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No one offers butterfly boards?:)

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsNo one offers butterfly boards?:)

Frantic, 13.03.2006 14:28

Thank the Gods, I solved the problem with the dies and pins. But, gray hair in my beard, I decided that it would not hurt to also straighten out the cicadas there, bobochek for small things). At the Opening Day, they ended... Maybe someone knows where such a miracle is (preferably "sliding") is it possible to buy a credit card in Moscow (or in the West, but so that the site "accepts" a credit card)?


13.03.2006 14:39, Helene

Thank the Gods, I solved the problem with the dies and pins. But, gray hair in my beard, I decided that it would not hurt to also straighten out the cicadas there, bobochek for small things). At the Opening Day, they ended... Maybe someone knows where such a miracle is (preferably "sliding") is it possible to buy a credit card in Moscow (or in the West, but so that the site "accepts" a credit card)?

Joiner plans to produce "uchkollektorovskih" sliding straighteners (according to my sample). IMHO the most successful design I know of. Razravilki, which are used in Europe, at least for some parameter, but inferior.
But for the manufacture of good straighteners, you need the appropriate wood (well-dried linden). As soon as we get it, we'll get started smile.gif

13.03.2006 15:01, Frantic

Yes, yes, that's good! Moreover, I also need boxes. It would have warmed up faster, and production would have started:-)

By the way, your sample-is it sliding, with slightly raised boards?

13.03.2006 15:13, Helene

By the way, your sample-is it sliding, with slightly raised boards?

Yes. The groove in the original was made of pressed peat, and we want to make them felt. Styrofoam or PPE breaks down when heated and exposed to chemicals, and we want to be able to dry the butterflies and pickle them if necessary.

13.03.2006 16:23, Bad Den

Yes. The groove in the original was made of pressed peat, and we want to make them felt. Styrofoam or PPE breaks down when heated and exposed to chemicals, and we want to be able to dry the butterflies and pickle them if necessary.

Will the pin hold up properly in felt? It seems to me that it is too weak for this purpose, will it hang out?

13.03.2006 16:58, Helene

Will the pin hold up properly in felt? It seems to me that it is too weak for this purpose, will it hang out?

In general, there is a subject for discussion here - we are just going to make straightening tools, so comments and suggestions are welcome smile.gif
Is the felt too weak? I don't know... Actually, Joiner suggested it, before that I couldn't think of anything to replace peat.
To begin with, I will clarify: the uchkollektorovskaya straightener, unlike the sliding Western European ones, has a groove closed from the bottom. That is, the bottom of the straightener is a piece of wood on which it can be placed without any problems, and not plastic hanging in the air with sticking pins.
Then: I always considered the soft material of the groove from the point of view of keeping the butterfly from swaying when spreading (right-left-forward-backward), and to keep it from rotating, I stuck a pin next to its body.
With this approach, a dense felt such as koshma should not seem to be too liquid. And getting it, according to Joiner, is quite simple - not like peat.

And from your point of view, what is better than felt? To meet the requirements:
1. Inertia to solvents used in insecticides (in case of emergency "material")
2. Resistance to temperatures of 100-150 degrees (for accelerated drying, which many practice).

13.03.2006 17:31, Frantic

Elena, make several variants of straightening. For me, for example, the groove is more interesting from peat, cork or foam, so that there is a rigid fixation. And I'm not afraid of chemicals, because I don't use them (I don't have to worry about unexpected pest attacks either:)). I guess I'm not the only one with such "requests":)

And more. Will your straighteners be sliding or not? For me, this is a fundamental question.

13.03.2006 17:38, Helene

Elena, make several variants of straightening. For me, for example, the groove is more interesting from peat, cork or foam, so that there is a rigid fixation.

Get the peat-no questions asked. I just don't know where to look for it. I don't know if the cork is a centimeter thick or more... Styrofoam - no problem. The main thing is to get a lime tree, and then stick pins in another tree - masochism.

And I'm not afraid of chemicals, because I don't use them (I don't have to worry about unexpected pest attacks either:)). I guess I'm not the only one with such "requests":)

Why aren't you afraid of pests?

And more. Will your straighteners be sliding or not? For me, this is a matter of principle.

I told you right away that I did. Essno sliding doors.

13.03.2006 17:48, Bad Den

And from your point of view, what is better than felt? To meet the requirements:
1. Inertia to solvents used in insecticides (in case of emergency "material")
2. Resistance to temperatures of 100-150 degrees (for accelerated drying, which many practice).

Maybe a traffic jam?

13.03.2006 17:56, Helene

Maybe a traffic jam?

Is it ever thick enough?
And-most importantly-won't there be another extreme with density? I imagined a bottle cap... Isn't it too rigid for pins thinner than one?

13.03.2006 18:23, Frantic

Elena, I am not afraid of pests, because I have been working on insects for a long time, and since the destruction of small red ants (about 5 years ago), no one has attacked insects. Even on mattresses. In addition, I basically plan to spread out very few animals. For me, cicadas and butterflies (just a couple of genera-families) are highly facultative.

About the linden tree-yes, there is no doubt. Lipa and only lipa:)

As for the traffic jam, it really can be a little harsh. Still, styrofoam seems to be the most versatile material. In addition, it can be replaced periodically and without problems (if, of course, the design of the straightener allows).

13.03.2006 18:26, Helene

Elena, I am not afraid of pests, because I have been working on insects for a long time, and since the destruction of small red ants (about 5 years ago), no one has attacked insects. Even on mattresses.

Don't bet on it... Kozheedov destroy in a single apartment is impossible, because they fly and easily penetrate in the summer from the street. Well, in winter - through ventilation.
It happens that people are just lucky for a long time (for years). But one day you suddenly discover that you have eaten. So I don't advise complacency wink.gif

13.03.2006 18:29, Frantic

Elena, if someone attacks the insects, they will be mercilessly beaten and killed:) And it is impossible to predict everything. Kozheedy-not the worst thing that happens in life;)) In any case, styrofoam seems to me a better material than felt.

13.03.2006 18:32, Helene

Elena, if someone attacks the insects, they will be mercilessly beaten and killed:) And it is impossible to predict everything. Kozheedy-not the worst thing that happens in life;)) In any case, styrofoam seems to me a better material than felt.

About the styrofoam-please, master-master, who objects, if it suits you? As for pests, read the corresponding topic in the same subforum. smile.gif

13.03.2006 18:44, Helene

Yes, here's something else I remembered about straightening up. If there is such an opportunity, you can make jokes about general education schools. There may well be old stocks of straighteners found there. They don't need to do it themselves, not since collection was removed from the program.
A colleague told such a joke. He came to the school for a parent-teacher meeting and saw the straighteners. And in the physics classroom! lol.gif There were birthmarks in the locker, dusty and useless to anyone. He asked, and they gave it to him (even for free). And fizichka gave this comment:
"So that's what it is! It turns out to be for biology, insects to dry! And we broke our heads during the inventory, sho tse tak: the terminals, and between them - a piece of wood, and it moves apart!
lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

13.03.2006 20:14, Bad Den

And porollon if you try?

14.03.2006 8:45, Dmitry Vlasov

Well, why show off so much!!!
If you do not need to straighten a lot of material, you can also make it from foam, especially from technical, thick (sometimes this is pink). It is dense and shallow. Yes, and you can cut the grooves for ANY object! If you make a joke on construction sites, such scraps can be collected by car... And after some use, it's not a pity to throw it out. And sliding doors... imagine: a hawk moth, a moth, some kind of cicada is collected... so this is already three straighteners to" charge " will have...
Likes: 1

14.03.2006 10:57, Frantic

This is not a show-off, but convenience, cleanliness and time saving. Anyone who wants to, let them search for styrofoam on construction sites, and I, for example, will wait for normal straightening:)

PS: what you described, I used 15-20 years ago, when I was still a child. I didn't like it even then:)
Likes: 1

14.03.2006 12:22, Helene

And porollon if you try?

Foam rubber has at least one drawback, like styrofoam-it does not withstand high temperatures. I haven't tried to spray it with chemicals, so I don't know if it dissolves. But I know for sure that it decomposes very quickly by itself. In general, not an option. And in terms of elasticity-clearly worse than felt.

17.03.2006 23:59, гость: R

There are many options for how to make it, but how much will such a pleasure cost?
All the years I had to make straighteners myself - not sliding ones, made of styrofoam (Life is a hard thing)..

20.03.2006 13:13, Helene

There are many options for how to make it, but how much will such a pleasure cost?

Let's decide on the materials and choose them. smile.gif Joiner is not a shark of capitalism, it will not wind up too much.

20.03.2006 17:39, Frantic

And in the theme of razravilok, and in the theme of boxes for insects. Thank God that there are several masters in Moscow, in pm and Andrey.I just don't understand some hints and reproaches for his stinginess. Yes, the equipment is not a perpetual motion machine to build, but also-work, and not small. Demanding professionalism, specific (not everyone needs straighteners, you know). And it's easier for me, for example, to pay a PROFESSIONAL for good finished products than to spend all my time and effort making a mess at home. Having as a result do not understand what. Everyone should do THEIR own thing. And prices will not be higher than Morfovsky and Vernissazhevsky by definition, as I think:)

This post was edited by Frantic - 03/20/2006 17: 40

30.03.2006 16:38, RippeR

I haven't heard anything for a long time.. At what price to sell and what recipe to make straighteners decided?? Relatively soon, a friend will go to Moscow, perhaps 10 or more will be needed.. So what?

30.03.2006 17:07, Helene

I haven't heard anything for a long time.. At what price to sell and what recipe to make straighteners decided?? Relatively soon, a friend will go to Moscow, perhaps 10 or more will be needed.. So what?

As far as I understand, the recipe is determined by the customer, especially since the case is new and the requests are different. The price is determined by the cost of materials, so this is also individual.
After 10 days or more, it should get warmer and you can start working.
A friend can contact the Joiner and discuss specifics.

30.03.2006 18:36, RippeR

Well, you will need: basswood, sliding, with planks at an angle of 30 degrees, each side of the planks is 4, 5, 6 cm wide (i.e. several different orders, although it depends on what width of planks you will have as standard, if you use a tree that is already 6, then they can be like this rest..) and to move apart from 3-5 mm to 18 mm, if possible. and down, I think, foam, or felt, no matter if the price is the same (approximately), then what will be more convenient for you to put.
The price is important to me, at least an approximate one, for 1 straightening machine, so that I know whether I should load here on this occasion, because I still need to send it abroad, through friends..
If you start doing this in 10 days, then it's very good, because soon Alexis's Glaucopsychs will fly away, and I don't have much to spread on..

31.03.2006 14:01, Helene

The price is important to me, at least an approximate one, for 1 straightening machine, so that I know whether I should load here on this occasion, because I still need to send it abroad, through friends..

OK, then I'll call Joiner to come in and discuss it immediately.
He has a session coming up right now, so he rarely comes in. But I'll slow down.

05.04.2006 22:19, slimm

Finished the hag.I am interested in entomology (Coleoptera). Currently I am engaged in carpentry production. I can make custom straighteners of all standard sizes, entomological boxes. Deaf and under glass. Material for boxes-oak, ash, beech, Siberian pine.

05.04.2006 22:28, RippeR

* entomological boxes. Deaf and under glass. Material for boxes-oak, ash, beech, Siberian pine. *

The material is not important. 40Х30. Without glass or with glass, how much will 1 box cost?

06.04.2006 14:31, Nilson

Finished the hag.

Really, how much are the boxes? Where do you live? KarGU - is it in Petrozavodsk or Karaganda, in the sense of Karelian or Karaganda?

26.07.2006 15:12, entomolog

People, so what about the boxes and straighteners?

27.07.2006 11:59, Dracus

With razravilki bad-the project did not go frown.gif. And Joinera's boxes will be ready by mid-August.

28.07.2006 9:42, Дар-Ветер

In fact, both boxes and straighteners are made with their own handles in winter, when the entomologist has the least worries about feessmile.gif, rook told me smile.gifthat))

28.07.2006 13:05, entomolog

In fact, both boxes and straighteners are made with their own handles in winter, when the entomologist has the least worries about feessmile.gif, rook told me smile.gifthat))

Don't make me laugh. So you can get down to subsistence farming. If the Czechs make decent pins, why would I cut the wire and put epoxy heads on it? If Joiner undertakes to make normal boxes, why would I bother with it myself, messing up the apartment and spending time and effort on it? Didn't Rook say that the end should justify the means? smile.gif

28.07.2006 14:33, Bad Den

In fact, both boxes and straighteners are made with their own handles in winter, when the entomologist has the least worries about feessmile.gif, rook told me smile.gifthat))

This is so, "but there is a nuance"(c) M. Zhvanetsky.
In order to do it yourself, you need 2 things:
1. Equipment
2. The most important thing is that the driver is installed correctly smile.gifhands.sys In extreme cases - a hand-sharpening machine smile.gif

29.08.2006 11:26, Guest

In general, there is a subject for discussion here - we are just going to make straightening tools, so comments and suggestions are welcome smile.gif
Is the felt too weak? I don't know... Actually, Joiner suggested it, before that I couldn't think of anything to replace peat.
To begin with, I will clarify: the uchkollektorovskaya straightener, unlike the sliding Western European ones, has a groove closed from the bottom. That is, the bottom of the straightener is a piece of wood on which it can be placed without any problems, and not plastic hanging in the air with sticking pins.
Then: I always considered the soft material of the groove from the point of view of keeping the butterfly from swaying when spreading (right-left-forward-backward), and to keep it from rotating, I stuck a pin next to its body.
With this approach, a dense felt such as koshma should not seem to be too liquid. And getting it, according to Joiner, is quite simple - not like peat.

And from your point of view, what is better than felt? To meet the requirements:
1. Inertia to solvents used in insecticides (in case of emergency "material")
2. Resistance to temperatures of 100-150 degrees (for accelerated drying, which many practice).

Amazing nearby. Why each generation starts inventing its own bike instead of looking back.

Yes, the best material for straightening is basswood. But this is, of course, in our conditions. If someone has the opportunity to get balsa, it will be perfect.

Yes, in the old straighteners, either medium-density peat or the same felt was added to the groove, and all this was covered with a thin cloth so that the fibers did not fall out.
But now there are also more technological and modern materials. For example, a special artistic "cardboard", which is a layer of fairly dense foamed polyacetate (in other words, foam), pasted on both sides with paper. If you do not use acetone and similar fixatives, then this is a very convenient material.
The most universal can be considered poly-polyethylene foam (this is the material from which white tourist mats are made or which is used as a wall insulation). Absolute inertia to any solvents is the main advantage of this material. As a result, practical indestructibility and eternity. Well, its density is very different, so you can choose any one.
By the way, poly-polyethylene foam is an ideal material for making the bottom of entomological boxes. It often does not even need to be pasted over (and this is difficult, since polyethylene is not glued to anything). This is the kind of material that the world's leading museums are now switching to.

25.11.2006 15:17, RippeR

So what about the straighteners? have you decided on the price? I'd like a couple of them if it wasn't time for a crackdown."

04.12.2006 2:03, beetleboy

This is so, "but there is a nuance"(c) M. Zhvanetsky.
In order to do it yourself, you need 2 things:
1. Equipment
2. The most important thing is that the driver is installed correctly hands.sys smile.gifIn extreme cases - a hand-sharpening machine smile.gif

Hi Den! You've got a lot of fun here. smile.gif
I would add 2 more points:
3. Experience working with wood (not everyone has it).
4. Having enough time.

04.12.2006 2:06, beetleboy

"It's better to pass it yourself" is not the best option. I thought so until I saw the luxury boxes. I wanted to run away properly and throw my own from the balcony as far as possible lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif(just pull out the beetles first)

This post was edited by beetleboy - 12/04/2006 02: 09

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