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Aberrants, gynandromorphs, etc.

Community and ForumInsects imagesAberrants, gynandromorphs, etc.

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06.07.2010 21:39, okoem

Here is such a black male didyma, Donetsk region, Novoazovsky district, June 16, 2010

And here's a female up to a couple smile.gif
June 8, 2010, Primorskiy settlement, Crimea.

picture: 20100608_131236.jpg
20100608_131236.jpg — (123.79к)

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06.07.2010 21:42, vasiliy-feoktistov

And here's a female up to a couple smile.gif
June 8, 2010, Primorskiy settlement, Crimea.

Wow! Well, this "blondinko" directly! smile.gif
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06.07.2010 22:28, Dantist

There is also such a "bride"
21.05.2010. Crimea, Kerch peninsula, Bagerovo village.

picture: Melitaea_didyma.jpg
Melitaea_didyma.jpg — (125.72к)

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09.07.2010 14:52, palvasru4ko

Here is such a female Suapigis semiargus I came across
(Crimea, Yalta yayla, 05.07.2010):
picture: semiargus.JPG
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09.07.2010 15:53, okoem

Not quite an ordinary female Plebeius argus.
May 16, 2010, Crimea, Feodosia, Uzlovoe village.

picture: 20100516_131023.jpg
20100516_131023.jpg — (98.83к)

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07.08.2010 10:09, Гена

Ostapkovtsy village, Khmelnitsky region, Ukraine 14.07.2010

user posted image

user posted image
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29.08.2010 21:46, Baterflim

A rare form of Araschnia levana was discovered in the Tver region. May 2010.

The size, shape of the wings, and venation correspond to this species.
Differences: the color of the top is solid brown, along the edge of the wings, starting from the top of the front, there is an orange line, continuing on the hind wings. The bottom of the wings is like the top without the characteristic white spots and lines, an orange stripe runs along the edge of the wings, the color is more or less uniform.
Caught in a forest clearing.


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09.10.2010 17:19, Насекомовед

In the culture of the locust species Erianthus versicolor from Thailand, a bilateral gynandromorph appeared in the 5th generation http://macroclub.ru/gallery/showphoto.php/...475/ppuser/2335

Article on this topic: Benediktov A. A. 2010. Bilateral gynandromorph of the locust Erianthus versicolor Br. - W. (Orthoptera, Eumastacoidea, Chorotypidae) / / Russian Entomol. J. Vol. 19. No 3. P. 175-177
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10.10.2010 14:54, EuRyAlUs

L. quercus

picture: PIC_0041.JPG
PIC_0041.JPG — (248.2к)

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10.10.2010 18:06, vitalbata

Chiasmia clathrata

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (163.35к)

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14.10.2010 13:46, Guest

Interesting temperature morph-sorry, well, just "killed"...

14.10.2010 13:54, Alexandr Zhakov

The copy is not completely killed smile.gif, there is more a question of how to spread out and take pictures. Over time, you can rearrange and make a high-quality photo. The form is interesting, thank you.
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14.10.2010 18:10, А.Й.Элез

All this is just for the topic "Aberrants and gynandromorphs", for the sake of each interesting individual, you should not start a separate topic.
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14.10.2010 20:17, Guest

A. Y.Elez - is that how you describe it? Where date, time, temperature, weather - illumination, humidity. Did you crush affotr with your boots or did you crush affotr with your paws after the tractor? All the wings are skinned, the belly is on one side. This is finally a ground beetle! Taraxacum officinale.smile.gif) With such a photo and description, you can imagine anything, do not encourage nonsense.

14.10.2010 22:17, rhopalocera.com

You haven't seen the old types... That's where " badly straightened ground beetles with leaves of toli butterflies, or even visions."

30.10.2010 22:40, Александр Обрядов

Guys! THIS is not a hoax!This miracle can be studied under a microscope.We don't own macro photography.We send the results of the second "photo shoot" (the wing fell off-maybe for the best).At least tell me where to apply for registration of this discovery(just no kidding-some people have already made mistakes by sending this news to the trash). Tver region, May.

_01.jpg — (166.95 k)

IMG_4794_01.jpg — (201.87к)

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31.10.2010 3:15, Ekos

Very interesting copy! But there is no miracle as such – an ordinary melanist. Moreover, the melanist of the spring seasonal form levana. Similar individuals are found from time to time in many species of nymphalids. Such things are not registered anywhere (this is not a patentsmile.gif), but you can publish a note about it somewhere.

This post was edited by Ekos - 31.10.2010 03: 20

01.11.2010 10:17, Penzyak

Somewhere on the site there are already photos of exactly this form of VARIEGATED MOTH CHANGEABLE and also this year-nothing new, read the classics on this issue (the Germans themselves received all sorts of butterfly shapes experimenting with temperature!).

01.11.2010 13:45, Alexandr Zhakov

This is it, only the wing has already been broken off. If this goes on, then soon all questions confused.gifabout this instance will disappear by themselves (along with the wings) smile.gif

01.11.2010 13:50, rhopalocera.com

Guys! THIS is not a hoax!This miracle can be studied under a microscope.We don't own macro photography.We send the results of the second "photo shoot" (the wing fell off-maybe for the best).At least tell me where to apply for registration of this discovery(just no kidding-some people have already made mistakes by sending this news to the trash). Tver region, May.

I recommend it in the trash. the news is not interesting - put her pupae in the freezer for a couple of weeks, and you will have such a car.

02.11.2010 16:48, А.Й.Элез

In the freezer, they already lie all winter in nature (even with interruptions), but after that they are born much redder than summer ones who have not smelled freezers...
And the news, of course, it would be nice to move along with the discussion to the topic about "aberrants", and not keep a separate topic for a separate instance.

02.11.2010 17:11, rhopalocera.com

I meant summer pupae, not winter pupae. it is clear that the winter ones are more adaptable.
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03.11.2010 4:09, А.Й.Элез

I think that the blackness of summer versus the yellowness of winter just shows that the blackness is not in the cold, but in the summer warmth. This is not parnassus, to paint from the cold. I had a case of nymphalids (this specimen is shown on the MO butterfly website): a pupa (polychloros) was taken from a tree, f. testudo was hatched a day and a half later, and the pupa was hanging (as soon as it didn't burn down) on the perfectly southern side of the trunk, and there was no shadow around, looking into an open field. And by cooling the pupae of the nymphalids, I got you never know what nonsense, but for some reason of a completely different order: in io, for example, a break in the blue rings into dotted lines, the appearance of a series of blue dots along the edge of the front wing, etc. Other aberrants of this kind (from the nymphalids), alas, developed without my supervision, they were already caught as adults, and the described case made it possible to connect the aberration with the exceptional position of the pupa, where there was terrible overheating, and not hypothermia. In general, it is difficult to find (on the plain in particular) a place of exceptional, pinpoint beater (how could it be explained?), but a place of point overheating (due to exceptional insolation), when a few centimeters to the side - already completely normal temperatures - is a possible thing.

There is also a memory of levana. Anyone who visited the Moscow State University Zoo Museum sometime in the early 1970s will remember that the exhibition still showed (before the green paranoia bloomed) individual dimorphism on large series (I may have already mentioned this). Among other things, several dozen copies of levana were displayed-in the form of a closed circle, where more or less "typical" summer and winter forms were opposite each other, and between them 180 degrees of the circle on each side were occupied by transitional forms (for the most part already specially derived), and the color transitions were extremely complex. smooth, no sudden jumps. It is unlikely, for example, that the forms that deviate from the wintering spring ones in the direction of summer blackness were obtained by cooling. And the cooling of the summer ones is unlikely to give anything, except for the transition to the spring form. It is not by chance that the old authors indicated as the supersized third generation individuals that are intermediate in color between spring and summer, and by no means blacker than the black summer (although I personally came across the third generation only completely identical to the second in color).
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04.11.2010 13:56, TEMPUS

And I'm interested in this question. confused.gif Can Nymphalis xanthomelas produce the same (or similar) thermal forms as N. polychloros when the pupae are heated or cooled?or is it specific only to N. polychloros?

04.11.2010 17:58, Pavel Morozov

And I'm interested in this question. confused.gif Can Nymphalis xanthomelas produce the same (or similar) thermal forms as N. polychloros when the pupae are heated or cooled?or is it specific only to N. polychloros?

it should be, actually. Here and Inachis io gives, and other nymphalides

04.11.2010 22:25, А.Й.Элез

And I'm interested in this question. confused.gif Can Nymphalis xanthomelas produce the same (or similar) thermal forms as N. polychloros when the pupae are heated or cooled?or is it specific only to N. polychloros?
it should be, actually. Here and Inachis io gives, and other nymphalids
In Seitz's vol. 1 on page 204 (both the English-language edition and the German-language edition), the testudo aberration is indicated, in particular, for xanthomelas; the book can be downloaded from archive.org.

picture: seitz_p204.jpg
seitz_p204.jpg — (146.24к)

04.11.2010 22:38, А.Й.Элез

By the way, I just read about levana on page 210 of the same publication (after the list of possible forms of levana, among which, by the way, the above-mentioned one is completely absent):
«All these forms are connected by intergradations, prorsa being considered the more recent form, which can be changed by the application of cold into levana (the ancestral form), while the inverse does not take place».

This post was edited by A. J. Elez-04.11.2010 22: 38

05.11.2010 14:09, Stas Shinkarenko

Here is such an anglerfly I met on June 9 of this year. Volgograd region, Volga-Akhtuba floodplain.

picture: 2010__1298_.jpg
2010__1298_.jpg — (186.03к)

picture: 2010__1300_.jpg
2010__1300_.jpg — (317.5к)

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23.11.2010 12:59, Andry Shaposhnikov

Hello everyone. Anyone who has the opportunity and desire to help (exchange or sell), for the collection - butterflies (Aberrants, gynandromorphs), please write in PM.

23.11.2010 18:27, Hemaris

I offer for sale a unique bilateral gynandromorph Acherontia atropos. Price 1000 USD.

15.01.2011 20:28, Michail M

I will also put up my copy, it already hung on the forum in the branch on the definition of butterflies (I thought maybe the described form is what...) I know about finding (catching) 12 similar instances in one locale for 10 years

Melanargia galathea L., 1758
Ukraine, Zaporizhia region, Zaporizhia, Khortytsia Island, June 2006 M. Mulenko

This post was edited by Michail M-15.01.2011 20: 31

picture: m_galathea1.jpg
m_galathea1.jpg — (18.71к)

picture: m_galathea2.jpg
m_galathea2.jpg — (21.98к)

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15.01.2011 20:53, Liparus

Xylotrechus rusticus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Ukraine, Kharkiv region, Khoroshevo district, pos Udyanka district.
26.V.2010 & 30.V.2010

picture: IMG_1680.JPG
IMG_1680.JPG — (116.61к)

picture: IMG_1678.JPG
IMG_1678.JPG — (112.66к)

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15.02.2011 12:22, Karat

Here is such a lovely female caught this year) There was no limit to joy, the first time I caught such a miracle.

picture: heos.jpg
heos.jpg — (219.29к)

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03.05.2011 23:17, RippeR

C. Sakhalin 17. VI. 2010
Cyaniris semiargus amuensis (fe)
picture: DSC07228.JPG

This post was edited by RippeR - 05/04/2011 08: 27
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13.05.2011 14:01, Konung

In Kazakhstan, I caught such an aberrant Euchloe ausonia!
picture: IMG_4892s.jpg
picture: IMG_4893s.jpg
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11.06.2011 0:20, palvasru4ko

Here is a funny specimen of Amata nigricornis
picture: Amata_nigricornis.jpg
Crimea, 15 km South of Bakhchisarai, okr. s. Frontovoe, 05.06.2011, P. V. Ruchko
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11.06.2011 0:54, barko

I will also put up my copy, it already hung on the forum in the branch on the definition of butterflies (I thought maybe the described form is what...) I know about finding (catching) 12 similar instances in one locale for 10 years

Melanargia galathea L., 1758
Ukraine, Zaporizhia region, Zaporizhia, Khortytsia Island, June 2006 M. Mulenko
This form has the name-ab.mosleyiOberthür, 1909
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25.06.2011 22:53, Kharkovbut

P. c-album ab. kharkovbuti (see URL#159) starts coming across with enviable regularity. And exactly on June 25! We need to rename it ab immediately. vigesimumquintumlunii. This time, I found var. asymmetrica. tongue.gif

25 / VI / 2011, roc. Kharkiv.

picture: P._c_album_ab.__6_25_2011__Kh.jpg
P._c_album_ab.__6_25_2011__Kh.jpg — (149.01 k)

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29.06.2011 23:47, Kharkovbut

ahh! They're following me... tongue.gif

29 / VI / 2011, roc. Kharkiv.

This post was edited by Kharkovbut - 30.06.2011 00: 36

picture: P. _c_album_ab.__6_29_2011__Kh___1.jpg
P._c_album_ab.__6_29_2011__Kh___1.jpg — (187.34к)

picture: P._c_album_ab.__6_29_2011__Kh___2_up.jpg
P._c_album_ab.__6_29_2011__Kh___2_up.jpg — (110.81к)

picture: P._c_album_ab.__6_29_2011__Kh___2_un.jpg
P._c_album_ab.__6_29_2011__Kh___2_un.jpg — (105.93к)

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21.07.2011 1:03, Paulo

Another attempt...

picture: Argynnis_latonia_m.niger_det.Golub_P.__b.jpg
Argynnis_latonia_m.niger_det.Golub_P.__b.jpg — (257.87к)

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