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Spreading insects

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24.09.2016 12:10, александр барышев

I'm very interested in this...
Do butterflies dry faster on wooden straighteners than on foam ones? And covered with strips of tracing paper, rather than polyethylene.

If someone has tried both cases (or even different combinations) and noticed this, please write.

Maybe different straighteners affect not only the drying time, it's also interesting to learn about this

with tracing paper, they precisely dry faster and more efficiently, and then the wings do not care
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24.09.2016 18:18, Liparus

Who has a photo of straight lines made of styrofoam? Skint photo please, I wonder who does it and how

24.09.2016 18:48, Синицын Валерий

Please explain to "stupid" how it is possible to straighten butterflies with tweezers! I can't imagine!?

24.09.2016 20:01, vafdog

Please explain to "stupid" how it is possible to straighten butterflies with tweezers! I can't imagine!?

where did you see this? maybe there and ask?..

no, well, you have to use tweezers when spreading, but I take the wings off with a needle.

24.09.2016 20:09, Синицын Валерий

Neither how, but with what umnik.gifTWEEZERS! wink.gif

Here. It's not the first time I've heard this, but I can't imagine the technique!

24.09.2016 20:18, vafdog

Here. It's not the first time I've heard this, but I can't imagine the technique!

and I can imagine))

probably tweezers do not hook like a needle to the vein. and grab the leading edge of the wing (actually tweezers have such functionality) and take it away.

I'll have to give it a try

This post was edited by vafdog - 24.09.2016 20: 21

24.09.2016 21:42, Igar

Here. It's not the first time I've heard this, but I can't imagine the technique!

Once I came across on the Internet, unpacking with tweezers...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DWwBL8MU8w

25.09.2016 0:45, ИНО

25.09.2016 6:36, Синицын Валерий

and I can imagine))

probably tweezers do not hook like a needle to the vein. and grab the leading edge of the wing (actually tweezers have such functionality) and take it away.

I'll have to give it a try

No, I'm not completely stupid! I know how tweezers work. The first butterfly on the straighteners will turn out easily, probably, but imagine the second, third,..the sixth in a row. It's a bunch of pins that will get in the way. The wing will need to be pulled forward and up... And then the right wing is fine, but the left wing? If you just do not own the same freely with both hands-problematic!

25.09.2016 10:19, AGG

right-handers put the left wing first wink.gif
I spread out not one solid strip, but two narrow and short ones for each butterfly. I attach the wing root first, pull it up with tweezers to the desired level, and attach it with a second wide strip.
forest of pins of course, but who prevents you from pulling not from above, but from the side wink.gif

27.09.2016 18:16, AVA

right-handers put the left wing first wink.gif
I spread out not one solid strip, but two narrow and short ones for each butterfly. I attach the wing root first, pull it up with tweezers to the desired level, and attach it with a second wide strip.
a forest of pins, of course, but who prevents you from pulling not from above, but from the side wink.gif

It's not clear at all.
I'm right-handed, but I always spread my right wings first. Then I turn the straightener 180 degrees and spread my left wings. After all this, I turn the straightener back to its original position and bring it to mind.
By the way, I've never used tweezers to straighten butterflies. Only angled pins. But when straightening wasps, you often have to use" eye " tweezers with curved tips. This is especially true not fresh, but soaked vespids, where it is not enough to expose the legs and wings, you also need to straighten the folds. Fortunately, there are no scales...

10.07.2017 12:47, IvanF

Hello! Just yesterday I found 11 hornets. They died themselves. I put them briefly in a container of hot water to wash them and get rid of the leatherworm larvae found on them. There was a strong smell before and after that. Does anyone know how to get rid of it? Thank you in advance.

10.07.2017 13:19, СаняМухолов

It was just necessary to put them in clean gasoline for a couple of minutes and that's all, why complicate it.

10.07.2017 13:19, СаняМухолов

It was just necessary to put them in clean gasoline for a couple of minutes and that's all, why complicate it.
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10.07.2017 13:46, IvanF

That is, there will be no smell after gasoline?

10.07.2017 13:53, AGG

when dry to the end, the smell itself will disappear, and if the house is high humidity, then it will continue to rot
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10.07.2017 15:00, IvanF

OK, I'll try, thanks!

29.01.2018 2:39, retenor

to spread butterflies on a permanent basis, you need a rasravshchik in Moscow.
25 rub / copy, quantity from 100 pcs at a time, spreading on a permanent basis!
write to your email address morfostyle@mail.ru

picture: maxresdefault.jpg
maxresdefault.jpg — (41.43к)

20.01.2019 19:32, niyaz

Has anyone used magnetic straighteners? Where can I get it?

picture: 3FStYCJEVaI.jpg
3FStYCJEVaI.jpg — (258.14к)

15.02.2019 13:15, collector

To the site - www.insectplanet.ru " we urgently need a bug and butterfly killer, a photographer, and a librarian.

By payment - for 1 copy of the butterfly 65 rubles ( 100 copies per month), beetle 75 rubles ( 100 copies per month). Photographer - once a month for 4-6 hours - 4500 rubles ( photographing beetles and butterflies). Librarian - once a month for 4-6 hours - 3500 rubles ( compilation and collection of an electronic catalog of literature on different groups of insects ).

Contacts: Phone number - +7 985 005 27 11, email address - zoocollection@narod.ru , site - www.insectplanet.ru

This post was edited by collector - 02/15/2019 13: 17

01.10.2019 17:16, Genri

Good time of day. I will ask for help in the tactics of dispersing small groups of beetles. Mostly "Aphodiinae". Please share your experience. I can't get the hang of it myself yet(

02.10.2019 21:38, Genri


10.02.2021 11:13, igorgavrilenko

Hello tell me how to spread the beetles?what and how to do

10.02.2021 14:35, ТМЗ

Hello tell me how to spread the beetles?what and how to do it


01.03.2021 16:27, kovyl

I have a question about mounting small flies. How is this done? Of course, it is convenient to store it in an alcohol solution, but it is not necessary to look at the signs. There is experience in spreading lepidoptera, including small ones, but I can hardly imagine the spread of flies on the straightener - their wings are too tender. At the same time, leaving them just impaled is not good, because the wings stick together.
Here I was recommended a method for spreading bedbugs on a piece of filter paper in a drop of water. After drying, the wings do not stick together, but the insect is still soft enough for a tattoo. Maybe it'll work with the flies, too?

01.03.2021 17:15, ИНО

How small are flies, like fruit flies or something? These are usually either simply stored in alcohol or poured into a balm, but certainly not pricked. In general, the wings of flies usually do not stick together, it is enough to spread them apart with a pin and they remain so, without interfering with the venation process. IMHO diptera is the least problematic group in this regard. Although if perfectionism is bubbling, and there is a lot of time, then you can also build a micro-straightener from pins, but this is no longer for the smallest ones.

02.03.2021 10:13, kovyl

No, drosophila is bigger, of course. It's just that they were stored in 70% alcohol and now I'm thinking about how best to store them. Maybe just leave it in alcohol? And to determine the time to transfer to glycerin?

02.03.2021 18:09, ИНО

Why in glycerin? I put some alcohol under the binoculars, waited for it to evaporate, and then decided. To twirl it is very convenient to use a small (you can even use a specially partially trimmed) brush. It is also removed from the alcohol and returned back. But if the fruit flies are larger, then it is quite possible to mount them on pins, this is a matter of taste.

03.03.2021 9:15, kovyl

Just when I get it out of alcohol, it's where the wings stick together. There is still no tastesmile.gif, because there is absolutely no experience working with this group. Just trying to avoid the rake.

05.05.2021 4:51, ТМЗ

Actually, the question is: how to mount small T-shirts? On a needle or on dies? And can they be stored in alcohol/formalin?

05.05.2021 20:35, AGG

I fill and mount on dies
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05.05.2021 21:12, chebur

When spreading hymenoptera, the costal vein is removed at the base. How to deal with it?

05.05.2021 23:19, ИНО

What exactly are hymenoptera and how exactly do you spread them? In general, over-drying (insufficient steaming) is most likely.

06.05.2021 19:37, chebur

Bees of the genera Anthophora, Bombus, Nomada. I spread the freshly collected material on wooden straighteners. When straightening, I pull the front wing by the costal vein.

This post was edited by chebur - 06.05.2021 19: 40

06.05.2021 20:16, ИНО

With these, in theory, nothing complicated should be, you just need to steam better. Nomad and other weak-haired people can simply throw in 70% alcohol for a day or two. Also check how well the height and angle of the straightener fits the anatomy of each individual insect, the wing should be fixed in the plostness, as close as possible to the natural one. When you pull, push the costal vein closer to its base. Large ones can generally be pulled with a finger over the entire surface of the wing, there is nothing to crumble there.
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06.05.2021 20:20, Vlad Proklov

I would also add that pereponov should not be frozen in the freezer, their muscles are straining. Use ethyl acetate - it relaxes them on the contrary.
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06.05.2021 20:32, ИНО

Many years with the freezer - no problems. It is only necessary to straighten immediately after removing from it. Ethyl acetate is also good. Here from chloroform dubeyut, although often before this self-spread eek.gif

26.05.2021 14:19, ТМЗ

Tell a beginner how to mount insects on dies. Previously, it was spread out on the foam without piercing the insect, and transferred with tweezers to the die. But it turns out rather unevenly, and the whiskers hang in the air and often chip off. What I'm doing wrong, please share your methodology.

02.06.2021 14:01, ТМЗ

Well, at least one person should know how to mount insects on dies!? It's so hard to write a couple of sentences, or something..?

02.06.2021 15:23, Victor Titov

Well, at least one person should know how to mount insects on dies!? It's so hard to write a couple of sentences, or something..?

Read it!
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