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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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17.12.2015 21:24, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 24th.
I know it's bronze, but I'd like to know the view. smile.gif

user posted image user posted image user posted image

17.12.2015 22:15, MIV

Now it means coming in...

A lot of things come and fly to us from across the Urals smile.gif. For example, Dolichus halensis and Carabus aurolimbatus came running this year.
I think I agree with Arthur for his assertive confidence smile.gif.
And what is this" beast " - Stephanocleonus microgrammus? Rare or something?
I thought I'd had them before. But it doesn't. There is only one of them - the others are somewhat different.

These are from the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. Similar to Coniocleonus nebulosus. L - 11mm
picture: IMG_3936_11___________________________.jpg
picture: IMG_3948_11__________________________.jpg

And these are from Buryatia, okr. Monds. Apparently different types. L - 16 and 10mm
picture: IMG_3954_16_____10___________________.jpg

Please share your thoughts.
Sorry for the low-quality images in a hurry.

17.12.2015 22:25, Mantispid

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 24th.
I know it's bronze, but I'd like to know the view. smile.gif

Cetonia aurata L.
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17.12.2015 22:27, Mantispid

Not all of them, just this one and the previous one...I'm 100% sure it's him...Or are there other versions?I'll bet you that!

I'm not going to argue. I didn't hold the beetle in my hands, and you can assume anything from the photo.
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18.12.2015 8:29, Bad Den

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 24th.
I know it's bronze, but I'd like to know the view. smile.gif

Cetonia aurata
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18.12.2015 21:28, Alexander Zarodov

Can you help me with the bug?" Someone from the Cryptophagidae?
MO, June, 4 mm

picture: bug310101.jpg
bug310101.jpg — (90.81к)

18.12.2015 21:44, Fornax13

Can you help me with the bug?" Someone from the Cryptophagidae?
MO, June, 4 mm

well, yes, Antherophagus, of course)
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18.12.2015 22:03, Fornax13

You have all Stephanocleonus at once microgrammus what? How can it be there if it does not go further than the Urals to the east?

Well, yes, it's really Stefan, you're right. And I now saw the real Coniocleonus schoenherri - from the ocd. Mondy, horse 16 mm.
Oh, by the way, and where is this "microgrammus" side stripes on the prsp.? I shouldn't have argued wink.gif

This post was edited by Fornax13-18.12.2015 22: 07
Likes: 1

19.12.2015 0:07, Пензуит

Please tell me about weevils, Penza region

1. Cyphocleonus dealbatus ? August

picture: DSCN9680_15.JPG

2. Lixus before the view is allowed? June

picture: DSCN2541_15.JPG

3. June

picture: DSCN2619_16.JPG

4. Maybe Larinus turbinatus? July

picture: DSCN6549_15.JPG

5. And maybe this Larinus turbinatus? June

picture: DSCN4803_15.JPG

6. June

picture: DSCN4545_15.JPG

7. May

picture: DSCN2004_26.JPG

8. June

picture: DSCN4475_15.JPG

19.12.2015 0:23, Mantispid

Please tell me about weevils, Penza region

The photos look familiar, as if I've already signed them ... or I'm buggy already from the same weevils...

1. - yes
2. the angle is not good, but it looks like Lixus fasciculatus Boh.
3. again not very good angle, probably male and female Phyllobius (Metaphyllobius) pomaceus Gyllenhal, 1834
4. yes
5. no, this is a beetle from another subgenus, Larinus (s. str.) vulpes Olivier, 1807
6 and 8-Liophloeus tessulatus (Müller, 1776)
7-female Tanymecus palliatus (Fabricius, 1787)
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19.12.2015 11:39, RoPro

And before the appearance of this zlatka can not be determined ? Moscow region, June 14.

picture: DSCN7019.jpg
DSCN7019.jpg — (375.79к)

picture: DSCN7021.jpg
DSCN7021.jpg — (380.4к)

19.12.2015 17:25, MIV

Well, yes, it's really Stefan, you're right. And I now saw the real Coniocleonus schoenherri - from the ocd. Mondy, horse 16 mm.
Oh, by the way, and where is this "microgrammus" side stripes on the prsp.? I shouldn't have argued wink.gif

Guys! If I'm not mistaken, you're arguing about my weevils?
Could you summarize from the post URL #25893 on the previous page?
Thank you for earlier!

This post was edited by MIV-19.12.2015 17: 29

19.12.2015 17:50, Mantispid

Guys! If I'm not mistaken, you're arguing about my weevils?
Could you summarize from the post URL #25893 on the previous page?
Thank you for earlier!

all stephanocleonus microgrammus naturally lol.gif

just kidding, these beetles are not identified by the photo) in any case, not by me
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19.12.2015 19:28, Fornax13

Guys! If I'm not mistaken, you're arguing about my weevils?
Could you summarize from the post URL #25893 on the previous page?
Thank you for earlier!

The healthiest one is Coniocleonus schoenherri, as I said before. The rest are Stephans (you have at least three types of them). And so - there are a hundred and fifty species (the largest genus of the tribe cleonini), and of these, probably two-thirds live in Siberia ) Using photos to identify them is a completely stupid task, except that the most charismatic can be identified. Here you need to look for yourself, for the fauna of Ter-Minasyan at least... Although they have also been added since then.
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19.12.2015 22:35, Fornax13

And before the appearance of this zlatka can not be determined ? Moscow region, June 14.

here the forage plant could give more information than the beetle itself...)

19.12.2015 22:43, RoPro

here the forage plant could give more information than the beetle itself... )

Clear. There is a complete lack of information about the plant.

19.12.2015 22:56, Mantispid

The healthiest one is Coniocleonus schoenherri, as I said before. The rest are Stephans (you have at least three types of them). And so - there are a hundred and fifty species (the largest genus of the tribe cleonini), and of these, probably two-thirds live in Siberia ) Using photos to identify them is a completely stupid task, except that the most charismatic can be identified. Here you need to look for yourself, for the fauna of Ter-Minasyan at least... Although they have also been added since then.

no, according to Ter-Minasyan, they are also shitty to determine, at least "on dry", without reference material, most of the signs are not clear. Sometimes it happens that one thing is written at all, another is presented, but in fact-the third.

19.12.2015 23:01, Fornax13

no, according to Ter-Minasyan, they are also shitty to determine, at least "on dry", without reference material, most of the signs are not clear. Sometimes one thing is written at all, another is presented, but in fact-the third.

This is yes, there is an overwhelming majority of species in this book to determine shitty - but what should I do? There are no other keys for them.

This post was edited by Fornax13-19.12.2015 23: 01

19.12.2015 23:02, Fornax13

Clear. There is a complete lack of information about the plant.

well, at least what was there nearby-there were no rose hips nearby? or iv?

20.12.2015 1:13, gstalker

Good evening .
A weevil ? Germany 2,5 mm 12.06.13 smile.gif

picture: 2_5mm_12.06.13_Northeim.jpg
2_5mm_12.06.13_Northeim.jpg — (725.77к)

picture: 2015_12_19_23_05_21_M_C_R_50_S_10.jpg
2015_12_19_23_05_21_M_C_R_50_S_10.jpg — (494.07к)

20.12.2015 2:18, gstalker

To catch up ...
Germany 3mm 11.06.14

picture: 3mm_11.06.14_Northeim.jpg
3mm_11.06.14_Northeim.jpg — (830.26к)

picture: 2015_12_19_23_51_09_M_C_R_50_S_10.jpg
2015_12_19_23_51_09_M_C_R_50_S_10.jpg — (665.87к)

20.12.2015 8:42, Mantispid

This is yes, there is an overwhelming majority of species in this book to determine shitty - but what should I do? There are no other keys for them.

well, why, the rest of the cleonines are determined and the key is not bad by birth...
the main problem is aspropartenis and stephanocleonus

20.12.2015 8:43, Mantispid

Good evening .
A weevil ? Germany 2,5 mm 12.06.13 smile.gif

Exomias pellucidus (Boheman, 1843)
Likes: 1

20.12.2015 8:44, Mantispid

To catch up ...
Germany 3mm 11.06.14

It's quite easy smile.gif
Nedyus quadrimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

20.12.2015 12:00, Ксения2015

Help me determine, please, to myself called a mustache for a banal visible sign.
(I wanted to participate in the theme "Mustache", is it suitable?).

Belarus, near Minsk 8 km south of the Moscow Ring Road, 25.07.2015.

picture: IMG_6511_33.jpg
IMG_6511_33.jpg — (212.03к)

picture: IMG_651333.JPG
IMG_651333.JPG — (224.18к)

20.12.2015 12:12, AGG

moustache musk Aromia moschata
only place it in the appropriate theme that corresponds to its subfamily mol.gif

This post was edited by AGG-12/20/2015 12: 14
Likes: 1

20.12.2015 13:31, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 24th.
Athous haemorrhoidalis or vittatus? Or maybe some other one? smile.gif

user posted image

20.12.2015 14:38, gstalker

Exomias pellucidus (Boheman, 1843)

Why not Barypeithes ?

20.12.2015 15:03, Mantispid

Why not Barypeithes ?

because Exomias is a separate genus (previously considered a subgenus of Barypeithes)

This post was edited by Mantispid - 12/20/2015 15: 03
Likes: 1

20.12.2015 16:24, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 24th.

user posted image

20.12.2015 16:44, Mantispid

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 24th.

Anthonomus rubi Hbst.
Likes: 1

20.12.2015 17:52, MIV

The healthiest one is Coniocleonus schoenherri, as I said before. The rest are Stephans (you have at least three types of them). And so - there are a hundred and fifty species (the largest genus of the tribe cleonini), and of these, probably two-thirds live in Siberia ) Using photos to identify them is a completely stupid task, except that the most charismatic can be identified. Here you need to look for yourself, for the fauna of Ter-Minasyan at least... Although they have also been added since then.

Alexey! Thank you so much for your very clear answer.

20.12.2015 18:36, Fornax13

well, why, the rest of the cleonines are determined and the key is not bad by birth...
the main problem is aspropartenis and stephanocleonus

Uh-huh, did I tell you how we defined leucophaeus before the genus?

20.12.2015 19:22, Liparus

And what is this" beast " - Stephanocleonus microgrammus? Rare or something?
I thought I'd had them before. But it doesn't. There is only one of them - the others are somewhat different.

Yes, it's rare...it is impossible to catch 10 pieces, this type comes across 1 - 3 instances...
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20.12.2015 19:24, Mantispid

Uh-huh, did I tell you how we defined leucophaeus before the genus?

No, what's so complicated about it? smile.gif
he does have a prong on his chin)

21.12.2015 11:04, smb

Hello, I ask for help in determining the bonuses.
Collected in October 2015 in the Ramenskoye district of the Moscow region.
He himself defined it as Carabus (Carabus) menetriesi (Hummel, 1827),
but he is not sure of his own definition.

picture: 14.10.2015.jpg
14.10.2015.jpg — (294.75 k)

picture: 19.10.2015.jpg
19.10.2015.jpg — (288.85к)

21.12.2015 11:31, Михалис

Hello, I ask for help in determining the bonuses.
Collected in October 2015 in the Ramenskoye district of the Moscow region.
He himself defined it as Carabus (Carabus) menetriesi (Hummel, 1827),
but he is not sure of his own definition.

He is. yes.gif
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21.12.2015 13:43, smb

Help identify ground beetles.
Collected in August 2015 in the Ramenskoye district of the Moscow region

picture: 26.08.2015.jpg
26.08.2015.jpg — (289.2к)

picture: 26.08.2015_01.jpg
26.08.2015_01.jpg — (280.26к)

picture: 26.08.2015_02.jpg
26.08.2015_02.jpg — (288.36к)

21.12.2015 14:12, Maksim M.

Hello, I ask for help in determining the bonuses.
Collected in October 2015 in the Ramenskoye district of the Moscow region.
He himself defined it as Carabus (Carabus) menetriesi (Hummel, 1827),
but he is not sure of his own definition.

Question: can you describe in detail the biotope where the capture was made?

21.12.2015 14:19, Bad Den

Help identify ground beetles.
Collected in August 2015 in the Ramenskoye district of the Moscow region

First and second photos:
Poecilus cupreus / versicolor
Third photo - Anisodactylus sp.
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