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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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29.10.2009 23:20, PG18

A little bit of water. 40 km south of Diyar, 30.06.09
In the lower photo - 17 mm.

This post was edited by PG18 - 29.10.2009 23: 22

picture: Enochrus___0040.JPG
Enochrus___0040.JPG — (158.59к)

picture: DSC_0034.JPG
DSC_0034.JPG — (98.73к)

29.10.2009 23:24, Fornax13

Big-Hydrochara flavipes or there's 1 more close possible...
I have approximately from those places - flavipes.
And the staffs there would be great to take... wink.gif

This post was edited by Fornax13-29.10.2009 23: 30
Likes: 1

29.10.2009 23:32, botanque

The upper two on the right are Hydrobius fuscipes (L.), most likely. Left Enochrus sp.
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29.10.2009 23:42, PG18

And the staffs there would be great to take... wink.gif

Here's some more. In general, 2-3 dozen damn it. I'll try harder in the future.
The second picture shows Ustyurt district, 12.05.09. The two right ones are Bembidion (Diplocampa) fumigatum?

This post was edited by PG18 - 29.10.2009 23: 44

picture: DSC_0055.jpg
DSC_0055.jpg — (147.48 k)

picture: DSC_0056.jpg
DSC_0056.jpg — (184.03к)

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29.10.2009 23:49, PG18

... damn it... wink.gif

By the way, they took the Mariouta stangei leather again (2 copies, at night to the light). Now much further north (between Diyar and Beineu) and later (July 2)
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29.10.2009 23:50, Fornax13

First photo:
1-cool! This is Achenium. Genital guys, according to external signs in any way. We can only say that from the group of quadriceps species.
2-Bledius sp., rather, from the kochi group
3-bembidion I don't know, some cool
Second photo:
2 copies. Bembidion ?varium
3 is incomprehensible... Maybe even an undecorated octomaculatum...
staff-Philonthus or Bisnius-you need to look...

This post was edited by Fornax13-29.10.2009 23: 50
Likes: 1

29.10.2009 23:56, Bad Den

the lower ones on the right are 3 mm.
2.07.2009, sands near the Shaorly field

Oppa, I caught them in Kyrgyzstan

29.10.2009 23:57, PG18

A little more, from the w-ka. I only recognize Daptus vittatus so far

This post was edited by PG18 - 29.10.2009 23: 58

picture: DSC_0060.jpg
DSC_0060.jpg — (170.18к)

picture: DSC_0062.jpg
DSC_0062.jpg — (199.97к)

picture: DSC_0063.jpg
DSC_0063.jpg — (115.06к)

picture: DSC_65.jpg
DSC_65.jpg — (167.29к)

picture: DSC_0067.jpg
DSC_0067.jpg — (147.26к)

picture: DSC_67.jpg
DSC_67.jpg — (196.95к)

picture: DSC_0068.jpg
DSC_0068.jpg — (151.63к)

30.10.2009 0:11, evk

Here's some more. In general, 2-3 dozen damn it. I'll try harder in the future.
The second picture shows Ustyurt district, 12.05.09. The two right ones are Bembidion (Diplocampa) fumigatum?

Pavel! Let's wait until tomorrow mol.giffor such a bunch of Asia after 0 hours ... Ponadetayu now such rolleyes.gif smile.gif

30.10.2009 0:12, Fornax13

DSC_0060-staff - Philonthus ?ephippius
small beetle-Dicheirotrichus, with spots-Daptus, black harpalinus do not know... frown.gif
DSC_0062-4 beetles-Acupalpus flaviceps, nutcrackers -?Aeolosomus
DSC_65-again Pogonus? submarginatus, small-again Acupalpus flaviceps, probably
DSC_0067 - with an iridescent shine-Badister (Baudia) sp., rukonozhku - I don't know..
DSC_67 - in the upper left corner of Philonthus ?dimidiatipennis, under it badister such ka in the previous photo, then Pogonus some very nice, well, Daptus again..
DSC_0068-Microderes brachypus possible... confused.gif
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30.10.2009 0:15, botanque

A little bit of water. 40 km south of Diyar, 30.06.09
In the lower photo - 17 mm.

Most likely Enochrus caspius (Kuwert)
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30.10.2009 0:17, PG18

Pavel! Let's wait until tomorrow mol.giffor such a bunch of Asia after 0 hours ... Ponaidentify chas such rolleyes.gif  smile.gif

smile.gif Yes, of course. I apologize for throwing out so much.

30.10.2009 0:25, PG18

To botanque, something else aquatic, like, about 3 mm, 29.06.09

picture: DSC_0665.JPG
DSC_0665.JPG — (362.02к)

30.10.2009 0:37, botanque

Hygrotus (Coelambus) sp. I can't be more precise.
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30.10.2009 0:52, Fornax13

Probably Enochrus caspius (Kuwert)

And it wasn't reduced to synonyms by chance?

30.10.2009 8:37, Алексей Сажнев

Enochrus (Lumetus) hamifer (Ganglbauer , 1901) (= E. caspius sensu auct.; nec Kuwert , 1888)
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30.10.2009 9:39, evk

A little more, from the w-ka. I only recognize Daptus vittatus so far

I think I've had enough sleep! Having been blessed, let's start slowly smile.gif

In the first photo, in addition to D. vittatus and Dicheirotrichus (Trichocellus) sp. - at the bottom left (specify the size, maybe I can get at least approximately up to the species, but later-you need to dig into the collection), at the bottom right Hemiaulax morio (Menetries 1832) or H. nigripes (Reitter 1894). Specify the size of the beetle, otherwise the daptuses are so variable in size that it is risky to compare with it, it may be huge smile.gif.

In the second place, small ground beetles Acupalpus flaviceps Motschulsky 1850, and nutcrackers, probably Aeolosomus rossii.

On the third page, specify the dimensions REQUIRED for these two! Then I'll tell you!

On the fourth again Pogonus ?submarginatus, and on top, in my opinion, again some other Dicheirotrichus (Trichocellus) sp. - look at the elytra, they should be hairy at least along the edges and at the top, in Acupalpus smooth and glabrous.

Fifth from the left is Badister (Baudia) collaris Motschulsky 1844 (she is the only one of the subgenus there - he once revised smile.gifit himself), to the right is Dyschiriodes sp. - it's unrealistic from the photo.

On the sixth belly up ?the same Badister, to the right of it Pogonus (s.str.) micans Chaudoir 1827. and small dark Daptus vittatus.

On the seventh and ... ff-fuh ... the latter is Microderes (s.str.) undulatus (Gebler 1841). For reliability, specify the dimensions!

This post was edited by evk - 10/30/2009 09: 58
Likes: 2

30.10.2009 12:08, vasiliy-feoktistov

Good afternoon, please help me deal with two beetles near Moscow:
1) Lozhnoslon-31.05.2005 M. O. Lyuberetsky district of okr. der. Torbeevo. Length: 6mm.
2) Ground beetle (Lebia?)-11.06.2002 Moscow, Balashikha district, okr. der. Poltevo. Length: 8mm.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (69.09 k)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (61.94 k)

30.10.2009 12:17, omar

Gonotropis dorsalis and Lebia chlorocephala
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30.10.2009 12:18, Алексей Сажнев

1. Lebia chlorocephala (Hoffmann, 1803)
2. Gonotropis dorsalis (Thunberg, 1796)
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30.10.2009 12:38, evk

Gonotropis dorsalis and Lebia chlorocephala

1. Lebia chlorocephala (Hoffmann, 1803)
2. Gonotropis dorsalis (Thunberg, 1796)

You won't have time to follow smile.gif beer.gif

30.10.2009 12:44, omar

I can't keep up with you smile.gif  beer.gif

I usually can't keep up with fornax rolleyes.gif

30.10.2009 12:46, evk

A little more, from the w-ka. I only recognize Daptus vittatus so far

And in the left beetle in the third picture, the pronotum is not slightly indented and the posterior joints are not clearly pronounced in comparison with Acupalpus flaviceps? Well, and bigger than the last one?

30.10.2009 14:48, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, here I am 3 more ground beetles near Moscow. Please help me determine (if possible). Beetles from here: M. O. Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district (date of capture and length below):
1) Is this Badister meridionalis Puel, 1925? or is it Badister bullatus Schrank, 1798? 12.05. 1998 dl. 7mm.
2) This is Lebia cruxminor Linnaeus, 1758-11/04/2002, 6.5 mm long.
3) This is Dromius fenestratus Fabricius, 1794-17.03.2002, 7mm long.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (63.25к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (68.39 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (69.97 k)

30.10.2009 14:55, Алексей Сажнев

IMHO-everything is correct, I don't know if you can have other badisters (I'm leaning towards meridionalis), just in case I think you can run the keys

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 10/30/2009 14: 55
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30.10.2009 15:29, Dmitry Vlasov

I think. as for the badister - bullatus, I have seen such (with a light shield) in the Yaroslavl region, and in it, of the three close ones (meridionalis, bullatus, lacertosus), the last two are found...
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30.10.2009 15:32, evk

Well, here I am 3 more ground beetles near Moscow. Please help me determine (if possible). Beetles from here: M. O. Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district (date of capture and length below):
1) Is this Badister meridionalis Puel, 1925? or is it Badister bullatus Schrank, 1798? 12.05. 1998 dl. 7mm.

You don't have B. meridionalis, at least I don't know of any such findings. There can be unipustulatus and lacertosus from Badister (s. str.). But it's not them.
However, the size for B. bullatus you specify is very large. I have never seen anything larger than 6 mm, and I have measured hundreds of them.
To eliminate the error, pull the edeagus. I attach a drawing - see the top (apical lobe).
B. bullatus is shown from two angles above and meridionalis is shown from below.
picture: _________Badister.jpg

Well, in addition, a piece from the key (bullatus was still bipustulatus at that time, I didn't catch this synonym when preparing the revision).
picture: Key.jpg

This post was edited by evk - 10/30/2009 15: 51
Likes: 3

30.10.2009 16:47, Aleksey Adamov

Laemostenus from the basement of my house (Rostov region, Azov district, Chumbur-Kos village) 30.10.2009.

Photos of parts:

1. Prsp.:
picture: 1.jpg

2. Middle shin on the inside:
picture: 2.jpg

3. Anterior thigh, from below-behind (bristles are visible on the back edge, a bump is visible on the front edge):
picture: 3.jpg

30.10.2009 17:12, RippeR

Adamov can I see the full picture? And then it's not clear-maybe it's all psevdotafoxen..?

30.10.2009 17:13, evk

Laemostenus from the basement of my house (Rostov region, Azov district, Chumbur-Kos village) 30.10.2009.

Still, there are no options - a good terricola! Especially "in the basement". Eh, there is no basement on my 5th floor smile.gif

30.10.2009 17:14, evk

Adamov can I see the full picture? And then it is not clear-maybe it's all psevdotafoxen..?

His paws are hairy - you can see a segment in one picture!

30.10.2009 17:16, Aleksey Adamov

I can do it completely, but it won't be soon...
The legs on top of the hairs are not tafoxenus / pseudotafoxenus.
I am confused by the bump on the lower front edge of the front thighs. What species have it? And the number of setae on the posterior lower edge of the front thighs.
terricola or not?

30.10.2009 17:18, Aleksey Adamov

Still, there are no options - a good terricola! Especially "in the basement". Oh, there is no basement on my 5th floor smile.gif


Should terricola have these bumps?

30.10.2009 20:26, PG18

3-from Paederinae-a cool beetle-hind legs would be necessary to get to the genus. Rather, Lathrobium is so funny. They are not very well defined by external signs, but if the male, I think, will be determined by Quaffa for one or two times.

Alexey! Here are the noodles (beetle in butterfly pollen)
picture: DSC_70.JPG

And a couple more staffs from the same places

This post was edited by PG18-30.10.2009 20: 27

picture: Kendyrli_6mm_0070.jpg
Kendyrli_6mm_0070.jpg — (80.84к)

picture: Shaorly_3_6mm_0076.jpg
Shaorly_3_6mm_0076.jpg — (139.08к)

30.10.2009 20:37, PG18

Having been blessed, let's start slowly smile.gif

Eugene! Thank you so much for your help! I understand slowly.
I was pleased with the definition of the nutcracker.
Elateride from last year's training camps was defined to me (Seredyuk village, E-burg) as:
1. Aeoloides hauseri (Reiter, 1896) - Kendyrli, 29.04; Onere, 19.05
2. Aeoloides grisescens (Germar, 1844) – Kendyrli, 29.04; Onere, 19.05; Shaorly, 3.07.09; Aktolagai, 29.06.09
4. Aelodesma sp. - Onere, 19.05
5. Agriotes methiculosus (Candeze, 1863) - Onere, 19.05
6. Cardiophorus sp. 1-Kendyrli, 29.04
7. Cardiophorus sp.2-Kokusem, 1.05
Now b. h. others:

picture: 4mm_Shaorly_0045.jpg
4mm_Shaorly_0045.jpg — (50.09к)

picture: Sai_Utes_9mm_0075.jpg
Sai_Utes_9mm_0075.jpg — (96.9к)

picture: Aktolagai_9_mm_0071.jpg
Aktolagai_9_mm_0071.jpg — (159.62к)

picture: Elateridae_DSC_0198_N_of_Beineu__________________________.jpg
Elateridae_DSC_0198_N_of_Beineu__________________________.jpg — (133к)

picture: Elateridae_DSC_0460_N_of_Beineu__________________________.jpg
Elateridae_DSC_0460_N_of_Beineu__________________________.jpg — (92.63к)

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30.10.2009 20:38, evk

Alexey! Here are the noodles (beetle in butterfly pollen)
And a couple more staffs from the same places

And on the second only smile.gifstaffs are interested ?

This post was edited by evk - 10/30/2009 20: 47

30.10.2009 20:42, evk

Eugene! Thank you so much for your help! I understand slowly.
I was pleased with the definition of the nutcracker.
Elateride from last year's training camps was defined to me (Seredyuk village, E-burg) as:
1. Aeoloides hauseri (Reiter, 1896) - Kendyrli, 29.04; Onere, 19.05
2. Aeoloides grisescens (Germar, 1844) – Kendyrli, 29.04; Onere, 19.05; Shaorly, 3.07.09; Aktolagai, 29.06.09
4. Aelodesma sp. - Onere, 19.05
5. Agriotes methiculosus (Candeze, 1863) - Onere, 19.05
6. Cardiophorus sp. 1-Kendyrli, 29.04
7. Cardiophorus sp.2-Kokusem, 1.05
Now b. h. others:

On the third Cardiophorus discicollis males - this species is recognized without variants!
On the second, most likely - females of the same species.

This post was edited by evk - 10/30/2009 20: 45
Likes: 1

30.10.2009 20:47, PG18

...lower right Hemiaulax morio (Menetries 1832) or H. nigripes (Reitter 1894). Specify the size of the beetle, otherwise the daptuses are so variable in size that it is risky to compare with it, it may be huge smile.gif.

Here it is, the leftmost one here. Length - 8 mm. Photo 0081:
picture: et_Pangus_undulatus_0081.jpg

And then there are the other big ones:

picture: Anisodactylus_poeciloides_0082.jpg
Anisodactylus_poeciloides_0082.jpg — (164.25к)

picture: Kendyrli_11mm_0084.jpg
Kendyrli_11mm_0084.jpg — (79.96к)

picture: Mamek_13mm_0075.jpg
Mamek_13mm_0075.jpg — (81.56к)

30.10.2009 20:54, PG18

And on the second only smile.gifstaffs are interested ?

Everything is interesting smile.gif
And here are 3 more curious beetles collected by the dead on the edge of the Kendyrli-sor salt marsh. Dimensions in the file name. The sawyere must have been lightened in salt... By the way, I also collected a huge Taphoxenus goliath there, probably for the first time in Kazakhstan...

picture: Tosotkel_10mm_0078.jpg
Tosotkel_10mm_0078.jpg — (62.58к)

picture: Tosotkel_14_mm_0079.jpg
Tosotkel_14_mm_0079.jpg — (70.79к)

picture: Tosotkel_30mm_0080.jpg
Tosotkel_30mm_0080.jpg — (75.65к)

30.10.2009 20:56, AlexEvs

To Adamov:
Lyosha, about your Laemostenus. You said he had some hairs on the base of his pronotum?" If you want, I can throw you the definitive tables on Laemostenus from Die kafer Mitteleuropa. Only they are in German wink.gif

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