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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Pages: 1 ...870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878... 986

04.08.2018 22:08, chebur

I ask for help in determining.
1. 26.7.18 Moscow
picture: IMG_05141.jpg
picture: IMG_05151.jpg
picture: IMG_05251.jpg

2. 4.8.18 Moscow
picture: IMG_05371.jpg
picture: IMG_05391.jpg

04.08.2018 22:20, chebur

Is this a female Argynnis adippe?
15.7.18 Moscow
picture: IMG_05281.jpg

04.08.2018 22:24, Vlad Proklov

I believe it is a male Lymantria monacha (Linnaeus, 1758). The view is very variable. If you look closely at the photo, for example, on the site lepiforum.de, then you can find almost the same color, but, of course, they are not so flown there.

It is necessary to look at the abdomen - if there is pink there-dark monacha, if not-dispar.
Instance availability issue=)

04.08.2018 22:25, Vlad Proklov

Is this a female Argynnis adippe?
15.7.18 Moscow

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04.08.2018 22:29, Vlad Proklov

I ask for help in determining.
1. 26.7.18 Moscow

2. 4.8.18 Moscow

1 - Eucosma flavispecula
2 - Phyllonorycter corylifoliella

PS "Moscow" is still better to specify (that's where I put the dots?), Non-rubber - the concept is stretchable. wink.gif
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04.08.2018 22:40, usiaz

Hello! Is it possible to determine the type of butterfly from the image? Is this Pieris brassicae?
Raznotravye (synanthropic community).
Time and place of shooting: Yekaterinburg, 2018-06-01 17: 30: 00

Please pay attention to this question smile.gif
You didn't notice it, or you can't tell the type of butterfly from the picture...

04.08.2018 22:48, Kharkovbut

Is this a female Argynnis adippe?
15.7.18 Moscow


IMHO adippe.
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04.08.2018 22:57, Vlad Proklov

IMHO adippe.

There is a dot in the discal cell of the hindwing, and the veins on the underside of the wing are darkened...

04.08.2018 23:07, Kharkovbut

There is a dot in the discal cell of the hindwing, and the veins on the underside of the wing are darkened...
Maybe so. I won't insist. smile.gif Imho an ambiguous instance...

04.08.2018 23:08, vafdog

Please pay attention to this question smile.gif
You didn't notice it, or you can't tell the type of butterfly from the picture...

Pieris napi
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04.08.2018 23:25, chebur

There is a dot in the discal cell of the hindwing, and the veins on the underside of the wing are darkened...

Right here: http://insectamo.ru/rhop/37-rhop/nymphalid...briciana-adippe
there is a female with a dot in the discal cell of the hindwing, defined as adippe. That's what confused me.
I haven't been able to catch niobe in 10 years. I don't have much luck with her... So this time I was happy at first, and then doubted. frown.gif

04.08.2018 23:28, Vlad Proklov

Right here: http://insectamo.ru/rhop/37-rhop/nymphalid...briciana-adippe
there is a female with a dot in the discal cell of the hindwing, defined as adippe. That's what confused me.
I haven't been able to catch niobe in 10 years. I don't have much luck with her... So this time I was happy at first, and then doubted. frown.gif

Oh! And it seems to me-there and that female-and still from Poplar too niobe hangs ))

04.08.2018 23:41, chebur

23.6.18 Moscow region, Beloomut settlement, 54°56 '11.8" N 39°24'10.1" E, in the afternoon
I ask for help in determining.
picture: IMG_89401.jpg

04.08.2018 23:44, Vlad Proklov

23.6.18 Moscow region, Beloomut settlement, 54°56 '11.8" N 39°24'10.1" E, in the afternoon
I ask for help in determining.

Like, Celypha cespitana.
Likes: 1

04.08.2018 23:51, Vlad Proklov

Please pay attention to this question smile.gif
You didn't notice it, or you can't tell the type of butterfly from the picture...

Pieris napi.
Likes: 1

05.08.2018 6:30, akulich-sibiria

1. Argyrestia ? ivella
picture: IMG_6498.jpg
2. picture: IMG_6499.jpg
3. picture: IMG_6500.jpg
4. ?? picture: IMG_6503.jpg

05.08.2018 9:04, usiaz

Hello! Can I determine the view from a snapshot? This is Boloria angarensis?
2016-07-09 17: 00:00,
Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, Pokachi neighborhood. Pine forest with an admixture of cedar, birch and aspen on the floodplain of the Vatiegana River.
Latitude: North. 61°46'26"
Longitude: East. 75°38'34"

picture: IMG_8938.JPG
IMG_8938.JPG — (466.79к)

05.08.2018 9:25, akulich-sibiria

2 - Ypsolopha leuconotella?

05.08.2018 17:17, Бабистр

Hello! I don't know anything about ribbon makers, they all look the same to me. And they're all red. lol.gif Please tell me the name of the type. smile.gif Yesterday, Moscow region.

picture: IMG_9854.JPG
IMG_9854.JPG — (38.32к)

05.08.2018 18:53, Konung

Will you be able to identify such a shabby one ? Worried, perhaps ? Moscow region (Vnukovo railway station). 04.08.2018.

I believe that monacha is also

05.08.2018 21:28, IgorKO

Hada plebeja - on the right, and the left is most likely also, more shabby just.

Thank you very much.

05.08.2018 22:32, Igar

Hello! I don't know anything about ribbon makers, they all look the same to me. And they're all red. lol.gif Please tell me the name of the type. smile.gif Yesterday, Moscow region.

C. nupta
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06.08.2018 13:36, Gans75

North-west of Ukraine.
May 11. Macaria alternata ?
user posted image
May 20. Petrophora chlorosata ?
user posted image
June 26. Idaea biselata ?
picture: ________________________Idaea_biselata_.jpg
June 24. Idaea inquinata ?
user posted image
19 May. Xanthorhoe fluctuata ?
user posted image
May 20. Scopula immorata ?
user posted image
June 12 Plagodis pulveraria ?
user posted image
July 24 Scopula rubiginata ?
user posted image
July 28. Scotopteryx chenopodiata ?
user posted image
August 2, Epirrhoe sp.?
user posted image
September 8. Peribatodes rhomboidaria ?
user posted image
June 11. Hypomecis punctinalis ?
user posted image
June 20. ??
user posted image

06.08.2018 13:57, ярослав

Help with the definition.Orenburg Region, 28.07.2018Into the light

picture: SDC16113.jpg
SDC16113.jpg — (267.7к)

06.08.2018 14:02, Vlad Proklov

Help with the definition.Orenburg Region, 28.07.2018Into the light

Eugnosta lathoniana
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06.08.2018 14:12, svm2

North-west of Ukraine.

the latter is Hydrelia sylvata
Epirrhoe alternata

This post was edited by svm2-06.08.2018 14: 13
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06.08.2018 16:57, ярослав

Help me identify the scoop.1.08.2018Orenburg region, to the light.

picture: SDC16109.jpg
SDC16109.jpg — (291.97к)

06.08.2018 18:44, Alexandr Zhakov

Help me identify the scoop.1.08.2018Orenburg region, to the light.

Agrotis segetum ♀
Likes: 1

06.08.2018 21:46, usiaz

Hello! Can I determine the view from a snapshot?
Time and place of shooting: 2016-06-23 01: 16: 00
Russia, Samara region, Stavropol region, Yagodnoye village, 250 m from the Kuibyshev reservoir, private farm.
NW 53°37 ' 29 "
VD 49°02 '16"

picture: IMG_8108.JPG
IMG_8108.JPG — (303.83к)

06.08.2018 21:56, usiaz

Hello! Can I determine the view from a snapshot?
Time and place of shooting: 2016-08-17 01: 12: 00
Russia, Samara region, Stavropol region, Yagodnoye village, 250 m from the Kuibyshev reservoir, private farm.
NW 53°37 ' 29 "
VD 49°02 '16"

picture: IMG_0926.JPG
IMG_0926.JPG — (712.24к)

06.08.2018 22:05, usiaz

Hello! Can I determine the view from a snapshot?
Time and place of shooting: 2016-08-17 00: 43: 00
Russia, Samara region, Stavropol region, Yagodnoye village, 250 m from the Kuibyshev reservoir, private farm.
NW 53°37 ' 29 "
VD 49°02 '16"

picture: IMG_0882.JPG
IMG_0882.JPG — (536.98к)

07.08.2018 22:17, usiaz

Hello! Can I determine the view from a snapshot? FAMILY GEOMETRIDAE?
Idaea biselata?
Time and place of shooting: 2018-08-07 18: 00: 00
Russia, Perm Krai, Bardymsky district
Tulva upland. Sarashevskaya oak grove.

This post was edited by usiaz - 07.08.2018 22: 59

picture: IMG_9062.JPG
IMG_9062.JPG — (305.36к)

07.08.2018 23:53, MIV

What kind of "moth"? Tell me, please, at least the family.

1. Krasnoyarsk (city limits), to the light. 25.06.18.
picture: IMG_7381_14_______________________________________._25.06.18._leg.__._______.jpg

2. Ocd. Krasnoyarsk. 26.06.77. Span kr. - 16mm
The copy is more than 40 years old! From the collection of I. S. Zakharzhevsky.
picture: IMG_7349_16________.___________._26.06.77.__leg._______________.__..jpg

08.08.2018 12:32, ярослав

Help with the definition.Black medusa / Erebia medusa (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)?Orenburg Region, 5.08.2018

picture: SDC16118.jpg
SDC16118.jpg — (301.17к)

picture: SDC16119.jpg
SDC16119.jpg — (287.82к)

08.08.2018 14:11, NicoSander

Please help me with the moths

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (473.03к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (435.5 k)

picture: 2_.jpg
2_.jpg — (384.67 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (415.17к)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (337.23к)

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (409.67 k)

picture: 6.jpg
6.jpg — (390.7 k)

08.08.2018 15:24, staphyl

Good day dear forumchane. Help with the definition.
Armenia, Kajaran, u min. source "Ttujur", 13.07.2018

picture: P7130036.JPG
P7130036.JPG — (283.31к)

picture: P7140042.JPG
P7140042.JPG — (280.49к)

08.08.2018 16:12, svm2

Please help me with the moths

!-Hydria cervinalis
2-Hypomecis punctinalis
3-Petrophora chlorosata
4-Lobophora halterata
5,6-Hydriomena impluviata
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08.08.2018 17:54, Jaguar paw

Zenophassus schamyl? Georgia, Lechkhumi, 08.08.2018.

picture: 38444354_681165388908306_9089824370997592064_n.jpg
38444354_681165388908306_9089824370997592064_n.jpg — (186.41к)

08.08.2018 17:55, gumenuk

Help me identify whiteflies.
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, railway platform Khripan, dacha
June-July 2018

picture: 1_DSC08214.jpg
1_DSC08214.jpg — (277.7к)

picture: 2_DSC09262.jpg
2_DSC09262.jpg — (281.78к)

picture: 3_DSC08906.jpg
3_DSC08906.jpg — (277.41к)

picture: 4_DSC08735.jpg
4_DSC08735.jpg — (266.5к)

picture: 5_DSC08722.jpg
5_DSC08722.jpg — (281.37к)

08.08.2018 18:03, Evgenich

gumenuk, all belyanki-Pieris napi
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