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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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10.12.2015 16:07, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Undefined beetles. Taken on July 5, 2015 in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region. Lured into the light.

1 - Polyphylla alba?

2 - Polyphylla fullo?

picture: __1.jpg
__1.jpg — (381.69к)

picture: __2.jpg
__2.jpg — (668.08 k)

10.12.2015 17:31, Victor Titov

Undefined beetles. Taken on July 5, 2015 in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region. Lured into the light.

1 - Polyphylla alba?

2 - Polyphylla fullo?

Exactly so. yes.gif
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10.12.2015 18:43, Коллекционер

Surroundings of Voronezh 16.VI-10.VII.2015

10.12.2015 21:59, Victor Titov

Voronezh neighborhoods 16. VI-10. VII. 2015

In the first photo (from left to right): Poecilonota variolosa and then two Buprestis haemorrhoidalis.
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11.12.2015 14:41, scarit

Who could it be?
Kemerovo region, 07.2014, dumps, soils.traps

picture: SAM_1083.JPG
SAM_1083.JPG — (205.6к)

11.12.2015 15:55, Guest

Who could it be?
Kemerovo region, 07.2014, dumps, soils.traps

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12.12.2015 20:36, Gray-Ejik

An interesting mutation, a tree-like branching of the tendril.
Help with the definition!

Pyrrhalta viburni ?

picture: Pyrrhalta_viburni.jpg
Pyrrhalta_viburni.jpg — (303.48к)

12.12.2015 21:11, akulich-sibiria

Ceutorhynchus (gr. rapae) rapae ?
About 3 mm. Thighs with small teeth
picture: DSCN1440.JPG
picture: DSCN1441.JPG

12.12.2015 21:11, akulich-sibiria

Ceutorhynchus (gr. rapae) rapae ?
About 3 mm. Thighs with small teeth
picture: DSCN1440.JPG
picture: DSCN1441.JPG
picture: DSCN1442.JPG
picture: DSCN1443.JPG

12.12.2015 21:44, akulich-sibiria

1.8 mm. The sides of the pronotum are notched with a bump. Row spacing in narrow hairs forming two, less often 3 rows. There are no scales in the rows. Thighs without teeth.
something close to C. pyrrhorhynchus I think.
picture: DSCN1444.JPG
picture: DSCN1445.JPG
picture: DSCN1446.JPG

12.12.2015 21:46, stierlyz

13.12.2015 1:18, Пензуит

Please tell me about myagkotelkam. Are they all Cantharis rustica or not? there seem to be some differences. Taken in the vicinity of Penza.

1. May

picture: DSCN1948_13__.JPG

2. May

picture: DSCN4359_15.JPG

3. June

picture: DSCN2724_14__.JPG
picture: DSCN2736_15.JPG

Are the following all Rhagonycha fulva or not?

4. May

picture: DSCN2000_15.JPG

5. June

picture: DSCN4402_15.JPG

6. July

picture: DSCN5349_15.JPG

This post was edited by Penzuit - 12/13/2015 01: 26

13.12.2015 1:50, IchMan

Please see beetles, all from Karelia, NW Ladoga, June
1. Cassida vibex
picture: Cassida_vibex_DSC_0908.jpg
2. Casiida rubiginosa ?
picture: Cassida_rubiginosa_DSC_0767.jpg
3. Lochmaea caprea
picture: DSC_1059.jpg
4. Galerucella lineola ?
picture: Lochmaea_DSC_0074.jpg
5. Gonioctena decemnotata ?
picture: DSC_0467.jpg
6. Phratora sp. - can't you suddenly decide if it's based on the region (5 types)?
picture: PhratoraDSC_0112.jpg
7. And Crepidodera ? - also a choice of 5 types
picture: DSC_0177.jpg
picture: DSC_0174.jpg
8. ?
picture: DSC_0411.jpg
9. ?
picture: carabid_DSC_1159.jpg
10. the nutcracker?
picture: elaterid_DSC_0743.jpg
11. Phyllobius ?
picture: DSC_0420.jpg
picture: DSC_0705.jpg

This post was edited by IchMan - 12/13/2015 02: 40

13.12.2015 1:58, Fornax13

Please tell me about myagkotelkam. Are they all Cantharis rustica or not? there seem to be some differences. Taken in the vicinity of Penza.

Differences between them dofiga. C. rustica there is only one-the second photo under the number 3.
Number 1-C. fusca
2-probably C. livida, and the first photo with the number 3-not Cantharis at all, but Podabrus (the muzzle immediately gives out)

Are the following all Rhagonycha fulva or not?

R. fulva is only numbered 6.
4-really Rhagonycha, what kind of species-I'm even afraid to assume
5-in my opinion, so in general Cantharis (with such a habitus there are a lot of species)

In general, softlings are not a group that should be identified from photos. It is desirable to dissect the same ragoniha and many cantharis, and ragoniha sometimes also need to turn the endophallus.
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13.12.2015 2:06, IchMan

Please tell me about myagkotelkam. Are they all Cantharis rustica or not? there seem to be some differences. Taken in the vicinity of Penza.

In my unsophisticated opinion:
1. Cantharis fusca
2.? Cantharis livida
3.1 species-Podabrus alpinus
2 species - Cantharis rustica

Are the following all Rhagonycha fulva or not?
- only 6

I didn't have time frown.gif

This post was edited by IchMan - 12/13/2015 02: 09
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13.12.2015 2:13, Fornax13

Please see beetles, all from Karelia, NW Ladoga, June

9 - Curtonotus sp. or Amara (Curtonotus) sp. - alas, I don't remember anything about them anymore shuffle.gif
12-I think it can be signed as Cantharis nigricans
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13.12.2015 2:23, Fornax13

In my unsophisticated opinion:
1. Cantharis fusca
2.? Cantharis livida
3.1 species-Podabrus alpinus
2 species - Cantharis rustica

Are the following all Rhagonycha fulva or not?
- only 6
Didn't make it frown.gif

But we independently came up with the same answers smile.gif
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13.12.2015 12:35, Mantispid

Ceutorhynchus (gr. rapae) rapae ?
About 3 mm. Thighs with small teeth

Definitely rapae
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13.12.2015 12:39, Mantispid

1.8 mm. The sides of the pronotum are notched with a bump. Row spacing in narrow hairs forming two, less often 3 rows. There are no scales in the rows. Thighs without teeth.
something close to C. pyrrhorhynchus I think.

probably not pyrrhorhynchus, especially since it is not found in Siberia...
if the flagellum is 6-segmented, then I would first of all check for pulvinatus

p. s. I sent you an experimental key for tsevtorinhins in the mail

This post was edited by Mantispid - 12/13/2015 12: 44
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13.12.2015 13:00, Mantispid

Please see beetles, all from Karelia, NW Ladoga, June

11-in my opinion Phyllobius (Pterygorrhynchus) maculicornis (Germar, 1824)
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13.12.2015 13:18, akulich-sibiria

this one looks more like Ceutorhynchus pulvinatus
and seems to have a long claw segment.
Unlike the first specimen, these sides of the pronotum have no corners, they are broadly rounded and the scales on the aisles are clearly shorter and wider.
Sorry about all the females. Roadside mowing on cruciferous trees
picture: DSCN1447.JPG
picture: DSCN1448.JPG
picture: DSCN1449.JPG
picture: DSCN1450.JPG

13.12.2015 13:48, Mantispid

this one looks more like Ceutorhynchus pulvinatus
and seems to have a long claw segment.
Unlike the first specimen, these sides of the pronotum have no corners, they are broadly rounded and the scales on the aisles are clearly shorter and wider.
Sorry about all the females. Roadside mowing on cruciferous trees

no, pulvinatus has just the sides of the pronotum with tubercles, and the base with a fossa.
it's more like granullicollis from "7-segment"
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13.12.2015 23:31, Пензуит

Please tell me about the nutcrackers from the Penza region.

1. Selatosomus sp.? May

picture: DSCN1256_16.JPG
picture: DSCN1292_15.JPG

2. Can it be Athous hirtus or or Athous haemorrhoidalis ? June

picture: DSCN2709_15.JPG

3. June

picture: DSCN4483_14.JPG

4. Ampedus sp. before the view is allowed? May

picture: DSCN1716_15.JPG
picture: DSCN1708_14.JPG

5. Melanotus sp. Before the view is allowed? May

picture: DSC_0356_10.JPG
picture: DSC_0362_10.JPG

6. This one is one and a half times smaller in length than the previous types. July

picture: DSCN7163_16.JPG
picture: DSCN7181_15.JPG

14.12.2015 15:00, Andrey Ponomarev

Stictoleptura rubra?
Metro station Nerskaya 23.07.2015
picture: IMG_7541.jpg
picture: IMG_7551.jpg

14.12.2015 15:58, I.solod

[quote=IchMan,13.12.2015 02:50]

Curtonotus gebleri
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14.12.2015 16:20, IchMan

Stictoleptura rubra?
Metro station Nerskaya 23.07.2015
picture: IMG_7541.jpg
picture: IMG_7551.jpg

yes.gif, she, or rather, he
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16.12.2015 1:20, Пензуит

Please tell me about these beetles, Penza region.

1. Some slow person. August 3.

picture: DSCN8985_15.JPG

2. Muraviezhuk, up to the species can be? May.

picture: DSCN0910_15.JPG

3. Narrow wing Oedemera flavescens probably? June.

picture: DSCN7239_15.JPG

4. Narrow wings of Oedemera tristis or Oedemera virescens ? May.

picture: DSCN1447_15.JPG

16.12.2015 11:10, Михалис

[quote=Penzuit,16.12.2015 01: 20]
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16.12.2015 16:05, MIV

Experts in weevils! I will be grateful for the initial definition.
The first two are domestic, the rest are imported.

1.Krasnoyarsk region, forest-steppe. August of
this year L-13mm
picture: ______IMG_3517_L_13mm______.____.____._______________._________________________.________._12.08.15._leg.__.______.jpg

2. Ibid. L - 9mm
picture: ______IMG_3519_L_9mm______.____.____._______________._________________________.________._25.08.15._leg.__.______.jpg

3. Peru. L - 28mm
picture: ______IMG_9854_L_28mm_______.jpg
picture: ______IMG_9857_______.jpg

4. N. Guinea. L - 26mm
picture: ______IMG_9859_L_26mm____.______.jpg

5. Madagascar. L-20mm
picture: ______IMG_9177_L___20_______________.jpg
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16.12.2015 16:45, Mantispid

Experts in weevils! I will be grateful for the initial definition.
The first two are domestic, the rest are imported.

1. Stephanocleonus sp.
2. Trichalophus ?quadriguttatus (Gebler, 1829)
3. Cratosomus is somewhat similar to C. maleficus (Olivier, 1807)
4. most likely some Rhinoscapha
5. Lithinus, Madagascar endemics

This post was edited by Mantispid - 12/16/2015 17: 08
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16.12.2015 17:16, OEV

5. Lithinus sepidoides Fairmaire, 1986
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16.12.2015 17:45, Mantispid

5. Lithinus sepidoides Fairmaire, 1986

famously somehow the
specific epithet and year are wrong, this species is called Lithinus sepidioides Fairmaire, 1896

This post was edited by Mantispid - 12/16/2015 17: 48
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17.12.2015 0:15, Fornax13

1. Stephanocleonus sp.

Isn't this the same Coniocleonus that Andrey caught in Orenburg region?

17.12.2015 9:00, Mantispid

Isn't this the same Coniocleonus that Andrey caught in Orenburg region?

So I immediately thought about horses yesterday, but the beetle in the photo has painfully rounded shoulders and the shape of the elytra is more "stephanous". In addition, schoenherri has a slight depression in the main part of the pronotum, and a thin keel in the apical part; I don't see something like this in the photo...

17.12.2015 11:37, Guest

Experts in weevils! I will be grateful for the initial definition.
The first two are domestic, the rest are imported.

1.Krasnoyarsk region, forest-steppe. August of
this year L-13mm
picture: ______IMG_3517_L_13mm______.____.____._______________._________________________.________._12.08.15._leg.__.______.jpg

You are very lucky!This is Stephanocleonus microgrammus!
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17.12.2015 11:39, Liparus

It was me....You can put it there. Det. Shekhovcov A.A.2015
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17.12.2015 12:34, Mantispid

You are very lucky!This is Stephanocleonus microgrammus!

You have all Stephanocleonus at once microgrammus what? How can it be there if it does not go further than the Urals to the east.
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17.12.2015 12:43, Liparus

You have all Stephanocleonus at once microgrammus what? How can it be there if it does not go further than the Urals to the east?

Now it means coming in...
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17.12.2015 13:36, Liparus

You have all Stephanocleonus at once microgrammus what?

Not all of them, just this one and the previous one...I'm 100% sure it's him...Or are there other versions?I'll bet you that!
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17.12.2015 18:09, Urman

Dung beetle from Kazakhstan. The label is missing. 24 mm. Please tell me what you can tell from the photo.

picture: DSC02970.JPG
DSC02970.JPG — (293.96к)

picture: DSC02971.JPG
DSC02971.JPG — (282.57к)

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