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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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27.07.2018 1:52, Ilia Ustiantcev

I do not see any species that are locally confined, namely only to different types of swamps, there are species that inhabit wetland stations, that is, in general, lake-swamp-river natural complexes (river floodplains, lake-peat forest-swamp stations in combination with streams and rivers.), but these same species can also occur in other natural areas.-landscape areas.
Close to swamp stations, except that Phragmataecia castaneae develops on reeds and some scoops from Mythimna (for example, M. straminea), lichen Pelosia muscerda, which I see here. The rest are quite common, widespread species. I don't even see fireflies from the Acentropinae, which live mainly on the shores of lakes, swamps and ponds.

I think that here the person was more interested in the types of riding bogs, rather than near-water ones. These include Protolampra sobrina, Coenophila subrosea, which dominates these collections, and Syngrapha interrogationis. Of course, they are not limited to swamps, but they are confined to heather shrubs, and I have in Pestovo most likely associated with swamps, since there are almost no decent forests with an abundance of shrubs in the area.

I wonder what that dark speck is in the upper-left corner. And in the right (and not only) there also seems to be something unusual, like Colostygia aptata.

This post was edited by Ilya U - 27.07.2018 01: 59
Likes: 1

27.07.2018 2:16, vidjl

I think that here the person was more interested in the types of riding bogs, rather than near-water ones. These include Protolampra sobrina, Coenophila subrosea, which dominates these collections, and Syngrapha interrogationis. Of course, they are not limited to swamps, but they are confined to heather shrubs, and I have in Pestovo most likely associated with swamps, since there are almost no decent forests with an abundance of shrubs in the area.

I say that these species are not limited to" swamps", and I listed what develops precisely on swamp vegetation from the species from the photo.
P. sobrina, Coenophila subrosea, Syngrapha interrogationis fly through my window in the city, and I live far from the swamps, since their life cycle is not connected with each other. only with swamp vegetation, they are found near rivers and lakes, and not only in swamps. For them, moistened natural landscapes are the very thing. We should try to hold training camps closer to autumn, because I think it might be more interesting there.

This post was edited by vidjl - 27.07.2018 04: 14
Likes: 1

27.07.2018 2:31, vidjl

I wonder what that dark speck is in the upper-left corner. And in the right (and not only) there also seems to be something unusual, like Colostygia aptata.

It looks like Perizoma sp. In the right, and in other places, yes Colostygia aptata, apparently there is a bedstraw.

This post was edited by vidjl - 27.07.2018 04: 56
Likes: 1

27.07.2018 7:48, ярослав

Help with the definition.Orenburg region, top of a stony steppe hill in grass, wingspan 37mm, 24.07.2018

picture: SDC16096.jpg
SDC16096.jpg — (297.94к)

27.07.2018 9:40, Вячеслав Ушаков

Please help me determine.
July 2018
Trans-Baikal Territory, surroundings of the resort of Urguchan.

picture: P7270130.JPG
P7270130.JPG — (298.39к)

picture: P7270131.JPG
P7270131.JPG — (300.28к)

picture: P7270133.JPG
P7270133.JPG — (296.7к)

picture: P7270134.JPG
P7270134.JPG — (297.58к)

picture: P7270135.JPG
P7270135.JPG — (288.13к)

picture: P7270136.JPG
P7270136.JPG — (295.73к)

picture: P7270137.JPG
P7270137.JPG — (315.47к)

27.07.2018 15:49, Sergey Rybalkin

I think that here the person was more interested in the types of riding bogs, rather than near-water ones. These include Protolampra sobrina, Coenophila subrosea, which dominates these collections, and Syngrapha interrogationis. Of course, they are not limited to swamps, but they are confined to heather shrubs, and I have in Pestovo most likely associated with swamps, since there are almost no decent forests with an abundance of shrubs in the area.

I wonder what that dark speck is in the upper-left corner. And in the right (and not only) there also seems to be something unusual, like Colostygia aptata.

Yes, I was interested in the species that are characteristic of the upper sphagnum swamps, where rosemary, cloudberry, cranberry and blueberry grow.
From the daytime ones, I met tullia haywort, peatweed yellow, optilete pigeon, and aquilonaris mother-of-pearl.
So I thought that something similar should also be present from the night...

27.07.2018 20:11, RoPro

Can I detect the leaflet ? I couldn't do it myself. Moscow, 26.07.2018.

This post was edited by RoPro - 27.07.2018 21: 02

picture: DSCN2702.jpg
DSCN2702.jpg — (549.31к)

27.07.2018 20:12, Vlad Proklov

Can I detect the leaflet ? I couldn't do it myself. Moscow, 26.07.2018.

Yes the same -- nisella / cinereana.
Likes: 1

28.07.2018 1:11, maks.malehornov

Friends, hello everyone!
I can't understand what kind of place is indicated in the label. UdsSR, Baikalsee, Taicri.
What is this place called Taicri? If anyone knows please tell me.

28.07.2018 2:48, vidjl

Please help me determine.
July 2018
Trans-Baikal Territory, surroundings of the resort of Urguchan.

P7270130 (2), P7270131 (1), P7270133 (3) - Argynnis paphia (female)
P7270137 (7) - Argynnis paphia (male)
P7270134 (4), P7270136 (6) - Damora sagana (female)
P7270135 (5) - Dendrolimus superans sibiricus (female)

28.07.2018 3:01, vidjl

Help with the definition.Orenburg region, top of a stony steppe hill in grass, wingspan 37mm, 24.07.2018

Hyponephele lycaon
Likes: 1

28.07.2018 10:56, ярослав

Help with the definition.Orenburg region.Span 30mm, during the day, in the grass in the meadow.24.07.2018г.

picture: SDC16098.jpg
SDC16098.jpg — (291.8к)

28.07.2018 11:58, ярослав

Help me determine the type of scoops.Orenburg region, to the light.15.07.2018

Do you have any thoughts on this picture? Or undetectable?

28.07.2018 13:50, vidjl

Do you have any thoughts on this picture? Or undetectable?

Euxoa sp., I won't take it any further, you need to cook it.
Nikolai, what wingspan does it have today?

This post was edited by vidjl - 07/28/2018 13: 56
Likes: 1

28.07.2018 14:05, Ilia Ustiantcev

Is this Aethes smeathmanniana with a torn sash, or who else? Pestovo.

picture: DSC04227.jpg
picture: DSC04228.jpg

28.07.2018 15:04, ярослав

Euxoa sp., I won't take it any further, you need to cook it.
Nikolai, what wingspan does it have today?

span 31mm.

29.07.2018 9:15, CKaterina

Help me determine it. Cabera exanthemata? 27.07. Moscow.

29.07.2018 12:28, vafdog

Help me determine it. Cabera exanthemata? 27.07. Moscow.

firebox Patania ruralis
Likes: 1

29.07.2018 12:47, Иван1980

Good afternoon!
I'm interested in the name of the animal. Found on 28.07.2018. Belarus, Minsk.

image: _______. jpg
_______.jpg — (391.34к)

Likes: 1

29.07.2018 13:25, Slavinator

Help me determine it. July

Butterfly first - Crimea, Vulkanovka
Butterfly second - Crimea, Primorskiy
Butterfly third - Crimea, Alupka

picture: ________2.JPG
________2.JPG — (303.36к)

picture: ________3.JPG
________3.JPG — (299.37к)

picture: ________4.JPG
________4.JPG — (298.89к)

29.07.2018 13:28, Vlad Proklov

Is this Aethes smeathmanniana with a torn sash, or who else? Pestovo.

I think it's.
Likes: 1

29.07.2018 13:29, Vlad Proklov

Good afternoon!
I'm interested in the name of the animal. Found on 28.07.2018. Belarus, Minsk.

Zygaena filipendulae
Likes: 1

29.07.2018 13:29, Vlad Proklov

Help me determine it. July

Butterfly first - Crimea, Vulkanovka
Butterfly second - Crimea, Primorskiy
Butterfly third - Crimea, Alupka

1 - Papilio machaon
2 - Macroglossum stellatarum
3 - Zeuzera pyrina
Likes: 1

29.07.2018 21:23, Woodfly

Good day!

Help identify (Vietnam)

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (313.22к)

29.07.2018 21:43, RoPro

Please help me identify the scoop and leaf wrapper.
picture: DSCN3442.jpg
Bulgaria inquinans ? P.S. Accidentally, instead of the name of the leaf wrapper type, the name of the mushroom type was inserted. picture: DSCN3084.jpg

This post was edited by RoPro-30.07.2018 20: 01

29.07.2018 21:58, Alexandr Zhakov

Please help me identify the scoop and leaf wrapper (Bulgaria inquinans ?)
2. Bulgaria inquinans ?

1. Eurois occulta
2. Epinotia ramella

This post was edited by Djon - 29.07.2018 21: 59
Likes: 1

30.07.2018 8:16, Ксения2015

Please identify a pigeon-sized butterfly.
Belarus, Minsk region, Minsk district, Kolodishchi agro-town area, veronica inflorescence. 29.07.2018.

picture: IMG_698833.JPG
IMG_698833.JPG — (346.51к)

30.07.2018 16:38, ярослав

Euxoa sp., I won't take it any further, you need to cook it.
Nikolai, what wingspan does it have today?

Alexander!I specified the span as you requested.

30.07.2018 16:49, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

Good day!

Help identify (Vietnam)

A local subspecies, if you haven't already described it as a species.
Abrota ganga s.sp.offers a lot of new information about Vietnam.

This post was edited by cleobis - 30.07.2018 20: 52

picture: Abrota_Ganga_SSP_________________________________25_1.jpg
Abrota_Ganga_SSP_________________________________25_1.jpg — (296.92к)

30.07.2018 19:25, Konung

Friends, hello everyone!
I can't understand what kind of place is indicated in the label. UdsSR, Baikalsee, Taicri.
What is this place called Taicri? If anyone knows please tell me.

it would be better to see the label itself. maybe it will be clearer.

30.07.2018 20:31, Guest

P7270130 (2), P7270131
P7270135 (5) - Dendrolimus superans sibiricus (female)

Isn't it Dendrolimus sibiricus now as a separate species?
Likes: 1

30.07.2018 21:07, Tivanik

Southern Coast of Crimea, 14.07.2018
Lasiommata megera ?

picture: IMGP1368.jpg

31.07.2018 0:23, vidjl

Alexander!I specified the span as you requested.

It also didn't help, if it was up to 25 mm, then it could be assumed, but it's better to cook it anyway.
Likes: 1

31.07.2018 2:04, vidjl

Isn't it Dendrolimus sibiricus now as a separate species?

There are many different opinions, here you can read
KauriMikkola & Gunilla Ståhls-Morphological and molecular taxonomy of Dendrolimus sibiricus Chetverikov stat.rev. and allied lappet moths (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), with description of a new species


download file Mikkola_color.pdf

size: 2.36 mb
number of downloads: 775

Likes: 1

31.07.2018 2:06, vidjl

Southern Coast of Crimea, 14.07.2018
Lasiommata megera ?

Likes: 1

31.07.2018 4:17, akulich-sibiria

good morning, tell me what kind of gelechiida, I've already broken my head. I can't find a similar structure of the genitals, and the color of the wings says little.
picture: IMG_6937.JPG
picture: IMG_6944_.jpg
picture: IMG_6940_.jpg
picture: IMG_6941_.jpg

31.07.2018 5:03, akulich-sibiria

help me figure it out at least to the end, I can't find anything similar yet.
the butterfly is really broken a little.
maybe Swammerdamia of some kind?
picture: IMG_6977.JPG
picture: IMG_6982__.jpg
picture: IMG_6983.JPG

31.07.2018 8:34, ярослав

Help with the definition.Aricia agestis ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)?Orenburg region, sukhodolny meadow, span 23mm, 28.07.2018

picture: SDC16103.jpg
SDC16103.jpg — (300.84к)

31.07.2018 8:35, ярослав

The reverse side.

picture: SDC16104.jpg
SDC16104.jpg — (296.52к)

31.07.2018 9:15, Alexandr Zhakov

Female Icarus.
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