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Photos of interactions

Community and ForumInsects imagesPhotos of interactions

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11.02.2009 17:59, Трофим

The first question I heard from the person who saw this photo
was why did the bee hang itself?
I don't know for sure from a difficult life. That's what I say every time I look at pictures, and bees don't have a honey life.
picture: S7307578.JPG
And this is a ground beetle larva taken from a trap in winter
picture: 0031.JPG
Deer on a camping trip
picture: 0152.JPG
Meeting of belyanok, almost forumsky smile.gif
picture: S7307884.JPG
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11.02.2009 22:05, Tigran Oganesov

The first question I heard from the person who saw this photo
was why did the bee hang itself?
I don't know for sure from a difficult life. That's what I say every time I look at pictures, and bees don't have a honey life.
It's someone eating it, probably a spider smile.gif

Here are more "interactions":

1. Golubyanki on a halt...
picture: 01.jpg

2. Lace beetles on sycamore bark
picture: 02.jpg

3. Meeting on the Elbe smile.gif
picture: 03.jpg

4. Ooteka nothing good shines...
picture: 04.jpg
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14.02.2009 21:54, barko

Such a spider does not seem to have been in this topic yet (I apologize for the fuzzy picture)

picture: DSC05243.jpg
DSC05243.jpg — (145.15к)

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15.02.2009 20:37, Victor Titov

Shoo, little coleoptera!
picture: DSC02371_3_2.jpg
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15.02.2009 21:15, mikee

Not my thing, but I can't help myself. Who can tell you what kind of centipede this size is?

08.05.2009 15:08, barko

Quite a large prey for a small spider. Slovenia, May 7.

This post was edited by barko - 08.05.2009 15: 08

picture: 010.jpg
010.jpg — (140.63 k)

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11.06.2009 14:56, Динусик

Continuing the topic smile.gif

picture: P6110040.JPG
P6110040.JPG — (144.77к)

picture: P6110037.JPG
P6110037.JPG — (145.31к)

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17.06.2009 16:22, Динусик

As I understand it, these are abscess larvae on Osk? Or someone else? But the interaction is on the face.

picture: P6170086.JPG
P6170086.JPG — (144.6к)

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17.06.2009 21:00, RippeR

interestingly it is

18.06.2009 12:51, barko

Yesterday, during a night fishing trip, I observed a funny interaction.
The finger fly Cnaemidophorus rhododactylus crouched on top of the burdock Vanessa cadui

picture: 001.jpg
001.jpg — (144.55к)

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19.06.2009 15:55, barko

Yesterday, on June 18, I caught moths on the sands 120 km south of Budapest. I was lucky to see an interesting interaction.

Attention was drawn to the cocoonworm zigzagging or circles quickly moving on the sand. There was something wrong with his movement. Looking closer, I notice an ant lion biting into the poor guy's ass. The two of them circled around for about a minute. After that, the cocoonworm quite suddenly lost its activity and soon finally fell silent. The wings were brought together in the lowest position, and the legs were tucked up. It looks like the predator larva injected its prey with an enzyme or something. Where did they find each other? I've never seen anything like this before!

picture: 001.jpg

picture: 002.jpg

picture: 003.jpg
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27.06.2009 18:27, Egorus

Here. Decided to "attach" to " Interaction... with
the environment."
"I made it out of what was..."

picture: 1_IMG_5726_ik_urba.jpg

(Sorry, just restored the photo.)

This post was edited by Egorus-30.09.2009 20: 27
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05.07.2009 21:08, KingSnake

Interaction between predator and prey.

picture: P1110632.jpg
P1110632.jpg — (134.88к)

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22.07.2009 8:07, Karat

mint candy's interaction with ants

picture: DSC06723.jpg
DSC06723.jpg — (133.93к)

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03.08.2009 20:48, barko

In Slovenia, I found a beetle on a karst with a leech attached to it. I didn't even know that beetles could be a source of food for leeches.

In the photo, the leech is already separated.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (138.52 k)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (138.32 k)

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03.08.2009 20:56, Nilson

It seems to me that the beetle is Heroplia tristis. Very funny, but I think the leech has already appeared on the damaged dying beetle.

This post was edited by Nilson - 03.08.2009 20: 59

03.08.2009 21:19, barko

It seems to me that the beetle is Heroplia tristis. Very funny, but I think the leech has already appeared on the damaged dying beetle.
The beetle was alive, but almost motionless. The photo is not very clear how much the color of the beetle has changed. It looked bad, painful, and probably because of the parasite. Usually, even a damaged dying beetle doesn't change color.

03.08.2009 21:54, Nilson

The beetle was alive, but almost motionless. The photo is not very clear how much the color of the beetle has changed. It looked bad, painful, and probably because of the parasite. Usually, even a damaged dying beetle doesn't change color.

I'm afraid that in this case it's quite difficult to reconstruct past events, but the moment is really interesting.

25.08.2009 21:06, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, that's it: we are waiting for a new look!

picture: ___________Gaurotes_virginea___Rhagium_mordax0.jpg
___________Gaurotes_virginea___Rhagium_mordax0.jpg — (120.81к)

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26.08.2009 10:40, RippeR

Yes, sawyers are terrible libertines ki smile.gif

28.08.2009 9:53, vasiliy-feoktistov

Yes, sawyers are terrible debauchees smile.gif

And you should have seen how long and hard it took to fit in. True, as a result, it broke off after all.

28.08.2009 10:52, RippeR

In the Carpathians, there are many similar cases-for example, a match between different lepturines, but this!

28.08.2009 11:13, vasiliy-feoktistov

In the Carpathians, there are many similar cases-for example, a match between different lepturines, but this!

Yes, I was surprised myself-I couldn't help but take a picture of this nonsense.

28.08.2009 12:38, RippeR

Isn't that Pseudogaurotina excellens, by any chance?" Otherwise it would be clear why they are so rare smile.gif

28.08.2009 13:13, vasiliy-feoktistov

Isn't that Pseudogaurotina excellens, by any chance?" Otherwise it would be clear why they are so rare smile.gif

Yes no these are Carilia virginea virginea Linnaeus, 1758 (which is male) and Rhagium (Megarhagium) mordax DeGeer, 1775 (female). Both types can be collected in buckets on umbrella farms in the Moscow region.

28.08.2009 13:24, Dr. Niko

Well, that's it: we are waiting for a new look!

Yes, marriages of different ages are increasingly occurring in Russia lol.gif

28.08.2009 13:27, vasiliy-feoktistov

Yes, marriages of different ages are becoming more frequent in Russia lol.gif

In this case, rather generic.

28.08.2009 13:43, Dr. Niko

In this case, rather generic.

Yes, I just meant the difference in size. smile.gif

28.08.2009 18:39, vasiliy-feoktistov

Here, get a cradle! (Badass)

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 09.09.2009 07: 14

картинка: Cetonia_Aurata_Trichius_Fasciatus.jpg
Cetonia_Aurata_Trichius_Fasciatus.jpg — (77.35к)

09.09.2009 7:06, vasiliy-feoktistov

Fear me!

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 09.09.2009 07: 16

картинка: Trichius_Fasciatus_Oxythirea_Funesta.jpg
Trichius_Fasciatus_Oxythirea_Funesta.jpg — (62.4к)

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09.09.2009 7:07, vasiliy-feoktistov

Dorm room.

picture: Oxithyrea_Funesta.jpg
Oxithyrea_Funesta.jpg — (73.23к)

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20.09.2009 11:41, Sungaya

bad luck...

picture: 2100.jpg
2100.jpg — (33.99к)

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20.09.2009 16:05, vasiliy-feoktistov

"Two in one"
I got this interaction: the pupa was lying in a cocoon calmly, I found another caterpillar of the same species, and it took and pupated in the same cocoon (in which the pupa was already lying) - apparently she was too lazy
to weave her own.

picture: Deilephila_elpenor_X2.jpg
Deilephila_elpenor_X2.jpg — (71.3к)

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29.09.2009 1:14, okoem

Hedgehog and bakarashki
picture: 20090912_115009.jpg
picture: 20090912_115313.jpg
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29.09.2009 11:12, vasiliy-feoktistov

Hedgehog and bakarashki

Did the hedgehog die? If so, I feel very sorry for him. frown.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 29.09.2009 11: 13

29.09.2009 11:17, omar

it sacrificed itself to the interaction smile.gif
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29.09.2009 11:22, vasiliy-feoktistov

he sacrificed himself to interaction smile.gif

If he were alive, he would show them where the crayfish spend the winter (an insectivore after all). smile.gif

29.09.2009 12:00, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, I "waited". But I was waiting for the Swallowtail! weep.gif

picture: P9291608.jpg
P9291608.jpg — (90.89 k)

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29.09.2009 12:28, omar

cool rider!
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29.09.2009 12:35, vasiliy-feoktistov

cool rider!

And, what a view (he killed me 2 swallowtails).

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