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Identification of Diptera (flies, mosquitoes, etc.)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Diptera (flies, mosquitoes, etc.)

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06.05.2018 23:20, Zum-Graat

Can you tell me what kind of dipter it is? I can't even find a family name. It looks like the general shape looks like a snipe (Rhagionidae), but those have fly antennae, and this one is long. Moscow region, 06.05.
user posted image

This post was edited by Zum-Graat-06.05.2018 23: 20

07.05.2018 1:11, OEV

Can you tell me what kind of dipter it is? I can't even find a family name. It looks like the general shape looks like a snipe (Rhagionidae), but those have fly antennae, and this one is long. Moscow region, 06.05.
user posted image

Sylvicola sp. wink.gif
Likes: 1

07.05.2018 6:22, RoPro

Odontomyia argentata, female wink.gif

Thanks ! smile.gif

13.05.2018 21:45, Slavinator

Saratov, May

This post was edited by Slavinator - 13.05.2018 23: 02

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13.05.2018 23:54, Zum-Graat

Hello, is it possible to identify these weevils? Moscow region, May.
1. user posted image

2. user posted image

17.05.2018 14:47, usiaz

Those Tahini flies? Is it possible to determine the names of genera and species?

1. Time and place of shooting: 2016-06-14 13: 54: 00, Russia, Perm Krai, Bardymsky district.
Tulva upland.
On arable land taken out of agricultural circulation, on a field overgrown with grassy vegetation, along the highway behind the field protection strip.
Latitude: North. 56°49'
Longitude: East. 55°49'
picture: IMG_5178.JPG

2. The next two snapshots. Time and place of shooting: 2013-08-25 13: 17: 00, Russia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Dombay resort village, on the serpentine of the first stage of the cable car. On mixed grasses.
picture: dip2.jpg
picture: dip1.jpg

This post was edited by usiaz-17.05.2018 15: 02

29.05.2018 19:20, Zum-Graat

Is it Trypetoptera punctulata? Moscow region, May 20.
user posted image

01.06.2018 22:51, Slavinator

Saratov region, Engelsky district, May
and URL #3480

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04.06.2018 22:31, t00m

Penza region, June 4. What kind of front sight?

picture: DSC05100.JPG
DSC05100.JPG — (313.18к)

05.06.2018 0:13, MiLLeNium Niobius

May 19, Tula region. Basking in the sun with the cat, not at all shy of the neighborhood. Tell me the name) Like Bibio sp.?
picture: 2018_06_04_21.43.15_ZS_retouched.jpg

And the second (flower girl?), on June 3, a forest plantation, on a bush. Hylemya vagans?
picture: IMG_0066.jpg

10.06.2018 12:31, Aksin

Phasia hemiptera? The photo was taken in early June, in the Rtishchevsky district of the Saratov region.
picture: IMG_2322.JPG

10.06.2018 13:44, RoPro

Please help me identify lion cubs. Moscow region.
1. Stratiomys singularior ?
picture: DSCN9797.jpg
2. ???
picture: DSCN5226.jpg

10.06.2018 19:01, Александр Козловских

Help with the definition.
(Middle Urals, on the river bank).

user posted image

This post was edited by Alexander Kozlovskikh - 10.06.2018 21: 29

16.06.2018 17:55, lazardin

Good day to all, can you tell me if this is Heptatoma pellucens ??
north of the Vologda region.
picture: DSC03090.JPG
picture: DSC03111.JPG

20.06.2018 21:28, RoPro

Please define it. Hybotidae ? Moscow region, 17.06.2018. It seems to have attacked a green cicada, but it was not possible to remove them together.

picture: DSCN9881.jpg
DSCN9881.jpg — (315.69к)

21.06.2018 23:19, Tuskar

Photos from June

Some kind of Ktyr?

user posted image

user posted image

Buzzer of indeterminate appearance, medium size (about 1 cm)

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

Small buzzing noise, about 0.5 cm

user posted image

user posted image

23.06.2018 11:27, AGG

Tell me, what kind of terrible fly, and what it can do in the room (in the mass)
Tambov, 20.06. 1.5 mm
picture: ____1.jpg

picture: ____2.jpg
____2.jpg — (167.89к)

23.06.2018 18:38, VitSev

Tell me, please, what kind of ktyr. Sevastopol, 23.06.2018. The pictures show the same individual.

picture: IMG_9681.JPG
IMG_9681.JPG — (139.14к)

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IMG_9677.JPG — (99.42к)

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IMG_9683.JPG — (124.87к)

10.07.2018 19:21, Slavinator

Saratov region, May-June
And even URL #3480 and URL #3484 did not prompt anyone!!!

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14.07.2018 13:03, Sklyar

Good afternoon! Please help me with the definition. I would be grateful for names of taxa of any rank below the order rolleyes.gif
Kursk region.

picture: IMG_1089_____________.JPG
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22.07.2018 17:15, Tyan Constantine

Hello. Help me determine if I'm not an expert on two-winged birds, something from ktyri, caught in Uzbekistan. Length about ~20mm, caught with a net.

picture: 20180722_190357.jpg
20180722_190357.jpg — (273.93к)

picture: 20180722_190500.jpg
20180722_190500.jpg — (277.29к)

29.07.2018 14:08, Slavinator

Help me determine it. July

Krasnodar Krai

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08.08.2018 17:20, Раду Кибзий

Good evening! Can you help me identify a mosquito? Chisinau neighborhood, May 30, 2016. Thank you in advance!

picture: P1390999_3__1024_.jpg
P1390999_3__1024_.jpg — (311.83к)

12.08.2018 9:33, Ozers

Good afternoon. Fly 2-2. 5 cm, all abdomen black, Murmansk region, Murmashi, early August 2018. Previously, there were not so many flies, but now they are everywhere, on all plants.

picture: IMG_20180810_152250.jpg
IMG_20180810_152250.jpg — (296.16к)

17.08.2018 15:51, VOVAN V.

picture: IMG_0002.JPGHelp me identify the beast. At least up to the squad and family. Pliz. Sort of like diptera, sort of like ktyri. But I didn't find any information for some reason..Maybe I searched badly or not there. I will be grateful.undefinedpicture: IMG_0003.JPG

17.08.2018 15:55, VOVAN V.

Help me identify the beast. At least up to the squad and family. Pliz. Sort of like diptera, sort of like ktyri. But I didn't find any information for some reason..Maybe I searched badly or not there. I will be grateful.picture: IMG_0002.JPGpicture: IMG_0003.JPG

17.08.2018 16:55, алекс 2611

Help me identify the beast. At least up to the squad and family. Pliz. Sort of like diptera, sort of like ktyri. But I didn't find any information for some reason..Maybe I searched badly or not there. I will be grateful.picture: IMG_0002.JPGpicture: IMG_0003.JPG

Laphria sp. Our two most common species.

17.08.2018 19:10, VOVAN V.

Laphria sp. Our two most common species.

Thank you.

18.08.2018 14:52, Раду Кибзий

Good evening! Can you help me identify a mosquito? Chisinau neighborhood, May 30, 2016. Thank you in advance!

It's a pity that no one knows my mosquito... confused.gif

22.08.2018 9:53, Radik

Please help me with the definition.
RT, Nizhnekamsk district, okr.d.Blagodatnaya Street 2018-06-19

picture: _RAB5571.jpg
_RAB5571.jpg — (51.67к)

picture: _RAB5580.jpg
_RAB5580.jpg — (104.71к)

picture: _RAB5589.jpg
_RAB5589.jpg — (79.71к)

picture: _RAB5624.jpg
_RAB5624.jpg — (107.64к)

picture: _RAB5820.jpg
_RAB5820.jpg — (158.32к)

22.08.2018 11:51, алекс 2611

Please help me with the definition.
RT, Nizhnekamsk district, okr.d.Blagodatnaya Street 2018-06-19

1.Chrysotoxum sp.
2.Merodon equestris
3.Helophilus sp. you can't figure it out until you're half asleep, but later you can think

22.08.2018 12:09, Radik

Thank you. I will wait for

22.08.2018 20:41, алекс 2611

Please help me with the definition.
RT, Nizhnekamsk district, okr.d.Blagodatnaya Street 2018-06-19

I believe it is Helophilus pendulus

29.08.2018 17:49, usiaz

Please give advice on the species of the insect? mol.gif Eristalis tenax? In the toilet 3-4 pcs. clogged....
Russia, Kazan.

This post was edited by usiaz - 30.08.2018 22: 00

picture: IMG_9888.JPG
IMG_9888.JPG — (320.02к)

29.08.2018 23:28, Fornax13

1.Chrysotoxum sp.
2.Merodon equestris
3.Helophilus sp. you can't figure it out until you look sleepy, but you can think about it later

And the last one-isn't it a sirfid too? Very Hammerschmidtia resembles
Likes: 2

30.08.2018 15:55, алекс 2611

And the last one-isn't it a sirfid too? Very similar to Hammerschmidtia

Who the fuck knows...
I've never caught Hammerschmidtia, I don't know at all.

30.08.2018 22:40, алекс 2611

This fly doesn't have any identification features, or the specialist hasn't looked it up yet?

Yes like it
Likes: 1

30.08.2018 22:41, алекс 2611

This fly doesn't have any identification features, or the specialist hasn't looked it up yet?

Yes like it

08.09.2018 11:47, usiaz

Time and place of shooting/fishing: 2018-08-13 16: 05: 00.
Russia, Tatarstan, Kazan, household management.
Is it possible to determine the Bibio view from images?

picture: IMG_9238.JPG
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IMG_9243.JPG — (134.58к)

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IMG_9217.JPG — (303.35к)

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IMG_9237.JPG — (499.72к)

08.09.2018 11:51, usiaz

Time and place of shooting/fishing: 2018-08-13 16: 15: 00.
Russia, Tatarstan, Kazan, household management.
Is it possible to determine a species (family, genus) from images? Tahini?

picture: IMG_9210.JPG
IMG_9210.JPG — (394.58к)

picture: IMG_9208.JPG
IMG_9208.JPG — (627.26к)

Pages: 1 ...84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92... 98

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