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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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13.07.2018 12:01, Ilia Ustiantcev

Promalactis procerella
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14.07.2018 0:11, Андреас

Saratov region, Engelsky district, June

No. 3-Rhasiane glarearia, I think...

14.07.2018 0:14, Андреас

Now in the summer kitchen captured a moth (I don't even understand the family). Tell me who knows. Thank you. cool.gif
Length, approximately, mm-6-7

This post was edited by Andreas - 14.07.2018 00: 15

14.07.2018 0:20, Vlad Proklov

Now in the summer kitchen captured a moth (I don't even understand the family). Tell me who knows. Thank you. cool.gif
Length, approximately, mm-6-7

Oegoconia sp. (Autostichidae)
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14.07.2018 0:44, Андреас

And, please tell me, at least the family (it didn't seem to go any further): smile.gif
Taken on July 22 in the room.
Not really Tineidae?

This post was edited by Andreas - 14.07.2018 00: 46

14.07.2018 0:54, Vlad Proklov

And, please tell me, at least the family (it didn't seem to go any further): smile.gif
Taken on July 22 in the room.
Not really Tineidae?

Nepticulidae rather.
Likes: 1

14.07.2018 3:44, Slavinator

Saratov region, June
and not yet determined one of the lowest of the post URL #34725
Thank you!

picture: ________9.JPG
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14.07.2018 9:20, svm2

1-Idaea ochrata
2-Eupithecia breviculata

14.07.2018 12:42, Sklyar

Good afternoon! Please help me with the definition. I would be grateful for names of taxa of any rank below the order rolleyes.gif
Kursk region.

picture: IMG_1076_____________.JPG
IMG_1076_____________.JPG — (102.76к)

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IMG_0063_____________.JPG — (144.95к)

14.07.2018 13:28, Ilia Ustiantcev

I don't know what kind of Phyllonorycter it is. Sagittella is very different in the shape of the wings and a little in the pattern, on comparella and apparella-in the pattern. Pestovo. The same one I came across on Ilovla.

picture: DSC03695.jpg
picture: DSC03697.jpg

14.07.2018 18:21, maks.malehornov

Friends, good day to all!
Tell me the nymphalid. The top two are Nymphalis nixa and the bottom two are Nymphalis caschmirensis? Fan mountains, Tajikistan.

picture: __________.png
__________.png — (301.16к)

15.07.2018 15:37, аруд

Heavily flown or is the orange color of the spots a normal phenomenon? Thank you.

picture: 122.jpg
122.jpg — (246.16 k)

16.07.2018 14:37, Ilia Ustiantcev

Isn't this Agonopterix selini? In the suburbs girchi full, but with different gorichniki sadness. Pestovo. A new species for Russia?

picture: DSC03795.jpg
picture: DSC03793.jpg
picture: DSC03799.jpg

Scoparia ambigualis or ancipitella? I am inclined to the second one because of the well-defined dark stroke at the base of the wing.

picture: DSC03819.jpg
picture: DSC03821.jpg

This post was edited by Ilya U - 16.07.2018 14: 38

16.07.2018 16:16, Vlad Proklov

Isn't this Agonopterix selini? In the suburbs girchi full, but with different gorichniki sadness. Pestovo. A new species for Russia?

For agonopteryx, the attached article should be lit up.
And scoparia is too grated frown.gif

download file Buchner___2016___Redescription_of_Agonopterix_selini__Heinemann__1870__with_description_of_Agonopterix_lessini_sp._n._and_Agonopterix_pa.pdf

size: 4.25 mb
number of downloads: 160

Likes: 4

17.07.2018 21:24, RoPro

Please identify the butterflies. Moscow region, near the Michurinets railway station, 15.07.2018.
1. Phyllonorycter issiki ? picture: DSCN2017_Phyllonorycter_issikii.jpg
2. Phyllonorycter issiki ? picture: DSCN2019_Phyllonorycter_issikii.jpg
3. I didn't understand what kind of leaf wrapper. picture: DSCN2036.jpg
4. I couldn't even identify my family. picture: DSCN2068.jpg
5. Epinotia brunnichana ? picture: DSCN2070.jpg
6. Anacampsis blattariella ? picture: DSCN2089.jpg

17.07.2018 21:30, Vlad Proklov

Please identify the butterflies. Moscow region, near the Michurinets railway station, 15.07.2018.

1, 2, 5, 6 - верно
3 - Epinotia nisella/cinereana
4 - Hypatima rhomboidella
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18.07.2018 11:30, ярослав

Help us determine the type of fire pit.Orenburg region15. 07. 2018, wingspan 23mm.

picture: SDC16067.jpg
SDC16067.jpg — (242.92к)

18.07.2018 11:56, Ilia Ustiantcev

Most likely this is Genitalia volatilis, although the combination of body thickness and wing shape is interesting, Pyraustinae or something?
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18.07.2018 12:43, ярослав

Most likely this is Genitalia volatilis, although the combination of body thickness and wing shape is interesting, Pyraustinae or something?

Or maybe Geometridae?

18.07.2018 13:37, Ilia Ustiantcev

Please tell me, is this a regular lucifuga? The hood is too light and the size is too small, the rear fenders are more like hers.

picture: DSC03953.JPG
picture: DSC03955.JPG
picture: DSC03956.JPG

18.07.2018 13:37, Alexandr Zhakov

Help us determine the type of fire pit.Orenburg region15. 07. 2018, wingspan 23mm.

Can Aegle kaekeritziana
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18.07.2018 15:29, Vlad Proklov

Can Aegle kaekeritziana

I support you!
Likes: 2

19.07.2018 12:25, ярослав

Help me determine the type of scoops.Orenburg region, to the light.15.07.2018

picture: SDC16074.jpg
SDC16074.jpg — (289.36к)

19.07.2018 16:24, Евгений88

identify the moth

picture: IMGP3062.JPG
IMGP3062.JPG — (310.13к)

19.07.2018 16:59, AGG

20.07.2018 21:09, Елизавета Рысенкова

Are these mottled birds all Zygaena filipendulae?

Tver region, Kalininsky district, Knyazevo
All photos of different butterflies.
1.picture: 1__1_.JPG
2.picture: 1__2_.JPG
3.picture: 1__3_.JPG
4.picture: 1__4_.JPG
5.picture: 1__5_.JPG
6.picture: 1__6_.JPG

This post was edited by Elizaveta Rysenkova - 07/20/2018 21: 46

20.07.2018 22:30, Fyodor

Are these mottled birds all Zygaena filipendulae?

Все Zygaena lonicerae.
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20.07.2018 23:46, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please help me with the moths.

Tver region, Torzhoksky district, Korobino village.
18.07.2018 in the swamp

1. Hydria undulata?
image: _. JPG
2. ?
picture: IMGP8564.JPG

21.07.2018 0:18, coriander-lithurgus

Good evening to experts and connoisseurs of butterflies! Please tell me the name of the moth.

picture: SUU2Q_croper_ru.jpeg
SUU2Q_croper_ru.jpeg — (110.15к)

21.07.2018 1:11, Vlad Proklov

Good evening to experts and connoisseurs of butterflies! Please tell me the name of the moth.

Ethmia vittalbella
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21.07.2018 12:58, Oleg Nikolsky

[quote=Elizaveta Rysenkova,21.07.2018 00: 46]
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21.07.2018 13:39, akulich-sibiria

help with the definition. Khakassia. Shirinsky district, to the light
1. picture: IMG_6479.jpg
2. picture: IMG_6480.jpg
3. picture: IMG_6483.jpg
4. picture: IMG_6484.jpg
5. picture: IMG_6485.jpg

Krasnoyarsk Territory. the bay. Biryusa. On light
6. picture: IMG_6486.jpg
7. picture: IMG_6487.jpg
8. picture: IMG_6488.jpg

21.07.2018 16:03, AndreyF

Help with defining the type. South Coast 8.07.18

picture: zUYSf_9ybdk.jpg
zUYSf_9ybdk.jpg — (304.71к)

21.07.2018 16:50, vidjl

help with the definition. Khakassia. Shirinsky district, to the light

1-Eublemma rosea
2-Eilema flavociliata
3-Plusidia cheiranthi
4-Hadena variolata
5-Hadena irregularis
6-Tethea or
7-Spilosoma urticae
8 - what I don't understand, Hypena proboscidalis what is it?
...the internet in Norilsk is bad and cold (
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21.07.2018 17:32, Ilia Ustiantcev

Help with defining the type. South Coast 8.07.18

Paysandisia archon!!! They've already caught fish in the Caucasus, but this is the first time in Crimea, isn't it?
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21.07.2018 18:10, Vlad Proklov

And where exactly is it found in Crimea?

21.07.2018 19:07, akulich-sibiria

to be continued. Again, Khakassia, into the light.
1. picture: IMG_6489.jpg
2. picture: IMG_6490.jpg
3. picture: IMG_6491.jpg
4. probably just cook?
picture: IMG_6492.jpg
5. picture: IMG_6494.jpg
6. picture: IMG_6495.jpg
7. Choreutidae
picture: IMG_6496.jpg

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria - 22.07.2018 06: 22

21.07.2018 21:00, coriander-lithurgus

Are these butterflies defined correctly?

picture: OoIYA_croper_ru.jpeg
OoIYA_croper_ru.jpeg — (108.91к)

picture: PtmbV_croper_ru.jpeg
PtmbV_croper_ru.jpeg — (109.81к)

21.07.2018 22:49, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Voynovo gora 14.07.2018
picture: IMG_6896.jpg
picture: IMG_6901.jpg

21.07.2018 23:02, Vlad Proklov

Moscow region, Voynovo gora 14.07.2018

Missing side view. Is it assembled? Are there any spots on the side of the pronotum, under the root of the wings? How many red segments are there from the bottom of the abdomen? Are there light scales on the antennae, for example on the bottom?

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