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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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25.07.2007 16:23, svm2

2-Zygaena loti

25.07.2007 16:30, Vlad Proklov

Interesting #3, very beautiful, gold-colored scales, it's a pity that I couldn't take a picture yet...flew away.

3-family Adelidae, it is impossible to say more precisely - but if it is taken now, then judging by the scabiose and "golden" wings-it is possible that Nemophora metallica.

25.07.2007 16:40, Zhernov

Yes, it was taken on Sunday.
Thank you all very much. I'm not very good at taxonomy, although I can determine something. A macro fond of a long time, a lot of photos have accumulated, it's time to call here. If it is not difficult for you to help, then I will gradually upload them to the site.

25.07.2007 17:34, Zhernov

And here is this prompt, in my opinion the bear Hera

picture: 1a.jpg
1a.jpg — (145.75к)

25.07.2007 17:38, Vlad Proklov

And here is this prompt, in my opinion the bear Hera

Hera the bear is about three times as big smile.gif
And this is the scoop-erebid Deltote bankiana.

26.07.2007 1:34, nimu

Help plz determine.
July Moscow region, Domodedovo district

picture: 1q.JPG
1q.JPG — (16.11к)

picture: 2q.JPG
2q.JPG — (9.79к)

picture: 3q.JPG
3q.JPG — (17.51к)

picture: 4q.JPG
4q.JPG — (22.48 k)

picture: 5q.JPG
5q.JPG — (10.32к)

picture: 6q.JPG
6q.JPG — (28.4к)

picture: 7q.JPG
7q.JPG — (38.46к)

picture: 8q.JPG
8q.JPG — (10.74 k)

picture: 9q.JPG
9q.JPG — (32.98к)

picture: 10q.JPG
10q.JPG — (58.73к)

picture: 10e.JPG
10e.JPG — (137.6к)

26.07.2007 1:57, Vlad Proklov

Help plz determine.
July Moscow region, Domodedovo district

1 - Caradrina morpheus
2 - Rivula sericealis
3 - Hydrelia sylvata
4 - Nomophila noctuella
5 - Archips ?podana
6-apparently dark form of Ectropis crepuscularia
7 - ?Apamea monoglypha Very unsure!
8 - Sitochroa verticalis
9 - ?Apamea sordens isn't sure either.
10 - Argynnis (Mesoacidalia) aglaja
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26.07.2007 2:26, nimu

to kotbegemot;
Thank you very much for the definition.
Can you tell me , I read somewhere that the white border in Nymphalis antiopa is a sign of perezemovka, and in another place I read that this is a distinctive sign of male/female. What to believe?

26.07.2007 2:29, Vlad Proklov

to kotbegemot;
Thank you very much for the definition.
Can you tell me , I read somewhere that the white border in Nymphalis antiopa is a sign of perezemovka, and in another place I read that this is a distinctive sign of male/female. What to believe?

I don't know for sure (I'm not a fan of bulavousykh at allsmile.gif) - but in my opinion, wintering grounds...
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26.07.2007 7:42, Сергей-Д

I read that after wintering the border brightens.
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26.07.2007 9:10, Zhuk

Can you tell me , I read somewhere that the white border in Nymphalis antiopa is a sign of perezemovka, and in another place I read that this is a distinctive sign of male/female. What to believe?

White border - a sign of wintering. And its female looks like this:
user posted image

Admit it!! Did anyone catch a female thread??smile.gif
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26.07.2007 9:40, Zhuk

7 - ?Apamea monoglypha Very unsure!
9 -?Apamea sordens isn't sure either.

In my opinion, everything is correct.
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26.07.2007 9:44, svm2

White border - a sign of wintering. And its female looks like this:

Admit it!! Did anyone catch a female thread??smile.gif

The female may look ordinary, it's just a color aberration.
I saw one near Kiev, but I didn't catch it ,the bike got in the way.True it was 15 years ago

26.07.2007 9:46, Zhuk

I couldn't find one on the Internet. Just in the book, from which the photo, nifiga is not written.

26.07.2007 10:31, Andylog

The border of the mourner is not that it was yellow before wintering, but after it became white - just the whole butterfly fades, as it were. And males and females are colored the same. There is a photo of color aberration in the book. I've never seen one myself.
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26.07.2007 13:51, aleko

Good afternoon, welcome a newbie! smile.gif

Please help me with the definition of moths. All - the beginning of July,
from a trip to the Samara and Ulyanovsk regions.

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

01 - Scopula ternata?
03 - Ematurga atomaria?
02, 04 - ???

26.07.2007 13:59, Zhuk

We acceptsmile.gif
1-Ematurga atomaria, female
3-Ematurga atomaria, male
I don't know the rest.
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26.07.2007 14:31, svm2

2,4-Tephrina in my opinion shabby murinaria
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26.07.2007 16:52, aleko

to Zhuk and svm2: thank you!

Tephrina murinaria-it is quite possible that I came across these individuals on the settled
slopes of Zhiguli.

But with the female atomaria (N1) I suffered for a long time, I did not want to believe that it was her. It is too different from ordinary atomics smile.gif

26.07.2007 16:54, Zhuk

But with the female atomaria (N1) I suffered for a long time, I did not want to believe that it was her. It's too different from ordinary atomariums smile.gif

They are very changeable. Some are quite dark, and some are quite light.

27.07.2007 7:40, aleko

They are very changeable. Some are quite dark, and some are quite light.

Yes, I know that much. But what confused me was that almost every other atomarium I came across had a striped fringe around the edges of the wings, and the median stripe on the upper wing split in the manner of the letter Y. In this one, none of these signs are found.

27.07.2007 14:41, Alexander Zarodov

Some more fresh butterflies from the Moscow region smile.gif

1. Platyptilia gonodactyla
picture: paltsekryl21.jpg

2. Someone from the Tortricidae?
picture: n0707211.jpg

3. Someone from the Crambidae. Agriphila tristella?
picture: n0707212.jpg

27.07.2007 15:10, aleko

3-similar to the "worn" A. straminella
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27.07.2007 15:35, Alexander Zarodov

3-similar to the "worn" A. straminella

Here's another similar one

picture: n0707221.jpg
n0707221.jpg — (103.28к)

27.07.2007 15:52, Vlad Proklov

Some more fresh butterflies from the Moscow region smile.gif

I can't tell you anything about the fingerfly right now without a book at hand, but I can tell you about the others smile.gif
Leafhopper -- Epiblema foenella
Firefly -- yes, Agriphila straminella
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28.07.2007 1:17, nimu

Help plz to determine the scoop.
Yu. B. has just arrived at the world.

picture: zdn.JPG
zdn.JPG — (36.83к)

28.07.2007 2:01, Vlad Proklov

Help plz to determine the scoop.
Yu. B. has just arrived at the world.

Amphipyra pyramidea/berbera
Update: This is Amphipyra pyramidea, judging by drawing of the front wing.

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 07/28/2007 02: 51
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28.07.2007 3:15, nimu

Tell me plz is Amphipoea fueosa?

picture: jnj.JPG
jnj.JPG — (16.26к)

28.07.2007 3:53, Vlad Proklov

Tell me plz is Amphipoea fueosa?

Most likely (it's just the most common type of genus in the Moscow region). But in addition to A. fucosa, there are also A. lucens, A. crinanensis and A. oculea-all of them are less common, but they come across. You can't tell them apart by their appearance.
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29.07.2007 10:54, Dr. Niko

Is the definition possible? Thanks. wink.gif

picture: sverhu.JPG
sverhu.JPG — (136.52к)

picture: sboku.JPG
sboku.JPG — (135.85 k)

29.07.2007 11:50, Khlinoff

Please identify a pair of butterflies, I think a male and female of the same species.
We arrived at the light almost simultaneously on 16.07.06.

picture: _DSC1369.jpg
_DSC1369.jpg — (150.52к)

picture: _DSC1368.jpg
_DSC1368.jpg — (130.81к)

29.07.2007 14:43, Pavel Morozov

Please identify a pair of butterflies, I think a male and female of the same species.
We arrived at the light almost simultaneously on 16.07.06.

Where were these cocoonworms caught?
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29.07.2007 14:55, Vlad Proklov

Is the definition possible? Thanks. wink.gif

Argyresthia goedartella, most likely.

29.07.2007 15:05, Khlinoff

Where were these cocoonworms caught?

on the outskirts of Beloretsk, it is on the South.Urals
Altitude ~ 650m
Latitude: 53o56 ' Longitude:58o20' (As indicated on the weather site)

29.07.2007 15:07, Pavel Morozov

Then it looks like Dendrolimus superans

29.07.2007 15:22, Khlinoff

Do Dendrolimus superans only eat pine and fir or something?

This post was edited by Khlinoff - 07/29/2007 15: 44

29.07.2007 16:36, Pavel Morozov

Caterpillars on cedar, fir, spruce, pine and larch.

29.07.2007 20:02, Alexander Zarodov

Help with the zheltushka near Moscow (the border of Ruzsky and Odintsovo districts, if necessary)! It is clear that most likely C. hyale, since the rest of the Red Book... What if? smile.gif

picture: colias.jpg
colias.jpg — (132.82к)

29.07.2007 20:18, Pavel Morozov

hyale is.
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29.07.2007 20:51, okoem

Help, pliz, identify these micros:

8-I think that the leaf wrapper Cnephasia sp.

This post was edited by okoem - 07/29/2007 20: 58

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