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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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04.09.2017 11:09, AlexIva

1 - P. bucephala
2 - A. leporina
3 - D. elpenor/porcellus
4 - A. rumicis
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06.09.2017 11:45, KM2200

Is it possible to guess what kind of caterpillar was the prey of the wasp?
Kiev, June 4.
picture: og.jpg

06.09.2017 12:21, okoem

Is it possible to guess what kind of caterpillar was the prey of the wasp?
Kiev, June 4.

According to this photo - only up to the family-scoop. And then-just guess. For example, as one of the variants, Orthosia gothica.
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06.09.2017 23:10, Сантьяга

Hello. Please help with the definition. 5.09. Vladimir region d. Dudor, on the rose.

picture: DSC00001.JPG
DSC00001.JPG — (283.52к)

06.09.2017 23:22, insectamo

Hello. Please help with the definition. 5.09. Vladimir region d. Dudor, on the rose.

Please take a picture of the "face" just below. You need to see the borders of the forehead, trim and upper lip. As well as photos of the last segment from above and behind. You need to see the supraanal lobe - the very last fold of the very last segment. Usually the larva bends its ass, so the photo should be taken from behind rather than from above.
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07.09.2017 1:14, Елизавета Рысенкова

Help with the definition, please.

Vasilevo village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region, 25.08.2017
1. picture: 1__103_.JPG
2. picture: ___152_.JPG

This post was edited by Elizaveta Rysenkova - 07.09.2017 01: 22

07.09.2017 7:09, CosMosk

Hello. Please help with the definition. 5.09. Vladimir region d. Dudor, on the rose.
Please take a picture of the "face" just below. You need to see the borders of the forehead, trim and upper lip. As well as photos of the last segment from above and behind. You need to see the supraanal lobe - the very last fold of the very last segment. Usually the larva bends its ass, so the photo should be taken from behind rather than from above.

sawfly allantus

07.09.2017 8:26, insectamo

Help with the definition, please.

Vasilevo village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region, 25.08.2017

1 - Acronicta strigosa
2 - Abraxas sylvata
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07.09.2017 8:27, insectamo

sawfly allantus

I mean, there are several options:
Allantus viennensis
Emphytus rufocinctus
Emphytus laticinctus

This post was edited by insectamo - 07.09.2017 08: 36
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07.09.2017 8:38, dast45

Help identify the caterpillar, please
Tomsk region 06.09.17

This post was edited by dast45 - 07.09.2017 08: 43

picture: V18nyIwbvSI.jpg
V18nyIwbvSI.jpg — (310.69к)

07.09.2017 9:27, CosMosk

I mean, there are several options:
Allantus viennensis
Emphytus rufocinctus
Emphytus laticinctus

genus-subgenus is a relative matter. And I decided that the sawyer was already far away. And at least something "already"))
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07.09.2017 9:30, CosMosk

picture: ______________________________________Cossus_cossus1.jpg
And here just to clarify: do I understand correctly that this is the same Cossus cossus that is higher on the page, just a small one yet?)
no, it's a bug's disguise, judging by the" fork " on the back. Although it looks like a "mole".

This post was edited by CosMosk - 07.09.2017 09: 32

07.09.2017 10:10, RoPro

Please tell me whose masonry it is. Sochi, 10.10.2015.
Or do I need to upload it to another section ? But I didn't find a better one.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (248.36к)

07.09.2017 10:17, insectamo

Help identify the caterpillar, please
Tomsk region 06.09.17

Acronicta cuspis
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07.09.2017 10:21, insectamo

genus-subgenus is a relative matter. And I decided that the sawyer was already far away. And at least something "already"))

If there are additional photos, then you can try to determine the type - their distinctive features are on the trim and nadanal blade. And if not, then A. viennensis is most likely smile.gif

07.09.2017 10:36, Tivanik

Nematus salicis ? Saint Petersburg, 04.09.2017 on the willow tree

picture: IMGP2278.jpg

07.09.2017 10:56, insectamo

Nematus salicis ? Saint Petersburg, 04.09.2017 on the willow tree

picture: IMGP2278.jpg

No, it's miliaris. It is now called Euura (Pteronidea) miliaris.
It differs well from salicis in the pattern of black spots. This is especially clearly visible from above.
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07.09.2017 12:45, IchMan


picture: ______________________________________Cossus_cossus1.jpg

And here just to clarify: do I understand correctly that this is the same Cossus cossus that is higher on the page, just a small one yet?)

Anteaters have such pink larvae (Thanasimus sp.). Didn't get it from under the bark?

07.09.2017 13:46, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please help me identify the caterpillars.

1. Voropuni village, Torzhok district, Tver region, 21.07.2007
picture: 008.jpg

2. Vasilevo village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region, 26.08.2017
picture: Phv3j8UYSQI.jpg

3. 21.07.2017 Tver region, Torzhok.
Quite large, approximately four or five centimeters long.
picture: post_1080641_1502528105.jpgpicture: post_1080641_1502528117.jpgpicture: post_1080641_1502528127.jpg

07.09.2017 13:47, Сантьяга

Please take a picture of the "face" just below. You need to see the borders of the forehead, trim and upper lip. As well as photos of the last segment from above and behind. You need to see the supraanal lobe - the very last fold of the very last segment. Usually the larva bends its ass, so the photo should be taken from behind rather than from above.

This is no longer possible.

07.09.2017 16:23, insectamo

This is no longer possible.

Then see the answer above.

07.09.2017 16:44, insectamo

Please help me identify the caterpillars.

1. Voropuni village, Torzhok district, Tver region, 21.07.2007

2. Vasilevo village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region, 26.08.2017

3. 21.07.2017 Tver region, Torzhok.
Quite large, about four or five centimeters long.

1 - Tenthredo sp. apparently, campestris (before pupation)
2-Abraxas sylvata
3-Ennomos some.
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07.09.2017 23:01, Shamil Murtazin

I collected a goose Moma alpium, but it was infected with tachins and I did not save it.
Two larvae emerged from the pupa and buried themselves in the substrate (I have perlite instead of soil).
Question. When will they hatch and should they be wintered?..

picture: IMG_6758_6.jpg picture: IMG_6843.jpg

picture: IMG_7556_6.jpg picture: IMG_7558_4.jpg

picture: IMG_7559_3.jpg picture: IMG_7557_5.jpg

This post was edited by rumpelstiltskin - 07.09.2017 23: 03

08.09.2017 2:21, Елизавета Рысенкова

Is it possible to understand from such a photo what kind of hawk moth is?
Voropuni village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region

picture: IMGP0283.JPG
IMGP0283.JPG — (186.53к)

08.09.2017 13:50, AlexIva

May. Only this is not a hawk moth, but a harpy, because the caterpillar does not have a horn, but a characteristic fork.
Big Harpy-Cerura vinula.
Likes: 2

08.09.2017 14:07, ярослав

Hello dear Furum residents.If it is not difficult, please tell me what kind of butterfly this caterpillar is?I was looking for something but didn't find it on the Internet.Orenburg region, Oktyabrsky district, a grove of trees in the floodplain on the trunk of a birch tree at the level of a person's chest, just on the bark.

picture: SDC15461.jpg
SDC15461.jpg — (285.24к)

08.09.2017 14:09, NIKSTER

Hello dear Furum residents.If it is not difficult, please tell me what kind of butterfly this caterpillar is?I was looking for something but didn't find it on the Internet.Orenburg region, Oktyabrsky district, a grove of trees in the floodplain on the trunk of a birch tree at the level of a person's chest, just on the bark.

Calliteara pudibunda
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08.09.2017 14:53, NIKSTER

In all the photos of Smerinthus ocellata or Laothoe populi, I strongly doubted confused.gifsomething ? How can I distinguish them more accurately? So far, I've only found poplar caterpillars on aspens.
Is the third caterpillar (last photo) infected with the parasite?
I found all the caterpillars on one willow tree, near Kharkiv, September.
What kind of egg? On the same willow tree.

picture: IMG_1318.jpg
IMG_1318.jpg — (75.93к)

picture: IMG_1360.jpg
IMG_1360.jpg — (62.66к)

picture: IMG_1402.jpg
IMG_1402.jpg — (66.18к)

picture: IMG_1309.jpg
IMG_1309.jpg — (66.87к)

08.09.2017 15:09, NIKSTER

Autographa sp. ?
August, Kharkiv neighborhood, Uda river.

picture: IMG_0749.jpg
IMG_0749.jpg — (44.2к)

picture: IMG_0734.jpg
IMG_0734.jpg — (59.09к)

08.09.2017 15:10, Evgenich

NIKSTER wrote:
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08.09.2017 17:03, insectamo

Autographa sp. ?
August, Kharkiv neighborhood, Uda river.

Metalloids have two pairs of abdominal legs. And here, in my opinion, Scoliopteryx libatrix
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09.09.2017 15:12, Woodmen

Kirov region, Kirovo-Chepetsk district, 05.09.2017. On raspberries.
?Macrophya ?annulata?

user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image

2. This one is smaller and somehow unviable...
user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image user posted image

09.09.2017 16:30, okoem

What kind of egg? On the same willow tree.

Pterostoma palpina, possibly.

09.09.2017 21:03, MIV

Please look at the caterpillar from the roc. Krasnoyarsk.

1. It seems to me that this is the larva of some sawfly. On viburnum, it also fed. August

picture: Larva_2______._________________.___________._________._31.08.17..jpg

Image: Larva_2..______._________________.___________._________._31.08.17..jpg

The rest - at least up to the family

picture: IMG_4460___________________________._23.08.14.jpg

picture: IMG_4457___________________________._23.08.14.jpg

picture: Larva_sp._______._____.____._______________________._15.08.17..jpg

picture: Larva_sp._______._____.____._______________________._15.08.17.jpg

09.09.2017 23:36, insectamo

Kirov region, Kirovo-Chepetsk district, 05.09.2017. On raspberries.
?Macrophya ?annulata?


2. This one is smaller and somehow unviable...

1-this is very similar to Tenthredo ferruginea. I currently grow about a dozen of them. I'll check how they are displayed. In the meantime, can I leave Tenthredo ?ferruginea.

2 - Either Tenthredo or Rhogogaster. I don't know.
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09.09.2017 23:44, insectamo

Please look at the caterpillar from the roc. Krasnoyarsk.

1. It seems to me that this is the larva of some sawfly. On viburnum, it also fed. August

The rest - at least up to the family



1 - Tenthredo vespa
2 - ?
3 - Sitochroa verticalis
Likes: 1

10.09.2017 18:00, AGG

что за лютый червяк по ночам обглодывает тростник в Липецкой области ?
вчера, 4-5 см
картинка: DSC05943.JPG

картинка: DSC05945.JPG

10.09.2017 19:47, RoPro

Помогите, пожалуйста, определить пяденицу. Большая по размерам - сантиметров семь, наверное. С раздвоенной макушкой головы. На дубе. Подмосковье, 10.09.2017.
Нашёл похожую - Plagodis pulveraria. Но не уверен до конца.

картинка: DSCN9566.jpg
DSCN9566.jpg — (179.35к)   

11.09.2017 9:28, I.roK.ez

[quote=AGG,10.09.2017 19:00]

11.09.2017 10:14, AGG


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