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Photos of interactions

Community and ForumInsects imagesPhotos of interactions

Андреас, 24.08.2008 21:58

1) a spider sucking a honey bee on an umbrella flower was swarmed by flies; 5/17/08
2) heard a buzzing sound and saw a wasp struggling with a fly, which opened its head, wings and legs; and flew away with what was left.
3) communication of ants on a compound flower bud in July on Mount Beshtau on KMV.


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24.08.2008 22:53, Ilia Ustiantcev

Misumena vatia zohavit silvia.
picture: pamphila_silvius3.jpg
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24.08.2008 22:58, Андреас

- And here, - centimeter-long, with the same length of hind legs, lamellar sawyers together roll gnawed and rolled again together a piece of cow cake...
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25.08.2008 0:16, IchMan

How do you like this interaction?
A greedy representative of the flora (sundew) destroys the unfortunate hawthorn tree in order to satisfy its need for nitrogen, of which there is a shortage in the soil.
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25.08.2008 5:20, Raptor

Andreas-what exactly are these beetles?

25.08.2008 7:05, Динусик

The quality is not very good, but the interaction is on the face smile.gif

picture: P8210058.JPG
P8210058.JPG — (341.6к)

picture: P8200014.JPG
P8200014.JPG — (301.68к)

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25.08.2008 9:13, Bad Den

The quality is not very good, but the interaction is on the face smile.gif

"As our chef used to say - strike iron without leaving the cash register!" (c) lol.gif
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25.08.2008 10:21, Bukashechnik

Cool shields! On the principle of "Empty belly to love deaf -smile.gif" And the species was not determined? It looks like Arma sp., sort of.

25.08.2008 10:26, Динусик

Cool shields! On the principle of "Empty belly to love deaf -smile.gif" And the species was not determined? Similar to Arma sp., sort of.

Yes, all hands do not reach the definition. If someone can tell me the name of the type, I will be very grateful smile.gif

25.08.2008 12:04, Bukashechnik

I'm not quite sure, but I think it's Arma alder-Arma custos. Here they like to drink cocktails -smile.gif from the caterpillars of the American white butterfly, elm leaf beetle and larvae of various sawflies. Once they even tried to breed it, but it didn't work.
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25.08.2008 12:17, Динусик

It seems similar. Thanks! Tomorrow I'll look at the callersmile.gifID

26.08.2008 3:26, Динусик

Here are a couple more interactions.

picture: P8260009.JPG
P8260009.JPG — (335.24 k)

picture: P8260067.JPG
P8260067.JPG — (179.32к)

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26.08.2008 6:26, Vabrus

This is the interaction shuffle.gif

user posted image
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26.08.2008 6:38, Bukashechnik

A bouquet of hawthornssmile.gif.Krasota
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27.08.2008 8:59, KingSnake

Mirror interaction. shuffle.gif

picture: braznik.jpg
braznik.jpg — (137.54к)

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27.08.2008 15:44, IchMan

Xylotrechus rusticus did not have time to spread its legs and look at the white light
or Welcome to this cruel world
picture: welcome.jpg
(photo by A. Shcherbakov)

This post was edited by Bolivar - 08/27/2008 15: 53
Likes: 16

28.08.2008 11:22, RippeR

urozzkire Padonka barbel ants mad.gifeat

28.08.2008 11:54, Динусик

And a couple more things... smile.gif

This post was edited by Dinusik - 28.08.2008 12: 12

picture: P6170048.JPG
P6170048.JPG — (286.72к)

picture: P6210014.JPG
P6210014.JPG — (352.45к)

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28.08.2008 12:31, Динусик

And smile.gifthe First One is dedicated to joint nutrition, and the second one is a continuation of the theme of "fat and thin" or mirror images.

picture: P7310022.JPG
P7310022.JPG — (430.1к)

picture: P6060198.JPG
P6060198.JPG — (272.84к)

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29.08.2008 11:36, Андреас

"Amazing! "I've never seen bronzes on the fermenting sap of trees!"!! - We have such a large number of them could be seen about 25 years ago on the flowers of lilac and privet.
- And the second photo evokes a feeling of tenderness in the layman's perception smile.gif

29.08.2008 12:18, Динусик

Yes, we still have smile.gifthis

30.08.2008 13:59, Victor Titov

I dare to put up my own pictures of some of the "interactions"as well

picture: DSC01452_1.jpg
It hummed and hummed...

picture: DSC01419_1.jpg
Butting heads.

picture: DSC01732_1.jpg
Like Neanderthals on a mammoth!

picture: DSC02613_1.jpg
Getting acquainted?

picture: DSC02614_1.jpg
Umbrella bistro.
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31.08.2008 13:48, Vabrus

to Dmitrich
Interestingly, you in the Yaroslavl region waxes are not the same as we smile.gifhave our black stripes are clearly narrower and shorter.

31.08.2008 15:09, Vabrus

Of course, there are plenty of misumens here, but here's another one with big loot smile.gif

user posted image
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31.08.2008 15:15, Victor Titov

  to Dmitrich
Interestingly, you in the Yaroslavl region waxes are not the same as we smile.gifhave our black stripes are clearly narrower and shorter.

Well, we have them extremely diverse in color, their variability is amazing. Here, for example, are some more samples. Pay attention to the instance in the upper-right corner of the snapshot. And there are from the predominance of yellow, to the predominance of black.
picture: DSC02323_2_1.jpg

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 01.09.2008 08: 38
Likes: 7

05.09.2008 12:11, Андреас

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07.09.2008 21:48, Андреас

- Latest insect interactions this year other than mating and spider prey:
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08.09.2008 9:33, Victor Titov

- Recent insect interactions this year other than mating and spider prey:

Cool! Especially good, in my opinion, is the situation with aphids riding a cow lol.gif
Likes: 3

24.09.2008 15:36, Андреас

- Earwig on the beach in Dagomys during a storm eats a crustacean. I wish I'd seen if she'd caught him alive... But crustaceans that day in a mass in a panic climbed the wall of a concrete barrier, fleeing from the rolling waves.
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28.09.2008 14:11, Андреас

- 2 MORE...
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28.01.2009 9:50, Stas Shinkarenko

Here are some interactions:
1. Males of Cerosoma
Shreberi 2. Mantis religiosa caught an erect wing
3. Argiope lobata packs a filly
4. Bokokhod and zhuzhalo
5. C. hybrida mating
6. With hunger you will start eating all sorts of nasty
things 7. Division
8. Mating of Iris polystictica
9. One of my favorite models-spider skakunchik caught a bug.

picture: IMG_5379.jpg
IMG_5379.jpg — (144.69к)

picture: IMG_6167.jpg
IMG_6167.jpg — (124.65к)

picture: IMG_4453.jpg
IMG_4453.jpg — (148.09к)

picture: _IMG_3382.jpg
_IMG_3382.jpg — (142.99к)

picture: 812.jpg
812.jpg — (138.34 k)

picture: IMG_4924.jpg
IMG_4924.jpg — (137.86к)

picture: IMG_6506.jpg
IMG_6506.jpg — (138.83к)

picture: IMG_6823.jpg
IMG_6823.jpg — (136.41к)

picture: IMG_8322.jpg
IMG_8322.jpg — (142.32к)

Likes: 15

28.01.2009 11:22, Bukashechnik

Great photos! Argiope lobata, entwining prus, and prus the cannibal immediately reminded me of my post-graduate expeditions. It was great. Thanks again to the author for bringing back pleasant memoriessmile.gif

29.01.2009 11:43, Bad Den

8. Mating of Iris polystictica

"Who's here?!"

30.01.2009 14:41, Stas Shinkarenko

Battle of two predators: Mantis religiosa VS Argiope bruennichi
It is not known what made argiope leave its web - whether moving, or the instinct of reproduction, its movement could not fail to notice the praying mantis that got in the spider's way:

picture: IMG_6227.jpg

The predators were gradually closing in... the throw occurred in just a fraction of a second. With a practiced movement, the mantis grabbed the spider's four front legs with its front pair of paws and spread them apart. In this situation, no spider could possibly use the poison.

picture: IMG_6228.jpg

picture: IMG_6233.jpg

While I was shooting the scene from various angles, another mantis approached this place, for the sake of experiment, I transplanted it to the grass where the "battle" had just taken place, unfortunately there was no continuation, the brown mantis simply flew to the neighboring bush

picture: IMG_6242.jpg

In a way I don't understand, the mantises determine where the victim's head is. Even the cephalothorax spider did not confuse the skilled green predator - the first thing the mantis did was chop off the chelicerae and pedipalps, thereby depriving the spider of its main weapon!

picture: IMG_6257.jpg

This post was edited by wise_snake - 30.01.2009 14: 44
Likes: 18

30.01.2009 18:34, okoem

2 wise_snake

31.01.2009 0:21, barko

Butterflies are like food.

picture: 001.jpg
001.jpg — (140.53 k)

picture: 002.jpg
002.jpg — (137.31 k)

picture: 003.jpg
003.jpg — (136.16к)

picture: 004.JPG
004.JPG — (131.57к)

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31.01.2009 11:22, Egorus

Very different interactions.

image: IMG________1.jpg
1. Unclear, purposeful interaction, by mutual consent of the parties.

image: IMG________2.jpg
2. Complete neutrality.

image: IMG________3.jpg
3. A lover of the beautiful.

image: IMG________4.jpg
4. Meat, meat, meat, meat…

image: IMG________5.jpg
5. And life goes on.

image: IMG________6.jpg
6. Crawled into the f. session, jumped over the object, and left.

picture: IMG________7.jpg
7. Karapuzik and the future tick.

image: IMG________8.jpg
8. An invented interaction.

image: IMG________9.jpg
9. To the question: - "What do ant lions eat?" - a visual answer.

picture: IMG________10.jpg
10. Insatiable.

picture: IMG________11.jpg
11. They took down a slug.

picture: IMG________12.jpg
12. I can interact with this green guy…

picture: IMG________13.jpg
13.... or with this shaggy girl.

picture: IMG________14.jpg
14. Deadly tango.

picture: IMG________15.jpg
15. Interaction with trace elements from the litter of some small animal.

picture: IMG________16.jpg
16. Cannibalism?

picture: IMG________17.jpg
17. Interaction with an inanimate object.

picture: IMG________18.jpg
18. Gawked and lost his head.

picture: IMG________19.jpg
19. Crimea. A few hornets are dozing on the screen. Suddenly one of them woke up, attacked
a dustpan, chewed off its upper wings, then dropped everything, licked his lips – and dozed off again.

picture: IMG________20.jpg
20. The alleged victim saved himself by starting to swing from side to side with a very
high frequency.

picture: IMG________21.jpg
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01.02.2009 11:56, Egorus

I have one interaction that wasn't captured in the photo.
There is a video of this action, part of which I will try to post.
If it doesn't look good, I'll delete it. The mise en scene is this: near the bait
made of a mixture of jam, beer and all sorts of sugars, the lifeless body
of a hornet appeared. Whether he ate too much and got drunk, or someone stepped on him-
it is unknown. Another hornet began to resuscitate him, and it is
impossible to call it anything else. He was slowing it down and constantly trying to get
into the mouth apparatus of a fellow, either cleaning it, or something else. This
lasted for at least 10 minutes. The attempt was unsuccessful.

Just like I did when I tried to upload a video. An error was returned -
"You can't upload this type of file." Okay, I'll take a couple of still images and
post a photo later.
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01.02.2009 20:55, Tigran Oganesov

I had a similar observation when I was working with wasps. To study them, it was necessary to mark them. To do this, paint was applied to the back or abdomen of the wasp while it was feeding. So, one wasp when marking unsuccessfully twitched and some of the paint got on the wing. As a result, she temporarily lost the ability to fly and just sat on the gauze at the feeder. Then one of the wasps, apparently, noticed this and began to periodically fly to her and feed her. Such is trophollaxis. There are no photos either, unfortunately. By the way, the wasps were from the same nest.
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02.02.2009 21:03, Egorus

In continuation of the question about the interaction of hornets.
After consulting with Okoem, I opened a page on narod.ru I
uploaded a video about hornets there. I got the link.
I'm trying to post it on the forum.


This post was edited by Egorus-02.02.2009 21: 09
Likes: 1

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