnaeus, 1758
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01.07.2009 19:17, Алексей Сажнев

I will assume that Pogonocherus (s.str.) hispidus Linnaeus, 1758
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01.07.2009 20:34, Victor Gazanchidis

Help p-ta identify beetles. Is there anything interesting? All - mid-June, Gorny Altai. Misha-mikee and I understand beetles sluggishly frown.gif, we just took everything that came across and flew to the light, but we didn't catch it on purpose. If you need anything, I'll make a close-up.

picture: IMGP1781.JPG
IMGP1781.JPG — (134k)

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01.07.2009 20:45, RippeR

carabuses seem to be regalis.
the elephant is cute.
in the first row, the last beetle is Monochamus, possibly sutor
after the black-bodied Lytta vesicatoria, Cetonia aurata ?ssp, Potosia fieberi ?ssp
steed resembles nitida, but it's all green and I don't know much about them smile.gif
the elephant is cute. geotrups are probably interesting and brachites are probably too )
cerambix if brachite sees it will light up (in the literal sense of the last word smile.gif)
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01.07.2009 22:01, Ilia Ustiantcev

I wonder what that thing is to the left of the elephant.

01.07.2009 22:24, Bad Den

I wonder what that thing is to the left of the elephant.

Abscess patch Epicauta sp.
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01.07.2009 22:36, Алексей Сажнев

If I'm not mistaken, all brachytes are different variations of Brachyta interrogationis (Linné, 1758), including the black specimen, and Monochamus can be placed on top? Presumably, I agree that this is a male sutor (Linnaeus, 1758)

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 01.07.2009 22: 44

01.07.2009 22:58, Victor Gazanchidis

Can you use Monochamus on top?

Yes, here it is

picture: IMGP1798.JPG
IMGP1798.JPG — (150.66к)

01.07.2009 23:06, Алексей Сажнев

Thank you, then, yes, male sutor (Linnaeus, 1758)
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01.07.2009 23:33, Liparus

Help p-ta identify beetles. Is there anything interesting? All - mid-June, Gorny Altai. Misha-mikee and I understand beetles sluggishly frown.gif, we just took everything that came across and flew to the light, but we didn't catch it on purpose. If you need anything, I'll make a close-up.

But it looks like a horse, the photos are not mine...there is even a signed green
one, you can safely catch such horses for an exchange,they will rake everyone out right away.Cool on the steeper red

This post was edited by Liparus - 01.07.2009 23: 38

picture: IMG_5358.JPG
IMG_5358.JPG — (138.23к)

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02.07.2009 0:41, RippeR

don't put the brachite anywhere. By the way, do you exchange or sell them?

02.07.2009 1:15, Fornax13

To Stavropolec:
1, 2 - if prsp. and the head is dotted, then Ophonus'y some. ? type O. rufibarbis possibly
3-Licinus depressus
4-Harpalus ?distinguendus
5 - ? Poecilus type cupreus
6 - ??? Anisodactylus binotatus
7-like Pogonus ?litoralis
8 - Stenolophus ?mixtus
11-probably Badister subg. Baudia
12 - Bembidion (type subg. Peryphus most likely)
13 - Pterostichus something like
14-Trechus sp., if from the plains, then most likely T. quadristriatus. If not - anything
15-like also Trechus some
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02.07.2009 9:30, Victor Gazanchidis

By the way, do you exchange or sell them?

Already promised a familiar bug frown.gif
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02.07.2009 11:01, Serg Svetlov

Of course, Brachyta is an interesting genus and not everything is clear there, but everything that is on the mattress, see for yourself, interrogationis.
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02.07.2009 18:01, scarit

to vicgrr: elephant-looks like some kind of Larinus, large dung beetles-Geotrupes baicalicus, small crunchers in the 3rd and 4th rows - Phylloperta horticola. Well, carabuses - Carabus regalis. The barbel is Brachyta interrogationes, except, it seems, the last one in the bottom row. It's like Acmaeops.
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02.07.2009 18:09, Алексей Сажнев

Yes, its would be closer, "Acmaeops" which is

02.07.2009 18:33, akulich-sibiria

please tell me, both Carabus granulatus? especially the bottom one, thank you smile.gif
1.2picture: Carabus_granulatus.jpg
.picture: Carabus_granulatus_____.jpg
and here on Carabus sibirica....
1.picture: carabus_sibiricus1.jpg
like it

2.picture: carabus_sibiricus2.jpg
but the second one is larger and the dotted line is clearer, I haven't really looked yet, there is only a general view.

02.07.2009 18:36, akulich-sibiria

Dmitry hello. I decided to double-check here about these buks, take doubts. Have you heard of my horses?"

02.07.2009 18:40, Алексей Сажнев

I think that yes it is Carabus granulatus and Carabus sibiricus, but what subspecies, this is a question. Probably duarius Fisch., 1844, sibiricus probably nominative.
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02.07.2009 18:42, RippeR

isn't it too big for akmeops? need a bigger one ) The prdnspk form is not visible smile.gif

granulatus SSP duarius
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02.07.2009 19:04, akulich-sibiria

I would like to return to the brachites (evodinus). As I have already shown, I understand the color patterns of Evodinus (Brachita) variabilis and instances of Evodinus (Brachita) interrogations ??
row in the middle
picture: DSCN3940_.jpg
beetles in the center
picture: DSCN3945_.jpg

from this series I'm more interested in these beetles

02.07.2009 19:25, Алексей Сажнев

In the first photo, in the center, the largest Brachita variabilis, because in interrogationis, even in melanistic forms, the suture remains at least partially light (excluding completely black aberrations), but I would refer the last 3 copies just to interrogationis, the last black copy should be viewed according to the theses, but I would say variabilis (by instinct )))
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02.07.2009 19:34, scarit

By brachites. If you do not take the first in the middle row Judolia parallelopipeda, then I agree - in the middle and the last (black) - variabilis, the rest-interrogationes.
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02.07.2009 19:37, scarit

To akulich: sibiricus, there's nothing else like it. In general, they are quite variable, I have a series from the Kuznetsk Basin.
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02.07.2009 19:40, scarit

Evgeny, I'll take a look at Zhukov. Well, photos 9 and 11 are correct. Cylindera germanica и Cylindera gracilis

02.07.2009 19:55, scarit

photo1-Nebria livida (subspecies most likely angulata Banninger)
photo.2-C. sylvatica
photos 3,4. 5-C. nitida
Photo 6-in my opinion, C. hybrida
Photos 7 and 8-C. campestris, although 7-true, some strange
photo 10-most likely Cylindera obliquefasciata (according to the DV Determinant, you can drive it away)
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03.07.2009 18:59, Egorus

03.07.2009 22:26, Liparus

No. Misha and I crossed paths once, at the Tourist Center, and he probably doesn't

You won't get bored with Smihail,there's always something to talk about
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04.07.2009 22:19, Liparus

help me determine yesterday's catch, photo as usual...

picture: IMG_9214.JPG
IMG_9214.JPG — (152.05к)

picture: IMG_9222.JPG
IMG_9222.JPG — (174.49к)

04.07.2009 22:39, Алексей Сажнев

Two-colored antaxia possibly Anthaxia signaticollis
well, if they are caught all together, then maybe they are females and males of Anthaxia nitidula

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 04.07.2009 22: 42
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04.07.2009 22:53, Kemist

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04.07.2009 23:01, Kemist

Blaps sp, need to think

04.07.2009 23:15, Fornax13

I would say green antaxia - Anthaxia s. str. (type fulgurans / podolica)

04.07.2009 23:22, Kemist

Blaps parvicollis

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