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Features of buying and selling in online stores

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsFeatures of buying and selling in online stores

Saturnia, 14.06.2008 19:22

I would like to know the opinion of the forum's residents about the advantages and disadvantages of online stores selling insects. Personally, I recently visited the store "The insects from the Palaearctic region", that is, our website www.gorodinski.ru and then the store, which turned out to be located in Moscow, very close to my house, despite its English-speaking nature. I liked that you can choose insects for a long time, looking at the photo. What do you think?

This post was edited by Saturnia - 14.06.2008 19: 27

 the image is no longer on the site: Salassa_thespis.jpg Salassa_thespis.jpg — (30.38к) 14.06.2008 — 28.06.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Dorcadion_balchashense.jpg Dorcadion_balchashense.jpg — (150.15к) 14.06.2008 — 28.06.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Acherontia_lachesis.jpg Acherontia_lachesis.jpg — (103.66к) 14.06.2008 — 28.06.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Megodontus__stroganowi_persianus.jpg Megodontus__stroganowi_persianus.jpg — (110.6к) 14.06.2008 — 28.06.2008
 the image is no longer on the site: Japonica_saepestriata_s.str..jpg Japonica_saepestriata_s.str..jpg — (29.92к) 14.06.2008 — 28.06.2008


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15.06.2008 17:26, Bad Den

"This is PEAR!!! "(c) smile.gif

15.06.2008 20:52, Monstr

Andrey Gorodinsky's online store is not only professionally made, but also offers a large selection of CERTAIN insects, which is very valuable, especially for insects not from the former USSR. They are very difficult to determine in general.On many foreign websites, you can find "Cerambicidae sp." and that's it. And the type-you can hardly determine, since many of our respected professionals determine an insect only by taking it from memory. Such things.
This is about one of the advantages of this site.

16.06.2008 0:29, RippeR

I didn't have anything to do with A. Gorodinsky or his material, but the reviews of friends who exchanged with him are as follows:
The material is not always high-quality, despite the fact that the photos are great.
It is very difficult to bargain with him, since he considers his own species to be perfect, and others ' species to be shit (in terms of exchange)
Well, etc.

From myself, I can add: if Osipov's prices are clearly too high and quite high, then Gorodinsky's prices are full of achtung! They are not that high, they are celestial, and even in euros (this is very fashionable now, because the euro is one and a half times higher than the pupaar and the prices seem tolerable, since a Russian person has a " = " sign in his mind between the pupaar and the euro, but in fact the money goes one and a half times more.. Those. for example, material for 100 euros will be 150 pupaars, which, you will agree, is a lot!)

Another note:
if you buy from him rare and certain insects that others do not have, then you need to remember the following: at such prices and layouts, this makes sense only in those cases when either there is a lot of money or there is a huge collection in which only the most important ones are missing..
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16.06.2008 10:32, Fornax13

Andrey Gorodinsky's online store is not only professionally made, but also offers a large selection of CERTAIN insects, which is very valuable, especially for insects not from the former USSR. They are still very difficult to determine.On many foreign websites, you can find "Cerambicidae sp." and that's it. And the type-you can hardly determine, since many of our respected professionals determine an insect only by taking it from memory. Such things.
This is about one of the advantages of this site.

If the material is intended for wall decoration, why make a precise definition? And if it's interesting to put a collection and sort out the group, wouldn't it be better to sit down and sort it out yourself? Or is there something I don't understand?
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16.06.2008 17:39, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

Andrey Gorodinsky's online store is not only professionally made, but also offers a large selection of CERTAIN insects, which is very valuable, especially for insects not from the former USSR. They are still very difficult to determine.On many foreign websites, you can find "Cerambicidae sp." and that's it. And the type-you can hardly determine, since many of our respected professionals determine an insect only by taking it from memory. Such things.
This is about one of the advantages of this site.

Fornax +1
Moreover, this is a very controversial advantage, because I know some of those people who identify (defined, at least before) insects and even describe, according to the findings of Andre...
And our "professionals", due to the specifics of desk work, also need to accumulate material, for which there is no time, so I don't see anything wrong in the fact that from a series of several beetles you have to sacrifice one or two...

This post was edited by mikepride - 06/16/2008 17: 41
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18.06.2008 8:29, Monstr

If the material is intended for wall decoration, why make a precise definition? And if it's interesting to put a collection and sort out the group, wouldn't it be better to sit down and sort it out yourself? Or is there something I don't understand?

Perhaps you don't understand why people collect insects, limiting their motives to only two- "decorating the walls"
and "sorting by yourself".
This is just an answer to the question, don't take it to the detriment. There are other motives.

this only makes sense in cases where either there is a lot of money or there is a huge collection in which only the most important ones are missing..

Exactly. Not even necessarily huge, just good.

Fornax +1
I don't see anything wrong with sacrificing one or two beetles from a series of several beetles...

I broke up today... I just got a taste for writing.
So - you can immediately see what you catch in series... this is a good idea, especially if you are fishing in Russia, in the Caucasus... on DV. NOT EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD IS LIKE THIS. When fishing in the tropics, you can catch up to 1000 specimens of beetles of DIFFERENT species, 1 piece each.

There is a button "edit message" in the form of a red check mark. Please use it instead of posting multiple messages in a row.

This post was edited by Bolivar - 06/18/2008 10: 55

18.06.2008 10:15, Guest

I'll give you my personal opinion. Good sites and at normal prices and Gorodinsky, and Osipov, and Sobanin.
It all depends on the interests of the potential buyer.
I believe that Osipov, for example, generally UNDERESTIMATES prices for a number of types.
Get to the Pamirs at least once, try not only to fish there, but also to return home with the material, and not only with "a lot of pleasant impressions from communicating with "law enforcement agencies"!. I guarantee that the opinion of "inflated" prices will change!
Of course, on these sites, either a normal collection is supplemented with certain types, or something is bought that "well, I really want it". And if you want everything at once, and beetles and butterflies, and from Russia, and from sopredelka, and from the tropics, and most importantly "A LOT" - then there is nothing to do on these sites!!
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18.06.2008 10:18, Guest

As they say "prices are not high, but we are poor"

18.06.2008 10:24, Guest

And how great it is that there are such places rich in various insects as the Moscow and Leningrad regions.... And not expensive....

18.06.2008 10:44, Monstr

Get to the Pamirs at least once, try not only fishing there, but also return home with the material,

And in general, just-to return home. You can't
even go back.

18.06.2008 12:00, Fornax13

Perhaps you don't understand why people collect insects, limiting their motives to only two- "decorating the walls"
and "sorting by yourself".
This is just an answer to the question, don't take it to the detriment. There are other motives.

Yes, I'm already interested smile.gif(commercial ones don't count).

18.06.2008 12:52, RippeR

Yeah.. prices are normal, but we are poor.. And we work out an 8-hour working day on a not simple and terribly boring life-poisoning job, too, for nothing...

Of course, to go to Moldova is too lazy for everyone, basically a waste of money, just for yourself.. And you don't know if you'll come back when you pass through our borders lol.gif
But taking 10 bucks for an excellence that comes in hundreds is already quite a lot.. If I could sell all the excellences that I can catch at a given price, then I could make $ 5,000 - $ 10,000 in a week. The point is that the price does not correspond to the product.. Yes, a person living for 2 borders does not see these beetles, but this is not a reason to put such a price.
I understand that the Pamir ones would have high prices, and the rest would have normal prices, but here.. Especially since hundreds of thousands of beetles of different colors were caught when people were still freely sniffing.. And as for the present, there are other ways to get insects.
It's the same with the exchange - some people change almost without looking, just like in the good old days - one presents a bunch of beetles with a genuine smile, and the other responds with the same thing that is needed. But there is almost no such exchange left, only among some friends. Now it is more and more practiced - count your copies for loot, and I will mine and then you will add beetles to the shortage or you will cough it up..

I think it's a little different.. For example, Osipov-naskolkyo-this is his main occupation.. He buys or exchanges some of them himself, then makes a mark-up and resells them. You can't blame him for that.. Moreover, at this level of inflation and pricessmile.gif, although I have never gone into details, so I can't objectively assess its activities, only evaluate individual prices.
On Gorodinsky I have only not very happy reviews of friends..
Let's compare prices, for example. Even if we take Osipov's prices as satisfactory, then Osipov's Carabus spasskianus is $ 4.50, while Gorodinsky's is $ 9 (6 euros)...
The only good thing about Gorodinsky is a wide variety of species that are almost impossible to get anywhere. You can sometimes fork out some money for them.. Although sometimes for one bug to spread a hundred or even more-entertainment is not for the faint smile.gifof heart
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18.06.2008 13:44, Guest

Although sometimes for one bug to spread a hundred or even more-entertainment is not for the faint of heart smile.gif

I would easily give a hundred pupaars for Ribinsky. Just to know where he is today! I've already beaten up all my legs." And all to nothing. weep.gif
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18.06.2008 13:45, Guest

I would easily give a hundred pupaars for Ribinsky. Just to know where he is today! I've already beaten up all my legs." And all to nothing. weep.gif

This is me, rpanin

18.06.2008 13:56, Grigory Grigoryev

The first thing that came to mind - you can catch something, try to sell, that's the trick!!!
Therefore, they always sell units, and buy those to whom...... well, there are possible options.

Second , I suspect that the main consumers of insects for both Osipov and Gorodinsky are still Western collectors, so the price level is not for ordinary collectors of butterflies and beetles from Russia, who do not have enough to live on at the end of the month (or a simple "toad" gets stuck, ...no one is to blame). And if a person has enough money for 2-3 trips a year (not to the neighboring region for Myrmidon, but "in an adult way"), then these prices are quite normal.

And third: let's say I'm a merchant, and in my Khasan district on the DV clouds fly to the light, well, let's say, Catocala nagioides. I think that this is not a reason to sell them for "5 kopecks" just because I (!!!) I catch hundreds of them. No one else catches it. This is an elementary commercial approach.

In short, I wish everyone a lot of money to earn, if you can't find a faster way to improve your well-being.
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18.06.2008 14:02, Nimrod

Come on, Mr. rpanin! Don't get so upset! As popular wisdom says:
"- everything that was not found right now, will certainly be found right later!"
And it really is! I myself, I remember, spent a very long time searching for many rare beetles, and even (oh horror!) stooped to buy T. typhoeus! from businessmen. And now I can say that a lot of what I wanted to find - I found. And for the formation of a normal collection, there are colleagues and scientific exchange. And this topic, as it seems to me, is banal trolling and poorly hidden advertising. For God's sake, gentlemen, does no one really know these sites? In general, everyone has their own head on their shoulders.

This post was edited by Nimrod - 06/18/2008 14: 03
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18.06.2008 14:23, bahurin

Friends, let's separate the wheat from the chaff. For some, collecting is a vacation (for example, for me, I have a technical education in general, and I run after butterflies because it's physical education, fresh air, and hunting of a kind, and they are just beautiful. At the same time, I do not know Latin at all and often can not distinguish between a male and a female, in short, I am a teapot full or maybe empty, but that's not the point. For others, this is a profession, they know Latin, they sit with microscopes and remember all the insects by heart, in short, they are scientists, for others it is a business, at the expense of which they live. But the fact is that I have no desire to participate in this business either as a seller or as a buyer (not because money is a pity, but because for me the meaning is lost), for scientists it is prohibitively expensive (I myself gave lectures at the Institute for 5000 rubles. per month, and therefore I know how our the state belongs to education). They might be happy, but they don't have any money. So it turns out that on this forum you will not find support gentlemen businessmen. Pralno-their business is the west (therefore, the sites are English-speaking), then what is the question for advertising this store in Russia in every possible way? Better help our scientists in their research. Give them interesting specimens for research,they need it ay ay how!

P.S. There is another category of people who want to get EVERYTHING in the collection. These friends are probably better equated with fans of slot machines, who lose almost all the money in them. In principle, these stores are aimed at such obsessive people. Only I would advise them to look back and think, because you need to learn to control your excitement (any collector is a gambler, but everything is good when in moderation).

This post was edited by bahurin - 06/18/2008 14: 28
Likes: 6

18.06.2008 14:39, Grigory Grigoryev

P.S. There is another category of people who want to get EVERYTHING in the collection. These friends are probably better equated with fans of slot machines, who lose almost all the money in them. In principle, these stores are aimed at such obsessive people. Only I would advise them to look back and think, because you need to learn to control your excitement (any collector is a gambler, but everything is good when in moderation)."

I'm thrilled, and I totally agree.
The topic can probably be covered, because there is nothing more to say - thanks to bahurin for the excellent summing up.

18.06.2008 15:57, andros

Ah all not all, and some species naishcheshsya in networks.

18.06.2008 18:12, RippeR

bahurin well done!
And I also liked the version from cajarc about the landmark to the west smile.gif

it remains only for everyone to wish to find what they want, change well, and have enough money to buy insects, travel, and catch them smile.gif

I usually buy insects myself only when I miss insects and want to add something interesting to the collection. In other cases, when I see on sale some types that I like for a low price smile.gif

This post was edited by RippeR - 06/18/2008 18: 14

13.07.2008 18:41, Raptor

Comrades!!!!You are so glibly discussing here, so tell me how I, a person living in central Kazakhstan, can buy an insect from Moscow!???or where are the closest places????What are the actual shipping methods???How can this whole thing be done??

13.07.2008 19:32, bahurin

Comrades!!!!You are so glibly discussing here, so tell me how I, a person living in central Kazakhstan, can buy an insect from Moscow!???or where are the closest places????What are the actual shipping methods???How can this whole thing be done??

option 1. Come to Moscow to buy everything and go to Kazakhstan.
option 2. Order by mail from one of the stores.
However, there are a number of questions:
1. According to Russian legislation, it is impossible to export collections or specimens of insects listed in the Red Book from the country without special permission.
2. When sending by mail, the first question is added to the question about the guarantee of the safety of the material. Moreover, the question of safety is the main one, since it is frankly difficult to send straightened insects by mail. At the moment, we are trying the option with styrofoam containers, but while the parcel is on the way, and I do not know the answer to the question of how to send a straightened butterfly so that at least 8 out of 10 reached without damage.

PS I can't even imagine how the owners of online stores poison insects by mailconfused.gif, I assume they use the ignorance of customs, declaring one thing, and sending a completely different one. if you are interested in something specific, write to us and we will think about how to forward it to you.

This post was edited by bahurin - 13.07.2008 19: 33

15.07.2008 21:50, Raptor

Thank you,I really hope for your help!I'm not picky,I don't need any exotic food or dried fruit (this is for now, because tastes are growing)Here I have a lilac hawk moth net and that's it.How do I get it now?Of course, I want a couple of death's head pupae and a big saturnia....or at least just a lime hawk moth.Here's how I can get something?(not easy, of course!)What to do?

15.07.2008 21:59, Бабочник

Raptor, what's the question?..Kazakhstan-entomological Klondike....let's change... interested in animals...
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16.07.2008 10:10, Raptor

With pleasure!!!!I don't know about klandyke,I have only one steppe all around.But how, how to make an exchange!??????????????????????Write what types are needed from my area and I'll tell you what I can get(catch).you can write to your email address.BUT HOW DO I GET ALL THIS TO YOU??????

16.07.2008 11:22, Бабочник

you can deliver it by mail........ and you are mainly interested in mountain entomofauna... if I go get her...parnassus first of all.........

16.07.2008 17:40, katalina

And if I have a few unfortunate fruit flies, who should I contact??? It is necessary that only a dozen of any lines ( for breeding... например yellow, white, cut, brawn, ebony... what is there, a person is interested in genetics, I want to make a birthday present, I have already found everything, a manual, jars, agar (for the environment).... aether even... and with the flies-the problem...frown.gif

17.07.2008 6:56, Raptor

?I didn't think that drozdofily is a problem?forget somewhere on the balcony or even in the kitchen, rotten cherries or watermelon crusts somehow, plums, in short, let it rot and let a sour smell spread around the room.and they will appear by themselves!(I mean, blackbirds)and they'll even follow you in a flock when you take out all this stuff in the trash. wink.gif

18.07.2008 16:01, Mylabris

Dear Raptor, a person asks for clean lines with certain persistent mutations, you can't take them on a balcony or on a rotten apple. This is only for the benefit of geneticists.

20.07.2008 15:55, Raptor

Dear Raptor, a person asks for clean lines with certain persistent mutations, you can't take them on a balcony or on a rotten apple. This is only for the benefit of geneticists.

Please excuse me, but I really didn't think it up.Just wanted to help.

15.04.2009 20:29, Dr. Niko

I ask everyone who wants and can say something, so, I ask you to speak about the difficulties that arise when placing orders in foreign online stores where insects or entomological literature are on sale. It would also be useful to find out what pitfalls are waiting for the buyer in such places, and how to avoid them. You can discuss problems of a linguistic nature.
In addition to online stores as such (such as Amazon), the ordering procedure from publishers such as Frantisek Slamka, Apollo Books, and Atropos Books is also of interest. From this point of view, the opinion of such forum members as kotbegemot and barko was very good.

For example, I am interested in how money is sent to a store or publisher. To a bank account or something?

In general, the development of the topic is very welcome. smile.gif

This post was edited by Dr. Niko - 04/15/2009 20: 29

15.04.2009 20:32, Vlad Proklov

In short , there have never been any problems smile.gif
And I constantly buy dofigishchschcha literature. Mostly at Pensoft and Pemberley Books.
I pay with a credit card.
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15.04.2009 21:15, barko

I constantly buy a lot of literature through the Internet.
To do this, I created a separate bank card. I don't keep any more money on it than I plan to spend. I send the card details by fax.

Pensoft, Pemberley Books, Hildegard Winkler, Esperiana, Hillside Books, Kabourek, Natura Edizioni Scientifiche, NHBS Environment Bookstore and others-these are the ones I bought from.

There were problems once only with NHBS. They sent me the wrong book and the correspondence on this topic lasted almost a year. In the end, I got the right book. I don't talk to them anymore.

Apollo Books automatically forwarded me to Erich Bauer, Germany. Since then, I order mostly from him. I highly recommend it.
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15.04.2009 21:37, barko

I just read Dr. Niko's message carefully.
I've never bought insects online.
I do not see any pitfalls in connection with the acquisition of literature. There should be no language problems. The little that needs to be discussed with the seller is done in English. Outside of Britain, English is worse than your own.

The order process. You can fill out their form on the site, or you can just write an email with a list of what you are interested in.
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15.04.2009 22:15, RippeR

The question has long been raised. Someone bought insects with insect-sale.com? are they reliable?

15.04.2009 22:41, vitalbata

I buy books from Goecke and Evers and Kabourek. I send money to them directly in an envelope by letter and more than once in this way they have not disappeared. It is worse to send money in an envelope by letter to Russia, since the post office there likes to check foreign letters and take the money for itself. So I've already been burned once.

16.04.2009 9:47, Ironbutt

Uh-oh.....in the email.....? card.no questions asked! but as always, there is one BUT ! not all banks provide fins for registration in payment systems... and so everything is SUPER ! and books, and material. And och is correct-do not store a lot on the map! uploaded it_spent it!"the golden rule!

16.04.2009 9:47, Nilson

The question has long been raised. Someone bought insects with insect-sale.com? are they reliable?

Normal companions. There were no problems with the quality of the material and deadlines. There is only one " but " - our customs.

16.04.2009 11:08, Aaata

Through the updated page of the Belgian THE BUG MANIAC accidentally got on the site eBay, selling entomological material. A number of questions appeared. Who ever bought something through them? Do they work in the direction of Russia? Is it possible to correspond in Russian?

And, do not consider it naive, if everyone is so afraid of postal customs (especially ours: the Russian Federation, the CIS), then how can you "get along"with it?

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