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Euphydryas and Melitaea

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14.04.2015 18:56, Valentinus

Dear collectors,
do you have any copies of Euphydryas iduna from Armenia?
I would be very grateful for the label.

28.05.2015 18:00, Wave Storm

After Valentinus noticed Melitaea ornata in my report, I had doubts about some of the other pictures with checkers. Therefore, please clarify about the photo types below:

1) Is it Melitaea trivia? (06.07.13, Kherson region, Korsunka village, sandy steppe + wet meadows)

picture: IMG_2494.JPG

2) Is it exactly Melitaea phoebe? (30.08.13, Kherson region, Novaya Kakhovka district, sandy steppe)

picture: IMG_3851.JPG

3) Is this Melitaea phoebe or ornata? (18.05.15, Kherson region, Berislavsky district, Tomarino village, stepnaya balka)

picture: IMG_5738.jpg

This post was edited by Wave Storm - 05/28/2015 18: 04
Likes: 4

28.05.2015 18:19, Diogen

1 - trivia
3 - ornata

Is there any way to get the latest type of material for molecular analysis?

This post was edited by Diogen - 05/28/2015 18: 20
Likes: 1

28.05.2015 21:14, Valentinus

After Valentinus noticed Melitaea ornata in my report, I had doubts about some of the other pictures with checkers. Therefore, please clarify about the photo types below:

1) Is it Melitaea trivia? (06.07.13, Kherson region, Korsunka village, sandy steppe + wet meadows)

2) Is it exactly Melitaea phoebe? (30.08.13, Kherson region, Novaya Kakhovka district, sandy steppe)

3) Is this Melitaea phoebe or ornata? (18.05.15, Kherson region, Berislavsky district, Tomarino village, stepnaya balka)

1. I agree
2. I agree. Ornata gives only the spring generation, while Phoebe can have two. August butterflies, according to articles by Peter Russell and Gennady Kuznetsov - only phoebes.
3. Орната. She, my dear! Was it known from Ukraine?
By the way, Gennady recently posted a great selection of pictures on biology department This species is found in the Volga region.
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28.05.2015 22:09, Kharkovbut

3. Орната. She, my dear! Was it known from Ukraine?
M. ornata is formally known for Ukraine, the label "Kiwerce, Ukraine"was cited by Toth and co-authors. This, however, is in Polesie. smile.gif I. G. Plyushch considers this a possible labeling error, because the biotopes there are completely unsuitable. So, according to the Hamburg account, this new find is, in fact, the first.
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28.05.2015 22:52, Wave Storm

A couple more. 01.05.14, Kherson region, a gully near the village of Burgunka

I think the first is Phoebe, the second is Ornata.

picture: IMG_7272.jpg

picture: IMG_7321.jpg

This post was edited by Wave Storm - 05/28/2015 22: 59
Likes: 3

29.05.2015 5:17, Valentinus

So it is!

29.05.2015 10:19, Alexandr Zhakov

Who's that?" smile.gif

Zaporozhye region 12.05.2010
picture: IMG_0844_______.jpg
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29.05.2015 10:30, Kharkovbut

Who's that?" smile.gif

Zaporizhia region 12.05.2010
IMHO also ornata...
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29.05.2015 10:31, Alexandr Zhakov

More opinions? smile.gif

29.05.2015 10:38, Kharkovbut

More opinions? smile.gif
I wasn't sure... smile.gif maybe it's more of a trivial matter? Does it have a top?
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29.05.2015 10:43, Alexandr Zhakov

Eugene, the third attempt? smile.gif and I'll post the entire photo. smile.gif

29.05.2015 10:45, Kharkovbut

...and what's going on in this frame anyway? Isn't that a crop? There are two more butterflies nearby, all sitting on something I don't know. smile.gif If it's a crop , can I view the entire photo?
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29.05.2015 10:48, Kharkovbut

... I will guess this butterfly from three pixels... smile.gif I don't know! Something tells me I'm messing up, but I don't have any other ideas. smile.gif

29.05.2015 10:55, Alexandr Zhakov

picture: IMG_0842.jpg
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29.05.2015 10:59, Kharkovbut

Ha! There it is... The question, however, imho is not removed...

29.05.2015 11:09, Alexandr Zhakov

This shows that one butterfly, and even more so a photo, is difficult to deal with such species. smile.gif
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29.05.2015 11:09, Kharkovbut

Then I'll also throw a draughtsman ... smile.gif11. vii. 2013, Kharkiv region.

picture: 7_11_2013___1_c_001.JPG
7_11_2013___1_c_001.JPG — (138.58к)

picture: 7_11_2013___1_e_001.JPG
7_11_2013___1_e_001.JPG — (93.77к)

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29.05.2015 11:15, Wave Storm

It seems to me that you, Djon, have a butterfly closer to ornata. And you, Kharkovbut - didyma.

29.05.2015 11:19, Kharkovbut

And you, Kharkovbut - didyma.
Yes, of course. But Zdorovskaya after all? smile.gif Just related... smile.gif
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29.05.2015 11:39, Alexandr Zhakov

I have a trio of Melitaea cinxia, I think so smile.gif
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29.05.2015 11:45, Hierophis

Well, in general, unlike the notorious alfecariensis / hyale in the case of ornata, well, or thelons and phoebes, judging by the links there, there is an anatomical sign-differences in the tips of the antennae, quite a normal sign like. So Wave Storm, you need to catch a series of Phoebus and ornatus and compare the antennae, and you can also bring out the caterpillars from acc. female.

29.05.2015 21:20, Kharkovbut

I have the Melitaea cinxia trio, I think smile.gif
Maybe. It wasn't assembled? Here the genitals would put all the dots over the " I " ...

30.05.2015 14:15, Valentinus

I have the Melitaea cinxia trio, I think smile.gif

That's right, it's three qingxia. In the Caucasus, too, without points are found, although this is rare.
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20.06.2015 18:46, vasiliy-feoktistov

Female Melitaea phoebe (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) det, A. Zhakov (aka. Djon)
Wingspan: 45 mm
. 14. 06. 2014 Russia, Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, okr., village. Starye Omutischi, lesnaya polyana. leg. Feoktistov V. I.
picture: Melitaea_phoebe.jpg
I express my gratitude to Alexander for the definition beer.gif
Likes: 8

17.08.2015 21:21, daydreamer

Draughtsmen from ocd. Antalya. 300-600 m above sea level. All small, slightly larger than golubyanka. Is it Melitaea tirvia fascelis ? beginning of July 2015.
picture: DSC_0124.JPG
picture: DSC_0125.JPG
picture: DSC_0167.JPG
picture: DSC_0170.JPG
picture: DSC_0171.JPG
picture: DSC_0172.JPG

And these flew at an altitude of 1700-2000 in Alpine meadows at the same time. One and a half or two times larger in size.

picture: DSC_0143.JPG
picture: DSC_0145.JPG
picture: DSC_0168.JPG
picture: DSC_0169.JPG

What do you say?

This post was edited by daydreamer - 17.08.2015 21: 22
Likes: 4

30.08.2015 0:25, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Melitaea didyma

Saratov region, Krasnoarmeysky district, Belogorsky neighborhood, 2015

user posted image

user posted image
Likes: 9

30.08.2015 11:08, Valentinus

Draughtsmen from ocd. Antalya. 300-600 m above sea level. All small, slightly larger than golubyanka. Is it Melitaea tirvia fascelis ? beginning of July 2015.

And these flew at an altitude of 1700-2000 in Alpine meadows at the same time. One and a half or two times larger in size.

What do you say?

It looks like everything is trivial. They can be confused with perseus, but that is more orange and larger.
Likes: 1

18.09.2015 11:14, usya04

Melitaea vedica (Nekrutenko, 1975)
ARMENIA Ararat prov., Vedi distr., 8km NE Urtsadzor, h=1350-1450m 16-17.05.2015 leg. Uspenskyi I.
picture: M.vedica.JPG
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18.09.2015 23:37, Aurelian

Melitaea vedica (Nekrutenko, 1975)
ARMENIA Ararat prov., Vedi distr., 8km NE Urtsadzor, h=1350-1450m 16-17.05.2015 leg. Uspenskyi I.

What else was flying in Armenia at that time?

19.09.2015 16:40, viator000

What else was flying in Armenia at that time?

По мимо Melitaea vedica встречались : Parnas. mnemosyne, Zegris eupheme menestho, Anthocharis cardamines, Thaleropis ionia, Meliteae phoebe, Melitaea didyma, Callophrys paulae, Tomares callimachus, T. romanovi, Thersamonia ochimus, Plebejus transcaucasicus... but all in limited quantities, piece by piece. A. damone & gruneri was not.
Likes: 1

19.09.2015 18:27, usya04

There were also Melitaea ornata, M. cinxia, M. persea, Callophrys paulae, Lycaena candens, Erynnis malroyi, Muschampia tesellum, Pyrgus serratulae, Lasiommata megera, and the usual pigeons. Not much in general.
Likes: 2

19.09.2015 21:17, Aurelian

There were also Melitaea ornata, M. cinxia, M. persea, Callophrys paulae, Lycaena candens, Erynnis malroyi, Muschampia tesellum, Pyrgus serratulae, Lasiommata megera, and the usual pigeons. Not a lot in general.

Not bad! Could you post a photo of Melitaea persea and, if possible, the Vedic biotope?

22.09.2015 9:30, usya04

Melitaea persea (Kollar, 1849)
ARMENIA Ararat prov., Vedi distr., 8km NE Urtsadzor, h=1350-1450m 16-17.05.2015 leg. Uspenskyi I.
picture: P9200300.JPG

picture: P9200299.JPG

Unfortunately, there are no photos of the Vedic biotope.
Likes: 8

19.10.2015 22:04, chuvilin

A little Caucasus from the collection

This post was edited by chuvilin - 19.10.2015 22: 39

picture: E.discordia_.jpg
E.discordia_.jpg — (449.91к)

picture: E.d.kartlica.jpg
E.d.kartlica.jpg — (442.17к)

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24.10.2015 20:55, chuvilin

M.interrupta K. Armenia, Kajaran, July

picture: M_interrupta_K_.jpg
M_interrupta_K_.jpg — (337.92к)

Likes: 8

25.11.2015 14:38, Valentinus

Article on the biology of Melitaea ornata from Transcaucasia.

25.11.2015 14:39, Valentinus

Article on the biology of Melitaea ornata from Transcaucasia.

download file Ent._Gaz._66__4__229_236_Tik.___Rus._M._ornata_Caucasus..pdf

size: 938.33 k
number of downloads: 835

Likes: 4

14.02.2016 16:20, Damone

Good afternoon.
29.05.2015, Armenia, Syunik, Gumemnis, 1450 - 1500 m.
If you are not sure about the species, you may have some ideas.

picture: melitaea_ups.jpg
melitaea_ups.jpg — (46.97к)

picture: melitaea_uns.jpg
melitaea_uns.jpg — (52.62к)

14.02.2016 17:33, Valentinus

Good afternoon.
29.05.2015, Armenia, Syunik, Gumemnis, 1450 - 1500 m.
If you are not sure about the species, you may have some ideas.

It may be Melitaea trivia nana Staudinger, 1871. Female with an unusual dark color. I haven't seen any of them.
It would be nice to see the genitals.

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