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Protecting yourself from ticks

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsProtecting yourself from ticks

Frantic, 06.03.2008 0:46

As you know, spring brings us not only joy in the form of sun, heat, beetles and butterflies, but also all sorts of vile abominations. Among the most disgusting representatives of such, I undoubtedly include ticks. The topic is all the more relevant because I'm going to Siberia (Sayan + Tuva) for a week in May. I want to know what people think about vaccinations. They say there is a Russian and an Austrian one (the latter is slightly more expensive, but noticeably better). This is in addition to the fact that with the vaccination you can get some other "bonus", such as hepatitis.. I also wonder if anyone has used the new development - yodapirin?

Last year, fortunately, I never bothered to "notice" ticks - I bought an expensive repellent, which I sprayed on my clothes.. But, one thing - the Moscow region and Ukraine, and another-Siberia..

This post was edited by Frantic - 06.03.2008 00: 47


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06.03.2008 0:53, Cosmos

it is said that even in the hearth, the infestation of ticks is no more than 3 percent. plus, it seems that transmission of the virus does not occur immediately. despite all the consolation, my friend managed to get over encephalitis from a tick. Survived, however)

06.03.2008 1:00, Frantic

Knowledgeable people advise avoiding immunoglobulinoma. But opinions differ about vaccination.. And it is painfully interesting that there is yodapirin-razvodilovo or a real remedy?

06.03.2008 3:59, Vadim Yakubovich

In the Far East of the Russian Federation, it is believed that every 10th tick is a carrier of encephalitis, but in addition, they also carry a bunch of other infections. It is better to be vaccinated with the vaccine that is made on the basis of local strains of the virus, the effect is better. For us, the drug "encevir"is considered the best. And now a seditious thought. I am not a fan of these vaccinations, I do them only under pain of the death penalty (they may not be released into the fields). To date, these vaccinations still have low effectiveness. Specific immunoglobulins are much more effective, but they have a lot of disadvantages.
From repellents, in my opinion, Reftamide is quite effective - taiga

06.03.2008 7:20, Andylog

Good topic. I myself live just in the center of the spread of tick - borne encephalitis-Western Siberia. As you know, ticks of different species live everywhere, but not all are carriers of diseases, diseases are spread focally.
Regarding the percentage of infected ticks-yes, in the literature there is still often an indication that in foci the infestation of ticks reaches 2-3%. But this is not true - for example, for the Novosibirsk region in recent years, the percentage of infected ticks is about 10%.
One more thing is important. Ticks carry not only encephalitis, but also a number of other diseases, no less serious, in particular, Lyme disease (borelliosis). And vaccinations, like immunoglobulin, will not save you from it. Therefore, the conclusion is that the vaccine is probably not bad, but it is better not to allow bites. If you follow some rules, this is quite achievable. And I will also speak out in favor of Reftamid-taiga. This drug works, although it does not eliminate the need for periodic inspection of clothing.

06.03.2008 9:37, amara

I had to go to the encephalitis district and get vaccinated (for a long time), but I didn't get to the bite. However, here in Moscow, in Losino-Ostrovsky Park, and even in early August (I think) the tick got me two years ago. Yodopirin turned out to be a problem to buy in Moscow, no one keeps it. Then in one pharmacy (I had to call around) I found one package, then they brought the second one there. I took it just in case, but I don't know the effect, because vrvchi was calmed down in the infectious diseases department of Sklifa, and there were no encephalitis diseases in the Moscow region. I shot a lot of ticks at the beginning (as it should be) of last summer and in the east of Tar. (on the border with Moscow) region.

06.03.2008 10:35, Frantic

Boris, recently encephalitis has also reached the Ministry of Defense. And Lyme disease is quite common here, as well as in Eastern Ukraine. To the south, ticks carry all sorts of vile fevers..

I will note, however, that in the steppes and in the Crimea I came across (thank God, visually) larger ticks than forest ones. Steppe forms were easily visible...
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06.03.2008 11:12, Alexandr Rusinov

We have a lot of ticks in the area, too, so take care, take care, and suddenly opa-na-do not take care, smile.gifEvery year I have 3-5 bites, with encephalitis and lyme we are all fine, in the sense of the full program. But so far it's been passing... I was vaccinated last year, but I have vague doubts about its effectiveness... And Lyme disease at the initial stage is well treated with a course of antibiotics, at least so I was told by doctors. But I wouldn't go to Siberia without a vaccination, their encephalitis will be worse than ours...
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06.03.2008 11:30, Aleksandr Safronov

I was in Altai in June. There are plenty of ticks. Regularly removed from clothes. Reppelents didn't save you. They didn't get vaccinated. I think that the effectiveness of vaccination is low. According to the stories, I heard a story when a person died from an anti-encephalitis vaccination (he was going to DV).
One tick still got a partner, but apparently did not have time to suck well yet. It was extracted and put to the fire. Thank God, there were no consequences. In my opinion, the most effective way to protect yourself is to wear protective clothing (now there are anti-mite suits on sale) and regular careful inspection. By the way, the next year I visited Altai in July - there were very few ticks, compared to the previous month. So it is also important what period is planned for trips.
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06.03.2008 11:42, Alexandr Rusinov

At the expense of the season, of course, it is true, usually the peak of tick activity falls on May-June, in July they are much less. But there are places where ticks probably don't know about it. smile.gif At the expense of anti-tick suits, they will not be superfluous in Siberia, especially if there are also midges in addition to ticks, but they do not provide 100% protection, sometimes ticks are such entertainers... wink.gif But I tried to use repellents and I must say I did not notice a special effect from them...
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06.03.2008 18:27, IchMan

In Karelia, these bad beetles have already reached 64° N with all their charms. They are moving north quite actively.
There are areas where a lot of old clearings are overgrown with alder - that's where they are expanse.
I pull ticks out of myself almost every season, sometimes several pieces. Unlike many "weekend entomologists", I spend most of the season in the field (taiga) - from May to October
, All the tested repellents are ineffective, and some, in my opinion, are even attractants wink.gifAccording to the SES, tick infestation with encephalitis has increased many times over the past 20 years and cases of the disease are becoming more and more every year.
Borelliosis, unlike viral encephalitis, is caused by a spirochete that lives in the tick's intestinal tract. Infection with borelliosis occurs only after a few hours, after the tick has bitten, i.e. the disease is easily avoided by removing the ticks (if they have bitten) if possible, immediately after the bite and carefully examining yourself before going to bed. If you leave the tick and wait to return to the city, visit the emergency room, so that it is removed by doctors, there is a risk of catching borelliosis, because the infection rate of ticks with this spirochete is much higher than the encephalitis virus. In my opinion, it is better to let the head of this tick remain in the body and cause a slight inflammation and then come out with pus, than to risk it. And encephalitis is a lottery frown.gif
Finally, a tip. High boots help a lot (compared to boots, sneakers), tested. From clothing optimal-encephalitis suit, not for nothing w Egot ak called, with tight cuffs for the hands and feet. Well, tuck the upper parts (jacket, T-shirt) into the lower ones (trousers, trousers)

This post was edited by IchMan - 06.03.2008 19: 19
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06.03.2008 18:49, Andylog

Various opinions have already been expressed. Some say that repellents are effective, others are ineffective. I will tell you about my experience in fighting ticks. As I said, I live in an area where ticks are widespread. Peak activity occurs in May-mid-June. In some places, you can" collect " up to a hundred or more ticks in an hour.
Naturally, during his life he was bitten several times, but gradually found a way to coexist with ticks, for 5-6 years now-not a single bite.
I want to tell you about my experience in drug testing.

Bar "Pretiks", Novosibirsk production. Use it as follows-leave on the trousers above the knee a few closed stripes in a circle, like a bu encircling the leg. The tick, overcoming them, "smears" in the substance and then something happens to it. smile.gif Where there! A completely inefficient product. It is easily brushed off from clothes, in a good way, they need to be completely smeared. The tick, climbing up the trousers, crosses the pretix strip one, the second, and crawls perfectly further.

"Reftamide taiga", it seems, is also produced in Novosibirsk. This drug is effective. How exactly it works - just below. In general, according to information from the Internet (not forums, real scientific information), drugs based on alphamethrin, cypermethrin and other pyrethroids are effective. Reftamide is one of them. There is also a combined drug Reftamide, which supposedly protects against mosquitoes and ticks at the same time. I'm not sure about him, I can't say for sure. In general, the approach to protection from ticks and mosquitoes is too different, it is for ordinary people that they are all insects. Recommendations for protection with reftamide-thick clothing, filled, treated with aerosol. When passing suspicious places, you immediately look around, plus every couple of hours it is advisable to do an inspection of clothes.
Now about the action of alphamethrin. On clothes treated with such a preparation, the tick calmly sits down, also calmly crawls up the trousers. Here it is important not to be afraid, but you can follow it further. Often the tick rises only to the level of the knee or slightly higher and then pauses, hangs for a while, and then falls off on its own. I've seen this happen several times. Naturally, when you are crawling on, let's say, a dozen ticks, it is more difficult to maintain composuresmile.gif

About the dosage. I spend anywhere from half to an entire can of reftamide on a single day trip. At the same time, trousers, shirt, windbreaker, and cap are processed.
It is not entirely clear whether alphamethrin is washed off with water. Rain, dew lead to the fact that the pants get wet. On the Internet, I met information that alphamethrin "binds tightly to clothing," even to the point that it can withstand several washes. I don't know how true this is. If the clothes are wet , I process them again. There are also doubts about the claimed time of action - 7, 14 days. I assume that this is so if the clothes are just hanging on a hanger smile.gif

I haven't used any other drugs, but sometimes I read the ingredients on the package for fun. Unfortunately, they do not always contain alphamethrin or cypermethrin (especially imported ones). So probably not all medications designed to protect against ticks are effective.
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06.03.2008 20:42, Бабочник

Yes, the topic is serious... We have a lot of darkness in the south of the tick lately (except for the middle and high mountains). Encephalitis is mute, but there is a hemorrhagic fever, there are no vaccinations against it, and the mortality rate is cooler than encephalitis... Who as and I consider sho vaccinations-a thing extremely undesirable and for many finally kerdykom can become. Repellents are also not always acceptable, especially when you collect live material for breeding (and how they affect you is also a question). It remains to be attentive and make special clothes. I have these pants with a lining sewn in from the bottom that I tuck into my socks (simple and effective). Saved many times from attacks from below. In the forest it is much more difficult, of course... When it's hot - in the open sun, I try to take off my T-shirt, so you can immediately feel the stomping of the beast on the skin, even a small one.

07.03.2008 2:52, Ekos

In general, as many correctly noted, the acaricidal agent "Reftamide taiga" really helps, although, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to get it. The tick, if it gets on clothes, disappears in a few minutes (due to paralysis of the legs). I also bought Moskitol-antiklesh. The same type of acricide and allegedly also based on alphacypermethrin. It seems that the active substance is obtained from France. The effect of it is fucking awesome, only in the other direction - ticks on the clothes processed by it crawl just in droves and do not die from it! A very vile drug!!! Of the repellents, "Deta-anti-mite" helps quite well, ticks are well repelled, however, some still get on clothes.
In general, there is a good scientific article somewhere on the Net that explains the mechanisms of action of various acaricides and repellents. If I find it , I'll post it! smile.gif The topic is really extremely relevant. I get bitten by ticks all the time. Once there was even some kind of illness after the bite, possibly mild encephalitis (I didn't go to the hospital).

07.03.2008 2:57, Ekos

Yes, and I do not recommend using dichlorvos, as some people do. It contains pyrethroid, which has an attraging effect. And the tick, getting on the clothes treated with it, becomes more aggressive, quickly digs into a person, can drink blood for 1-2 days and only then dies (and then, not the fact that it will die).

07.03.2008 2:59, Ekos

And I will join the question asked by Frantic - can anyone say something intelligible about Yodantipirin? It's just that it's so much touted on the Internet that there are a few doubts.

07.03.2008 10:00, amara

All that I found about Yodantipirin:
in Questions of virology: 2001 Jan-Feb; 46(1): 25-8.
Comparative in vitro study of the effectiveness of various immunomodulating substances in tick-borne encephalitis [Article in Russian]

Krylova NV, Leonova GN.

Suppressing effect of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus on expression of lymphocyte subpopulation receptors has been demonstrated in vitro. Effects of 14 immunomodulators on expression of T lymphocyte receptors under the effect of TBE virus have been compared. Anti-TBE immunoglobulin, 4-iodantipyrin, and leukinferon had the highest protective effect after a preventive injection. Thymalin and leukinferon in combination with human leukocytic interferon were the most effective within the treatment protocols. Further studies of sensitivity of immunoregulator cells to immunomodulators is recommended with the aim of adding these drugs to therapy of TBE patients.
I don't have the article itself. It seems that the authors are from Vladivostok:


see Tick-borne Encephalitis Laboratory
" Studies are being conducted on the immunomodulatory effect of certain official drugs (ribonuclease, tick-borne Ig, thymalin, myelopid, lycopid, gangliin, cycloferon, neovir, 4-iodantipyrin, reoferon, roferon A, human leukocyte IFN, leukinferon, veloferon) in an experiment on animals infected with the CE virus and in vitro on blood patients with this infection"
You can ask them about this drug.

There is also some information here:

And here are the test results of yodantipyrin:

This post was edited by amara - 07.03.2008 17: 23

07.03.2008 10:32, Alexandr Rusinov

Yes, by the way, people who are regularly exposed to tick bites often develop immunity from encephalitis, the role of "vaccination" is played by the ticks themselves. But I wouldn't really hope for that. Regarding the fact that the encephalitis vaccine is dangerous, I generally disagree, problems can arise if a person is allergic to protein or has a severely reduced immune system. Although in life there are absolutely incredible things, for example, I know a case when a person fell ill with tularemia from vaccination, although for all medical reasons. this can't be the case for reference books.

07.03.2008 11:03, Andylog

"Yes, by the way, people who are regularly exposed to tick bites often develop immunity from encephalitis, the role of" vaccination " is played by the ticks themselves."

I think the same. In my opinion, this is the only explanation. And about borreliosis-there is an opinion that almost half of the population (consider a person who has never been bitten by a tick) suffers from it in a chronic form. Manifestations of the disease are attributed to other causes.
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07.03.2008 15:03, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

And about borreliosis-there is an opinion that almost half of the population (consider a person who has never been bitten by a tick) suffers from it in a chronic form. Manifestations of the disease are attributed to other causes.

It's just that the dohturs didn't know how to diagnose it until recently. And in how many medical institutions in Russia can it be diagnosed now (not counting St. Petersburg, Moscow...)?

07.03.2008 15:34, Alexandr Rusinov

Boreliosis can be diagnosed in any regional center in infectious diseases departments, but in order for you to conduct these tests, you need to shout loudly that you were bitten by a tick. In the early stages, boreliosis is treated easily (I have already written about this), but in later stages, even intensive antibiotic therapy often does not bring the desired effect, the disease is only drowned out. What is more harmful in this case - from borelium or antibiotics is still a question. So the best way out is to avoid infection (although how to do this in practice is a big question) or be checked at the end of each season.

07.03.2008 15:51, IchMan

I also bought Moskitol-antiklesh. The same type of acricide and allegedly also based on alphacypermethrin. It seems that the active substance is obtained from France. The effect of it is fucking awesome, only in the other direction - ticks on the clothes processed by it crawl just in droves and do not die from it! A very vile drug!!!

This is exactly what I had in mind when I spoke about the attractiveness of some anti-tick drugs. What kind of pests or detractors produce and distribute it in the country?!
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07.03.2008 16:18, Frantic

I looked at what kind of repellent I used last year - "Reftamide taiga". All right. Great stuff. The fact that it is effective is indicated not only by the fact that I myself did not "catch" a single tick, but also by the fact that my friend who was "not sprayed" with repellent picked up the parasite literally 5 minutes after entering the forest, being a couple of meters away from me (the tick was running around on a T-shirt, where was captured)smile.gif Everything was very clear.

07.03.2008 16:20, Frantic


About Lyme disease.

08.03.2008 12:59, Дзанат

Right here http://vak.ed.gov.ru/announcements/biolog/655/ I found the abstract
of the dissertation
Shashina Natalia Igorevna
"Scientific basis for the development of personal protective equipment against the attack of ixodic ticks-carriers of pathogens of dangerous diseases"
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08.03.2008 22:49, savour

Oh yeah, I was terribly afraid of ticks, until the last season... I've never been bitten before.

But the Republic of Khakassia is a paradise for ticks! we and our teachers with many years of experience of mass forays into the woods - we have never seen such a large number of them! during 10 days of practice, our group of 30 people brought two full-to-the-brim penicillin bottles with mites to the cities! then we went to uni scaring everyone smile.gifI can't even guess how many of them we collected there. almost everyone was bitten, and most of them were bitten more than once. we have a mandatory vaccination, a multi-year course. plus preparations after the bite (now I forgot the name, but something banal) - there was not enough for everyone!! there is also a system of 1 day 6 tablets-2nd 5 tablets, third 4 tablets, etc., and when a new bite - then the whole cycle again!!

And then we used a proven (but it seems nowhere clinically confirmed) method : A GLASS OF ALCOHOL. I won't say anything, this question is quite slippery and I don't want to take responsibility for myself - I'll just give you information - this method of preventing encephalitis after a tick bite has been used at our biological station for decades. the recipe is simple-a glass of pure alcohol (96%, you can do less in principle) without snacks, drinks, etc. (you can chonit chew a little) - and go to bed! the temperature rises quickly and all the infection will die under the influence of blood interferon. I can say that at least 1000 bites have been "cured" in this way in the entire history of practices. And there have not been any cases of diseases yet. I myself was treated like this 4 times already. Kaneshno extreme method, but if you have nothing with you and you are in the middle of the forest-then where else devatsa... and almost all entomologists have alcohol with smile.gifthem

09.03.2008 1:01, IchMan

Next time you will be treated-call us, you can participate in the treatment wink.gif
Good gentlemen, what are you talking about? Tse zh virus! It is necessary to be afraid of it and do not relax! It is fraught with consequences... I saw people who suffered from encephalitis and how hard they recovered afterwards (Leningrad region). I do not think that taking alcohol inside after the fact will help you avoid infection with encephalitis, although no one has canceled the belief in everything good, and that we have this cup... The reserve capabilities of the human body still remain a mystery behind seven seals and what our people are capable of is not given to anyone to predict 100 %. And yet-God takes care of the blessed one. I will try to test reftamide on myself and my friends this season, if I can find it before the summer.
As for immunity, it is developed not after 2-3 tick bites, but over a number of generations living in the same area. And if, for example, your parents and grandparents are not aborigines for the area where you now live, but came to these lands from other lands, do not think that they were able to acquire immunity so soon, even if they were often bitten by these ticks... Do not be deceived in vain that this kind of immunity is inherited from you...
A little later, I will throw in the" Images of Insects " of the enemy of the human race - a tick from the genus Ixodes, which has sunk its chelicerae into the body of my friend. At that time, the consequences were avoided... Although many friends joke, " if you are vaccinated against encephalitis , you will not die so immediately, you will just become a fool, and you will have a job later-to glue stamps." Such is the life-affirming humor... wink.gif
I wish you (and of course myself) to avoid contact with ticks in the upcoming field season, and most importantly, with the consequences of their bites...
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09.03.2008 1:28, IchMan

Well, what are you talking about?.. There are places where after walking for an hour through the wilds of alder and other shrubs and then taking off your T-shirt, you take off a dozen or one and a half Ixodes hungry for your body. In the net, they are immediately visible, but crawling on the back - smell in advance and find try... Especially when you think not about your tactile sensations, but about catching something rare from the entomofauna... But in the north-what a thrill! You know that this misfortune is not here in principle! And if suddenly the weather is something! Swimming in the White Sea and other various bodies of water, untrodden nature (and there are still places...) - this is just a must see {on the rights of advertising smile.gif}
Students of St. Petersburg State University have the opportunity to practice on the island. Srednyj, Zinovskaya MBS near on m.Kartesh, and the MSU base is a little further north - they will confirm all the beauty of those places. Although the species composition of the entomofauna there is not as rich as in MO or LenO, but I think no one has yet regretted spending some time among these pines, rocks, the sea and white nights... Sorry for the lyrical digression, I guess it was inspired in the spring...
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09.03.2008 12:09, amara

Plmnyu such fact, walked with buddies in the mountains, passed through dense bush. So, from his dark wool socks outside, we removed 15 pieces of ticks, and from my white cotton socks none. We were also wearing shorts, and not a single tick on our feet, although maybe it was just an accident.

09.03.2008 12:52, Andylog

maybe it was just an accident.

If a friend was walking in front and you were following him, it's probably a patternsmile.gif

But seriously - I haven't heard about the selectivity of ticks to the material or color of clothing.

09.03.2008 19:58, Andylog

Here is a photo of the most tick-infested biotope visited last year.
Novosibirsk region. Novosibirsk district, 20.05.2007
picture: ixodes_bio.jpg

On 200 m of the path along the path, I removed 50 ticks from myself (from my trousers). By the way, there are more ticks on the roads than just in the forest. In general, in our region, ticks are most often in pine forests, along the same paths, on the outskirts. In deciduous areas, as a rule, less. Large numbers are also found in the river valleys. In other places, they are isolated.
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10.03.2008 5:30, Vadim Yakubovich

Next time you will be treated-call us, you can participate in the treatment wink.gif 
Good gentlemen, what are you talking about? Tse zh virus! It is necessary to be afraid of it and do not relax! It is fraught with consequences... I saw people who suffered from encephalitis and how hard they recovered afterwards (Leningrad region). I do not think that taking alcohol inside after the fact will help you avoid infection with encephalitis, although no one has canceled the belief in everything good, and that we have this cup...
As for immunity, it is developed not after 2-3 tick bites, but over a number of generations living in the same area. And if, for example, your parents and grandparents are not aborigines for the area where you now live, but came to these lands from other lands, do not think that they were able to acquire immunity so soon, even if they were often bitten by these ticks... Do not be deceived in vain that this kind of immunity is inherited from you...
Although many friends joke, " if you are vaccinated against encephalitis , you will not die so immediately, you will just become a fool, and you will have a job later-to glue stamps." Such is the life-affirming humor... wink.gif
I wish you (and of course myself) to avoid contact with ticks in the upcoming field season, and most importantly, with the consequences of their bites...

I completely agree with the respected IchMan. Alcohol is more of an immune system depressant, so the chances are slim.
As for the vaccination, it is true that the chance of survival increases, but what kind of life is this?..

This post was edited by Sergeich - 10.03.2008 05: 31

10.03.2008 8:53, Pavel Morozov

If we also talk about the middle lane, in particular, about M. O., then in the vicinity of the much-loved PTZ this scum is full. Especially on the Sushka River.
And in Primorye, I did it easier-from clothes-shorts (rather short), socks and sneakers. I agree with the Babochnik, when a tick crawls on a naked body, you will feel it immediately. Another very reliable way to avoid trouble is to take a companion with you-mutual inspection and some kind of grooming will help prevent ticks from attacking you.
And I was vaccinated with an Austrian vaccine. No side effects, either cleaned up well, or something else. But, after the domestic vaccine, the temperature can rise to 38. Yes, the vaccine does not provide 100% protection, but it was calmer with the vaccination.

10.03.2008 9:56, Juglans

About vaccines. Unfortunately, the fewer side effects of the vaccine, the less antibodies are produced (as a rule). I myself do an Austrian vaccination, but I know that the Novosibirsk one is better (alas, I have a strong reaction). As our local virologists write, after vaccination (in a month) you need to check the amount of antibodies. Unfortunately, most people produce no more than 60% of the required amount to control Siberian and Far Eastern strains. But you can only check for antibodies in specialized centers. In addition, there are such strains of the tick-borne encephalitis virus, against which the vaccination has almost no effect. These strains are registered in Primorye.

I have seen many people who have had viral encephalitis, both with and without vaccination. It is better to get vaccinated - for most, everything passes without consequences. Another thing is boreliosis - there are no vaccinations, the disease often becomes chronic.
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10.03.2008 10:19, Pavel Morozov

Well, naturally, I wouldn't go around with my bare torso and knees where the ticks sit in layers!
I also caught butterflies in woodlands and coastal hills (for there were targets like Japonica adusta, Fabriciana nerippe). In the heat, you can't really run around with long sleeves and rubber boots. Yes, and ticks then there were few (by seaside standards generally scanty). By the way, closer to the sea, the number of ticks generally reduces to zero.

10.03.2008 10:57, Juglans

By the sea-yes, and in July and August there are fewer of them. And on the burns.

10.03.2008 11:10, Pavel Morozov

Are there a lot of them in April and May?
And another question: are there many of them in the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin?

10.03.2008 11:40, Juglans

It all depends on the weather. Last year, the spring was cold, ticks went from May. But in other years, they appear at the end of March. After all, the first people who suffer are summer residents. There are landfills and garbage pits on the outskirts of the forests near dachas, where rodents are always" grazing", which is why the first cases of the disease are recorded among summer residents in April. The peak is the second half of May and the first half of June. During the warm season in Primorye, ticks manage to change two hosts, pass through a nymph and turn into an imago-this occurs in the second half of September and October (even in November there were cases of the disease), the second peak of the population.

There are significantly fewer ticks in Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. I'll try to find out how virulent the strain is. After all, the whole mystery is that it is in Primorye and in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory that the most dangerous strains are found (neither in China, nor in Japan, nor in Siberia, or rather, in Siberia they did not exist before, since now they are moving west). Previously, suburban forests were treated with acaricides, but this has not been done for a long time. In the Khasansky district, ticks are much smaller than even in the ROC. Vladivostok (especially a lot of them for some reason in the local bot garden).

This post was edited by Juglans - 10.03.2008 11: 41
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13.03.2008 21:55, Tigran Oganesov

..and the MSU base is a little further north - they will confirm all the beauty of those places. Although the species composition of the entomofauna there is not as rich as in MO or LenO, but I think no one has yet regretted spending some time among these pines, rocks, the sea and white nights... Sorry for the lyrical digression, I guess it was inspired in the spring...

Oh, right in the heart! The places are awesome, the memory of that practice after the first year will never be erased. There were no ticks at all, but this was quite compensated for by the hordes of mosquitoes and midges, especially in the swamps.
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18.03.2008 18:59, savour

Yes, I'm not saying anything about alcohol. he just gave the facts. not a single disease in many yearswink.gif, no encephalitis, boreliosis, nothing. and the danger here is very, very great. I am personally acquainted with 5 people who suffered from encephalitis and boreliosis. by the way, they did not become fools at all, but after encephalitis, a friend has very serious consequencesfrown.gif: speech disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, constant relapses, etc... a very terrible thing.

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Project editor and administrator: Peter Khramov.

I express my gratitude to moderators, photographers and involved users for their contribution to the website progress.

© Insecta.pro, 2007—2025.

Species catalog enables to sort by characteristics such as expansion, flight time, etc..

Photos of representatives Insecta.

Detailed insects classification with references list.

Enotomologists search system and a living blog.