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Cataloging photos of butterflies from the Forum on the site Insecta.pro

Community and ForumInsects imagesCataloging photos of butterflies from the Forum on the site Insecta.pro

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23.06.2009 20:10, NSN

I agree, I'm registered on the site.
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23.06.2009 20:25, swerig

no problem
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23.06.2009 20:27, Михаил Николаенко

And also-you can take my photos (if they are useful, of course) from here:
I will only be glad.
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23.06.2009 20:36, Linnaeus tuschinorum

(soriginal, however)
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23.06.2009 20:44, Peter Khramov

And also-you can take my photos (if they are useful, of course) from here:
I will be only too glad.

Michael, thank you. That would still be there to put down the types where they are defined...

23.06.2009 20:52, El Cazador

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23.06.2009 20:54, Stas Shinkarenko

I agree, there are more pictures of me here: http://macroclub.ru/gallery/showgallery.ph...500/ppuser/3859
here: http://macroid.ru/showcat.php?action=last_...0&photouid=3859
Registered on a lepidopter.<url>, full name specified in the profile on molbiol.
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23.06.2009 21:00, NicoSander

I will be very glad
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23.06.2009 21:07, BO.

I agree.
My butterflies http://photo.bov.com.ru/

23.06.2009 21:08, Peter Khramov

I agree, there are more pictures of me here: http://macroclub.ru/gallery/showgallery.ph...500/ppuser/3859
here: http://macroid.ru/showcat.php?action=last_...0&photouid=3859

OK, thanks. The macro club is lying down today, but it will be relevant how it lies down.

Registered on a lepidopter.<url>, full name are indicated in the profile on molbiol.

OK, if you entered the correct data during registration — this is enough.
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23.06.2009 21:15, okoem

I agree. And with beetles, this is not planned.
And with beetles, this is already the case. Go to "Beetles and coleopterologists". smile.gif
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23.06.2009 21:19, Anatol-08

No problems. I agree!
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23.06.2009 21:28, Славл

Of course, yes.
I will skaldyvat here or in the forum topics
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23.06.2009 21:45, YLena

Of course-yes smile.gif
On lepidoptera.ru - I registered
and my pictures are here: http://www.macroclub.ru/gallery/showgaller...500/ppuser/4321
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23.06.2009 21:46, Transilvania

I agree, a good thing!
Registered on the site. Previously, all hands did not reach.

If it comes in handy, here are my butterflies -
The quality is not always good, but I agree with the thesis that on bezrybye and cancer-fish.
After all, often you don't need a fancy picture at all, but at least some!
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23.06.2009 22:03, Peter Khramov

YLena, Transilvania, Slavl, thank you, links to third-party galleries are very relevant.

23.06.2009 22:08, Khlinoff

Fully support
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23.06.2009 22:15, Dantist

I agree
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23.06.2009 22:16, sealor

Here I havehere there are very old images, the quality is of course poor, but you never know, maybe something will come in handy smile.gif

23.06.2009 22:18, Peter Khramov

Here I havehere there are very old pictures, the quality is of course poor, but you never know, maybe something will come in handy smile.gif

Thank you, some of them will be very useful.

23.06.2009 23:35, Musson max

I certainly agree. Only if the photo is goodsmile.gif, and not in a hurry
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24.06.2009 0:05, RippeR

To publish your photos from this site completely for! There are really not many smile.gifof them, but how many new photos I will add - we'll see, depends on the mood smile.gif
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24.06.2009 0:34, afanasev-max

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24.06.2009 0:52, Jarik

To Bolivar: You're welcome!!! If you need full permission, write directly to the soap.
There are quite a few photos of pupae, caterpillars and butterflies, so I will be happy to help!
Sincerely yours!

24.06.2009 1:19, Victor Titov

Five of my photos that you can use can be found here at this link: http://macroid.ru/showgallery.php/cat/500/page/1/ppuser/5157
In my personal archive there are more (including tracks), if necessary, I'll throw them in.
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24.06.2009 4:09, Mylabris

I agree.
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24.06.2009 5:06, Juglans

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24.06.2009 7:27, Сергей-Д

I'm in favor, good idea
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24.06.2009 7:47, Serg Svetlov

Yes, of course I agree, but I'm more interested in beetles.Moreover, there is a large and very nice database of photos for beetles, which also needs to be put in order smile.gif
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24.06.2009 8:01, Дзанат

I Agree
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24.06.2009 8:44, Timandr

Of course, I also agree
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24.06.2009 8:48, gpot

If the quality is satisfactory, of course I agree.
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24.06.2009 10:40, Peter Khramov

In my personal archive there are more (including tracks), if necessary, I'll throw them in.

Of course, you should. Moreover, precisely defined tracks are constantly missing.

24.06.2009 10:59, Bad Den

A consonant. Although, I don't remember posting photos of butterflies smile.gif
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24.06.2009 11:01, Grigory Grigoryev

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24.06.2009 11:04, Peter Khramov

A consonant. Although, I don't remember posting photos of butterflies smile.gif

There was, there was a case :--)

24.06.2009 11:08, ABCDEF

I don't mind.
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24.06.2009 11:09, chebur

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24.06.2009 11:34, aleko

All hands for!
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24.06.2009 11:39, aleko

For some reason, the large text doesn't skip. I wanted to say something else:

It would be high time for the whole world to make a decent website with all the butterflies flying in our country.
Here with the determinant would still conjure, the price would not be!
Well, and thumbnails, as on leps.it by families or even better, as in UK Moths, by families/subfamilies would clearly not hurt.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

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