Community and Forum → Insects images → Maculinea teleius
Pavel Morozov, 03.08.2007 8:43
Golubyanka Euphemus (Teleius) - Maculinea teleius. 23.06.07. Moscow region, Serpukhov district, Luzhki, Ponikovka river. Male and forage plant.
Caterpillars of the first instars feed on a bloodstain, but complete their development in anthills, where, being, in fact, parasites, they successfully pupate and hatch.
In the Moscow region, in particular, there are as many as four species of pigeons of the genus Maculinea in the PTZ-M. arion, M. alcon,M. teleius, and M. nausithous (this has not been caught for a long time). All species are confined to meadow anthills, from which they are very vulnerable, even listed in the IUCN Red List. And their forage plants are not the most banal for the Moscow region: For the first - thyme, for the second - gentian, for the third and fourth-blood soup. I will not mention plowing and mowing meadows, but I will mention how I myself saw in the Meadows some anthills in the meadows were simply dug out.
Myrmicophilia is a characteristic trait of many pigeons.
And, as usual, if anyone has someone else of this kind-we'll pick it up!
This post was edited by Morozzz - 06.08.2007 17: 00
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