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Who wants to practice window traps with a professional?

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsWho wants to practice window traps with a professional?

Seneka, 12.08.2013 11:54

Friends! Nikitsky Nikolay Borisovich (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University, Zoomuseum, Coleoptera) this Wednesday (August 14) urgently needs 1-2 (and no restrictions at all) assistants for a field trip to the Kolomna district, in the vicinity of Golutvin. He doesn't have access to the Internet right now, and he doesn't have a phone connection. It rarely happens that he has no one to go with, but it happened. It will be very difficult for him to go alone, if at all possible. I can't, because it's a working day. The places are interesting, there will be time for manual collection and photographing, and his fees (window and soil traps) will probably be able to pick up, because he doesn't need much. Help consists in carrying water to the place (1 km) and in working with traps with your hands to help. In general, not hard. If necessary, I can even use my super smile backpack.gif to borrow (you have 1 day, tomorrow). He will provide the rest himself.

If you can't do it yourself, ask around with your friends, maybe someone will respond.

I apologize for the duplicate message, but it is justified.


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