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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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17.07.2009 12:44, Fornax13

To KingSnake:
1 - Coniocleonus hollbergii
2 - Hylobius abietis, я думаю
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17.07.2009 12:55, Stavropolec

A little more Stavropol elephants look, please:

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (139.33 k)

picture: 6.jpg
6.jpg — (139.29 k)

picture: 7.jpg
7.jpg — (137k)

picture: 8.jpg
8.jpg — (135.23 k)

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17.07.2009 13:35, Fornax13

1-like Hylobius is so cool... Maybe verrucipennis is exactly what it is - I can't even imagine it.
2 - quite trivial Hypera from legumes. I don't remember it offhand... shuffle.gif
3 - Phyllobius sp. (isn't pyri unfinished by any chance?)
4, 13 - Sphenophorus's
5-Thylacites of some sort. Unfortunately, I don't know what your views are.
6-something from the apionids. It's hard to tell from this photo.
7-like undecorated Phyllobius of the oblongus type
8-Temnocerus sp.
9-Rhynchites ?bacchus
10 - Sitona. I don't know.
11-Attelabus nitens
12-Rhinusa or something... Like tetrum...
14, 16 - again Larinus's some.
15 - Malvaevora timida
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17.07.2009 14:06, omar

Hypera suspiciosa vidat
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17.07.2009 17:23, Liparus

Larinusov No. 15,169 trunk sfotkat

17.07.2009 19:46, kut

Can you tell me who it is? South of the Moscow region. Mid-July 2009. On cereal. Thanks!

picture: P7168348.JPG

17.07.2009 19:53, Sungaya

Is it the same view or different?

picture: 0260.jpg
0260.jpg — (47.95к)

17.07.2009 19:59, scarit

To Sungaya: One species, Rhagium mordax.
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17.07.2009 20:07, scarit

Can you tell me who it is? South of the Moscow region. Mid-July 2009. On cereal. Thanks!

picture: P7168348.JPG

Some kind of soft-ass. Like Rhagonycha.
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17.07.2009 20:27, Sungaya

To Sungaya: One species, Rhagium mordax.

is it possible to determine their gender?

17.07.2009 20:39, omar

Like Rhagonycha

she is sama
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17.07.2009 20:42, scarit

May. Females have slightly shorter antennae than males, as well as temples narrowed back
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17.07.2009 21:01, scarit

Omar, isn't this Rh. fulva?

17.07.2009 21:05, Liparus

Can you tell me who it is? South of the Moscow region. Mid-July 2009. On cereal. Thanks!

and I caught this one in the Crimea on budyaks,only I took only one frown.gif

17.07.2009 23:56, Sungaya

as far as I understand, this is Oxythyrea funesta.
Question: what does the presence / absence of a number of light spots on the abdomen indicate?

This post was edited by Sungaya - 18.07.2009 00: 02

picture: 0162.jpg
0162.jpg — (42.86к)

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18.07.2009 0:01, Sungaya

and what are these beetles?
MO, Khripan, June 14

picture: 0376.jpg
0376.jpg — (44.99к)

18.07.2009 14:09, omar

Omar, isn't this Rh. fulva?

most likely, it is. Now it has a mass market throughout the region

18.07.2009 19:59, Liparus

A little more Stavropol elephants look, please:

and number 5 is not by chance the Crimean Cycloderes canescens (Rossi).

picture: Cycloderes_canescens__Rossi_..jpg
Cycloderes_canescens__Rossi_..jpg — (46.33к)

18.07.2009 20:02, Liparus

omar please take a look at larinus.post URL #6754

19.07.2009 11:18, паскаль

please help me identify this Cantharis from the Moscow region, size 8.5 mm

picture: Cantharidae_sp.jpg
Cantharidae_sp.jpg — (85.92к)

19.07.2009 11:41, scarit

It seems to be Cantharis flavilabris. Is the shield red or black?

19.07.2009 14:11, паскаль

The collar is black. Thank you very much for your help.

19.07.2009 16:09, Алексей Сажнев

as far as I understand, this is Oxythyrea funesta.
Question: what does the presence / absence of a number of light spots on the abdomen indicate?

white spots have males
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19.07.2009 16:26, Алексей Сажнев

and what are these beetles?
MO, Khripan, June 14

1. Probably female Anastrangalia sanguinolenta
2. Leptura aethiops I think male
3. I think male Carilia virginea

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 07/19/2009 16: 29
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19.07.2009 16:36, Liparus

please help me identify this Cantharis from the Moscow region, size 8.5 mm

can you collect softlings?are there any rare species among them?

19.07.2009 22:20, NicoSander

Help identify Vologda Beetles mol.gif

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (134.89 k)

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (138.83к)

19.07.2009 22:24, Алексей Сажнев

The second is Spondylis buprestoides (Linnaeus, 1758)

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 07/19/2009 22: 24
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19.07.2009 22:42, Fornax13

To NicoSander:
zlatochka should be turned over. Although Ancylocheira haemorrhoidalis 95 percent.

To Liparus:
yes, you can pick up softlings, there are a lot of rarities there (especially from small Malthinus / Malthodes).
As for Larinus, download Ter - Minasyan's little book and try to run it through the keys. Although this Crimean personally reminded me of something-a thread from ?subgenus Larinomesius. Even with some cornflowers podi. A muddy group...

This post was edited by Fornax13-07/19/2009 22: 45
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19.07.2009 23:50, Kemist

According to my data, and more than a dozen of them have passed through my hands, the male has a number of white spots on his belly. In this case, there is a longitudinal indentation on the abdomen, as in aurata. Look carefully to see if there is a longitudinal indentation in those individuals with a row of spots.

20.07.2009 6:43, Shtil

picture: ________1.JPG

No one knows leafhopper?

20.07.2009 15:15, akulich-sibiria

Hello, gentlemen smile.gif. It's all work, I can't devote a single day to insects. Here a few of the Khakassia beetles require advice ))
1. Oberea oculata? Khakassia, river bank. Black Jus, on a willow tree, and poplars grew nearby.
picture: IMG_8792_.jpg
2/. Agapanthia villosoviridescens ? aspen, in the same place
picture: IMG_8793_.jpg
3. Saperda populnea? aspen, in the same place
picture: IMG_8794_.jpg
4. something from Anastangalia?? on lobaznik
picture: IMG_8795_.jpg
5. Leptura annularis ? on umbrella sites
picture: IMG_8796_.jpg
6. Nivellia sanguinisa ?? Zap.Sayany, on the umbrella
picture: IMG_8810_.jpg

20.07.2009 20:05, scarit

To akulich:
1.Oberea oculata
5. Leptura annularis
6.Nivellia sanguinosa
2.Similar to villosoviridescens.
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20.07.2009 20:11, Алексей Сажнев

I think you are right about barbels, except for 4. - this is not Anastrangalia, I will assume that it is Lepturalia nigripes nigripes (De Geer, 1775)
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20.07.2009 20:24, scarit

By the way, yes.This is Lepturalia. I missed it when I was writing it.

21.07.2009 18:26, akulich-sibiria

good evening. I would like to continue.
1. if it is possible to say up to the species, as it seems to me Chrysomela gramminis. Khakassia, on the grass
picture: IMG_8806_.jpg
picture: IMG_8807_.jpg
this was all caught from a single branch, could it be Gonioctena viminalis? or should I tear my genitals? on a willow tree, Khakassia, on the bank of the Black Yus River IMG_8801_.jpg
picture: IMG_8802_.jpg
picture: IMG_8803_.jpg
. Is this Mylabris bivulnera? Khakassia, on compound flowers.
picture: IMG_8809_.jpg
Collected on a willow tree, Khakassia. Is this all Gryptorhynchus lapathi??
6.picture: IMG_8797_.jpg
picture: IMG_8798_.jpg
7.picture: IMG_8799_.jpg
picture: IMG_8800_.jpg
8. Is this Lixus iridis?? Krasnoyarsk Region, on umbrella leaves
picture: IMG_8804_.jpg
picture: IMG_8805_.jpg
9. it looks like something from chernotelok. I might be wrong.
picture: IMG_8808_.jpg

21.07.2009 18:56, Fornax13

8-yes, iridis.
9-IMHO Ditylus laevis, a terrible rarity in Europe. Beyond the Urals more often.

This post was edited by Fornax13-07/21/2009 19: 04
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21.07.2009 18:56, scarit

The first 2 leaf beetles are more similar to Apa sulcata (Gebler, 1823)
Abscess-M. bivulnera
Cryptorh. lapathi, Lixus iridis
Photo 9 - Ditylus laevis, it is from the narrow-winged family (Oedemeridae)
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21.07.2009 19:11, akulich-sibiria

The first 2 leaf beetles are more similar to Apa sulcata (Gebler, 1823)
Abscess-M. bivulnera
Cryptorh. lapathi, Lixus iridis
Photo 9 - Ditylus laevis, it belongs to the narrow-winged family (Oedemeridae)

and why is Cryptorh. lapathi so different then?? confused.gif
and Ditylus laevis with zap.Sayana, all from the same Borus, there is something that is not visible, so for me a new smile.gif

21.07.2009 19:16, scarit

Yes, in photo 6, he is not like that.

21.07.2009 19:42, Liparus

good evening. I would like to continue.
Collected on a willow tree, Khakassia. Is this all Gryptorhynchus lapathi??

I'm not a professional on weevils, it seems to me lapathi, proosto top zaterty copy, and how many did you catch two of them?if a couple of unusual colors come across a dozen or so ,then this is normal

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