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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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30.06.2018 16:20, vidjl

1. A large butterfly, it seemed that more hawthorn. Or is this it?
2. Pathia, forest mother-of-pearl?
Taken today in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Thank you.

Yes, that's right. Your bird photos are good! smile.gif
Hawthorn is a simple, large female, and pafia is on the contrary a male

This post was edited by vidjl-30.06.2018 16: 23
Likes: 1

30.06.2018 16:33, tomegatherion

vidjl, thank you).

01.07.2018 10:37, ярослав

Help with the definition, June, Orenburg region,floodplain meadow, 2018.

picture: SDC16023.jpg
SDC16023.jpg — (307.57к)

01.07.2018 10:39, ярослав

the reverse side.

picture: SDC16024.jpg
SDC16024.jpg — (302.36к)

01.07.2018 11:09, RoPro

Please help me identify it. Moscow region, Michurinets railway station. 30.06.2018.1
. Some kind of Xanthorhoe ?
picture: DSCN1062.jpg
2. Eupithecia of some kind ? I did not find the edges of the rear fenders with the same curves.
picture: DSCN1107.jpg
3. Epinotia cinereana ?
picture: DSCN1128.jpg
4. Also Epinotia cinereana ?
picture: DSCN1046.jpg

01.07.2018 11:28, svm2


1-Alcis repandata
2-Anticollix sparsata
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01.07.2018 11:30, maks.malehornov

the reverse side.

Polyommatus amandus
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01.07.2018 12:59, misswolffy

Good afternoon, please help me identify the butterfly. Flew into the house, was caught and released. Nikolaev, Ukraine
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

01.07.2018 13:04, Alexandr Zhakov

Good afternoon, please help me identify the butterfly. Flew into the house, was caught and released. Nikolaev, Ukraine

Argynnis pandora-Mother-of-pearl Pandora

01.07.2018 13:11, Vlad Proklov

Please help me identify it. Moscow region, Michurinets railway station. 30.06.2018.

3-E. cinereana/nisella, I'm not sure that they can be reliably distinguished from the photo...

01.07.2018 13:13, Ilia Ustiantcev

3-E. cinereana/nisella, I'm not sure that they can be reliably distinguished from the photo...

You can't do it here, but it seems that only nisella happens with red?

01.07.2018 13:17, Vlad Proklov

You can't do it here, but it seems that only nisella happens with red?

All sorts of colorful shapes - only at nisella, yes.
But pure gray-both of them.

Here is an article on the topic:

download file Mutanen_et_al.___2012___Epinotia_cinereana__Haworth__1811__bona_sp.__a_Holarctic_tortricid_distinct_from_E._nisella__Clerck__1759___Lepi.pdf

size: 2.94 mb
number of downloads: 175

Likes: 5

01.07.2018 13:55, ярослав

Help to determine,Orenburg region, wet meadow, Jun2018.

picture: SDC16021.jpg
SDC16021.jpg — (308.41к)

01.07.2018 13:56, ярослав

The reverse side.

picture: SDC16022.jpg
SDC16022.jpg — (279.06к)

01.07.2018 13:59, Sergeyy

Please help me identify it. Belarus. Minsk region 26. 06.2018

picture: 3.JPG
3.JPG — (343.13к)

picture: 4.JPG
4.JPG — (259.58к)

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (517.65 k)

01.07.2018 14:04, maks.malehornov

The reverse side.

Also Polyommatus amandus only female.
Likes: 1

01.07.2018 14:30, ярослав

Orenburg region, wet meadow, Jun2018.Phengaris nausithous (Bergsträsser [1779])?

picture: SDC16025.jpg
SDC16025.jpg — (307.73к)

01.07.2018 14:32, ярослав

The reverse side.

picture: SDC16026.jpg
SDC16026.jpg — (287.52к)

01.07.2018 17:31, vidjl

Orenburg region, wet meadow, Jun2018.Phengaris nausithous (Bergsträsser [1779])?

Cyaniris semiargus

01.07.2018 19:55, ярослав

Cyaniris semiargus (Rottemburg, 1775),самец?

picture: SDC16027.jpg
SDC16027.jpg — (292.74к)

01.07.2018 19:56, ярослав

The reverse side.

picture: SDC16028.jpg
SDC16028.jpg — (307.23к)

01.07.2018 20:01, vidjl

Cyaniris semiargus (Rottemburg, 1775),самец?

Yes, here for comparison:

picture: Cyaniris_semiargus__.jpg
Cyaniris_semiargus__.jpg — (646.9к)

Likes: 1

01.07.2018 20:44, vidjl

Please help me identify it. Belarus. Minsk region 26. 06.2018

3-similar to Scopula ternata.
4-Aphelia sp., maybe unitana, or paleana
2-Deltote bankiana
Likes: 1

02.07.2018 15:06, staphyl

Good afternoon dear forumchane. Help with the definition. Armenia, Syunik region, Kafan, near the Artsvanik tailings dump. 26.06.2018

picture: DSCF9731.JPG
DSCF9731.JPG — (297.09 k)

picture: DSCF9721.JPG
DSCF9721.JPG — (299.7к)

02.07.2018 15:27, maks.malehornov

Good afternoon dear forumchane. Help with the definition. Armenia, Syunik region, Kafan, near the Artsvanik tailings dump. 26.06.2018

Upper model Maniola jurtina.
Likes: 1

02.07.2018 16:00, svm2

3-similar to Scopula ternata.

Yesterday was probably a bad day
Likes: 1

02.07.2018 16:10, vidjl

Yesterday must have been a bad day

I watched football! smile.gif
Cabera exanthemata
Likes: 1

02.07.2018 18:43, vidjl

Good afternoon dear forumchane. Help with the definition. Armenia, Syunik region, Kafan, near the Artsvanik tailings dump. 26.06.2018

2 - Brintesia circe
Likes: 1

02.07.2018 23:15, Sergeyy

Please help me identify it. Belarus. Minsk region.

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (291.25к)

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (411.44 k)

02.07.2018 23:30, Vlad Proklov

Please help me identify it. Belarus. Minsk region.

1 - Gillmeria ochrodactyla (= tetradactyla)
Likes: 1

03.07.2018 10:37, staphyl

Please help me with the definition.
Armenia, Syunik region, Kafan, near the Artsvanik tailings dump. 26.06.2018

picture: DSCF9790.JPG
DSCF9790.JPG — (295.03к)

picture: DSCF9773.JPG
DSCF9773.JPG — (293.11к)

picture: DSCF9764.JPG
DSCF9764.JPG — (312.84к)

03.07.2018 10:42, staphyl

And two more photos. Syunik province, near Khot village, 1338 m, 26.06.2018

picture: DSCF9676.JPG
DSCF9676.JPG — (298.54к)

picture: DSCF9711.JPG
DSCF9711.JPG — (297.33к)

03.07.2018 13:12, ярослав

Orenburg region, in a wet meadow, 29.06.2018, wingspan 23mm.Help me determine it.

picture: SDC16032.jpg
SDC16032.jpg — (290.97к)

03.07.2018 13:17, ярослав

The reverse side.

picture: SDC16033.jpg
SDC16033.jpg — (274.6к)

03.07.2018 13:28, ярослав

Help me determine it.Orenburg region,wet meadow, 20 mm wingspan.Caught on 29.06.2018

picture: SDC16029.jpg
SDC16029.jpg — (245.98к)

03.07.2018 14:23, гук

The reverse side.

Likes: 1

03.07.2018 15:11, ярослав

Orenburg region, wet meadow in the floodplain,26.06.2018, wingspan 30mm.Help me determine it.

picture: SDC16016.jpg
SDC16016.jpg — (279.12к)

03.07.2018 15:12, ярослав

The reverse side.

picture: SDC16018.jpg
SDC16018.jpg — (324.08к)

03.07.2018 19:19, vidjl

Help me determine it.Orenburg region,wet meadow, 20 mm wingspan.Caught on 29.06.2018

Shabby butterfly, if I'm not mistaken Idaea ochrata
Likes: 1

03.07.2018 21:02, Елизавета Рысенкова

Can anyone spot a butterfly? confused.gif

Dobryni village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region
picture: IMGP7873.JPGpicture: IMGP7886.JPG

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