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Morphology in English

Community and ForumTaxonomy. ClassificationMorphology in English

convexus, 11.11.2021 6:00

Dear colleagues!
When translating the text of the article from Russian to English, I encountered a number of problems. Namely, I can't find the correct and adequate translation for some morphological features.
to the back edges of the temples - (to the neck base?)
The main angles of the pronotum are ?
Preshitkovaya stria - (Scutellar stria?)
Pre-apical notch - ?
Main edging - ?
vaginal palpation - (vaginal apophyses?)

Thank you in advance for your help.


11.11.2021 8:41, ИНО

Are there really no morphological works in English for your group? All these terms should be there. You usually struggle with how to translate from it to Russian, and not vice versa...

I won't ask who is so interesting that it feels like a vaginasmile.gif, but what do you mean by basic angles and basic edging? In the sense of being at their base, that is, at the back edge? So, maybe we should write it like this?

Whiskey insect Bourgeois-temples. In general, almost all of their terminology is distorted (and sometimes not) Latin. And you need to know Latin umnik.gif

12.11.2021 13:29, convexus

I won't ask who is so interesting that it feels like a vagina smile.gif 

The first monographic work in history containing descriptions of beetle genitalia was a separate volume of Stein's Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Insects (Stein, 1847). In this paper, the author presents drawings and descriptions of the abdomen, internal and external genitalia of beetles from 26 families, and the descriptions are accompanied by very high-quality drawings made in the form of engravings. Terminology for parts of the female sexual apparatus was poorly developed at that time, but it was Stein who first coined the term "vaginalpalpe", which he understood as paired appendages of the last segment of the ovipositor (i.e., coxites), although many of the structures depicted in the illustrations remained without designation (for example, styluses). umnik.gif

12.11.2021 21:15, ИНО

Clear. Well, since such a popular group, then morphological literature in English should be a car and a small cart, with terminology for every taste (developed to date by the most I can not). Bury your food!

The message was edited INO-12.11.2021 21: 15

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