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Entomological fairs and exhibitions. Insektenborse, Bursa

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsEntomological fairs and exhibitions. Insektenborse, Bursa

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07.08.2009 22:58, Alvin

Oh, I would like to get there someday smile.gif

08.08.2009 4:17, Aaata

Baits and baits for fish are sold after all wink.gif  yes.gif

Baits at fairs are most likely to occur, but not often. At least, from a professional entomologist from the Far East, I know that the Japanese use dry bait for soil traps, such as powder, the composition of which, of course, is not advertised. I don't think they do it at home, "on their knees"smile.gif, given the peculiarities of the mentality , and prosperity, too. This powder is convenient to carry with you, it is light, economical to use, easy to pack: poured into a bag - and that's it. Attractive odorous properties of such a dry mixture are obtained by adding a small amount of water. So, the periodic ingress of water during rain and with condensation in the soil trap is even welcome. And in order to drain the excess water, plastic cups have small holes in the lower third of the circle (of course, such a drain is powerless before multi-day showers, well, no trap can resist).

By the way, who knows anything about entomological fairs in the east? In Japan, China-in Hong Kong, South Korea, as well as (although these are more likely retail/wholesale / small wholesale markets, including farms) in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, PNG, etc.?

08.08.2009 4:40, Aaata

Oh, I would like to get there someday smile.gif

And why exactly go there? Now it is also available in Russia. Judging by the reports, the forum participants ' congresses also have someone to talk to, see, and exchange information with. I no longer regret the Western fairs, but the fact that I will not be able to attend the next congress, ... alas! frown.gif
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10.08.2009 15:18, Sergius

And someone was talking about a fair in the Moscow region at the end of August.... No one knows about this ?

10.08.2009 21:21, Bion

And why exactly go there? Now it is also available in Russia. Judging by the reports, the forum participants ' congresses also have someone to talk to, see, and exchange information with. I no longer regret the Western fairs, but the fact that I will not be able to attend the next congress, ... alas! frown.gif

I would like to start exploring Europe with pleasant places in all respects. And insects and architecture and beer

10.08.2009 21:59, Pavel Morozov

There are also sausages attached to the beer

11.08.2009 2:25, Jarik

Berlin - first weekend of DECEMBER

Please tell me if you already know the exact location of the fair in Berlin?

11.08.2009 19:54, barko

Please tell me if you already know the exact location of the fair in Berlin?

6. Dezember 2009
Berlin, Wilhelmsruher Damm 142,
Fontanehaus 9 - 15 Uhr

12.08.2009 12:28, Jarik

05.10.2009 11:57, barko

A few photos from the Prague Fair. Second day, Sunday. There were surprisingly few people.

This post was edited by barko - 05.10.2009 12: 03

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27.10.2009 23:50, barko

The traditional entomological fair in Budapest will be held on November 22. This time it will be dedicated to the memory of the famous Hungarian entomologist Kalman Gasko.

a6rovar.jpg — (232.11к)

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05.11.2009 22:04, Pavel Udovichenko

I post a few photos from the Parisian Burza (end of September 2009)

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05.11.2009 22:08, Pavel Udovichenko

Some more photos...

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05.11.2009 22:53, RippeR

even looking at the photos, drool flows like a river. Especially a box with a mustache, I would buy a third of the box smile.gif

05.11.2009 23:03, Pavel Udovichenko

I hope our burza will be no worse in the next year! It all depends on you, Colleagues!!! Watch and learn from the experience!!!

05.11.2009 23:17, Victor Titov

Great! True, I was somewhat struck by the prices of some, in general, banal barbels. Lepturobosca virens - 4.5 euros, Oberea oculata-4 euros, Callidium violaceum-4.5 euros, Leptura quadrifasciata (!) - and then as much as 3 euros! Acanthocinus aedilis-generally 5 euros! However, I am terribly far from commerce and, apparently, I don't understand something.
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05.11.2009 23:30, RippeR

Here I completely agree - some types of crazy prices. although the beetles are common, some of them are quite good. Naprmier-stenostola ferrea 4.5, Rhesus 20. Still some like not bad, but here it is more difficult to judge )) But the views are nice )
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05.11.2009 23:38, Pavel Udovichenko

If you really like the sawyere, keep two more photos... maybe you can see something!

cer_1.jpg — (247.95к)

cer_2.jpg — (280.08к)

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05.11.2009 23:40, taler

So everything is correct-we draw the price,and then bargain!This is a bursa (market), not some store.

Pasha, what you didn't tell me-I would have gone to Paris with my wife, too...And I missed so many interesting things.. weep.gif

06.11.2009 0:23, Victor Titov

So everything is correct-we draw the price,and then bargain!This is a bursa (market), not some store.

Class, class, class! Already from the photo the blood in my temples is pounding!
But as for the prices, I still don't understand something. The principle is correct - we draw the initial price and bargain. But the initial price should not be shocking either. For me, Leptura quadrifasciata for 3 euros and Lepturobosca virens for 4.5 euros per copy is even funnier than Irina with her 10 eurics for an "elite" spread. Yes, they are not something that can be shipped in kilograms - barrels and tons! But not why: who will buy them? At the same time, I don't think that people gathered at such a solid event to make each other laugh. So it makes some sense? At least someone would explain to the uninitiated... shuffle.gif confused.gif
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06.11.2009 0:47, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Ai shaitan! Well, at least my animals are not in the photo, otherwise I would have to drink double valerian at night...

To Dmitrich: do you think 3-4-5 euros is a lot? It's not much at all, just a small thing. Not for us, of course, but for them... frown.gif

In addition, there is such a Western approach: a hobby is always expensive.
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06.11.2009 0:54, Victor Titov

I don't really mean that. In my opinion, selling these kinds of things is the same as the unforgettable Ostap Bender used to sell tickets to Proval. Although, if there are some collectors who do not go into the field at all, but only buy, then maybe it makes sense for them. But I don't understand them. That's the tsimus, to catch it yourself!

06.11.2009 0:55, RippeR

oh, the second photo with a mustache is generally a passion!111
Brachyta balcanica, Aegomorphus krueperi and a bunch of other nyashki! OOOOHH!1
Call them someone to our congress, please )smile.gif))
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06.11.2009 1:02, Victor Titov

Call them someone to our congress, please )smile.gif))

Do they eat vodka? wink.gif beer.gif
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06.11.2009 1:09, rpanin

Acanthocinus griseus - 4 euros. Cheap! confused.gif
It is very rare in our country.

This post was edited by rpanin - 06.11.2009 01: 10
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06.11.2009 1:11, Proctos

Probably among the reasons for such a large starting price of ordinary insects, in addition to those listed above, is the established standard of say 3 euros, as the minimum price of a copy. In addition, they don't take 1 beetle each, and the price for 10 copies of ordinary species immediately drops to 10 euros. Or am I wrong? Who bought on bursa?

06.11.2009 1:15, RippeR

Uh, even I don't eat it. But I hope they don't call me out for it. the congress? smile.gif

This post was edited by RippeR - 11/06/2009 01: 16

06.11.2009 1:23, Victor Titov

Acanthocinus griseus - 4 euros. Cheap! confused.gif
It is very rare in our country.

And I didn't say anything about it, I only talked about the species that I named. smile.gif
Uh, even I don't eat it. But I hope they don't call me out for it. the congress? smile.gif

RippeR, what are you doing?! no.gif You are already in the category of participants that will decide who to invite and who not to invite! I will ask you for protection shuffle.gif...
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06.11.2009 1:30, RippeR

lol.gif well yeah They want to expel me because of non-drinking for many years already )) They say, they say, what should you do there ))

06.11.2009 1:33, Victor Titov

It's all out of white envy! However, I didn't notice that you weren't drinking... confused.gif Like, always in the thick of the crowd... beer.gif

06.11.2009 7:18, RippeR

What matters is not that you didn't notice that I wasn't drinking, but that you didn't see me drinking - after all, the second is an indicator, unlike the first smile.gif
And please don't call me "You" (this applies to everyone) smile.gif

let's hope that the next congress can be called a fair smile.gifAnd that there will be material-from the smallest thing to the largest smile.gif

06.11.2009 13:01, Victor Titov

What matters is not that you didn't notice that I wasn't drinking, but that you didn't see me drinking - after all, the second is an indicator, unlike the first smile.gif
And please don't call me "You" (this applies to everyone) smile.gif

let's hope that the next congress can be called a fair smile.gifAnd that there will be material-from the smallest thing to the smallest thing smile.gif

Dear Andrey, don't be offended by my official appearance shuffle.gif. I am a man of the old leaven, "vykayu" not because of remoteness, and observing the rules hammered into my head wall.gif(including communication in a public place, which in my view is the forum). By saying that I didn't notice whether you were drinking or not, I meant that your conscious (and respected) refusal to drink did not prevent you from communicating in a friendly and natural way with us, people who drink. Well, to the friendship, prosperity of the forum and the constructive development of our communication, including at congresses that are smoothly transforming into fairs! beer.gif beer.gif beer.gif
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06.11.2009 14:07, RippeR

well, I'm not serious smile.gifOf course, I communicate well with everyone ))
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06.11.2009 21:26, Pavel Udovichenko

And a few more catch-up photos...

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06.11.2009 23:16, RippeR

what beetles, what butterflies! Yes, you should not go to such an event with less than 4 thousand pupaars smile.gif

06.11.2009 23:19, omar

what beetles, what butterflies! Yes, you should not go to such an event with less than 4 thousand pupaars smile.gif

come to Moscow, we will work together on the construction site now lol.gif
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06.11.2009 23:26, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

what beetles, what butterflies! Yes, you should not go to such an event with less than 4 thousand pupaars smile.gif

For such money you can tongue.gifhelp yourself
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06.11.2009 23:52, RippeR

That's for sure smile.gif
But if you get there with little money, you can simply die within 15 minutes from saliva discharge in liters smile.gif
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07.11.2009 0:23, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

he died of dehydration and drooled...

07.11.2009 0:35, RippeR

it's easier to choke here smile.gif

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