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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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12.07.2009 4:58, Aaata

Chrysomela gemellata - St. John's wort leaf beetle.

12.07.2009 13:15, паскаль

Thank you very much!

12.07.2009 13:42, Fornax13

Chrysolina (Sphaeromela) varians (Schaller, 1783)

12.07.2009 14:39, паскаль

Thank you very much! This is more like my instance, so I think this is what you need.

12.07.2009 15:47, dispar


12.07.2009 16:02, Fornax13

Yes, exactly.
Ch. gemellata (Fourcroy, 1785) is a synonym for Ch. (Hypericia) hyperici (Forster, 1771),
and Ch. gemellata (Rossi, 1792; Fourcroy, 1785) is Ch. (Hypericia) quadrigemina (Suffrian, 1851)
If you want, you can look at the pictures - these species have strong dotted rows on the elytra.

12.07.2009 19:09, Aaata

Valid variations.

12.07.2009 22:26, KingSnake

Help us identify the barbel. All taken in Mordovia, 9.07.2009

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12.07.2009 23:16, Алексей Сажнев

in my opinion, this is:
Pachytodes erraticus (Dalman,1817)
Strangalia attenuata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Stenurella melanura (Linnaeus, 1758)
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13.07.2009 9:13, Pleco

Good time of day!
A small selection of beetles, Crimea-Sunny Valley. Please excuse me immediately if something has already been determined - it is very difficult to review everything. Thank you in advance for your help in determining.

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13.07.2009 9:58, omar

Dynodes, one of two species for Crimea
Polystichus connexus
Brachinus ? elegans
Ptilophorus dufouri-06, 05
09 Nalassus some
elephant in the evening, when I get to the book, if Fornax does not get ahead
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13.07.2009 10:12, Bad Den

04-Enicopus hirtus
02-more like Cymindis sp.
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13.07.2009 10:47, omar

more like Cymindis sp.
it may very well be so. I think I was really too hasty.

13.07.2009 11:34, Pleco

Barbel Phytoecia (Musaria) affinis? and some kind of Dorcadion, is it possible to define up to a view?

13.07.2009 11:41, Pleco

more like Cymindis sp.

Yeah, Cymindis lineata looks like

13.07.2009 11:48, omar

Phytoecia (Musaria) affinis
is not her. That one only seems to have two dark spots on the pronotum
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13.07.2009 12:30, Pleco

Phytoecia (Musaria) affinis
is not her. That one only seems to have two dark spots on the pronotum

Well, yes, I got too excited - Phytoecia argus

13.07.2009 13:03, Алексей Сажнев

and some kind of Dorcadion, is it possible to define up to a view?

how about Dorcadion pedestrian?

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 13.07.2009 15: 09
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13.07.2009 14:35, Stavropolec

Comrades, don't look at the Stavropol elephants:
Thank you very much in advance smile.gif

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13.07.2009 15:30, akulich-sibiria

Good evening. There is no time at all with the definition. I put a few pieces to determine if anyone can see something familiar. Thank you in advance.
1. Zap. Sayans
picture: IMG_8479_.jpg
2. Khakassia, oz.Bele steppe
picture: IMG_8480_.jpg
picture: IMG_8481_.jpg
3. ibid.
picture: IMG_8482_.jpg
4. in the same place, the living one had a mother-of-pearl stripe along the seam. And the edges of the pronotum and elytra do not have a strong horizontal direction.
picture: IMG_8483_.jpg
picture: IMG_8484_.jpg
5 in the same place, was found in the water, clearly did not want to swim, but by the look of something from the coastal beetles
picture: IMG_8485_.jpg
picture: IMG_8486_.jpg

13.07.2009 15:50, Fornax13

2 Stevropolec:
1 - I would like to see the muzzle. Probably Leucosomus ?pedestris (you ist das occidentalis, I do not know)
2-Larinus ?inaequalicollis, if there is a saddle-shaped depression on the head tube
3-Cleonis pigra
, 4-Cyphocleonus dealbatus (=tigrinus)
5 - didn't recognize
6-Phyllobius ?pyri
7 - some kind of otiorinx. I don't know... shuffle.gif
8-Chlorophanus sellatus
9-Lixus cardui like, if on the thorn sat
10-Asproparthenis some (ex. Bothynoderes) or a small one like Stephanophorus strabus
11, 12-Lixus iridis
13-Sphenophorus, look at the keys, there are 3 of them in total
14-Pseudocleonus cinereus
15-Lixus ?myagri
16-Larinus ?inaequalicollis (And in general it's easier to throw larinuses from your edges-a joke, of course, but... wink.gif)

This post was edited by Fornax13-13.07.2009 15: 56
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13.07.2009 15:55, Fornax13

2 akulich-sibiria:
2-for some reason it reminds me wildly of Larinus turbinatus. If the gr. on cone narrows to the top, then it.
5 is not even near-water, but completely water: Berosus (Enoplurus ) is a species according to the " freshwater determinant..."you can view it.
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13.07.2009 16:02, omar

1. Leucosomus pedestris
2. Larinus ?
3. Cleonis pigra
4. Cyphocleonus tigrinus (dealbatus)
5. Tanymecus palliatus
9. Lixus cardui
10. Bothynoderes strabus
11. Lixus iridis
12. Lixus ?
13. Sphenophorus abbreviatus
14. Pseudocleonus cinereus
16. Larinus ?
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13.07.2009 16:06, omar

4. Cassida nobilis, similar in Siberia like no
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13.07.2009 16:35, Vitnaz

Comrades, don't look at the Stavropol elephants:
Thank you very much in advance smile.gif

N5-are the two appendages at the end of the abdomen the tops of the elytra or the female's genitals? If elytra, then it is definitely not T. palliatus.
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13.07.2009 16:40, omar

I saw the genitals. And if the elytra, then what can be estimates?

13.07.2009 16:41, Vitnaz

Good time of day!
A small selection of beetles, Crimea-Sunny Valley. Please excuse me immediately if something has already been determined - it is very difficult to review everything. Thank you in advance for your help in determining.

07, 08 - most likely Strophomorphus porcellus
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13.07.2009 16:51, Vitnaz

I saw the genitals. And if the elytra, then what can be estimates?

It is most similar to Megamecus (Acercomecus) argentatus (Gyllenhal, 1840). Even the coloring matches.
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13.07.2009 16:53, Vitnaz

2 akulich-sibiria:
2-for some reason it reminds me wildly of Larinus turbinatus. If the gtr. on cone narrows to the top, then it is.

According to the photo exactly L. turbinatus.

This post was edited by Vitnaz - 13.07.2009 16: 54

13.07.2009 17:32, Алексей Сажнев

For akulich-sibiria barbel probably Evodinellus borealis (Gyllenhal, 1827)

13.07.2009 17:46, akulich-sibiria

For akulich-sibiria barbel probably Evodinellus borealis (Gyllenhal, 1827)

I will check this instance. It seemed to me that this was a rare species, because I had never seen such a species before, and even here I found only one. Thank You

13.07.2009 17:52, scarit

For akulich-sibiria:
Barbel-Evoodinellus borealis. It is well recognized by the first segment of the hind legs - it is very long.
Shchitonoski: 3.Cassida viridis, 4 - Cassida nobilis.
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13.07.2009 18:41, Ilia Ustiantcev

A couple of beetles, flew in Moscow to the light.
1.2picture: DSC04594.JPG
. Nicrophorus vespillo with mites?
picture: DSC04603.JPG
picture: DSC04607.JPG

This post was edited by Ilya U-13.07.2009 18: 42

13.07.2009 19:05, Алексей Сажнев

the first in my opinion is Harpalus rufipes
nikroforus in fact yes, the male vespillo, but the hind legs are straight some
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13.07.2009 19:27, Fornax13

Nope, not vespillo this, since the shins are straight. N. investigator this (the picture is quite characteristic - a very wide red sash in front)
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13.07.2009 19:49, Алексей Сажнев

here and I podkonets doubted ))

13.07.2009 20:46, Pleco

Another small selection of beetles, now from the Crimean foothills.
12, is it Carabus (Pachystus) hungaricus or Carabus (Trachycarabus) campestris perrini?
14-Notiophilus, and dovid can be identified?
07, as I understand Strophomorphus porcellus, is the same as in the previous sample, so under the same number
18 - most likely Tentyria, and which one?
the others are more difficult...

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13.07.2009 21:01, mikee

Beetle experts! What kind of ditiskus (marginalis?)is this? and why does this female have incomplete fluting of the elytra? Is it a gynandromorph? smile.gif
picture: 3.jpg

13.07.2009 21:13, Bad Den

Beetle experts! What kind of ditiskus (marginalis?)is this? and why does this female have incomplete fluting of the elytra? Is it a gynandromorph? smile.gif

Not, NORMAL female ditiskus smile.gif
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13.07.2009 21:57, omar

Carabus hungaricus
Zabrus spinipes Zabrus
spinipes is
Strophomorphus porcellus

Coniocleonus ? nigrosuturatus
Gnaptor spinimanus
Tentyria nomas taurica I don't know the
rest frown.gif
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